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(SKKN HAY NHẤT) some vocational guidance based activities applied in unit 5, unit 6 and unit 8 (tieng anh 12)

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PART I: INTRODUCTION I REASONS FOR CHOOSING THE TOPIC As a high school teacher, I have ever been asked for counsel by my students many times with some questions such as: “Should I apply for university or enroll in a vocational school?”; “What tertiary institution should I apply for?”; “What college major is suitable for me?”; “Should I take an undergraduate course abroad with the aim of labor export?”; “What job is potential in the future?” and the similar questions related to choosing a job in the future It can be seen that our students meet a lot of difficulties in choosing a career path Therefore, what they need at the end of school education system is not only the perfect preparation for the coming exams but also the clear vocational guidance In this situation, it is impossible for us to give them a direct answer that what is the best for them What we can is providing them with some guidance so that our students can realize which option is the most suitable for them It can be said that vocational guidance plays an important role in assisting students, especially grade 12 students, to be well-prepared for their future career Vocational guidance, which is considered as the responsibility of both families and schools, is advised to be conducted as soon as possible Vocational guidance activities can be organized in many different ways in which giving vocational guidance through school subjects is highly appreciated As a teacher of English in a high school, I always desire to contribute to guiding my students to choose right future jobs A question raised is how to provide students with vocational guidance through English lessons which focus on language skills Whereas, my students are at the grade 12 when the GCSE exam is coming soon and the teachers try to teach the knowledge that helps students to get good marks in their tests and exams It means I have to give them vocational guidance through teaching knowledge and language skills Finding that Unit 5: Higher education, Unit 6: Future jobs and Unit 8: Life in the future in textbook Tieng Anh 12 are the units containing the topics which relate closely to students’ career path, I would like to make full use of teaching these units to provide my students with some vocational guidance With this solution, I hope my students can obtain some necessary knowledge of future employment so that they can make right decision on their future jobs For the reasons above, from the beginning of the school year 2018-2019, I have carried out a study with topic “Some vocational guidance - based activities applied in Unit 5, Unit and Unit (Tieng Anh 12)” Hoping that the study can contribute to assisting our students to prepare well for their future career Furthermore, with the activities suggested in the study, the ways of organizing warm-up and post-stages may become more flexible and creative LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com II AIMS, SCOPE, OBJECTS AND METHOD OF THE STUDY Aims of the study As mentioned above, the aim of the study is to contribute to assisting students in making the best choice for their future jobs by designing activities that focus on fulfilling students’ knowledge of future employment through practicing language skills The study also helps me to improve my teaching method and my students' English skills as well Scope of the study The study focuses on the warm-up, post- reading and post- listening stages of the lessons in Unit 5, Unit and Unit (Tieng Anh 12) Objects of the study The objects of the study are the 144 students from the classes: K51A1, K51B2, K51B4 and K51B8 at my Upper Secondary School Method of the study - Sharing learning goals with students - Carrying out the surveys to find out the effect of the activities - Helping students know and recognize the standards to aim for - Studying the documents dealing with the theme (mainly from the Internet, books, newspapers) - Using analytic methods - Observing and asking colleagues for ideas and experiences - Practicing the application of the study - Providing feedback that helps students to identify how to improve - Believing that every student can improve in comparison with previous achievement - Both the teacher and students review and reflect on students’ performance and progress - Students learn self-assessment techniques to discover areas they need to improve LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com PART II: CONTENT I THEORITICAL BACKGROUND Vocational guidance 1.1 Definition of vocational guidance Every young man requires advice as to what kind of work will be most suitable for him keeping in view his abilities and aptitudes When such an advice is given, it is known as vocational guidance The following are some definitions of vocational guidance: According to The National Vocational Guidance Association of America 1937, “The vocational guidance is the process of assisting the individuals to choose an occupation, prepare for it, enter upon and progress in it It is concerned primarily with helping individuals make decision and choices involved in planning a future, and building a career decision, and choices necessary in affecting satisfactory