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SAMPLE ESSAYS Topic 1 Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children at home or at a variety of places other than school Write an essay to discuss the advantages and disadva.

SAMPLE ESSAYS Topic Homeschooling, also known as home education, is the education of children at home or at a variety of places other than school Write an essay to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling Homeschooling is more and more popular in many places around the world It is the education of children at home rather than in class or at school Homeschooling has not only advantages but also disadvantages This essay will discuss these issues in detail There are three big advantages to homeschooling Firstly, homeschooling has open time This is because they can learn any time or even any place They not have to waste too much time on many subjects if they don’t like Secondly, learners will have more attention when they learn from home There is only one or two children learn at the same time, so parents have more quality time for them to focus on the lessons Finally, children will feel more comfortable when they learn at home with their parents It means they don’t have any pressure in completing exercise or they are afraid of their friends in class However, there are some big problems for children The first one is that have less communication with other people Since they just communicate with their parents Besides, they don’t have many friends who have the same interests Another disadvantage is the cost It may be higher than learning at school This is because many online courses or programs are not free for learners Last but not least, children not have chances for after class activities Homeschooling programs only focus on lessons rather than clubs, sports or outdoor activities as those at school In short, homeschooling has three big benefits and three drawbacks People should know well to choose better programs for their children Topic Learn English is one of the best choice at the modern life People love learning English because a lot of reasons Communicating with native people is an example Write an essay to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of learning English with native teachers Nowadays, more and more native people from English speaking countries come to developing countries to teach English to local people Learning English with native people have both advantages and disadvantages This essay will discuss these issues Learning English with native teachers has a lot of advantages Local people can receive some benefits from it Firstly, local people can improve the pronunciation The native teachers can help them improve and fix the errors in the pronunciation of local people The native teachers have a lot of experiences and understand how to pronounce as native people It is very helpful for local people because the pronunciation become very easy when the have the native teachers help them Local people will have more confident with themselves when they communicate with the foreigners Secondly, learning with native teachers help local people widen the knowledge about the foreigner's culture There are a lot of differences between native people and local people in the cultures and communication If the pronunciation help local people can have more confident in communication, the knowledge about foreigner’s culture will help local people understand how to write fluently at the letters, the emails or the essay Finally, learning with native teachers will help local people change the air and have more inspiration at the study time The contacts between the foreigners are always interesting and useful On the other hand, learning with native teachers also has some disadvantages such as high tuition and difficult to approach But this is not a big problem because people can fix it Find the class has the tuition suitable with financial conditions of themselves or save money for study In short, learning with native teacher have both advantage and disadvantage Understanding about it will help people can find the best choice for themselves Topic Brain drain is defined as the migration of high educated people in search of the better standard of living and quality of life, higher salaries Brain drain is a serious problem in some developing countries What are the causes and how to tackle this issue? Write an essay to discuss the causes and solutions for this issue More and more skilled people from poor countries migrate to developed nations to seek for better life The possible causes are low living condition and personal preferences of skilled people The potential solutions could be the improvement of living standards from government and the effective strategies to maintain those people stay in their home countries The first reason is in developing countries living conditions are in low quality This is because facilities including infrastructures and transportation is insufficient which makes citizen’s life in hard conditions to receive a better life Also, the population in these countries is high which influences the quality of individual life To tackle this issue, government should step by step improve living standards from education, medical services and transport system so that lives are increasingly better for all people The second cause is the personal preferences Those well-educated and high skilled people prefer challenging themselves in a more competitive environment rather a stable one This is because they would like to learn from other people instead of helping or supporting those with lower levels It can be seen that when they work in a more developed world, their knowledge and skills will be definitely improved To solve this problem, governments in developing countries should have better policies in treating and retaining talented individuals to work and serve for their own countries, for example, they may get much higher salary or they are provided with modern housing or offices In this way, their talent could be employed in an effective way In short, brain drain is caused by two main reasons from low life quality and in search of personal tastes It is suggested that governments should change and have better policies for those people Topic Mobile phones is a very useful tool to many people even with children It is said that mobile phones should be banned in primary schools Do you agree or disagree? Write an essay to give your opinion Mobile phones a new devices in human life for some decades Mobile phones is a very useful tool to many people even with children I agree