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PDF Reducer Demo version Tnrong Tlii Thu Huong vd Dtg Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGH$ 167(07) 153 157 APPL ICATION O F P R O J E C T B A S E D L E A R N I N G IN T E C H N I C A L T E A C H E R TRAINING[.]

Tnrong Tlii Thu Huong vd Dtg Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGH$ 167(07): 153-157 A P P L I C A T I O N O F P R O J E C T B A S E D L E A R N I N G IN T E C H N I C A L T E A C H E R TRAINING A T UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY - THAI NGUYEN UNIVERSITY Truong Thi Thu Huong*, Truong Tuan Anh University ofTechnology- TNU SUMMARY Project - based leaming is a form of leaching with highly both collaborative and practical characteristics This teaching form creates a strong connection between dieory and practice, thinking and acting, individual and collective, school and society Thus, it promotes high levels of poshive, proactive, cooperative and creative learners This form of leaching has existed for so long in the world However, the introduction of project based leaming to teaching al universities in Vietnam as well as at technical teacher training muversities is facing many difficulties and the teaching and leaming results are sUU limited This article will present some of basic issues of project - based leaming and some solutions to apply smoothly and efficiently this teachmg form in training of technical teachersat University of Technology —Thai Nguyen University Keywords: Project, teaching, form of teaching, technical teacher, project based learning INTRODUCTION Project-based learning (PBL) is a type of teaching that duects students to the acquisition of knowledge and the formation of skills by the solving process a case sludy, or a project [1] PBL plays an important role in making learners excited, active, proactive, creative in learning, and promotes collaboration between teachers and learners, between learners and learners University of Technology ThaiNguyen University '(TNU) is training four majors including the engineering, electrical, computer science teacher education After graduating, students must face many challenges to develop their careers at technical universities, colleges and vocational schools They must have good knowledge and skills to participate in the integrated teaching process They must have both - extensive theoretical knowledge, strong teclinical skills and good education skills to take the task of vocational education and training and develop theu careers In training process, if we only focus to use the traditional teaching methods such as presentation, conversation, visualization; use the simple teaching facilities such as the projectors and chalkboards; use mainly the traditional methodology such as the unit class, , maybe the graduators will only good at theory, but will not easy to meet the recruitment requirements of the technical universities, colleges, vocational schools and develope their careers in the fiilure - and PBL is one of the effective solutions However, the application of the PBL in the education process al University of Technology TNU has encountered many barriers from lecturers, students and teaching conditions So the PBL is hardly applied and the results are limited Therefore, the research to improve the utilization and the effective using of PBL to enhance the efficiency of technical leacher training process at University ofTechnology TNU is a necessity and meaning work THE BASIC CONCEPTS OF PBL Project and project based learning A project is an assemblage of interrelated activities performed in a limited period of time, with limited resources to achieve specific, clear goals The result of the project may be a product, an accomplishment or a service PBL is a form of teaching or a complex teaching method Following the guidance of the leacher, learners have to combinafe * Tel- 0902064199; Email: huongk8@yahoo.com.v 153 Truong Thi Thu Huong vd Dtg Tgp chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE between theory and practice to solve a real situabon (project) in life or create specific products [2], It gives students the opportunity design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in realistic products or presentations [3] PBL is usually devided into five steps [4] includes (1) establish content and skill goals, (2) developing formats for fmal product, (3) planing of the scope of the project, (4) designing instructional activities, and (5) assessment the project In short, PBL is a positive method of teaching Through PBL, the learners have the opportunity to consolidate and broaden their knowledge Besides, the learners are trained acting and thinking skills, accumulated practical experience in real life and career for the fiiture The role of PBL in the training process and the training of technical teachers Technical Teacher education at University of Technology - TNU is one of education that prepares students to work in the universities, colleges or vocational training schools of technology Students research mechanical, electrical knowledge, the practice of technical teaching, advanced technology, product designs, technology process establishing, product manufacturing, fabrication, repair, maintenance of parts and technical equipment, environmental protection as well as technical practice guide Technical Teacher education not only nurture and develop knowledge