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山山山 2012 山山山山山山 山山山山山山山山(山)山山山山 本本本本本 I 本本本 II 本本本本本本 12 本本本本 150 本本本本本本 120 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本本本 1.本本本本本本本本本 0.5 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 2.本 I 本本本本本本本本本本本 2B 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 3.本 II 本本本本 0.5 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本 I 本本本 105 本本 本本本本 本本本本本本本本本 30 本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本本本 本本本本本 本本本本本本 1.5 本本本本 7.5 本本 本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 A本B本C 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本 10 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 1.What we know about the man? A.He hasn’t eaten any sandwich yet B.He thinks the first sandwich is better C.He’s too full to eat another sandwich 2.Why are the neighours moving out? A.They don’t like the flat B.They can’t afford the high rent C.The landlord doesn’t mean what he says 3.How did the man hear about the fire? A.Over the phone B.On the television C.In the newspaper 4.Where is the woman going first? A.To the cinema B.To the concert C.To the bank 5.What are the two speakers going to tomorrow afternoon? A.Go shopping B.Return to the beach C.Pay a visit to Joe and Linda 本本本本本 15 本本本本本本 1.5 本本本本 22.5 本本 本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 A本B本C 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本 本本本本本本本 本 本本 6.Why did the man fail his midterms? A.He played a lot B.He was ill during that time C.He did a lot of part-time jobs 7.What does the woman suggest the man do? A.Go to summer school B.Ask the teacher for help C.Have a good rest tonight 本本 本本本本本本本 本 本本 8.What is the woman going to after dinner? A.Watch TV B.Give a speech 本本 本本 本本 C.Listen to a speech 9.What we know about the woman? A.She feels very tired B.She enjoys the election very much C.She likes to shake hands with many people 本本 本本本本本本本 10 本 12 本本 10.What kind of room does the man book? A.A single room with bath B.A double room with bath C.A double room with a king-size bed 11.What is the man? A.A teacher B.An engineer C.A writer 12.How much will the man pay for the room? A.本19 B.本95 C.本190 本本 本本本本本本本 13 本 16 本本 13.What are the speakers mainly talking about? A.How to be a good mother B.How to relieve stress C.How to eat regularly 14.What we know about the woman? A.She is married B.She has two little sons C.She has got four full-time jobs 15.How long does the woman sleep one day? A.About hours B.About hours C.About hours 16.What does the woman like to ? A.Run with the dog B.Cook different cookies C.Eat a piece of dark chocolate 本本 10 本本本本本本本 17 本 20 本本 17.Who will go on the field trip? A.All the students B.The students who want to go C.The students who have been chosen 18.What does the speaker ask the students to take? A.Money B.Lunch C.Umbrellas 19.What need the students tonight? A.Watch a video B.Do some homework C.Read the handout 20.Who is the speaker? A.Professor Jason B.The field trip leader C.The driver of the school bus 本本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本 35 本本 本本本 本本本本本本本本本 15 本本本本本本 本本本本 15 本本 本 A本B本C本D本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 21.There is argument on the spreading easy access to Internet A.本本本the B.an;the C.the;an D.the;本本 22.—Do I need to give a tip if I eat at a fast food restaurant in the United States? to tip waiters in a restaurant —Yes , it’s a common A.sense B.custom C.method D.practice 本本 本本 本本 23.I earn only 50 dollars a week, she earns 80 dollars A.when B.while C.as D.since 24.It’s not safe to travel by standing at the road side hoping to be by passing motorists A.picked up B.picked out C.put on D.taken on 25.My brother never talked about climbing , because he knew that was I got injured A.what B.when C.how D.where 26.Finding a job in such a big company has always been his wildest dreams A.under B.over C.above D.beyond 27.They will send kids to college it takes, even if that means a huge amount of debt A.whoever B.however C.whatever D.whichever 28 around the lab, we were taken to see the library A.Being shown B.Showing C.Having been shown D.To show 29.I can your homework being wrong , but you mustn’t copy from others A.put up with B.come up with C.keep up with D.end up with 30.I have passed my examination easily, but I made too many stupid mistakes A.must B.will C.shall D.could 31.Although her disease her eyesight and forced her to leave the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity A.has affected B.affected C.affects D.had affected 32.—Thank God! This school term is coming to an end! a holiday —Yeah , after all that hard work , we all A.preserve B.observe C.reserve D.deserve 33.The girl went to have piano lessons at the training center with her sister she would stay for an hour A.who B.where C.which D.what 34.In my daily life I ignore work , study , and other activities to check my phone for messages A.fluently B.frequently C.immediately D.practically 35.