vocational adjustment” “Vocational guidance is a facilitative process, a service rendered to the individual to aid him in choosing and adjusting to an occupation.” (John D Crites) “Vocational guidance refers to the inevitable direction given to the care of new employees in the selection process and in their assignment to particular types of work.” (Dale Yoder) “Vocational guidance is the assistance rendered by an individual to another in the latter’s solving of problems related to his progress and vocational selection keeping in mind the individual’s peculiarities or special abilities and their relations with his occupational opportunity”( International Labour Organisation.) “Vocational guidance is fundamentally an effort to conserve the priceless native capacities of youth and costly training provided for youth in the school It assists the individual to invest and use his capacities in those vocations which will bring greatest satisfaction and success to himself and greatest benefit to society.” - Myers (1941) “Vocational guidance is the process of helping a person to develop and accept an integrated and adequate picture of himself and of his role in the world of work, to test this concept against reality and to convert it in to a reality with satisfaction to himself and benefit to society.” — Super (1957) 1.2 Aims and objectives of vocational guidance 1.2.1 Aims of vocational guidance - To assist the student to acquire such knowledge of the characteristics and functions, the duties and rewards of the group of occupation within which his choice will probably lie as he may need for intelligent choice LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - To enable him to find what general and specific abilities, skills, etc., are required for the group of occupations under considerations and what are the qualifications of age, preparation, sex, etc., for entering them - To give opportunity for experiences in school (try out courses) and out of school (after school and vacation jobs) that will give such information about conditions of work as will assist the individual to discover his own abilities and help in the development of wider interests - To help the individual develop the point of view that all honest labour is worthy and that the most important bases for choice of an occupation are:  The peculiar service that the individual can render to society,  Personal satisfaction in the occupation,  Aptitude for the work required - To assist the individual to acquire a technique of analysis of occupational information and to develop the habit of analyzing such information before making a final choice - To assist him secure such information about himself, his abilities, general and specific, his interests, and his powers as he may need for choice - To assist the student to secure a knowledge of the facilities offered by various educational institutions for vocational training and the requirements for admission to them, the length of training offered, and the cost of attendance - To help the workers to adjust himself to the occupation in which he is engaged ; to assist him to understand, his relationships to workers in his own and related occupations and to society as a whole 1.2.2 Objectives of vocational guidance - To enable students to gain knowledge of the features, functions, scope, nature and duty requirement of employment in which they want to be engaged - To assist students to receive up-to-date and useful information about abilities and skill as they possess in the context of related qualifications and competencies required to accept a preferable job - To help students to know their potentials, abilities and interests related to identify vocation which they want to secure - To enable students to develop capacities for analysing available vocational information’s to have a better choice in relation to available information’s in this regard - To help students to avail information regarding scope and prospectus of various educational training, apprenticeship schemes and different vocational training LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - To assist students to choose the right type of employment according to their liking and satisfaction - To enable students to develop entrepreneurship abilities within them for keeping feet in the kingdom of self employment - To assist students to develop abilities and skills for achieving successful progress and satisfactory performance in the occupation - To enable students to gain maximum satisfaction out of his world of works Vocational guidance-based activities Vocational guidance - based activities are the activities that focus on: - Assisting a student to acquire knowledge of the functions, duties, responsibilities, and rewards of occupations that lie within the range of his choice - Assisting students to discover his own abilities and skills and to fit them in to the general requirements of the occupations under consideration - Assisting the student to evaluate his own capacities and interests with regard to their greatest worth to him and to society - Helping the individual to develop an attitude towards work that will dignify whatever type of occupation he may wish to enter The important bases for choice should be personally achieved satisfactions and the service that can be rendered - Giving exploratory opportunities in different areas of