that mobile phones should be banned in primary schools This essay will discuss some reasons Firstly, mobile phones could make children addicted if they are allowed in class The reason is that kids can turn on phones when teachers instruct the lessons with any needs What is more, they may be lazy in thinking of the answers although it is easier to discuss with friends Thus, cell phones have become a source of addition among children and prevent them from thinking and communication What is more, children could have some serious health problems Because when they use a lot, their eyes will be affected by green waves which possibly makes their eyesight poorer or even blind Laziness is another problem They will hesitate to move out for physical activities but sit in one place for games instead Overall, their health will happen regularly The sounds and noises of this device will unexpectedly raise even children don’t really use them for learning purpose That could be from new message, new feeds or announcements Thus, the lessons will be disturbed at any time In addition, kids can lose their properties if they don’t keep them carefully particularly during break time For example, a recent survey by Ho Chi Minh University shows that 34% of children with cell phones reported their lost when they are in break time In short, I’m certain that cell phones should be banned for the above reasons It is suggested that parents should instruct their children to use cell phones properly Topic Some people prefer to eat at restaurants while others prefer to prepare and eat at home Which eating option you prefer? Eating preferences depend a lot on people’s living style Many people choose eating out in restaurants and food stalls while other prefer home-cooked meals I think that eating at home has more advantages This essay will discuss these issues in detail First of all, home-cooked meals offers people benefits of health and values Source of food which is safer for health is a main reason When they eat at home, they can choose kinds of foods for their personal needs and health conditions Particularly, it is better for those people who have problem with high blood pressure and diabetes What is more, the food chosen for family members should contain enough nutrition that cannot be found from restaurant foods Another advantage is family values This is because when people in family gather for cooking and enjoying meals they can talk and share their problems with others Thus, family relationships are easily strengthened via housework and cooking activities In contrast, many people prefer dining out for some reasons Convenience is a significant benefits The reason is that it saves people a lot of time from shopping and cooking for meals For example, a quick and typical meal out just takes about 30 to 45 minutes Therefore, eating out is suitable for busy staff In short, both kinds of eating choices have its own benefits One is for health concern and another is for convenience I’m certain that home meals are more important in protecting people’s health these days Topic Some parents buy their children whatever they ask for, and allow their children to whatever they want Is this a good way to raise children? What consequences could this style of parenting have for children as they get older? In today’s society, some parents are becoming increasingly permissive They not impose sufficient discipline on their children, and in some cases buy them too many things This essay will explore why this is not a good way to raise children and why it will have negative impacts upon them in future While it is understandable that parents want to give their children expensive toys and let them run freely in the streets, this is actually not really an appropriate method of parenting Having too many toys encourages children to be materialistic and does not offer them the same change to develop social skills like sharing Furthermore, when children have asked for the toys, it gives them a sense of entitlement and even power over their parents As for giving children too much freedom, there are obviously a great many dangers in this world from which they need to be kept safe Children also need rules and boundaries to encourage them to develop into mature and responsible adults If parents insist on this permissive style of parenting, their children will grow up with very different values from those of stricter parents Children who were never forced to study will end up with poorer grades in school, and those who were given everything they wanted as children will expect everything to come easily as adults Eventually, they will lead difficult and disappointing lives, in contrast with what their parents hoped In conclusion, although it is tempting to give children whatever they want, parents ought to set rules and boundaries, and to be careful with how they reward children If parents fail to impose a basic level of discipline, children may grow up with a poor attitude that will cause them and others to suffer Topic Nowadays people get married after the age of 30 Why does this happen? What are some negative impacts of this development? Getting married is an important decision in human life These days, more and more people likely have late marriages compared to 30 years before This essay will explore why people get married after the age of 30 and some negative impacts of this development Getting married late is caused by several important reasons Firstly, women now are busier with work and study This is because career and education has become more important Also, women are now having higher positions at work which they have to spend more time to develop rather than time for marriage Secondly, there are some changes in social life with the trends from western countries In other words, marriage life is not the most important in women’s lives Finally, they fear of commitments and domestic roles When women become wives and mothers they have to take care of children and a lot of housework apart from their jobs including cooking, cleaning This trend has several negative impacts for both women and societies The first problem is that people will have children late after 30 or even 40 Therefore, their health will be affected It is said that it is harmful for women to have babies late because they may die when they give birth Another problem is that women have difficulties in adjustments/ changes for a marriage life Sometimes they are unable to fit with the new life with another person In some cases, divorce may happen then A recent study shows that women who get married after 35 were likely to get