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Comparison of support vector machine and neutral network classification method in hyperspectral mapping of ophiolite mã©langes–a case study of east of iran

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Comparison of support vector machine and neutral network classification method in hyperspectral mapping of ophiolite mélanges–A case study of east of Iran The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and[.]

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences xxx (2017) xxx–xxx Contents lists available at ScienceDirect The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences journal homepage: www.sciencedirect.com Review Article Comparison of support vector machine and neutral network classification method in hyperspectral mapping of ophiolite mélanges–A case study of east of Iran Bahram Bahrambeygi ⇑, Hesam Moeinzadeh Department of Geology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Iran a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 30 November 2014 Revised 26 December 2016 Accepted 19 January 2017 Available online xxxx Keywords: Ophiolite mélanges Hyperion Support vector machine Neutral network analysis East of Iran a b s t r a c t Ophiolitic regions are one of the most complex geology settings Mapping in these parts need broad and precise studies and tools because of the mixture rocks and confusion units Hyperion hyperspectral sensor data are one of the advanced tools for earth surface mapping that containing rich information of shallow electromagnetic reflection in 242 continuous bands Because of some contaminated noise in tens of these bands we removed 87 most noisy bands and focused our study on 155 low noisy bands In present study, tow spectral based classification algorithms of support vector machine and neutral network are compared on hyperion image for classification of cluttered units in an ophiolite set Study area is Mesina region in collision ophiolitic belt of south east of Iran In this region for design processing results validation rate, lots of random locations and control points were studied in field scale and were sampled for laboratory surveys Samples were investigated in microscopic section and by electron microprobe system Based on laboratory-field studies, the lithology of this area can divided into five general groups: (Melange series, metamorphic units, Oligocene – Miocene to Quaternary volcanic units, lime and flysch units) Based on field-laboratory works, some standard points defined for validate processing results accuracy rate Therefore, the Support Vector Machine and neutral network method as advanced hyperspectral image processing methods respectively have overall accuracies of 52% and 65% Consequently the method based neutral network theory for hyperspectral classification have acceptable ratio in separation of blended complicated units Ó 2017 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0/) Contents Introdution 1.1 Hyperion sensor 1.2 Previous studies 1.3 Geological setting Materials and methods 2.1 Preprocessing of data 2.2 Classification using SVM 2.3 Classification using neural network method Sampling method and laboratory studies 3.1 Ophiolite mélange 3.2 Oligo – miocene volcanic 3.3 Metamorphic units 3.4 Sedimentary rocks 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Peer review under responsibility of National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences ⇑ Corresponding author E-mail addresses: B.Bahram.100@gmail.com (B Bahrambeygi), Hesammmoeinzadeh@yahoo.com (H Moeinzadeh) http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 1110-9823/Ó 2017 National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space Sciences Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/) Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx Results and discussion 4.1 Data analysis 4.2 Validation by field observations 4.3 Processing accuracy Conclusion References Introdution Ophiolite mélanges of Iran represent a part of an ophiolite belt extending from Pakistan via Iran to Turkey, Greece and some other countries in Europe (Weber Diefenbach et al., 1984; Ghazi et al., 2004) The Iranian ophiolites are part of the orogenic sutures marking the diachronous closure of the Tethyan oceanic realms (Palaeotethys and Neotethys) along the Alpine–Himalayan convergent front running from the Mediterranean through East Europe, Middle East to Asia (Arvin and Robinson, 1994) (Fig 1a) In particular, various ophiolitic sutures surround the Central East Iranian Microcontinent (Rossetti et al., 2010) (Fig 1b) Ophiolitic mélanges are of special importance for some important mineralizations and addressing the temporal framework of the paleotectonic evolution (Gilbert and Park, 1997 and Gomes-Pugnair et al., 2003 and Brocker et al., 2011) Ophiolites of the studied area located in collision belt are so much complex and tectonized Mapping and distinction lithology units in these geology settings are very difficult Hyperspectral mapping is a new technology using spectral behaviors could be useful as an economical method to mapping and distinguishing of complex lithologies with satellite images (Alavipanah, 2003) The hyperspectral methods are based on Spectroscopy, and Spectroscopy is based on the facts that interaction of surficial