306 Cytokine Secreting Oncolytic Herpes Virus Effectively Treats Micrometastatic Liver Disease in a Murine Model Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part 2 of 2 Parts Copyright © The American Soc[.]
VIRAL VECTORS IN IMMUNOTHERAPY I E ( G #!(. *( ! #!( 7 3 E 3 -4(2J%J/ 3 4(2 # 4(2 -4(2/ 4(2 -4(2/ 3 -C(."8/ 4(2 4(2 - =C C )a D"8,/ >2." ->>a >D"8,/ > " D"8, 3 7 #&9;B - / &;2D%B ' I' $*' 8B E " & 3 3 )*! F">D(' D"8, G @ 7 >3 3 >" )*! F" D"8, =& % ,6 >D"8, D"8, Molecular Therapy Vol 5, No 5, May 2002, Part of Parts Copyright © The American Society of Gene Therapy , % ; D"8," # E >D"8, ( #&9;B >D"8," 7 ' >2." 1 3 3 305 Genetic Modification of Human Cytotoxic TLymphocytes (CTL) Allows for Long-T erm Monitoring of Long-Term Their Migration Mikhail Doubrovin,1 Ekaterina Doubrovina,1 Anna Ivanova,1 Julius Balatoni,1 Ronald Blasberg,1 Ron Finn,1 Vladimir Ponomarev,1 Michel Sadelain,1 Richard O′Reilly,1 Juri Gelovani Tjuvajev.1 Neurology, Pediatrics, Radiology, Physics, Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States @ " G 8,6"?'4 D 3 )03( " " !> D $ !2# D G >2." 2" -2DD/ 03( D 'D." A%?! 3 D ?'( - M=6;/ ( A A 86"?'4 D" A%?! 98, %% 8: ($ 7 >2. 2DD -8/I CD'" >2. 2DD -,/I CD'" >2. 2DD -=/I ">2 -6/ D" A%?! -&P89;%/ 8,6 "?'4E -8&9μ%/,6 D # !> 6,6 6: E 8,6"?'4 = @ 7 ' , ?'4 E CD'" >2." 8 68,6"?'4 9,=98:99= 996H % A%?! 3 D -8/ -,/ -=/ -6/> 8,6 "?'4 ; $ = D D - D / 8 , @ " " D 306 Cytokine Secreting Oncolytic Herpes Virus Effectively T reats Micrometastatic Liver Disease in a Treats Murine Model Brian G DeRubertis,1 Brendon M Stiles,1 Amit Bhargava,1 Niraj J Gusani,1 Yuman Fong.1 Department of Surgery, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States @ * C 3 "8 -C(."8/ +*)> ) S101 VIRAL VECTORS IN IMMUNOTHERAPY I *.89,= C(."8 *.89=6 *.896, *.89,= #"(? D"8, ) ",B & 3 >D(' 2% &3896 ",B ' ,6 E !2( - / 8389B 1 *.89,= *.89=6 *.896, 3 ] " "$6J "$:J ' 86 )*) ' 3 ",B :;"55H & 89 - / *.89=6 *.896, % * #" (? D"8, *.89,= ] !2(*.89,=*.89=6 *.896, 8B8 8=; &= : - / ( 3 !2( " *.89,= " -O99&/ " *.896, *.89,= (*)+() ! #"(? D"8, *.89=6 *.896, ",B ' *.89=6 *.896, *.89,= !2( *.89,= " " 307 Comparative Analysis of Adeno- and HIV-1-Based Vector-T ransduced Bone Marrow Derived Dendritic Cells ector-Transduced to Promote Long T erm Specific Immunity In V Vivo Term ivo Gary Kobinger,1 Yi Zhang,1 Rainer Wiewrodt,1 Steven M Albelda,1 James M Wilson.1 Institute for Human Gene Therapy, University of Pennsylvania, and the Wistar Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States $ -$/ " ( $ #C" 3 - D/ " $ " " G 3 @ S102 $ $ C."8 3 Β" -Β"I ' DN C."DN/ Β" 3 2 " $ = ' DN C."DN $' DN C."DN" $ E $ 1 Β" 3 E ''."DN D Β" 3 Β" ' D 8& ' DN C."DN" $ C ' DN" $ D C."DN" $ ' DN" C."DN" $ Β" 3 ''."DN # 899H E 89 ' DN C."DN" $ E 3 =9 ' DN" $ C."DN" $ C."8"