divorce, about 45% In short, late marriage is caused by several reasons and this development has negative impacts on women and societies Topic Nowadays governments are investing more in public transport such as buses and trains rather than in building new roads What are the reasons for this? Is this a positive or negative development? Transport is a key factor national development These days, some governments spend more money in public system instead of opening new roads This essay will explore why governments should invest more on public transport and why this development is positive There are some reasons why there should be investment on public transport system Firstly, public transport help to protect the environment This is because public transport such as buses and trains can carry many people at the same time which limits the release of smoke Therefore, it’s better for environment if more people can use buses and trains Secondly, building new roads need heavy investment The reason is that when building roads, government have to call investment from organizations, foreign countries and individuals in order to have enough budget For example, to build a new road of 50 kilometers takes millions of dollars Last but not least, it may take shorter time to upgrade vehicles rather than building infrastructure Thus, more and more government switch to investing vehicles rather than infrastructure I’m certain that this development is positive Since it encourages people’s awareness of saving the environment People will have better knowledge on saving their environment Other advantage is that investment on public system develop national economy Countries will be more developed with higher civilization if they know about environmental protection by using public system for commuting In short, there are some reasons why government should have public transport system invested and this is a positive development Topic Overpopulation is a big problem in many societies What are its effects on the environment? Write an essay to discuss the problems Nowadays, Overpopulation is a big problem in many societies That causes seriously consequences to our life Particularly it affects the environment There are two main effects such as Pollution of environment and deforestation First of all, the result of overpopulation is pollution of environment The air will be polluted Because there is smoke from cars, a lot of factories, ect,… It is not good for their healthy Moreover, people waste a lot of garbages, so the garbages are in anywhere The water is also gradually polluting Their habitat will be worse more and more For example, Ho Chi Minh City is a big City, It has about million people living in and is the most polluted city in Viet Nam Secondly, deforestation is seriously affected to life not only to people but also to animals Due to the lack of living place, people will destroy the forest by cutting and burning It impacts on the air and nature Every life aspect will be in unbalance Gradually, people will not have enough food to eat In recent survey, forest is destroyed about 5% every year, and we need about 20 years recover destroyed trees every year Therefore it is impossible to maintain living when we continue doing this carelessly In short, overpopulation effects seriously to our life There are two main affects as population and deforestation, so the government should solve this problem to protect environment It is suggested that people should have awareness of this issue Topic 10 These days, deforestation is more and more serious What are the causes and how could this problem be solved? Forests are indispensable for people’s lives It keeps the environment in balance and clean Nowadays, more and more forests are seriously destroyed There are some causes and solutions to this problem This essay will discuss this issue in detail One of the major causes of more and more deforestation is overpopulation People don’t have enough land to live and as a result, they will destroy forests With a crowded population, people have to destroy forests to have places for agriculture, industries, and so on For instance, in China, which is the biggest population in the world, the forests are destroyed seriously Numerous studies have shown that acreage of forests in this country has decreased more than 50 percent in recent centuries To solve this problem, the government and authorities should manage where people can live Also, the government should have policies to prevent deforestation Thus, forests could be significant protection Another cause is that people aren't aware of the benefits of forest They don’t understand the role of forest with the environment and with their lives To illustrate, some people in Vietnam who live in mountains and islands don't know how the forest brings people, so they destroyed forests so much To tackle this issue, the government should widen education to people who live in mountains and islands Besides, everyone should find out the role of forests and try to protect them Protection of forests is protecting people’ lives In short, the causes of deforestation are overpopulation and less awareness of people and the solutions could be managing where people can live, having policies and widening education The responsibilities involve government, authorities, and individuals Topic 11 Some people think that art is an essential subject for children at school while others think it is a waste of time Discuss both sides and give your opinion While some people believe that art should be an essential subject for children at school, others contend that it is a waste of time I agree with the view that learning art is a necessary subject for children that can help them to improve more knowledge On the one hand, some people argue that it would waste time if school enables their children to study art They also tend to cut down time from other significant subjects such as maths, physics and chemistry In addition, in order to perform well in art, children also need to spend more time to practice By doing it, other subjects could not have enough time, thereby results could be poorer at the end of school year Moreover, a successful career not require skills in art It can be seen that those days, most artists consider their living which relates to selling works of art Despite the above arguments, art still plays an irreplaceable role in the society as it is instrumental in balancing the life, maintaining the human part Indeed, when people study after a long haul, they can feel tired or frustrated As a result, they need to something that can help them refresh their mind Art