molecular structure of a substance with electromagnetic waves impinging on it (Clark et al., 1990; Gupta, 2003) Natural substances constituting the Earth’s surface will absorb, reflect or scatter the electromagnetic waves according to their composition (Crowley and Clark, 1992; Sabins, 1997) It is possible to determine the spectrometric response of different substances such as minerals at the form of continuous curves in a broad spectrum of electromagnetic waves (Clark and Swayze, 1995) These curves are used as symbols for identification of different substances and their composition (Clark, 1993) Hyperspectral sensors are capable to image 00 00 00 00 00 00 in numerous extremely narrow spectral bands (Kruse et al., 1993 and Kruse et al., 2002 and Kruse et al., 2003a,b) Spectral curves with a good spectral resolution could be used for determination of absorption characteristics of substances with little differences in spectral characteristics (Moeinzadeh et al., 2013) Split of lithology surfaces and mapping of ophiolite mélange units is generally puzzling because they are very mixture and unruly in properties In future, hyperspectral mapping along with limited field inspection can simplify ophiolite mapping 1.1 Hyperion sensor Hyperion represents the first airborne hyperspectral sensor mounted on EO-1 platform Hyperion images are taken in 242 narrow bands in wavelengths between 356 and 2577 nm with 10 nm spectral resolution (USGS, 2004) These images were swiftly used in geological investigations Hyperspectral data may be used for studying spectral patterns of surficial materials Hyperion sensor utilizes push broom Technology and an area expending 7.7 km orthogonal to the movement is imaged So, spectral data pertaining to diverse materials and features on the surface of the Earth are recorded as three dimensional cubic frames (Remote Sensing Tutorial of NASA, 2017) of the total 242 imaging bands using by Hyperion sensor, only 198 bands are calibrated and are usable for Processing operations Spatial resolution of Hyperion is 30 m and each image includes a narrow band 7.7 km in width and 185 or 42 km in length (Pearlman et al., 2003) 1.2 Previous studies Hyperion hyperspectral images have been used in agriculture, mineral exploration, separation of land units as well as other fields of geological sciences For example, Kruse et al (2003a,b) have Fig Distribution map of Mesozoic ophiolite belts of Iran (Fotoohi Rad et al., 2009) Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx compared the capability of airborne hyperspectral data of Hyperion for spectral separation of land surface minerals Hubbard et al (2003) have compared mineral alteration mapping of visible to shortwave infrared Hyperion with ALI and ASTER image views Also, using EO-1 Hyperion images, Kruse et al (2003a,b) have prepared the hyperspectral map of coral reefs of Buck Island in central Atlantic Ocean And, using EO-1 satellite data, Beiranvand Pour and Hashim (2011) have prepared the geological map of the southeastern part of the central Iranian Volcanic Belt Abou El-Magd and El-Zeiny (2014) studied water quality using hyperspectral data Ramadan and Abdel Fattah (2010) tried to Characterization of gold mineralization using Hyperion images AbdelRahman et al (2016), use of Hyperion images to producing the soil map Some other relevant studies using hyperspectral data in geological investigations include Coops et al (2002), Staenz et al (2002), Pearlman et al (2003), Datt et al (2003), Felde et al (2003), Bindschadler and Choi, (2003), Goodenough et al (2003), Ramsey et al (2004), Khurshid et al (2006), Gersman et al (2008)), Leverington (2008), San and Suzen (2010), Sarup (2011) and Shokr (2011) Geological investigation undertaken in the studied are an include Fotoohi Rad et al (2009), Brocker et al (2011), Theunissen et al (2011) and Honarmand et al (2012) Fotouhirad (1996) and Fotouhirad (2004) studied area as aspect of petrology however, no remote sensing studies have taken place in this area up to now, and the present study is the first one to employ hyperspectral data for separation of ophiolite mélanges 1.3 Geological setting The studied area lies in the structural zone of sabzevar-Sistan which formerly was described by Tirrul et al (1983) In this zone, volcanic and plutonic igneous rocks are widespread calk-alkaline volcanic rocks aging late cretaceous-Paleocene are observed in the eastern and northeastern Part of Sistan region and they have been ascribed to subduction of an oceanic Plate under the Afghan Block (Tirrul et al., 1983) Among the volcanic rocks aging Eocene- Pliocene in this zone, Eocene – Oligocene volcanic including Porphyry andesites, Pyroclastic and dacitic lavas are much more common The oldest volcanic rocks which have been named ‘‘Cheshmeh Ostad Group” (Tirrul et al., 1983) are ophiolitic in character, although lack ultramafic and layered gabbro Cheshmch Ostad intrusive as well as calk-alkaline intrusive aging upper Eocene- lower Oligocene (including Zahidan granite) have intruded into slightly – metamorphosed marine detrital deposits of Neh Fig SVM method to classify the two classes using a linear kernel in two dimensions (GoodarziMehr et al., 2012) complex The youngest volcanic activities in Sistan structural zone include Quaternary olivine basalts which cover older