How to use this book
You could, of course, print it and then consult it just as you would consult any other dictionary
Tt might be more useful to you, however, to keep it as an electronic reference tool
For one thing, you'll find that it serves also as an Old Norse to English dictionary
If you are now viewing this document within your Browser, I’d advise you to save it and examine it later
If it’s now saved on your camputer,
try using Acrobat’s Find feature, with the “Match Case” option turned off
I’ve created a special font
to make it simpler to search for Old Norse
To search for a vowel with an accent,
just type that vowel and then a slash /
To search for a hooked o (0) just type o and then a coma
To search for 2 type a and then e To search for ce type o and then e
To search for pb type th
To search for 6 type dh
If you find errors, please let me know:
Trang 71hard-hearted harm harm harm harm harmful harry harsh harsh hasten hastily hasty hateful haughty haul have have Cv) Cv) Cv)
Trang 146Sw1ng CV) svelpa Sw1ng (v) velfa Swing up (v) reida Switch Svigl sword hjalmrodul1 sword hjorr sword mekir sword sverð sword-pLay hJọrLetkr table bord taciturn h1LJóðLyndr tail sporỗr take (v) tá take CV) nema take (v) taka
take care of (v) annask
take care of Cv) geta
take into consideration (v) Lita
take place CV) ganga
take place (v) verda
tale mal