subjects including music, drawing, painting and sculpture allow children to enter a state of relaxation Following this, it could be easier for them to concentrate their goals, as well as they would have enough energy to enhances hand-eye coordination and problem-solving skills which may assists children in achieving better learning outcomes In conclusion, despite some claims that it would waste time if children study art subjects in school, its positive sides are still more desirable Topic 12 Some people like travelling in groups while other people like to travel alone Which kind of travelling you prefer? Travelling is a popular pastime activities particularly for young people However, there is need to explore whether it is better to travel alone or with a tour group The essay will compare and contrast travelling alone with travelling in a group Traveling in a group allows one to meet new friends and exchange experiences This helps to add fun to travelling because of the many new ideas that the individual members of the group comes with In addition, diversity in terms of the experiences of the travelers enables one to appreciate their unique cultural heritage In addition, travelling in a group is also beneficial because it allows travelers to lower their cost of travelling This is because there is the possibility of sharing such facilities as the guest room, splitting food and drinks bills, and travelling costs as well For example, it is much cheaper for a group of travelers to split the traveling cost of hiring a cab On the other hand, traveling alone gives one the freedom to explore new experiences without restrictions It means travelling alone gives people chance of being alone and enjoy adventure Tourists who go alone can choose their favorite places without considering other people’s opinions What is more, travelling alone enables one to become flexible, for example how travelers spend their days, or what they eat and where to stay Therefore, it is easier for people to have full enjoyment when travelling In short, travelling in groups or travelling alone have its own benefits In my opinion, travelling in groups has more benefits about fun and cost Topic 13 It is a common aspiration among many young people to run their own business rather than work for an employer Do you think the advantages of working for yourself outweigh the disadvantages? Many young individuals are currently opening their own business instead of working for other employers This tendency certainly has both benefits and drawbacks, which will be discussed in this essay To begin with, there are several reasons why young people should run their own business Firstly, because people who own a business have to care about every aspect of their organization, they can learn many useful things They might not only enhance their businessrelated skills such as marketing or sales, but they can also broaden their management abilities Secondly, they can freely make their own decisions without having to ask anyone for permission This allows business owners to be more independent and decisive Finally, since these individuals earn money for themselves, they are likely to have more encouragement to work and generate values for the society However, there are some drawbacks of opening a business First, when running a company, people might face some problems such as where to get the capital or how to attract customers If they cannot come up with solutions for these difficulties, their business might die after a short period Also, company owners must handle great responsibilities, so they could suffer from stress, which can lead to serious mental problems Furthermore, when working for themselves, people barely get advice from anyone and might end up with failures If they work for an employer, they can learn from better and more experienced individuals In conclusion, I personally believe that the benefits of opening business outweigh its drawbacks, and young individuals should be encouraged to so Topic 14 Nowadays people live in small families or nuclear families rather than large families What are the pros and cons of this trend? Write an essay to discuss the advantages and disadvantages? There are several types of family They are small and large ones Currently more and more people like small-size families Living in nuclear families clearly owns positives as well as negatives On the one hand, small families bring two main benefits Firstly, kids in nuclear families are educated easily (Firstly, parents of nuclear families are able to educate their children easily) This is because they have fewer children who are well-cared and well-educated Thus, these offspring receive full education from their parents Secondly, the relationships in this kind of household are close and firm They are wellconnected with daily meals and talks, so they understand each other well, which leads to happiness among family members The above merits are impossible to attain in large units On the other hand, several drawbacks are available in small units One biggest problem is the heavy dependence on parents of those kids Since their parents give them most of care daily, they don’t have much concern or worries about the surrounding even they themselves Consequently, their independence is seriously influenced when they grow up Another relating issue is the responsibilities of the youngsters With less independence they will gradually become self-fish in concerning surrounding relatives It will be worse when they are unable to take care their parents in the future In short, small-sized households provides merits of complete education and close connections However, the demerits are limited independence and low responsibilities among their children Topic 15 Obesity has become one of the main public health problems worldwide Childhood obesity rate is growing very fast in both developed and developing countries Both parents and schools are worried about this problem There are many reasons why children are obese… Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the reasons (causes) and solutions for children’s obesity Obesity is more and more popular in many places of the world Childhood obesity rate is growing very fast in both developed and developing countries Both parents and schools are worried about this problem Obesity has reasons and there are solutions This essay will discuss these issues One of the reasons that children are becoming overweight these days is that they are eating more junk food, ready meals and convenience food rather than cooking healthy meals at home This is because many parents tend to lead