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2021 AP exam administration student samples: AP environmental science set 2 free response question 2

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2021 AP Exam Administration Student Samples AP Environmental Science Set 2 Free Response Question 2 2021 AP ® Environmental Science Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary Set 2 © 2021 College[.]

2021 AP Environmental Science ® Sample Student Responses and Scoring Commentary Set Inside: Free Response Question R Scoring Guideline R Student Samples R Scoring Commentary © 2021 College Board College Board, Advanced Placement, AP, AP Central, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of College Board Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: apcentral.collegeboard.org AP® Environmental Science 2021 Scoring Guidelines Question 2: Analyze an Environmental Problem and Propose a Solution   10 points  (a) (i)   Identify the latitudinal range with the greatest amphibian species richness 1 point  Accept one of the following:     (ii) Identify what biome this range most likely represents  (iii) Between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn The range between 30 degrees N and 30 degrees S latitude The range between 10 degrees N and 15 degrees S latitude 1 point  Tropical Rainforest Describe one reason amphibian species richness would tend to be highest in this region 1 point  Accept one of the following:   (b) More rainfall/warm temperatures year‐round are the preferred conditions for amphibians Greater biodiversity/higher NPP provides more habitat/food sources/niches Total for part (a)   3 points  1 point  There are many environmental threats facing amphibians today, such as deforestation Describe one possible anthropogenic reason for deforestation  Human demand for agriculture/housing/firewood/forest products (medicine/food/lumber) (c) (i)  Explain how the species richness of an ecosystem influences its response to environmental stressors.   1 point   Anecosystemwithgreaterspeciesrichness/diversityismoreresilient/resistantto environmentstressorsbecausesomespecieswillsurvivehelpingtorestore/stabilize theecosystem â2021CollegeBoard APđEnvironmentalScience2021ScoringGuidelines (ii) Explainwhyamphibianbiodiversityisdecliningglobally,otherthanfromdeforestation 1point Acceptoneofthefollowing:       Increasing water pollution including: o Pollution from pharmaceuticals that cause reproductive harm/decrease reproductive success o Pesticide pollution that is absorbed via the skin and is toxic to amphibians leading to death o Endocrine disruptors (such as atrazine) can alter reproductive development leading to decreased number of successful offspring Pesticide use reduces food sources for amphibians (insects), leading to decreasing population size Microclimatic changes from overall global climate change (e.g., warmer, drier conditions in previously cool, moist areas, loss of wetlands) decreases available habitat leading to a decline in population size Illegal amphibian trafficking removes species from an area leading to a decline in population sizes Introduction of invasive species that compete for niche space leading to a decline in population sizes Habitat fragmentation from human activity would limit range/reduce the ability to access resources, decreasing survival Fungal infections (such as Chytrid) cause their skin to dry out, and they cannot breathe Total for part (c)  (d) (i)  Identify one specific piece of legislation that has been designed to protect species threatened by extinction.  2 points  1 point  Accept one of the following:  • • • EndangeredSpeciesAct(ESA) ConventionontheInternationalTradeofEndangeredSpecies(CITES) LaceyAct â2021CollegeBoard APđEnvironmentalScience2021ScoringGuidelines (ii) Explainhowtherequirementsofthelegislationidentifiedinpart(d)(i)specificallyprotect speciesthreatenedbyextinction 1point Acceptoneofthefollowing: Legislation identified in  (d)(i)   Endangered Species Act (ESA) Explanation of requirements that specifically protect species  threatened by extinction   Lists endangered/threatened plant and animal species and prevents them from being killed or harmed  Designates/protects critical habitat to promote survival and recovery of listed species  Creates plans to restore populations to healthy sizes  Identifies species that are threatened before they become endangered to provide protections  Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species (CITES)  A global agreement that protects endangered/threatened plants and animals (including goods such as ivory, shark fins, or rhinoceros’ horns) by banning/regulating the trade of these species  Lacey Act  Prohibits the trade of wildlife, fish, and plants that have been illegally taken, possessed, transported, or sold Total for part (d)  (e) (i)  Propose a viable solution that will result in the protection of the endemic frog species while still allowing for maximum profit of the property development.  2 points  1 point  Accept one of the following:        Move/transplant the frog populations to an adjacent undeveloped area prior to development A portion of the wetland can be designated as a park/preserve Wildlife corridors (land/bridges) can be built/created on a portion of the wetlands Restrictdevelopmentwithinaminimumsetbackawayfromthewetland Projectdeveloperscangroupbuildingstogether/canbuildup,notout â2021CollegeBoard APđEnvironmentalScience2021ScoringGuidelines (ii) Justifythesolutionproposedin(e)(i)bydescribingapotentialadvantageoftheplan, otherthanfrogprotection 1point Acceptoneofthefollowing: Solutionproposedin (e)(i)  Justification of how solutions offer potential advantages, other  than frog protection    Move/transplant frogs   Designate as a park/preserve      Use of wildlife corridors    Setback    Project development  Developers will only have a one‐time disruption during the removal but will not have to deal with continued disruptions (such as increasing human population, increasing use of