school learning and vocational exploration that will enable the learner to get the feel of several types of activities - Assisting the individual to think critically about various types of occupations and to learn a technique for analysing information about vocations - Instilling in the student a confidence in the teachers and other guidance personnel that will encourage him when he confers with them on personal and vocational problems - Assisting the student to secure the necessary information about the facilities offered by various educational institutions engaging in vocational training - Providing information for the learner about admission requirements, the length of training, and the cost of attending and institution of higher learning to which he may wish to go after graduation from high school in order to continue his vocational preparation - Giving assistance during school years so that the individual will be able to adjust on the job to work conditions and to other workers - Assisting each student to appreciate his rightful place in a group of workers and to become a functional member of the team LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Alerting the student to the long range training needed to become proficient in most lines of endeavor - Cautioning each learner concerning fads and pseudo scientific short cuts to vocational competency - Helping the learner to realize that the success is purchased at the price of effort, and that satisfaction on the job derives from doing his work conscientiously and competently Benefits of applying vocational guidance - based activities in teaching English - Attracting students’ more interests to the English lessons - Students can be provided with some vocational guidance through practising language skills - Students recycle what they have obtained from the texts - Students go beyond the text and enter the real world, equipped with the newlyobtained information - Updating the problems that are closed to the students' real life and future jobs - Students can prepare well for the future job - From the activities, the students are developing themselves to achieve automaticity, meaningful learning, autonomy, willingness to communicate, interlanguage, and communicative competence - An economical way to organize vocational guidance activities II SITUATION ANALYSIS Situation of vocational guidance at my school It is considered that both families and schools take main responsibility for guiding vocation for students Annually, at the beginning of the school year, my school’s Board of Directors always sets plan for vocational guidance The vocational guidance is high appreciated by both teachers and students and carried out during every school year However, the vocational guidance activities are still quite formalistic They are often organised by gathering the students of the whole school or a grade at the school yard with the oral presentation of a teacher This way of organizing are not really effective because vocational guidance is a wide subject while the lectures are often in general and the number of students is too large, it is difficult for them to pay attention, and they seem to take no notice of what the teacher is saying That is why although our school and teachers have made every effort, vocational guidance at my school has not brought about expected effect What we need is some solutions to provide vocational guidance LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com as specific as possible so that our students can recognize which career path is the best for them Situation of teaching and learning English at my school As far as I know, the students’ living conditions have a big effect on the way students study Many of them learn English with the only aim to pass the national GCSE exam, so they mostly focus on studying pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar They even feel it hard to remember all the required knowledge for different exams This way of thinking among students leads the teachers of English at my school to nearly the same way of teaching the language We always try to fulfill the knowledge in textbooks to our students Especially, the teachers who teach the 12th grade students often try to provide as many practice exercises related to the GCSE exam as possible With the help of modern technology, many lectures designed by PowerPoint have been given to students The teachers also use interesting activities such as games, quiz, and role -play…to stimulate students They have been trying to apply new teaching methods to help students improve their language skills consist of reading, listening, speaking and writing The quality of the lectures has been considerably raised and it plays an important role in the results of the students in the exams The English Language syllabus The textbook Tieng Anh 12, as well as Tieng Anh 10 and Tieng Anh 11 is traditional textbook structured with a priority towards theme-based or topic-based learning models The textbook has desirable aim of providing students with a foundational knowledge of numerous fields, a favorable attitude towards the English Language, and the four skills generally recognized as building proficiency in language study: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing In order to achieve these objectives, the content of the book is designed to utilize themes