a busy life and after a long day at work it is easier to just buy ready meals in the supermarket or get a take away for children For instance, In the UK, 48% of parents have bought fast food for their kids; this is because busy people see cooking at home as time consuming To tackle this issue the government should take steps to increase tax on high fat, and parents should spend time cooking for their kids Therefore children will less consume fast food and help them lose weight Another problem is the lack of exercise For life with pressure at work, many people are just too tired to go to the gym or sport club For example, after a hard day at work, most people prefer to come home and sit in front of the TV Furthermore when people have time off they tend to relax rather than doing exercise To solve this problems, parents and schools should encourage children to play sports and exercise Thus, children will not be lazy or use smart phones in their free time In conclusion, being overweight is an increasing issue because of consumption of fast food and not enough exercise The government should tax on fast food and parents should encourage children for sports Topic 16 …Fast food has become more and more popular in modern lifestyle Its consumption has increased around the world”… Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this trend These days, Fast food is the favorite food of all people, particularly children This kind of food is common in current societies Fast food has both benefits and drawbacks Let’s start by looking at the advantages There are three main benefits to fast food Firstly, users can save time if they consume fast food Users can directly go to the stores or shop to buy it It takes them for fifteen minutes to buy and eat without cooking They can use time for other tasks such as reading books, cleaning, washing clothes Secondly, It is suitable for busy people For example, students and office workers have busy schedules and not have time for cooking Moreover, they can increase productivity Finally, fast food is delicious and usually has many attractive promotions Children and teenagers like eating it very much There are three main disadvantages to fast food Firstly, Fast food is not good for health It contains many calories and cholesterols which are harmful for health It may cause obesity, heart disease, digestive disorders, and stomachaches… Secondly, Fast food makes family dinners disappear It is likely that people not need to get together for dinner as they just go out and buy fast food Finally, there are some serious health problems associated with fast food Some studies find cancers directly related to fast food such as stomach cancer, HP bacteria cause cancer… In short, Fast food offers not only benefits but also drawbacks However, the positive side of fast food is more important It is suggested that people should have more careful choices Topic 17 … Nowadays, the majority of the world population is living in urban areas, more and more people move to cities to live in terms of better living Life in big cities is not easy for all people People in big cities face several problems in their daily life since cities are more crowded It is the concern for the authorities and people themselves Thus, there are the needs of governments to improve the quality of life… Write an essay to an educated reader to discuss the problems and solutions for people who live in big cities Many people like living in big cities They have many different issues in their life everyday life Living in these places has many negatives, but there are several solutions for this problem The essay will discuss the problems and solutions of living big cities The biggest problem is pollution in the cities This is because it is overcrowded with people from other places, the problem includes air, water and land pollution In addition, they have more health problems such as asthma as the environment is not clean The phenomenon is clearly seen in many big cities such as Beijing, Bangkok and New Deli Another problem is high property prices Houses and services in the city center are very expensive Therefore, poor people are unable to own a house and they have to live in poor condition places as the living cost is unaffordable to them To solve the problems, there are some possible solutions Firstly, government should limit the flow of migrating people from satellite places What is more, it is suggested that government should encourage people to use public transport to reduce smoke release and traffic congestion Additionally, it may build more facilities to the suburban areas to prevent people from migrating to big cities, or there should be governmental support in terms of finance to help poor people in cities, for example building cheap accommodation for low income people In short, people in big cities have problems of pollution and high property prices The solutions are for the government to encourage city people to use public transport and build cheap houses for them Topic 18 In many countries, more and more people don’t want to become teachers, particularly at secondary school Why you think the problem occur (reasons)? What could be done to tackle this problem (solutions)? Write an essay to answer these questions SAMPLE: Teaching job is very important these days In many parts of the world, not many people would like to be secondary teachers There are several reasons for this problem, but there are also some possible solutions This essay will discuss the reasons and some ways to tackle the problem The biggest reason is low salary Teaching salary is much lower than other jobs It is not enough to cover basic living such as food, accommodation, transportation For example, a new graduate in Vietnam get around $100, it is the lowest compared with other jobs The solution for the government is to raise pay for teachers It should be equal to other jobs Another reason is poor student behaviors Many schools have problem with discipline What is more, they not have the same respect as in the past For instance, they disobey and say bad words to teachers Also, they are lazy to assignment The solution is that parents should educate their children to respect teachers Moreover, schools should have regular contacts with parents Finally, teaching is a pressure job Teachers have to a lot of work and their work-life balance is bad For example, they have to lesson plans at home, they also marking paper and making report The solution is for the schools to employ more teaching assistant Another way is that schools should reduce work for teachers In short, the reasons are low salary