fertilizer/pesticides) Developer will have the maximum amount of land available By protecting areas, animal species will have more food and space availability increasing survival rates Potential educational/environmental draw of living near a park/preserve may allow the developer to charge higher rents for the apartments There is aesthetic value of the wetland and its species for the people that live there The preserved wetland area will help prevent flooding By establishing corridors, the other species will also not be as greatly affected by multiple habitat fragments The animal species can continue to move back and forth for food, shelter, and reproduction by way of the habitat corridors By establishing setbacks, a buffer zone will be created between the development and the wetland area, filtering runoff into the wetland A buffer zone will add privacy for residents between the two developments By developing the apartments in groups/clusters and leaving preserved wetlands, the species will not be as affected by multiple habitat fragments Total for part (e)  2 points  Total for question 2  10 points  © 2021 College Board  2A of 2A of 2B of 2C of 2C of AP® Environmental Science 2021 Scoring Commentary Question Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and may contain grammatical errors Overview The intent of this question was for students to demonstrate their ability to evaluate a diagram of the global distribution of amphibian species, discuss threats to biodiversity, and identify and explain ways to protect endangered species In part (a) students were asked to identify and describe regions with high amphibian biodiversity [Practice 2Visual Representations, Topic 1.2 Terrestrial Biomes, Topic 2.1 Introduction to Biodiversity] based on information on a map of the global distribution of amphibian species In part (b), students were asked to describe an anthropogenic reason for deforestation [Practice 7-Propose and justify solutions, Topic 5.1 The Tragedy of the Commons] In part (c) students were asked to identify and describe threats to amphibian biodiversity and biodiversity in general [Practice 1-Concept Explanation, Topic 2.1 Introduction to Biodiversity, Topic 9.10 Human Impacts on Biodiversity] In part (d) students were asked to identify and explain one environmental law relevant to the protection of endangered species that is used to solve environmental problems [Practice 7-Environmental Solutions, Topic 9.9 Endangered Species] Finally, in part (e), students were asked to propose and justify a viable solution for a case study involving real estate development in a wetland that is home to a native frog species [Practice 7-Environmental Solutions] Sample: 2A Score: One point was earned in part (a)(i) for identifying “30o north and 30o south of the equator.” One point was earned in part (a)(ii) for identifying “tropical rain forest.” No point was earned in part (a)(iii) One point was earned in part (b) for describing “the need for more agricultural land as the world's human population grows.” One point was earned in part (c)(i) for explaining “these species rich ecosystems have more other species to support each others' survival than ecosystems with fewer species.” One point was earned in part (c)(ii) for explaining that “certain pesticides can kill or sterilize amphibians.” One point was earned in part (d)(i) for identifying “CITES.” One point was earned in part (d)(ii) for explaining that “CITES protects endangered species by prohibiting their trade.” One point was earned in part (e)(i) for proposing that “could sell the pasture sections of the land and leave the wetland undeveloped.” One point was earned in part (e)(ii) for justifying that “By leaving the wetland undeveloped, the town would retain more protection against flooding.” Sample: 2B Score: No point was earned in part (a)(i) One point was earned in (a)(ii) for identifying “tropical rainforests.” One point was earned in part (a)(iii) for describing a “moist climate with a suitable habitat.” One point was earned in part (b) for describing “The high demand for lumber products.” No point was earned in part (c)(i) No point was earned in part (c)(ii) One point was earned in part (d)(i) for identifying “Endangered Species Act.” One point was earned in part (d)(ii) for explaining that “the poaching of endangered animals is illegal.” No point was earned in part (e)(i) No point was earned in part (e)(ii) © 2021 College Board Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org AP® Environmental Science 2021 Scoring Commentary Question (continued) Sample: 2C Score: No point was earned in part (a)(i) No point was earned in part (a)(ii) No point was earned in part (a)(iii) One point was earned in part (b) for describing, “Population increase leads to more buildings being needed which means more land This leads to deforestation.” No point was earned in part (c)(i) No point was earned in part (c)(ii) No point was earned in part (d)(i) No point was earned in part (d)(ii) One point was earned in part (e)(i) for proposing that “develop properties all around this will allow them to be able to develop a lot of properties while still protecting the home of the frogs.” No point was earned in part (e)(ii) © 2021 College Board Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org ... 2? ?points  Total for? ?question? ?2? ? 10 points  ©? ?20 21? ?College Board  2A of 2A of 2B of 2C of 2C of AP? ? Environmental Science 20 21 Scoring Commentary Question Note: Student samples are quoted verbatim and... Wildlifecorridors(land/bridges)canbebuilt/createdonaportionofthewetlands Restrictdevelopmentwithinaminimumsetbackawayfromthewetland Projectdeveloperscangroupbuildingstogether/canbuildup,notout ? ?20 21CollegeBoard AP? ?EnvironmentalScience2 021 ScoringGuidelines... earned in part (e)(ii) © 20 21 College Board Visit College Board on the web: collegeboard.org AP? ? Environmental Science 20 21 Scoring Commentary Question (continued) Sample: 2C Score: No point was

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