with which all students will be familiar Included are topics related to the student’s social lives, to sports, to work, and to leisure activities universal experiences For each topic, related vocabulary and word studies are presented communicatively The textbook contains sixteen units, with each unit presenting five lessons with four different skills and a language focus Reading is the first unit in each lesson, guiding students to key words and phrases of the related topic which then become “building blocks” that enable them to learn additional skills The book Tieng Anh 12 contains the topics which are familiar with the students Especially, there are some topics related to career path such as higher education, future jobs, life in the future …but the activities designed are not focus on vocational guidance Therefore, although vocational guidance is necessary, it is not compulsory LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com III SURVEY Survey and the results At the beginning of the school year 2018-2019, I have carried out the survey containing multiple choice questions for 144 students from four classes 12A1, 12B2, 12B4 and 12B8 of my school The survey was done twice One was at the first semester of the twelfth form (before teaching Unit 5, Unit and Unit with vocational guidance – based activities) and the other was at the end of the first semester (after using these activities) The table below shows the result of the survey for first time Questions Answers How important you think about A Normal vocational guidance is? B Important C Very important Do you find it necessary to be given A Unnecessary vocational guidance in the class? B Necessary C Very necessary How much vocational guidance A Little you get through your English lessons? B Normal How much you know about future employment? How you feel about making decision on your future jobs? Before using the activities 5% 43% 52% 6% 53% 41% 87% 23% C Much 0% A Little 56% B Normal 33% C Much 11% A Easy 12% B Normal 34% C Difficult 54% Findings from the survey The survey shows that before using the adapted activities, most of students find it very difficult to decide what majors and what jobs they should apply for after leaving high school Even though they know it is high time they gave decision what to in the future, they are not ready to decide Most of them LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com consider that they should be given vocational guidance in the class However, every English lesson they learn often mainly focuses on knowledge and language skills As a result, little they get about vocational guidance through English lessons IV SOLUTIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION From the analysis above, it can be said that our students' understanding of future employment is still limited However, teaching in general and teaching English in particular at my school is mainly focused on knowledge and language skills It is high time for us to provide our students' vocational guidance through English lessons Warm-up and post- stage are the best choice for the solution because it is a good chance for the students to connect English lessons with their real life without changing the tasks designed in textbook and their standards of knowledge and skills Furthermore, based on the topics of the units we can create many different activities to discuss different problems in vocation guidance In addition, we also can apply many different activities for each lesson depending on what vocational problem we want our students to solve In short, warm-up and post- stage are the potential stages to create and apply the activities which help provide our students with vocational guidance The topics of the three Units: 5, and in textbook Tieng Anh 12 are very close to the students’ career path, so it will be a waste if we not make use of them to apply vocational guidance - based activities as the solution to the problem I have chosen warm-up and post- stages to carry out the following activities These are some suggested activities which I have applied to guide vocation for my students Suggested activities applied in Unit 5: Higher education 1.1 Sample application 1: A- Reading ( Warm-up)  Aim: Help students recognize the career options after leaving high school  Suggested activity: Brainstorming: List the career options you can select after leaving high school  Time limit: minutes  Preparation: - Students: Prepare posters and pens for group work; find out career options - Teacher: Prepare a poster of expected answers  Procedure: - Divide class into groups of six or eight - Ask students to list what they can after finishing high school and write on LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com the posters - After minutes, the representative of each group shows their poster - Which group has more right options will get higher points These are the imagines of students’ activities  Expected answer: Applying for a tertiary institution Finding a job Starting up CAREER OPTIONS Going abroad for labor export Enrolling in vocation schools Taking an undergraduate course abroad  Transition: You may have a lot of choices after you finish high school If you decide to apply for a tertiary institution, it means you will continue with higher education And the topic of Unit is Higher education 1.2 Sample application 2: A- Reading (Post-reading)  Aim: Guide students to consider seriously whether they should apply for a university or enroll in a vocational school after they finish high school  Suggested activity: Discussion: Make a comparison between academic 10 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The pictures describe students’ activities  Suggested answers: Some job requirements: - Good heath - Work experience - types and amounts (years) of work experience - Skills (soft skills and/or technical skills) - Specific knowledge - Education level and type - Professional licenses, accreditations and certifications - Personal qualities and attributes - Languages - Physical abilities - Appearances (depend on types of job) 2.3 Sample application 3: B- Speaking (Warm-up)  Aim: - Guide students to determine the criteria for choosing a future job  Suggested activity: A survey (What is your expected future job like?)  Time limit: minutes  Preparation: - Students: Think about the criteria for choosing a jobs - Teacher: Prepare handouts of a number of characteristics of jobs  Procedure: - Give the handouts to every student - Ask students to express their opinion by putting a tick in the column “yes” or “no” What is your expected future job like? Yes No 23 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - high-paid - steady - contracted - full time - demanding - safe - high-powered - stressful - suitable to your interests/ aptitude - suitable to your qualification - in a big city - in your hometown - challenging - rewarding - in a company - in an office - in a factory/firm - After one minute, ask students to compare their result to their partner - Call on some students to present their result - Teacher gives comments and draws a conclusion: “If you want your future job to meet your expectation, you should set a number of criteria before choosing a job What are your criteria?” - Call some students to tell about their criteria for choosing a job - Other students give comments The pictures below illustrate students’ activity and product 24 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com  Expected answer: Criteria for choosing a job  - Salary - Growth opportunities - Remuneration - Stability - Working condition - Passion - Working time (hours) - Job requirements Transition: To identify which job is suitable to yourselves and meet your criteria, please start lesson B- Speaking to learn about the characteristics of some future jobs 2.4 Sample application 4: C- Listening (Warm-up)  Aim: Help students learn about the labor market in Vietnam  Suggested activities: Watch a video clip about the jobs in Vietnam and suggestions for changing and give comments  Time limit: minutes  Preparation: - Teacher: Prepare the video clip, T.V or computer and projector  - Procedure: Play the video clip “What does the future jobs in Vietnam look like?” (Link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UMLY8maB3o) - Students watch the clip about minutes - Teacher gives them some questions: Question 1: After watching the video, what you know about jobs in Vietnam? Question 2: What is the reform areas recommended to change future employment? - Students discuss the questions - Call the representatives of the groups to show the answer 25 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The imagines cut from the video clip  Expected answer: - After watching the video, I know that three out of four jobs in Vietnam are in family farming, household enterprises or un-contracted labor These jobs tend to be low productivity, low profits, and low wages with few opportunities for advancement of workers - The reform areas recommended to change future employment are: Increasing the number of jobs created in the modern sectors, increasing the quality of jobs in traditional sectors and developing a more agile and broadly skilled labor force  Transition: You have got some information about job market in Vietnam Now, in the lesson CListening, you are going to listen to job market in the US 2.5 Sample application 5: C- Listening (Post-listening)  Aim: Guide students to find out important information about labor export  Suggested activity: Discussion: Foreign countries seem to be the potential labor markets for Vietnamese labors That is why many young people choose labor export as a career path What you should find out if you want to work abroad?  Time limit: 10 minutes  Preparation: - Students search for information about labor export - Teacher: Prepare a poster of expected answer 26 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com  Procedure: - Divide the class into groups of or - Students discuss to find out necessary information about labor export - After minutes, call on the representatives to report their groups' answers The pictures illustrate students’ activities - Ask other groups to give comments - Teacher gives comments  Expected answer : WHAT TO FIND OUT ABOUT LABOR EXPORT Procedure of labor export The way going to work abroad, the application for visa Labor markets Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Germany, Russia… Types of jobs Unskilled labor (housekeeper, worker, farmer, cleaner…) Skilled labor (cook, carpenter, tailor, driver, electrician, …) Service-providing organizations Service-providing enterprises, tertiary institutions or vocational schools Human factors Health (no contagion), age (example: from 18-35 years