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AP student datafile for schools and districts 2021 layout format

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AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format © 2021 The College Board Page 1 of 7 This document describes the layou[.]

AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format This document describes the layout and content of the AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts for the 2020-21 school year It is a 244-field comma separated value (CSV) file with each data value contained within double-quotes File Specification Type Optional? Max Length AP Number / AP ID No Last Name First Name Middle Initial No No Yes 50 30 Student Street Address Yes 50 Student Street Address Yes 50 Student Street Address Yes 50 Student State Yes Student Zip Code Yes Yes 32 Yes 10 International only 12 Student Province Student International Postal Code Student Country Code Comment Student's AP ID Reports for administration years prior to 2020 may contain the student's AP Number The student's surname The student's given name The student's middle initial First line of the student's street address Second line of the student's street address Third line of the student's street address State code of the student's street address (Domestic Only) Nine-character zip code of the student's street address (domestic only) International only Yes 13 Gender No 14 Date of Birth Yes 15 16 Filler School ID Yes Yes 0 17 Grade Level Yes 18 Filler Ethnic Group 2015 and Prior Yes Yes International only A code that represents the student's gender Valid values include: A = Another F = Female M = Male U = Unknown The date the student was born (MMDDYY) Always blank Always blank A code that represents a grade level such as freshman, sophomore, junior and so forth Valid values include: = < 9th Grade = 9th Grade = 10th Grade = 11th Grade = 12th Grade = No longer in high school 11 = Unknown Always blank Code representing the ethnicity the student self-reported in 2015 and # Field Name Student Information 10 11 19 © 2021 The College Board Page of AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Awards Information Previous AI Information Type # Field Name Optional? Max Length 20 Filler Yes 21 Best Language Yes 22 Previous AI Year Yes 23 Previous AI Code Yes 24 Previous AI Year Yes 25 Previous AI Code Yes 26 Award Type Yes 27 Award Year Yes 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 Award Type Award Year Award Type Award Year Award Type Award Year Award Type Award Year Award Type Award Year Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 2 2 2 © 2021 The College Board Page of Comment prior years Always blank starting with 2016 Always blank Code representing the student’s best language = English Only = English and Another = Another = No Response The Year (YY) that the student attended a previous school Unique code identifying the school that the student previously attended Six digits, with leading zeros, if applicable The Year (YY) that the student attended a previous school (2 schools prior) Unique code identifying the school that the student previously attended (2 schools prior) Six digits, with leading zeros, if applicable The type (see below) and year (YY) of the student’s most recentlyawarded AP Scholar Award, if any The 2nd most recently-awarded AP Scholar Award The 3rd most recently-awarded AP Scholar Award The 4th most recently-awarded AP Scholar Award The 5th most recently-awarded AP Scholar Award The 6th most recently-awarded AP Scholar Award AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format High School Information Type # College Institution Information Max Length 38 AI Code No 39 Institution Name Yes 30 40 AI Street Address Yes 30 41 AI Street Address Yes 30 42 AI Street Address Yes 30 43 AI State Yes 44 AI Zip Code Yes 45 Yes 32 Yes 10 International only 47 AI Province AI International Postal Code AI Country Code Yes 48 College Code Yes 49 Contact Name Yes 30 50 Institution Name Yes 30 51 DI Street Address Yes 30 52 DI Street Address Yes 30 53 DI Street Address Yes 30 54 DI State Yes 55 DI Zip Code Yes 56 Yes 32 Yes 10 International only 58 DI Province DI International Postal Code DI Country Code International only Unique code identifying the college, university, or scholarship program to which the student has requested to send AP scores in the selected year (Format = 00####) The contact within the institution to which the student has requested to send AP scores The name of the institution to which the student has requested to send AP scores First line of the street address of the institution Second line of the street address of the institution Third line of the street address of the institution State code of the institution (Domestic Only) The 5-digit zip code of the institution (Domestic Only) International only Yes 59 Admin Year 01 No 60 Exam Code 01 No 61 Exam Grade 01 Yes 62 Irregularity Code #1 01 Yes International only The year (YY) of the student’s most recent AP Exam The exam code of the student’s most recent AP Exam See Exam Code table below The converted score (1-5) of the student’s most recent exam Code indicating the type of irregularity or event related to the student’s most recent AP Exam, if 57 Exam Information Optional? Comment Unique code identifying the school the student attended in the selected year Six digits, with leading zeros, if applicable Name of the school the student attended in the selected year First line of the street address of the school Second line of the street address of the school Third line of the street address of the school State code of the school The 5-digit zip code of the school (domestic only) International only 46 Field Name © 2021 The College Board Page of AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Student Information Continued Reporting Dates Type # Field Name Optional? Max Length 63 Irregularity Code #2 01 Yes 64 Class Section Code 01 Yes 65 66 67 68 69 70 Admin Year 02 Exam Code 02 Exam Grade 02 Irregularity Code #1 02 Irregularity Code #2 02 Class Section Code 02 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 2 2 71238 Exams through 30 239 Same Same Date Grades Released to College Yes 240 Date of Last Student Update No 241 Date of this report No 242 Student Identifier Yes 25 243 Race Ethnicity Student Response 2016 and Forward Yes 11 244 Derived Aggregate Race Ethnicity 2016 and Forward Yes © 2021 The College Board Page of Comment any See Irregularity Code table below Code indicating the type of