and poor student behaviors/job pressure The solutions are raising pay for teachers and educating children at home/reducing work for teachers It involves government, schools and parents Topic 19 The subject and lesson content of what children are taught in schools is often decided by central authorities, such as the federal government Some people believe that teachers should be responsible for this task Discuss both views and give your opinion In recent years, the education of student has been noticed and has become a broad issue to the general public Some people think that central authorities decide the subject content of what student are taught However, others believe that teacher should be responsible for this task In my opinion, I agree with central authorities decide the subject content of program education Discussed below are several reasons supporting for my perspective On the one hand, the subject and lesson content of what student are taught in school is often decided by central authorities such as federal government Government and authorities are the one who plan the general curriculum It not only helps student have a clearly program education from grade one to grade twelfth but also is appropriate with country’s developed Beside that, authorities and government can control the general content There has a consistent content of program education on national scale which makes student in everywhere has a same education Because there has a same education, there also assure of the standardized outcomes It avoids unfair examination among students Therefore, I agree with the subject and lesson content is decided by central authorities On the other hand, some people think that teacher should be responsible for lesson content of what they teach their students Every teachers have different educational ideas, so it is difficult for students to catch up with program education since students learn with many teachers at the same time Beside, teachers can not balance their students with the common scales to other students of other schools Teachers spend a lot of time with student and can understand them so well So teachers should extend information around lesson content for student if they want to improve student’s knowledge Therefore, I not agree with teacher should be responsible for this task In conclusion, the above mentioned explain why authorities and government decide the subject content of what students are taught in school So I think people should have further consideration on this issue Topic 20 Explain some of the ways in which humans are damaging the environment What can governments to address these problems? What can individual people do? Topic 21 Nowadays children tend to watch more game shows than educational programs Why is this? Is this trend positive or negative? Topic 22 Children and teenagers are committing more and more crimes in many countries Why is this happening? How can we stop or at least reduce youth crime? In many countries, the crime rate is high The number of crimes involing young people is increasing The main problem could be affected by some violent movies or games and young people lack of love from their family Possible solutions would be to have government manage the Internet and parents spend time with their children One of the reasons that young people are committing crimes is that they are effected by some movies or games that contain violent or offensive content Children don’t understand the differences between reality and what they see on the program, so they copy the actions of movies into their daily lives For example, young people play violent games, and it is led to giving young people shooting practive and skilling robbers They cause harm to others, and young people will become dangerous criminals To solve this problem, the government should forbid violent movies on website unlawful, social networks, and youtube The government should enhance the monitoring of places like game centres, shop, and cinemas In this way, more and more young people will stay away from crime Another problem is that parents don’t care about young people, so they lack love from their parents Their parents usually focus on work because economic conditions are hard or to earn for life Parents increase the distance between their parents Young people are dropping out of school, and young people think about the negative things in life In addition, young people will get involved in bad habits from their bad friends, like smoking, drinking alcohol, and stealing money from their parents For example, about 10,000 young people comitted in VietNam from 2018 to 2021 To solve this problem, parents should spend to much time with their children, share experiences with them, and closely monitor their daily activities In this way, the family will help the government reduce the number of children and teenagers committing crimes In short, young people lack love from their parents and are effected by some violent movies in many countries It is suggested that the government should manage social networks, websites and the family should spend time together TASK INFORMAL EMAIL There is a historical exhibition in your place Write a letter to your friend to invite him/her go with you In your letter you should say the topic, the meaning and the fee of this event (Paintings, photographs, documents… Independence, liberation day…) Your favorite TV program Write to your friend about your coming language exam and ask your friend some advice how to have a good result - Exam: Vstep examination, time, place How you feel at the moment? Nervous, confused Listening: a lack of vocabulary, I don’t understand the content Speaking: I have some pauses and lack of fluency Can you give me some useful advice to overcome the problems? Give advice: - You should - It’s a good idea to - It would help if you can/could - You had better Describe your pet Describe your favorite music Ask about a course ... impose sufficient discipline on their children, and in some cases buy them too many things This essay will explore why this is not a good way to raise children and why it will have negative impacts... for this? Is this a positive or negative development? Transport is a key factor national development These days, some governments spend more money in public system instead of opening new roads This... and more forests are seriously destroyed There are some causes and solutions to this problem This essay will discuss this issue in detail One of the major causes of more and more deforestation is

Ngày đăng: 04/11/2022, 09:56

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