00:00 Introduction 00:15 blink 00:27 stare 00:39 wink 00:49 close your eyes 01:00 open your eyes 01:15 nod 01:25 shake your head 01:38 pick your nose 01:50 blow your nose 02:02 sneeze 02:15 sniff 02:24 wiggle your nose 02:36 whistle 02:46 whisper 02:59 hum 03:08 chew 03:18 cough 03:28 lick 03:39 sing 03:48 kiss 04:00 plug your ears 04:11 cover your ears 04:21 cup your ears 04:32 pull his ears 04:43 pinch 04:53 poke 05:04 punch 05:14 slap 05:24 yank 05:34 tug 05:44 pull 06:06 push 06:19 snap your fingers 06:32 flick 06:43 point 06:54 swat 07:05 clap 07:16 shake hands 07:26 bump elbows 07:39 wave 07:52 tickle 08:02 rub ones hands 08:12 squeeze 08:24 pet 08:36 shrug 08:48 hug 09:00 trip 09:09 slip 09:19 hop 09:30 jump 09:41 squat 09:50 tiptoe 10:00 skip 10:12 dance 10:22 kick
:^ mm elephant An elenhant INCLUDING Ci mS FROM YOUR FAVOI is ^f»»E» pi; f' FILMS ik: w ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 http://www.archive.org/details/disneypicturedicOOfeld ; •y*^ w ^ ^ i ^^k^ Picture Dictionary [ PRE s's New York Written hij Theu Feldmun and Alan Benjamin Designed hii Ellen O'Malley © 200? Disney Enterprises, inc © 1998 Disney Enterprises, Inc./Pixar Animation Studios Inc., copyright © 2001 Disney Enterprises, Inc./Pixar Animation Studios Collection copyright A Bug's Life copyright Monsters, Toy Story copyrightâ 1995 Disney Enterprises, Inc Slinkyđ Dog All righls reserved or hy No hook niay part ol this any means, electronic © James Industries l^c reproduced or transmitted in any form or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or hy any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the publisher For information address Disney Press, 14 Fifth First Avenue, New York, New Edition 3456789 10 Library of Congress (Airalog C'ard Number on tile Printed in Belgium ISBN 0-7868-3385-8 For more Disney fun, visit www.disneybooks.com York 10011-5690 Dear Parent: D v.r ,.*-.-J-'"' •> -l,iUicn OS their commond ,„,,,Ha.„u,a Uo.-™o,-ea«n*o«o.a.c.n U c a«„.*e.,, ea.o.,H ,« o.e., o.n.e.cH,U n«.o.a«o«o.Kee™.a.,»o^ l,ec« c.«e.E.a,»o.a, «e.ea «.- a.a.».n ™.e,K,.K.U -a,.«e ,— ,,„.,*a„oU«.K,UUh -,«a,cno™.,-H ,., ae.™,aae,-,n.,,,,.K,,e.c.» ,.o,.w,* '"'-"« , «e^-r.,s K»^ „ „.„„ shown, MeK™a.»e„.o.,.o.«Ko «Uo.« oae o ^ eo,n«n.o„.Ke„o«,.Be.oveaD,sne„cho.«e ,ch,M.ou„n