and essential practical skills, but also improves inspiring and creative skills According to this, new educational methodologies and strategies are needed in order to engage students in the learning process and guarantee higher quality PBL is an example of educational approach that takes in account student-center learning It provides opportunhies for students to build these qualities, as well as more deeply 167(07): 153-J learn traditional academic content and understand how it applies to the real world, This methodology enhances students' learning and improves students' confidence, and professional technical skill, link between theory and practice, including soft skill (teamwork, inquiry, analysis, manage, organizati problera solving skill) These are the important knowledge and skills that the technical |||| teachers are required to have In short, the technical teachers at the technics'' * universities, technical colleges, technical vocational training schools are good at theory, practice, teaching of practice as well as capable of inspiring creative thinking, Therefore, training technical teachers through PBL is a practical and effective solution, REALITY OF USING PBL IN THE TECHNICAL TEACHER TRAINING PROCESS AT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY -TNU Structure of curriculum Figure shows the structure of theory, practice, experiment and blueprints of the teacher training curriculum at the University, of Technology - TNU RateX Theory Eiperitnent Pracfice Blueprints Figure I The structure and proportion of the teacher training curriculum at the University ofTechnology - TNU Teaching methods and the attention of the lecturers for the project based learning The survey results of using teaching methods of lectures is showed in Figure Tmong Thi Tliu Huong vo Big 100 90 T?p chi KHOA HOC & CONO NGHfi 4- -»- _ _ _ •• •• I I I _ SD 20 10 is • Til eory content t Figure The main teaching methods lecturers The survey results of the excitement of 134 learners 70 60 50 40 • 30 10 • Mon-chip machining technologies • Practise for technologv process • Power supply ^ - " j dislike quite like Really Figure The excitement of learners The survey results are shown some main points as follows: - PBL can be applied for theoretical content, practices and blueprints The students often work in teams to solve specific tasks and the question system is the key of teaching process However, at present, the theoretical contents are mainly taught in the classroom by the knowledge transfer, the practical contents are usually taken after the the theories contents and the learners only need to and repeat a practice process that the teachers has prepared In addition, the blueprints are usually only done individually, the application of interdisciplinary knowledge and development capability of decision-making, problem solving and creativity are very limited - The main teaching methods of lecturers are presentation and visualization Besides, the lecturers soraetimes use other methods such as conversation or discussion The using traditional teachmg methods helps lecturers to prepare lessons easily However, the learners have not really experienced, have not 167(07): - i 57 interacted well with the teacher, have not created the motivation to motivate students learning positively, actively - Most lecturers and students hesitate to innovate teaching methods or don't evaluate fiilly the role of the positive teaching methods as well as PBL Lecturers are not interested in applying them, or not know how to apply effectively into the teaching process Therefore, the learning result and the interest of students is limited., The above situations show that we need to instruct and encourage lecturers applying effectively the PBL to enhance quality of the trainmg process APPLICATION OF PBL IN TECHNICAL TEACHER TRAINING AT UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY-TNU The article will introduce some ways to apply the PBL to teach the technical education students, etc Theoretical content The most difficult part of PBL is designing the content For example, to teach the content of metal forming processes of Non-chip Machining Technologies subject, the lecturers often teach sequentially fi'om rolling, drawing, extrusion, forging, deep-drawn, stamping plate The content of each processing is arranged sequentially from concept, characteristics, classification, basic parameters, machine and tooling This approach does not really make students inspire When using project-based learning, the lecturers can design a machining principle diagram (Figure 4) and guide students by the designed question system Figure The teaching of the metal forming processes Tmong Thi Tliu Huong vd Btg Tap chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE The main topic is "Indicate the name, essence, feature, application range to distinguish the types of the metal forming processes" To solve this topic, the lecturers give thera a guiding question systera such as: What is rolling, drawing, extrusion, forging, deepdrawn, stamping plate? What is the basic principle of deformation manufacture? Indicate the name of the main components of the rolling, drawmg, extrusion, forging, deepdrawn, stamping plate manufacturing, name oflheir products? Indicate the features of the deformation during internal extrusion, the advantages and disadvantages of the forging in the closed dies, the difference between