units in the northern Part of this zone The studied ophiolite mélange is intermingled with flysches which are partly metamorphosed, so that a major Part of the ophiolites has been metamorphosed There is a conspicuous metamorphosed zone in the eastern Part of Eastern Iran ophiolites comprising green schist epidote amphibolite, amphibolite, blue schist and eclogites This metamorphic zone is very conspicuous (Fotoohi Rad et al., 2009) Such rocks play a key role in recognition of the tectonic environment and evolution of orogeny belts and commonly represent locations of oceanic crust seduction before collision of continental crusts (Bucher and Frey, 1994) Oligocene – Miocene volcanic activities in eastern Iran include dacites, riodacites, andesitic dacites, porphyroidal quartzdiorites and andesitic basalts which commonly lie at the higher Parts of the region Materials and methods 2.1 Preprocessing of data Preprocessing of data taken from Hyperion sensor include organization of bands in a form of Process able digital data, calculation of the median wave length of spectral bands and putting it in its right wave length, recognition of plotted bands, removal of anomalous data, geometric correction, erasing strip lines in image bands using Kernells and, finally, atmospheric correction In organization and filtration of image bands, 87 bands of the total 242 imaged bands wave wiped out due to unsuitable quality of data, So 155 bands were studied Geometric correction was undertaken by images of Quick bird satellite mounted on the Global Positioning system (GPS) and via field studies Atmospheric correction of Hyperion data was performed using Internal Average Relative Radiance (IARR) or relative average of reflectance as a suitable preprocessing for recovering spectral information on hyperspectral data in a semi-arid region 2.2 Classification using SVM The support vector Machines (SVM) method is a nonparametric and controlled statistical method and acts upon the premise that type distribution of data sets is unknown The main character of this method is its high capability in using trained samples and attaining higher accuracy in comparison with other methods of classification (Mantero et al., 2005 and Mountrakis et al., 2011) In reality the support vector machine is a binary classification which separates two classes by a linear boundary and relies on extended linear SVM classifies the data by passing a plane (linear boundary) and by using all bands and employing an optimization algorithm, so that samples forming the boundaries of classes are determined In another words, a number of training points which are nearest to decision border are considered as support vectors In this method, increasing the dimensions of data leads to better results In reality, if in read space the classes interfere, the data are carried to a larger space so that their differentiation becomes possible In this algorithm, the main purpose is to find the farthest distance between two classes which leads to more accurate classification, while generalization error decreases (Zhang et al., 2008) The main distinguishing component of SVM is the trend of this algorithm on a rule which is known as a structural Risk Minimization (SRM) In reality, the SVM minimizes the classification errors in unobserved data lacking The premise of the possible destruction of data, while statistical techniques such as MLC consider the data destruction as ‘‘known” (Mountrakis et al., 2011) The optimum border is used for determination of decision border at each Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx completely- separated two classes (Vapnik and Chervonenkis, 1991) The linear border between the two classes is completed so that: a) All samples belonging to -I class are located in one side of the border and all samples belonging to -1 class are located in the other side b) The decision border must be selected so that distance between the training samples and each couple of classes in orthogonal direction becomes as maximized as possible with respect to decision border In this method, firstly, the distance between the nearest training samples of the two adjacent classes is orthogonal direction with respect to borders in calculated and optimized border Which contains the largest border is determined Two parallel planes are defined in the two sides, of decision border, so that the border plane contains the largest equal distance with respect to these two plains Generally, the more the distance between two parallel planes the higher the accuracy of classification (Srivastava and Bhambhu, 2009) Actually, this algorithm seeks to find a super plane which can act so that while being compatible with training data, can separate the data set from each other (Mountrakis et al., 2011) A suitable super plane is a separator which makes it possible to maximize the widths so that no pixel can place in between (GoodarziMehr et al., 2012) The optimized separating super plane term refers to a zone which, by using training data, makes it possible to minimize the pixels which are classified uncorrectly (Mountrakis et al., 2011) There are several Kernells for defining this border plane (Fig 2) Whenever the super data contain too much interference it is possible to use multi term Kernels with different terms and gammas or use Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel The pertaining equations for these three Kernels are the following: Linear KðXi ; Xj ị ẳ XTi Xj d Multi terms KXi ; Xj ị ẳ gXTi Xj ỵ rị ; g > RBF KXi ; Xj ị ẳ expgkXi  Xj k2 Þ; g > In the above equations, T represents transposed matrix, G gamma/d represents the degree of multi term and Xj and Xi represent the Vector components i and j In this study, classification of lithological units was conducted using the above–mentioned three Kernels and the degree of polynomial and different gamma values Afterwards, the results were analyzed Really in nonlinear SVM Kernels, gamma parameters control the form of decision border its low values get the decision border tend to linear situation with increasing its values, the flexibility of decision border increases and closes to the form of super data of each class Changes in d parameter increase the flexibility of the separating super plane 2.3 Classification using neural network method To date, various approaches have been proposed for artificial neural networks that one of most common is multilayer perceptron neural network (Ahmadi Nadushan et al., 2009) Performance based of network classification method is specified when the data set we have are not separated in this manner by a simple linear decision surfaces and by such methods, and layered in a process of using non-linear levels, the differentiation be possible (Richards, 1999) In fact, these methods are characterized by stratified layers, each layer formed of nodes (neurons) and by a multiinput, process started and lead to output (Richards, 1999) Summary of performance of this method is based on the following equation (Fig 3): O ¼ f ðWtx þ hÞ In the above equation represents the threshold h, W is a vector of weighting coefficients and x is the input vector The number of neurons is specified by network topology and data dimensions (Richards, 1999) The number of input neurons was used to classify the 158 reflective bands of Hyperion sensor Classification process was performed by using neural networks in three stages as follows: - The first phase of the training process using input data - The success of the first phase of the validation and verification of network would (produce the graph W RMS values obtained for n iterations) At this stage, with 10% training data and repeated of 350 times RMS less than 5.0 was given, but with 50 and 100% of training data, respectively, with 100 and 50 times of repeating RMS values were close to their minimum very quickly The adverse reactions were classified in the training set (Wijaya, 2005) Sampling method and laboratory studies According to the field studies undertaken by authors as well as the geochemical mineralogical, geothermobarometric and geochronologic studies undertaken by Fotoohi Rad et al (2009), Brocker et al (2011), Theunissen et al (2011) and Bröckera et al (2013), the rocks units of the studied area are classified into five general groups Also in several field traverses, all rock units were sampled Accordingly the igneous rocks may be divided into two general groups (1) units related to ophiolite mélange and (2) oligo – miocene volcanic complex 3.1 Ophiolite mélange Fig Mode of action classification using neural networks This unit is composed of (1) magmatogenic units of ophiolitic sequence such as peridotites, gabbro, microgabros, diabases and plagiogranites and (2) secondary units created from metamorphism and alteration of magmatogenic units which include metaperidotites, metagabbros, serpentines, milonitized metaplagiogranites and listvinites The main characteristics of these units are presented in Fig depicts some microscopic and field image of them Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx A B C D E F Fig A-sub ophitic to granular texture on isotropic gabbro (XPL) B-Abundant plagioclase Plagiogranite belonging to the ophiolite complex (XPL) C-Microscopic images of silica Lisstwenite (XPL) D-listwenitization of peridotites (View of the West) E-Isotropic gabbro and listwenitization peridotite and sequence of Paleocene – Eocene limestones on them (view to north) F-white Plagiogranite cropped (away) and peridotite and the metamorphic zone border (near) (see the West) A B C mm mm mm Fig Microscopic images of rock samples: A – andesite – amphibole of the opacities, B-diorite porphyry, C-andesite basalt – the presence of olivine and pyroxene as phenocrysts in the background of microlitic plagioclase XPL Metamorphic Zone A B C 1mm Fig The remarkable extent of metamorphic units (see the North East), B-sight near the amphibolite schist with copper mineralization, C-schistosity in rocks : greenschist Xpl 3.2 Oligo – miocene volcanic These volcanic lie in the form of a magmatic arc in the east of the studied area and follow the general trend of the region (Fotoohi Rad et al., 2009) According to the Tirrul et al (1983), crystallization of these rocks which also lie in Nehbandan quadrangle map in younger than igneous rocks comprising ophiolite mélange and belong to volcanic activities in upper cretaceous, oligo – miocene and Quaternary times in eastern Iran They also include andesites to andesitic basalts of oligo – miocene time In accordance with pyroclastic, andesite, porphyritic andesite and andesitic basalts are usually observed as large outcrops and comprise