—You always go to the seaside and swim during the summer vacation Don’t you want to try something different this year? — A.Like what? B.With pleasure C.Let’s go then D.That’s all right 本本本 本本本本本本 20 本本本本本本 本本本本 20 本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本A本B本C 本 D本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 An old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and 4-year-old grandson The old man’s hands 36 , his eyesight was not clear, and his 37 unsteady 本本本本本本 The family were 38 every night at the dinner table But the elderly grandfather’s shaky hands and 39 sight made this rather difficult Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor When he grasped the glass, 40 would often spill 本 本 本 本 onto the tablecloth.“We must some-thing about grandfather,”said the husband So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner There , grandfather ate 41 in the corner while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner at the dinner table 42 grandfather had already broken a dish or two , his food was served in a 43 bowl Sometimes, when the family 本本 本本 本本 44 grandfather, he had a tear in his eye as he ate alone 45 , the only words the couple had for him were sharp 46 when he dropped a fork or spilled food The 4-year-old boy watched all this 47 One evening before supper, the father 48 his son playing with wood scraps 本本本本 on the floor He asked the child sweetly : “What are you making?” Just as 49 , the boy answered:“Oh, I am making a little 50 for you and mama to eat your food from when I grow up ”The 4-year-old boy smiled and went back to 51 on it The words 52 the parents so much that they were 53 Then tears started to stream down their cheeks 54 no word was spoken , both knew what they had to That evening, the husband took grandfather’s hand and 55 led him back to the family table 36.A.wounded B.moved C.trembled D.dragged 37.A.step B.feet C.speech D.body 38.A.away B.together C.asleep D.apart 39.A.losing B.failing C.disappearing D.rising 40.A.food B.pan C.milk D.dinner 41.A.alone B.casually C.steadily D.bitterly 42.A.After B.Since C.While D.When 43.A.small B.safe C.big D.wooden 44.A.glanced at B.stared at C.looked through D.looked after 45.A.However B.Otherwise C.Still D.Rather 46.A.comments B.quarrels C.warnings D.remark 47.A.in silence B.in advance C.in danger D.in charge 48.A.researched B.noticed C.searched D.explored 49.A.firmly B.suddenly C.cruelly D.sweetly 50.A.bowl B.cup C.spoon D.pan 51.A.worship B.work C.whisper D.weave 52.A.impressed B.touched C.confused D.struck 53.A.speechless B.homeless C.fearless D.hopeless 54.A.Once B.Whether C.Though D.Unless 55.A.gently B.happily C.fluently D.fortunately 本本本本 本本本本本本 20 本本本本本本 本本本本 40 本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本A本B本C本D本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 A India is traditionally a tea-drinking country But, it is now gaining a new taste for coffee This has led international coffee companies to consider opening businesses in the huge market Local business people are also hoping to profit from the country’s tea-drinking habits They want to open new stores that offer tea It is ten thirty in the morning in India Two cafes are within meters of each other, near a college in New Delhi And they are selling a lot of tea Their main customers are undergraduate students “We have a lot of break between classes, so whenever we get time, we just go and we enjoy ourselves It’s a lot of fun , especially when you are with people you enjoy spending time with ” In the past ten years , cafes have become increasingly popular in India The country’s huge young population have quickly taken to the coffee culture 本本 本本 本本 Coffee stores have spread from major cities like New Delhi and Mumbai to smaller towns Coffee use has doubled in the last ten years It is the success of this market that has gained the attention of companies like the American-based coffee chain Starbucks The company will open its first store in India later this year Other companies like Lavazza and Costa Coffee are already there Yet, the growth of coffee will not reduce the popularity of tea Indians drink eight times more tea than coffee They have been drinking tea for more than one hundred and fifty years India is one of the world’s biggest producers of tea, which is known locally as “chai” Outside homes and offices, it is mostly sold by small businesses on the street 56.Why international coffee companies consider opening businesses in India? A.India consumes very little coffee B.India has a large population C.People in India now prefer coffee to tea D.Indians come to like the taste of coffee 57.Which one is correct about undergraduate students? A.They only have tea in the cafes B.They are the main customers in the cafes C.They like enjoying coffee with friends in cafes D.They like to go to the cafes to escape lessons 58.What can we learn about coffee in India? A.Coffee is consumed more than tea in India now B.Coffee is much more welcomed by young Indians than tea C.Coffee consumed today doubles that of ten years ago D.The growth of coffee will reduce the consumption 59.Which statement is wrong according to the