deep drawing and bar drawing, the types of their equipment, distinguish between direct and indirect extrusion?, It helps the students not passive They learn proactively under the guidance and support of instructors This will create the motivation for the students Practice content For example, the leaching content is forming the skill of machining details working (Figure 5) 167(07): 153-157 with the guiding of the lecturers Therefore the students will understand deeply • the content, develop problem-solving abilities and form favorably the practice skill Project With the power supply project, the lecturers often attend to using the equipment, select and check electrical equipment In normal and trouble working conditions We should attach the equipment to some kinds of characteristic flowchart and require the students to apply the knowledge of other subjects such as Circuit Theory, Electrical Machines, Electrical Instruments to calculate the selection of instruments, check the equipment to ensure that it is able to work in the required operating mode Thus, the students must know how to apply interdisciplinary knowledge to solve a specific problem As a result, the students' knowledge will be deeper and wider and the accessibihty to professional practice will b( more convenient and effective RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the effectiveness survey o; using PBL to teach is following: A5f^ r^^ -.^-^y '4- - I g,.-A Figure The teaching of the the practice The lecturers often provide a intrinsical technology process, the student will imitates and practise to forra the skill However, to apply the PBL, we will provide students the detailed drawing and divide the students into groups Each group raust organize group working to discuss, assign tasks and manage the groups to solve the tasks including: Read the drawing to determine the machining detail; analysis functional and working condition; determine the technical requirements, the type of production; choose workpieces, standards, cutting tools,., to design and practise the technology process Figure Students' leaming enjoyment 70 60 SO • Pocliiefwudinolw 30 20 10 / / / / Figure Students' understanding a Huong va Dig T^p chi KHOA HOC & CONG NGHE 167(07): 153-157 The resuhs show that the PBL give the teaching proems more convenient and effective than the using the Uaditional methods Some solutions to perform and improve the using of PBL in the technical teachers training process at University ofTechnology TNU are proposed as follows: + The lecturers should check and evaluate continuously the learning of the student In addition, the lecturers must evaluate regularly the PBL to adjust accordingly their teaching process and combine with other methods to increase the teaching effectiveness - PBL can be apphed into the teaching of dieoretical contents, practice contents, projects It makes sUidents more active, knowledgeable and practice better; 1, Trinh Van Bieu (2011), "Project-based leaming - Reasoning to reality", Joumal of Science al HCM City University of Technical Education, No 28,p,2, 2, Nguyen Van Cuong, Nguyen Thi Dieu Thao (2004), "Projecl-based leaming, A dual ftinclion method in teacher training", Jowrna^ of Education, No 80,p.]5 Klein, Joel I (2009), Project - Based Learning Inspiring Middle School Students to Engage in Deep and Active Learning, New York: NYC Department of Education, Thomas J W,, Mergendoller J, R and Michaelson A (1999), Project-based learning; A handbook for middle and high school teachers, Novato, CA: The Buck Institute for Education - To develop favorably the method, the lecturers should attend to the following issues: + The selected content should be general and have the highly challenging; + Should be focused on the application of the interdisciplinary knowledge; + Design a quesfion that needs the high-level thinking and design a question-oriented system to the students studying well; REFERENCES + Team work should be organized with the support of the lecturers to develop maximally the students' knowledge and capacity; T O M TAT LTNG D U N G D A Y H O C DlT AN T R O N G D A O T A O G I A O V I E N K Y T H U A T T A I T R l J o N G BAI H O C K Y T H U A T C O N G N G H I E P - DAI H O C T H A I NGUYEN Truong Thj Thu Huong*, Truong Tuan Anh Truong Dai hgc Ky thudt Cong nghiep - DH Thdi Nguyen Day hoc du an la mpt hinh thuc to chuc day hgc vira co tinli hgp tac, vira c6 tinh fliirc tiln cao Hinli Uiuc t6 chuc day hoc tao sy gin bo chat che giiia ly fliuyet va thuc hanh, tu va hanh dong, ca nhin va tap the, nlia truong va xa hoi, do, no gnip phai huy cao dg ngucri hpc tinh tich cue, chii dpng, hpp tac va sang lao, Hinh thuc day hpc da co tren the gidi tir r^t \i\x, nhien, viec dua day hpc du an vao qua trinh dgy hoc b bac dgi hpc Viet Nam noi chung va cdng tac dao tgo giao vien ky thuJit ndi rieng gap nhieu kho khSn va ket qua dat duoc van han chS, Bai viSt trinh bay mdt s6 khai niem co ban cua day hpc du an va mgt s6 giai phip de vgn dung moi each thuan loi va hieu qua hinh thuc d?y hgc cong tac dao tgo giao vien kJ thuat tai Truong Dai hpc Ky Ihuat Cong nghiep - Dai hpc Thai Nguyen Tir khoa: Dydn, dgy hoc, hinh thiec dgy hpc, gido viin ky thugt, dgyhgcdudn Ngdy nhdn bdi: 28/4/2017; Ngdy phdn biin: 18/5/2017; Ngdy duyit ddng: 28/6/2017 Tel: 0902064199: Email- huongk8@yahoo.com.v

Ngày đăng: 11/11/2022, 23:42

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