high mountains In porphyry andesite plagioclases, hornblendes, and biotitic are observed as coarse crystals and phenocrysts in a ground mass composed of plagioclase microlites and small crystals of amphiboles and opac minerals In the samples, plagioclases are altered into serisite and carbonate and to a lesser amount to kaolinite and epidote Their texture is almost porphyritic It is worth mentioning that one of the main differences between these rocks with andesitic basalts is the lack of olivine and clinopyroxene in them (Fig 5) Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx 3.3 Metamorphic units Although outcrops of metamorphic rocks are observed in all parts of the studied area, but the majority lie in the metamorphic rocks at the east of ophiolite mélange Scattered outcrops are observed in other part of the ophiolite unit In this metamorphic zone, flysches and the rocks related to ophiolitic complex which predominantly have been mafic and ultramafic are metamorphosed The main facieses include green schist (including talk schist) facies, epidot- amphibolite schist (including epidote amphibolites and epidote- amphibolites schist) facies – amphibolite facies (including amphibolites and garnet – amphibolite schist; Fig 6) 3.4 Sedimentary rocks Although, in comparison with igneous and metamorphic rocks, the sedimentary rocks are less common and diverse however there are several scattered units of this kind in the studied area which include (1) Paleocene-Eocene limestones which outcrop in the eastern part a the area, (2) micritic and sapary limestone, cherts and radiolarites intermingled with ophiolite mélange and flysches composed of siltstones, fine sandstones and cherty shales which are predominantly metamorphosed Results and discussion 4.1 Data analysis Algorithm analysis in processing of hyperspectral data by Kruse et al (2003a,b) and Leverington (2008) tested to the higher efficiency of processing which are based on spectral pattern in comparison with those which are based on statistical models So, in order to determine the potential of hyperspectral data to separate ophiolite mélanges, the SVM algorithm was selected and small area of five general lithology were considered for SVM analysis In this respect the reflectance pattern of several rock units was used as mixed spectrum of index pixels for training points For every lithological pattern were determined in images And eventually, according to Clark and Swayze (1995) in the histogram of output image those pixels which The Whiteness value laying the upper bound average plus two times of standard deviation were selected as favorable pixels and presented as vector data Fig extracted from SVM processing and Fig extracted from NUT processing method Fig is the part of the map presented by Fotoohi Rad et al (2009) with 1:20,000 scales Visual comparison of the processed image with geological map of the area represents a favorable conformity in the majority of parts It should be noted that current geological map is prepared in a very smaller scale and less accuracy than the processed images In continue the results of hyperspectral processing will compare with field studies 4.2 Validation by field observations In order to access the separation accuracy coefficient and recognize the SVM method on Hyperion image of the area, the enhanced zones were indexed as vector data on Quick bird image of the area and were evaluated in field studies Also for computing the accuracy coefficient of processing factor, considering the discontinuity of rock units in ophiolite mélange, Criterion accuracy of image was determined by control points using sampling points Since band widths in hyperspectral sensors is narrow and very thinner than multispectral one the energy supply of receiving waves by sensor is necessarily taken place from more wider spaces As a result, the hyperspectral images lack high spatial resolution (Alavipanah, 2009) In field studies, in order to increase the accuracy and clarity of traverses, vector maps resulting from the processing of Hyperion image were imposed on a Quick bird image Fig Hyperion image processing area on the output map of SVM method Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx Fig Hyperion image processing area on the output map of NUT method Fig Part of Tabas Messina area map, 1:20,000 from Fotouhirad (2004) Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx Fig 10 The location of sampling points on the band of 98 in Hyperion image Table Supervised classification accuracy matrix of the optimal pixels in the SVM image processing method Class Unclassified An Calc Fy Melang Unclassified An Calc Fy Melange Metamorph Total 7667 2857 1688 5125 2587 4137 24,061 10 0 10 1 10 0 10 Table Coefficient of user accuracy and producer accuracy on optimal pixel in the SVM image processing method Class Prod Acc (Percent) User Acc (Percent) Prod Acc (Pixels) User Acc (Pixels) Unclassified An Calc Fy Melange Metamorph 31.86 30.00 80.00 50.00 20.00 80.00 99.87 0.10 0.47 0.10 0.08 0.19 7667/24,061 3/10 8/10 5/10 2/10 8/10 7667/7677 3/2862 8/1697 5/5132 2/2592 8/4151 Table Supervised classification accuracy matrix of the optimal pixels in the NUT image processing method Class Unclassified An Calc Fy Melang Meta Total Unclassified An Calc Fy Melange Metamorph Total 1531 7394 1441 8161 3921 