passage? A.Coffee stores have spread to small towns in India B.Some foreign coffee companies are trying to open Indian coffee market C.Local people worry about losing profit on tea D.Indians drink eight times more tea than coffee 60.What is the text mainly about? A.Undergraduate students are main coffee consumers in India B.Indians mainly consume both tea and coffee C.India is traditionally a tea-drinking country D.India is becoming a big new coffee consuming country B Many rural areas in the United States have no doctor Some medical schools are trying different ways to treat the problem One idea is to educate doctors in smaller communities and hope they stay Dr William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program at the University of Kansas in the Midwest “We need more doctors There’s somewhere like a quarter of all of our physicians in Kansas who are sixty years of age or older So we need to be replacing physicians, too ”Says Dr William Cathcart He also says medical students from rural areas now typically study in Wichita or Kansas City, two of the biggest cities in Kansas They say, “You know, I really have every intention of coming back to rural Kansas,”but they meet a soul mate, they get married, their soul mate happens to be from a big city and we never see them again They get captured in the big city Hopefully, if we train them in smaller communities, they can meet the future spouses here , they 本本 本本 本本 can network here, and they have those connections which can hopefully be lifelong The program is based in Kansas’ tenth largest city , Salina, home to about fifty thousand people Salina is about a three-hour drive from Kansas City, past fields of corn, soybeans and cattle Student Claire Hinrichsen grew up in a town of about six hundred people She attended the University of Kansas, or KU, as an undergraduate One reason why the chose the Salina program is because of the size There are only eight student s—the smallest medical school in the country Classes are taught by professors in Salina or on a video link from Kansas City or Wichita Students who complete the four year program will then their residency training in a small community in the surrounding area One place a resident might work is the Clay Center Clinic, where Dr Kerry Murphy is a family physician Rural doctors generally serve older, poorer patients Going into a specialty in a big city can mean better working hours and more money to pay off student loans The Salina program will pay tuition for each year that students practice in a rural area in Kansas 61.What does the underlined word “spouses”in Paragraph mean? A.Wives husbands B.Homes C.Families D.Physicians 62.The reason why the medical students don’t want to go back to rural areas is that A.they don’t like to live in the rural Kansas B.there are not many girls in the rural Kansas C.they found their soul mates in cities D.the life in rural Kansas is so hard 63.From the text we learn that A.Salina has a population of 500,000 B.a quarter of all physicians in Kansas are too old for the ideal doctors C.William Cathcart-Rake heads a new program in rural Kansas D.Educating more doctors in cities can settle the problem 64.Why did student Claire Hinrichsen choose the Salina program? A.Because she found her soul mate in rural Kanas B.Because she likes to work as a doctor C.Because she grew up in a town of 6,000 people D.Because she likes the size of the program 65.What is the purpose of the passage? A.To make it known that it lacks doctors very much in rural Kansas B.To introduce a program handling the lack of doctors in rural Kansas C.To train students to become doctors for rural Kansas D.To meet the demands of doctors for many rural towns in Kansas C Whitney Houston, who died on February 11, 2012 in Beverly Hills, California, is being remembered across the globe as a trailblazer 本 本 本 本 本 Among all of Houston’s outstanding achievements, including a total of more than 400 career a wards , her most significant achievement was her record-setting string of seven Number One singles on the Billboard Hot 100 chart It broke the previous record of six set by The Bee Gees and The Beatles The string began on October 26 , 1985 with her Grammy-winning hit “Saving All My Love For You,” and ended on 本本 本本 本本 April 23, 1988 with her R 本 B ballad “Where Do Broken Hearts Go.” It was the fourth single from her album“Whitney”to go to Number One, also a record for a female artist She sold more than 170 million albums worldwide and co-produced and recorded songs for one of the best-selling soundtracks本本本本of all time, The Bodyguard Whitney Houston was born the daughter of famed gospel 本 本 本 本 singer Cissy Houston in Newak , New Jersey Dionne Warwick was her cousin and Aretha Franklin her godmother She began as a gospel singer and pianist in her mother’s church and sometimes performed alongside her in nightclubs At age 15 , Whitney sang backup on Chaka Khan’s “I’m Every Woman,” a tune she later performed on The Bodyguard soundtrack Whitney signed with Arista in 1983 and released her self-titied debut album