irregularity or event related to the student’s most recent AP Exam, if there is more than one Always blank starting in 2020 Reports for administration years prior to 2020 may contain values when a school had multiple classes and/or teachers for an AP Exam The year, exam code, score, irregularity code(s), and section code of the student’s 2nd most recent AP Exam The same set of fields (including year, exam code, score, irregularity code(s), and section code) repeats for the student’s 3rd through 30th most recent AP Exams, if applicable The date (MMDDYY) on which the student designated the DI to receive scores The date (MMDDYY) on which the student's record was last updated The date (MMDDYY) this report was generated An ID assigned to the student by the school, school system, state, or other entity The student's self-reported race and/or ethnicities All characters contain a value of ‘Y' or a 'N' The letter ‘Y’ indicates that this race/ethnicity value was selected by the student while the letter 'N' indicates it was not One, multiple, or no race/ethnicities may be designated with a 'Y’ See Race Ethnicity Student Response 2016 and Forward table below The student's aggregate race/ethnicity per federal reporting guidelines See Derived Aggregate Race Ethnicity 2016 and Forward table below AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Award Types table Type 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 12 13 14 Description AP Scholar AP Scholar with Honor AP Scholar with Distinction State AP Scholar National AP Scholar National AP Scholar (Canada) AP International Diploma DoDEA AP Scholar International AP Scholar National AP Scholar (Bermuda) AP Capstone Diploma AP Seminar and Research Certificate Exam Codes table Code 13 14 15 16 20 22 23 25 28 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 40 43 48 51 53 55 Discontinued Description United States History Art History Drawing 2-D Art and Design 3-D Art and Design Biology Seminar Research Chemistry Chinese Language and Culture Computer Science A Computer Science Principles Computer Science AB Microeconomics Macroeconomics English Language and Composition English Literature and Composition Environmental Science European History French Language and Culture French Literature Human Geography German Language and Culture Code 57 58 60 61 62 64 2010 66 68 69 75 76 77 78 80 82 2010 83 84 85 87 89 90 93 © 2021 The College Board Page of Description United States Government and Politics Comparative Government and Politics Latin Latin Literature Italian Language and Culture Japanese Language and Culture Calculus AB Calculus BC Calculus BC: AB Subscore Music Theory Music Aural Subscore Music Non-Aural Subscore Physics B Physics C: Mechanics Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism Physics Physics Psychology Spanish Language and Culture Spanish Literature and Culture Statistics World History: Modern Discontinued 2010 2014 AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Irregularity Codes table Code 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 12 13 16 17 18 19 20 34 37 38 39 40 42 44 51 57 66 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 Description Score not yet available - student will be contacted by 8/1 Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score canceled - student’s choice per options received Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Pending student response to options provided Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible No score available: Makeup exam was requested but not taken Score Cancelled: Makeup exam was requested but not taken Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score canceled School reported undertiming of minutes or less School reported distraction during exam Portion of exam lost - score projected from remainder Media not scorable - score projected from remainder School started exam late School reported undertiming of more than minutes Portion unscorable - score projected from remainder Score projected from multiple-choice section Score projected from free-response section Score projected from multiple-choice and free-resp sections School reported overtiming of more than minutes Score projected from 80% of exam Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score canceled due to missing portion of exam Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible One or more performance tasks not scored Score canceled Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score canceled at student's request Second exam canceled - was not authorized Score not yet available Score delayed - will be reported as soon as possible Score withheld on college report at student's request © 2021 The College Board Page of AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Race Ethnicity Student Response 2016 and Forward table Note: starting in 2016, AP students have been able to select multiple races/ethnicities, requiring a field that reflects all of the student’s selections As a result, this field is position-based (not code-based) containing values of ‘Y’ or ‘N’ corresponding to each race/ethnicity For example, if a student selects ‘Cuban’ and ‘Puerto Rican, this field would contain the following value: “YNYNNNNNNNN” with values of ‘Y’ in positions and Position 10 11 Description Cuban Mexican Puerto Rican Other Hispanic Or Latino Non-Hispanic Or Latino American Indian Or Alaska Native Asian (Including Indian Subcontinent And Philippines Origin) Black Or African American (Including Africa And Afro-Caribbean Origin) Native Hawaiian Or Other Pacific Islander White (Including Middle Eastern Origin) Other Derived Aggregate Race Ethnicity 2016 and Forward table Code 10 12 Description No Response American Indian/Alaska Native Asian Black/African American Hispanic/Latino Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander White Other Two Or More Races, Non-Hispanic © 2021 The College Board Page of ... recently-awarded AP Scholar Award The 6th most recently-awarded AP Scholar Award AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format High School Information Type # College Institution Information... college report at student'' s request © 2021 The College Board Page of AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Race Ethnicity Student Response 2016 and Forward table Note:... (domestic only) International only 46 Field Name © 2021 The College Board Page of AP Student Datafile for Schools and Districts 2021 Layout Format Student Information Continued Reporting Dates Type #

Ngày đăng: 22/11/2022, 19:47