1613 24,061 0 10 0 1 10 1 10 10 0 10 1533 7405 1450 8174 3929 1620 24,111 Please cite this article in press as: Bahrambeygi, B., Moeinzadeh, H Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci (2017), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrs.2017.01.007 B Bahrambeygi, H Moeinzadeh / Egypt J Remote Sensing Space Sci xxx (2017) xxx–xxx Table Coefficient of user accuracy and producer accuracy on optimal pixel in the NUT image processing method Class Prod Acc (Percent) User Acc (Percent) Prod Acc (Pixels) User Acc (Pixels) Unclassified An Calc Fy Melange Metamorph 6.36 70.00 80.00 70.00 40.00 60.00 99.87 0.09 0.55 0.09 0.10 0.37 1531/24,061 7/10 8/10 7/10 4/10 6/10 1531/1533 7/7405 8/1450 7/8174 4/3929 6/1620 having 60 cm spatial resolution using GIS technique These maps which were introduced into a GPS were used as guides to the sites indicated in processing of Hyperion image Also during field studies, coordinates of the sampling points (Fig 10) were determined on Hyperion image and the samples were classified into five groups: ophiolite mélange, metamorphic units, Oligocene Miocene volcanic, flysches and lime stones The coordinates of sampling points were set on Hyperion image as vector data and location of pixels encircling the points indicated as training data on Hyperion image was defined and indexed as the class of each lithology in through image We obtained good overall accuracies of 52% and 62% respectively for SVM and NNT methods without any extensive field studies; however, NNT results are better than SVM’s The processing results in the whole of our studies are reasonable, so that in every tow processing method units with minimum disturbing such as limestone units have best correlations with field trainings than others with high disturbing such as mélanges In the SVM processing method, we obtained the best results with the gamma values of six and polynomial kernel value of three; and in the Neutral network processing method, as better classification pattern for lithology separation, we find best results at using 100% of training data, with 50 periods of iterations that obtained least RMS values 4.3 Processing accuracy Controlled classification present a digital basis for quantitative comparison of the results taken from image processing and field data in the form of zones limited to pixels having proper values The accuracy matrix of indexed pixels in classification and the sampled points in field and laboratory studies (Table and 3) were determined by implementing controlled classification methods for pixel data resulted from processing by SVM method on Hyperion image of the studied area The digital basis of comparison in controlled classification method may expressed by factors such as producer accuracy or user accuracy (Genderen and Lock, 1978) User accuracy is defined as the ratio of the pixels rightly classified in each class to pixels in the processed image indexed as the same class Producer accuracy represents the ratio of rightly classified pixels in each class to the total pixels located in controlled field investigations in the considered class In this study, considering the nature of field studies, the best comparison index for using controlled classification matrix is producer accuracy In the images resulted from processing, of the total classified pixels in each class, 10 pixel collections were selected and tested in the field, microscopic and laboratory studies The results are presented as producer accuracy matrix (Tables and 4) and user accuracy The Producer Accuracy of each class showed in blue color in Tables and Examination of the values expressed in producer accuracy tables seems promising So the metamorphic, flysches and limestone which contain more separable spectral pattern from each other have the higher user accuracies The lowest user accuracies belong to the completely intermingled part an ophiolite mélange in which about 20–40 pixels of this lithology are classified correctly in tow methods Generally, the average producer accuracy for all five lithological units of SVM and NUT methods are respectively 52% and 65% which is considered as permissible values for separation of ophiolite mélanges Conclusion For the first time in this area, we present that advanced hyperspectral processing methods could be inexpensive and advantageous tools for distinct units of Ophiolite complexes References AbdelRahman, M.A.E., Natarajan, A., Hegde, R., 2016 Assessment of land suitability and capability by integrating remote sensing and GIS for agriculture in Chamarajanagar district, Karnataka, India Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci 19 (1) Abou El-Magd, El-Zeiny, A., 2014 Quantitative hyperspectral analysis for characterization of the coastal water from Damietta to Port Said, Egypt Egypt J Remote Sens Space Sci 17, 61–76 Ahmadi Nadushan, M., Safaiian, A., Khajedin, S.J., 2009 Arak area land mapping using Neutral network and maximum likelihood classification methods J Iran Nat Geogr Surv 69, 83–98 Alavipanah, S.K., 2003 Application of Remote Sensing in Geology Sciences Institute of Tehran University Publications and Printing, p 243 (In Persian with English abstract) Alavipanah, S.K., 2009 Modern Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation of 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