old), gender Remuneration Wage, salary, benefit, insurance, working hours Preparation Fee, passport, foreign languages, health certificate, vocational training certificate Risks Money, labor accident 27 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com 2.6 Sample application 6: D - Writing (Warm-up)  Aim: Help students realize what they have to to be offered a job in the future  Suggested activity: Reordering: Reorder the activities to make the right process of applying for a job  Time limit: minutes  Preparation: - Students: Think about what they have to to apply for a job - Teacher: Prepare a poster of suggestion What you have to to get a job Updating your resume Identifying your job requirements Performing a self-assessment Researching jobs and employers Sending your letter of application and resumes Looking for the vacancy Writing a letter of application Taking part in an interview Finding out information about the job and the vacancy Making a list of jobs to explore  Procedure: - Divide class into groups of or - Ask students to discuss and reorder the steps to make the correct process of applying for a job - After minutes, call the representatives of the groups to show the answer - Other groups give comments - Teacher gives comments 28 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com  Suggested answer: The process of applying for a job Performing a self-assessment → Identifying your job requirements → Making a list of jobs to explore →Researching jobs and employers → Looking for a vacancy → Finding out information about the job and the vacancy →Writing a letter of application → Updating your resume →Sending your letter of application and resumes to the company → Taking part in an interview  Transition: Writing a letter of application is one of the most important steps to apply for a job Lesson D:- Writing in Unit will help you be able to write a letter of application 2.7 Sample application 7: E - Language focus (Warm-up)   Aim: Guide students to base on multiple intelligence theory to choose suitable jobs Suggested activity: Matching: (Match the two halves of relative clauses to each other)  Time limit: minutes  Preparation: - Students: Think about what they have to to apply for a job - Teacher: Prepare the cards of the halves of relative clause sentences (two halves of a sentence in two different colors) Half Half The people that possess linguistic intelligences are suitable to work as a librarian, writer, radio or TV announcer, journalist or lawyer The students who are good at calculating, quantifying, and carry out completing mathematical operations The students whose skills are understanding and interacting effectively with others can work as an accountant, technician, engineer or computer analyst are suitable to become a counselor, psychologist or salesperson ,politician or receptionist The people who are imaginative should work as an artist, an architect, and able to draw, create 3D models photographer, sculptor, or fashion designer Someone that is able to can work as a gardener, discriminate among living things naturalist, botanist, geologist (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world park 29 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com The people who are able to are suitable to be a psychologist, understand oneself and ones’ coach, or philosopher thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directing ones life The students whose aptitude is singing or playing an instrument, composing music are suitable to become a singer, professional musician, disc-jockey, music therapist The people who are able to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills may become an athlete, dancer, mechanic, physical education instructor, carpenter or builder  Procedure: - Divide the class into groups of 16 students - Give each group a set of the cards (each member keeps a half) - The members of the groups have to discuss to match the halves in order to make meaningful sentences - After finishing, call on a group to present, each pair reads aloud their sentences so that the whole class can check if they are right or wrong - Which group finishes correctly first will get more points - Teacher gives feedback The imagines of students’ activities  Expected answer: Sentence 1: The people that possess linguistic intelligences are suitable to work as a librarian, writer, radio or TV announcer, journalist or lawyer Sentence 2: The students who are good at calculating, quantifying, and carry out completing mathematical operations can work as an accountant, technician, engineer or computer analyst 30 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Sentence 3: The students whose skills are understanding and interacting effectively with others are suitable to become a counselor, psychologist, salesperson, politician or receptionist Sentence 4: The people who are imaginative and able to draw, create 3D models should work as an artist, architect, photographer, sculptor or fashion designer Sentence 5: Someone that is able to discriminate among living things (plants, animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world can work as a gardener, park naturalist, botanist or geologist Sentence 6: The people who are able to understand oneself and ones’ thoughts and feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directing ones life are suitable to