PM Report 9 2 GROUP ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET STUDENT DETAILS Student name Do Minh Khue Student ID number 21002122 Student name Pham Gia Khang Student ID number 22002242 Student name Khuong Lu Vy Ngoc St[.]
GROUP ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET STUDENT DETAILS Student name: Do Minh Khue Student ID number: 21002122 Student name: Pham Gia Khang Student ID number: 22002242 Student name: Khuong Lu Vy Ngoc Student ID number: 22002212 Student name: Huynh Do Trung Hieu Student ID number: 22002742 Student name: Ngo Thuy Linh Student ID number: 22002565 UNIT AND TUTORIAL DETAILS Unit name: Principles of Management Tutorial/Lecture: Unit number: MAN101 Tutorial Lecturer or Tutor name: Class day and time: Thursday 13:15 Ms Tran Thi Huong Trang ASSIGNMENT DETAILS Title: In-tutorial case analysis (Written report) Length: Due date: NOV 8, 2022 Date submitted: NOV 8, 2022 DECLARATION I hold a copy of this assignment if the original is lost or damaged I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been copied from any other student’s work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made in the assignment I hereby certify that no part of this assignment or product has been submitted by me in another (previous or current) assessment, except where appropriately referenced, and with prior permission from the Lecturer / Tutor / Unit Coordinator for this unit No part of the assignment/product has been written/ produced for me by any other person except where collaboration has been authorised by the Lecturer / Tutor /Unit Coordinator concerned I am aware that this work may be reproduced and submitted to plagiarism detection software programs for the purpose of detecting possible plagiarism (which may retain a copy on its database for future plagiarism checking) Student’s signature: Do Minh Khue Student’s signature: Pham Gia Khang Student’s signature: Khuong Lu Vy Ngoc Student’s signature: Huynh Do Trung Hieu Student’s signature: Ngo Thuy Linh Note: An examiner or lecturer/tutor has the right to not mark this assignment if the above declaration has not been signed CASE CHAPTER 14 Is Anytime Feedback Too Much? 14-13 Can a manager provide honest feedback to employees without being confrontational? The answer is yes Managers can give feedback to their employees without making them feel uncomfortable, or worse irritated This process may require various factors that managers should take into consideration They can consider giving the employees constructive feedback that can help them realize their mistakes Moreover, managers can also propose some solutions for their staff; therefore, they can easily know how to fix the problems in their workplace Additionally, employers should also know how to deliver their words correctly since the employees may misunderstand their ideas which can lead to dissatisfaction In conclusion, it is vital for managers to give feedback as feedback can improve the overall performance of the company However, those feedback should be delivered in an appropriate way 14-14 Do you think the Anytime Feedback Tool is a useful communication tool for an organization? Why or why not? By sending feedback to each other anonymously among employees in Amazon’s workplace, managers are able to record information about any problem from the perspective of a colleague to other individuals in the system Meanwhile, when giving employees comments or reports about themselves without informing them of the identity of the writer, support the managers in maintaining a friendly and sociable atmosphere in the working environment Employees should share their supervisors' and their peers' feedback on a frequent basis, the act of giving feedback is a two-way street and is essential to raising performance levels across the entire organization Besides giving workers perspectives on their work from the people they interact with the most, Anytime Feedback Tool offers managers perceptions of their leadership capabilities It seems sensible that a whistleblower would be less likely to report if they were afraid of retaliation and reprisals The corporation would therefore miss out on potentially vital information, and any harm could be far bigger Allowing anonymous reporting lowers obstacles, inspires the biggest number of people to come forward, and therefore provides businesses with the highest level of risk protection From all these minds, Anytime Feedback Tool is an integral part of an organization 14-15 How could Amazon eliminate concerns with employees using the tool to sabotage other employees? The Anytime Feedback Tool has unfortunately become a way of sabotaging others by allowing colleagues to send anonymous damaging feedback to another’s superior According to the New York Times, the need to compete for the stop stratum created internal pressures, leading to extreme tension among team members Consequently, addressing employee concerns about using the tool must be a primary priority First, Amazon could absolutely enhance the Anytime Feedback Tool with new features that offer employees who have received negative feedback a chance to defend themselves In other words, by permitting two-way communication on the platform, those employees can participate in their own feedback process, clarifying whether the information is completely accurate and providing an explanation of how to remedy problems Managers should evaluate the performance of their employees based on observation of their productivity in work rather than solely depending on the feedback they receive, which is unethical communication Additionally, they should also read the rationale of why employees are receiving feedback in order to make informed decisions while reading the feedback When providing feedback, managers encourage ethical communication by setting up definite rules for moral conduct, which includes ethical corporate communication 14-16 Would you like to work in a competitive organization like Amazon? Why or why not? It is reasonable to say that working in a competitive environment provides more opportunities than drawbacks For example, when a worker does not meet the job expectation, he or she will be eliminated from the job So that everyone will try their best to perform better and it will improve every individual’s abilities and skills Furthermore, a harsh environment also means that you have a higher chance of receiving more salary because the company itself is usually big So it is a yes to the question References Homann, M (2022, November 1) Anonymous reporting: Why companies should allow it EQS Integrity Line Retrieved November 8, 2022, from aPmsyW4QjsRtYJhI9wgLAH9jPvW2uy0BhMHA0DrC3rSSiWdKabk#:~:text=Giving%2 0people%20the%20option%20to,more%20important%20than%20identifying%20some one Matthews, B L., Harbin, J., & Daigle, J (2018) The New York Times Versus Amazon: Is Jeff Bezos’ head still in the clouds? Journal of Organizational Psychology, 18(3), 73–87 Miles, M (n.d.) benefits of feedback - and why it is important Benefits of Feedback and Why It is Important Retrieved November 8, 2022, from ElYvXteT93slMVduCyPASoQFcyszHPmmglzka60 ... Anonymous reporting: Why companies should allow it EQS Integrity Line Retrieved November 8, 2022, from aPmsyW4QjsRtYJhI9wgLAH9jPvW2uy0BhMHA0DrC3rSSiWdKabk#:~:text=Giving%2... likely to report if they were afraid of retaliation and reprisals The corporation would therefore miss out on potentially vital information, and any harm could be far bigger Allowing anonymous reporting... of a colleague to other individuals in the system Meanwhile, when giving employees comments or reports about themselves without informing them of the identity of the writer, support the managers