two years later The New York Times called her first effort, “an impressive, musically conservative showcase 本 本 本 本 for an exceptional vocal talent 本 本 本 本 本 本 ” She continued to achieve similar praise for subsequent albums, while her fast-growing fan base put her into the world-class entertainer In 1998, she released her most musically-diverse album to date, “My Love Is Your Love.” The title track became her third best-selling single ever The past 10 years were filled with highs and lows While Whitney’s contract at Arista Records was renewed for 本100 million, album sales began to slide Her 14-year marriage to singer Bobby Brown ended in 2007 , she canceled concerts and interviews , and accusation arose of drug abuse Her final album “I Look To you,” sold more than two million copies and reached the Number One spot in 2009 66.What’s Whitney Houston’s most outstanding achievements? A.Selling more than 170 million albums worldwide B.Her 400 career awards C.Her vocal talent D.Her record-setting string of seven Number One singles 67.According to the text, Houston A.was born in a gospel singer family B.released her famous album at the age of 15 C.sold the most of the albums worldwide D.Whitney first signed with Arista in 1985 68.What was Houston accused of ? A.Her divorce with Bobby Brown B.Her conflict with her former husband C.The canceled concerts and interviews D.Drug abuse 69.When did Whitney release her first self-titled album? A.In 1983 B.In 1985 C.In 1989 D.In 1987 70.What is the main idea of the first paragraph? A.Whitney’s success B.Whitney’s achievements C.Whitney’s best singles D.Whitney’s music talents D Ammie was only 18 months old when she had an accident that scarred her for life While her mother was away for a moment , the curious baby reached up to a hot kettle in the kitchen and poured boiling water all over her body An ambulance was called and rushed the baby to nearby hospital About 20 percent of Ammie’s body had been burned and all of her burns were third degree The doctors could tell 本本 本本 本本 immediately that Ammie’s best chance of survival was specialized burns unit some miles away at Glasgow Royal hospital There , using tissue taken from unburned areas of Ammie’s body, surgeons performed complex skin grafts 本本本本本本 to close her wounds and control her injuries , an operation that took about six hours Over the next 16 years, Ammie underwent 本本本本 12 more operations to repair her body When she started school at the age of , other pupils made cruel comments or simply wouldn’t play with her “I was the only burned child in the street , the class and the school,” she recalls, “Some children refused to become friends with me because of that.” Today , age 17 , Ammie can only ever remember being a burned person with scars ; pain is a permanent part of her life, she is still awaiting two further operations Yet she is a confident, outgoing teenager who offers inspiration and hope to other young burnt victims Ammie’s parents have been a great support to her “They told me of people had a problem with my burns, the problem with my burns, the problem was theirs not mine,” says Ammie “They taught me to cope with other people’s reactions and constantly reminded me I was valued and loved.” Ammie’s positive attitude to life means she is often contacted by burns charities 本本本本 本本, helping younger patients build their self-respect to live with permanent scars Now she is a member the Scottish Burned Children’s Club “Ammie provides so much encouragement for the younger ones She is optimistic and outgoing and a perfect role model for them , ” say Donald Todd, chairman of the club This month , Ammie will join some younger children on a summer camp “I’ll show them how to shrug off unkind stares from others , ” she says Ammie loves wearing fashionable sleeveless tops 本本本本本本 , and she plans to show the children at the summer camp that they can too “I don’t go to great lengths to hide my scars , ” she says “I gave up wondering how other people would react years ago.” 71.Ammie was taken to Glasgow Royal hospital because A.it was the nearest hospital to her home B.it was the only hospital curing her burns C.surgeons there were skilled at performing skin grafts D.it was a local hospital excellent at treating burns 72.How many operations will Ammie have to receive altogether ? A.12 B.13 C.14 D.15 73.The underlined phrase “shrug off” in the last paragraph is closet in meaning to A.ignore B.avoid C.accept D.tolerate 74.Which of the following best describes Ammie ? A.Shy, pessimistic and discouraged B.Strong-minded , optimistic and helpful C.Fashionable , sensitive and easygoing D.Careful , confident and intelligent 75.What is the main idea of the passage? A.Ammie had an accidents and had to many operations B.Ammie was a brave gire after the accident C.Ammie helped many younger patients D.Ammie has a positive life through many operations 本本 本本 本本 本 II 本本本 45 本本 本本本本 本本本本本本本本本本本 45 本本 本本本 本本本本本本 76 本 本本77本78本80 本本本 本本本 79 本 本本本本 15 本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 [1]Food sometimes gets poisoned with