be a psychologist, coach, or philosopher Sentence 7: The students, whose aptitude is singing or playing an instrument, composing music are suitable to become a singer, professional musician, discjockey, or music therapist Sentence 8: The people who are able to manipulate objects and use a variety of physical skills should consider becoming an athlete, dancer, mechanic, physical education instructor, carpenter or builder  Transition: What type of the sentences has been made above? They are relative clauses, and in the lesson today Unit 6: E- language focus, we will revise relative clauses Suggested activities applied in Unit 8: Life in the future 3.1 Sample application 1: A - Reading (Post-reading)  Aim: Help students recognize what skills they should equip themselves to meet the requirement of future jobs  Suggested activity: Discussion: With the rapid development of technology, what skills you must equip yourselves to meet the requirements of future jobs in the 4.0 technical revolution  Time limit: 10 minutes  Preparation: - Students: Search for the skills you must equip to meet the requirements of future jobs; prepare posters and pens for group work - Teacher: Prepare a video clip, T.V or computer and projector, a poster of suggested answer  Procedure: - Divide the class into groups of or - Students discuss to find out the skills they must equip to meet the requirements of future jobs 31 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - After minutes, call on the representatives of the groups to report their groups' answers The imagines illustrate students’ activities - Ask other groups to give comments - Teacher shows the video clip “Skills for future jobs in Vietnam” (link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lf3D-iNWtg) in which students will see a researcher explains that the machines are coming and what the employees in the future need is quipping themselves with human skills such as: management, leadership, working in teams, complex problem solving and any thing that requires a human touch The imagines cut from the video clip  Expected answer: Skills for future jobs - Communication - Teamwork - Leadership - Problem solving - Initiative and enterprise - Planning and organising - Self-management - Long life learning - Technology - Foreign languages 3.2 Sample application 2: C - Listening (Post-listening) 32 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com  Aim: Guide students to find out the potential of market trend in beauty and healthcare services in the future  Suggested activity: Discussion: It is said that people’s life is being improved day by day; it causes the increase of the demand of being taken care of health and beauty What you think about the market of beauty and health care in the future? Analyze the potential of this market trend  Time limit: 10 minutes  Preparation: - Students: prepare posters, pens for group work; search for the potential of beauty and health care services in the future - Teacher prepare a poster of expected answer  Procedure: - Divide the class into groups of or - Students discuss to find out the potential of beauty and health care services in the future - After minutes, call the representatives of the groups to report their groups' answers The pictures show students’ activities - Ask other groups to give comments  Suggested answer: As the living condition is improved, people are becoming more interested in taking care of their health and beauty This precedes the rapid development of many beauty and health care services in the future; we can see the potential of a lot of jobs as following: MARKET TREND IN BEAUTY AND HEALTH CARE 33 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com - Dermatologist - Eyelash technician - Product developer Beauty and personal care services - Spa owner - Nail technician - Hair stylist - Cosmetic surgeon - Cosmetologist - Athletic trainer - Physical therapist jobs - Sports medicine aide Health and fitness - Physical therapy assistant - Sports and fitness nutritionist - Strength and conditioning coach - Exercise physiologist - Medical assistant - Nursing assistant - Registered nurse Medical care services - Pharmacy technician - Home health aide - Dietitians and nutritionists V RESULTS AND COMMENTS Results I applied these vocational guidance based activities in Unit 5, and to teach my grade 12 students in the school year 2018-2019 In spite of some difficulties, we achieved considerable success The effect of the activities helped our students understand more about the relationship between education, training and employment Especially, my students were equipped with a lot of knowledge of employment so that they can make decision on their future jobs more easily We have carried out the survey again with the same questions for the same students from four classes last time The survey was done the second time at the end of the first semester (after using these activities) to check how effective the 34 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com activities have brought about The table below shows the results of the survey before and after using the vocational guidance based activities Questions Answers Before using the activities using the activities 5% 2% 43% 35% C Very important 52% 63% Do you find it necessary to A Unnecessary be given vocational guidance B Necessary in the class? C Very necessary 6% 2% 53% 52% 41% 46% How much vocational A Little guidance you get through B Normal your English lessons? C Much 87% 3% 23% 41% 0% 56% How much you know about future employment? A Little 56% 4% B Normal 33% 12% C Much 11% 84% 12% 47% 34% 39% 54% 14% How important you think A Normal about vocational guidance is? B Important How you feel about A Easy making decision on your future B Normal jobs? C Difficult After Comments The survey shows that in comparison with before using the interventional activities, the students’ understanding of future employment has risen After using the activities, we have found that the students not only realized the importance of vocational guidance but they also improved their knowledge of future employment They found it necessary to be provided with vocational guidance They learned much about future employment through English lessons as well, so they were able to make a better choice for their future jobs more easily PART III: CONCLUSION 35 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com With sixteen suggested activities applied in warm-ups and post- stages of three units: Unit 5, Unit and Unit (Tieng Anh 12), I have made full use of the three topics to provide my students with vocational guidance without changing the knowledge and skill standard of the lessons designed in textbook The warm-up stage not only stimulates students’ learning but also gives students meaningful lessons about vocation The post- stage is not simple for students to comprehend or summarize the text anymore Instead, it gives students the chance to apply what they possess into their real life Another success is that our students not only have chances to explore future employment but they also improve their language skills, teamwork skills and raise their creativity It is impossible to say that these activities have directly shown the students which job they should choose However, it is undeniable that they have helped our students have a full vision of future employment, which drives them make the best choice for their future jobs In short, they are quite useful and practical The study was started to conduct in the first term of the school year 20182019, when I was assigned to teach grade 12 students and I realized that the problems my students were facing were not only the coming exams but also preparing for future jobs This is the reason why I have tried to find out the solutions that help them both study for the exam and raise their ability of job selection My solutions met a number of difficulties because of our students' poor ability of English They were not confident to speak English and not enough vocabulary to express their ideas as well However, they were always asked to prepare for the lessons before, so at least they had acquired useful knowledge during the preparation to support the activities By using the Internet, I was able to find out much important information to carry out the study Furthermore, the study has completed with the help of myschool’s Board of Directors, my colleagues and my students In fact, these are only some suggested activities applied in three units, other teachers can design different activities as long as they can help students recognise what they have to to prepare for future career This should be carried out as soon as possible We can also apply similar activities to the other units even for Tieng Anh 10 and 11 Especially to other subjects, we completely can apply this method to organise learning activities The measures have been given out are just from my own experiences during the process of teaching Consequently, it must contain a number of drawbacks There are still many aspects of vocational guidance I want to mention but I have not found the solutions I would like to get the comments and good ideas from readers and other teachers so that the topic will become more perfect, interesting and practical REFERENCES 36 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com Adrian, D Teach English Cambridge: Cambridge University Press in association with the British Council (1998) Graham Crookes, a Practicum in TESOL: Development through Teaching Practice Cambridge University Press (2003) Harmer, J How to teach English London: Longman Press (1991) Hoang Van Van, Tieng Anh 12 textbook (2008) http://www.academia.edu https://www.jobmonkey.com/ http://www.nclrc.org/essentials/reading/goalsread.htm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4lf3D-iNWtg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UMLY8maB3o 10 https://www.teachervision.com/multiple-intelligences/using-multipleintelligences-theory-choosing-career 11 www.google.com.vn 12 www.teachhub.com 37 LUAN VAN CHAT LUONG download : add luanvanchat@agmail.com ... Dietitians and nutritionists V RESULTS AND COMMENTS Results I applied these vocational guidance based activities in Unit 5, and to teach my grade 12 students in the school year 20 18- 2019 In spite of some. .. suggested activities applied in warm-ups and post- stages of three units: Unit 5, Unit and Unit (Tieng Anh 12), I have made full use of the three topics to provide my students with vocational guidance. .. educational institutions engaging in vocational training - Providing information for the learner about admission requirements, the length of training, and the cost of attending and institution

Ngày đăng: 03/11/2022, 09:38