harmful things A person who eats such food can get an illness called food poisoning Food poisoning is usually not serious , but some types are deadly The symptoms of food poisoning usually begin within hours of eating the poisoned food Fever is one of the most common symptoms [2]Certain microorganisms 本本本本本 cause most types of food poisoning Bacteria and other microorganisms can poison eggs , meat , vegetables, and many other foods After entering the body , these tiny living things release poisons that make people sick [3]Some chemicals can also cause food poisoning They are often added to food while it is being grown, processed, or prepared For example , many farmers spray chemicals on crops to kill weeds and insects Some people may have a bad reaction to those chemicals when they eat the crops [4]Some plants and animals contain natural poisons that are harmful to people These include certain kinds of seafood, grains, nuts, seeds, beans, and mushrooms [5]When people handle food properly, the risk of food poisoning Microorganisms multiply rapidly in dirty hands or put food on unwashed surfaces Food should be kept in a refrigerator to stop microorganisms People should also wash food covered with chemicals before eating it Finally, people should not eat wild mushrooms or other foods that grow in the wild Some of these foods may contain natural materials that are poisonous to humans In addition, some types of fish can be poisonous [6]Most people recover from food poisoning after a few days of resting and drinking extra water If people eat natural poisons, they must go to the hospital right away to have their stomachs emptied 76.What is the purpose of the first paragraph? 77.Fill in the blank in paragraph with proper words.(no more than words) 78.List the causes of food poisoning.(not more than words for each cause) ① ② ③ 79.Translate the underlined sentence in the last paragraph 80.What is the main idea of Paragraph ? 本本本 本本本本本 30 本本 本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 1.本本本本本本本本 2.本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 3.本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本 本本 本本 本本本 1.本本本120~150本 2.本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 本本本feel oneself inferior本本本本 Dear Wang Ming , Yours, Li Hua 本本 本本 本本 本本本本本本 本I本 本本本本本 1—5 ACACB 6—10 ACBAA 11—15 BCBAB 16—20 CABCB 本本本本本 21—25 BDBAC 26—30 DCCAD 31—35 ADBBA 本本本本本 36—40 CABBC 41—45 ABDAC 46—50 CABDA 51—55 BDACA 本本本本本 56—60 DBCCD 61—65 ACBDB 66—70 DADBB 71—75 DDABD 本 II 本 本本本本 76.To bring in the topic of the passage 77.is very small/is not serious 78.①Certain microorganisms ②Some chemicals ③Some plants and animals containing natural poisons 79.本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本本 80.How to reduce the risk of food poisoning 本本 Dear Wang Ming, I am very sorry to hear that you had an accidents and left a disability in your leg There is no doubt that you are sad now However , as is known to all, every coin has two sides Don’t feel sad and inferior to others In my point of view, you should cheer up first So precious is time that you can’t afford to waste it I hope that you will have a positive attitude to life What you should now is to be confident and outgoing from now on Never lose heart to life Don’t give up struggling for your dream, and you will be valued and loved All in all, keep a good state of mind Only in this way can you be a sunny boy and make your parents happy Best wishes to you! Yours, Li Hua 本本 本本 本本 本本本本本本本 本Text 1本 W: Would you like another sandwich? M: Another sandwich? Where is my first one? (Text 2) M: I don’t understand why the neighbours are moving out so soon They just moved into the flat last month W: The landlord has refused to mend the thing he promised before they moved in (Text 3) W: How did you hear about the fire? It wasn’t on the television news M: No, It wasn’t in the newspaper Sandra called and told me about it W: Oh I see (Text ) M: Would you like to go to the cinema with me? W: I’d like to But I have to go to the bank, and then my friends and I are going to a concert (Text 5) W: This is a beautiful beach Shall we come again tomorrow? M: Don’t we have to go shopping? W: We can that in the morning, and come here in the afternoon M: OK And let’s bring Joe and Linda with us (Text 6) W: Why are you studying so hard these days? M: I have to well on my final exams because I failed my midterms W: How did you manage to fail your midterms? M: I went to too many parties and spent a lot of time with my girlfriend W: What will happen if you fail your final exams? M: Maybe I’ll have to go to summer school W: What a pity! Oh, it is already 11 o’clock Why not go to bed early tonight and gather up your strength for tomorrow’s exam? (Text 7) M: Are you ready? W: I’ll be ready in a couple of minutes M: We have to be at the hotel in fifteen minutes W: Do I have to make a speech tonight? M: Just a short on after dinner W: What about televisions? Will they have cameras there? M: I certainly hope so I’d like to book a room, please W: Ah I’ll be glad when the election is over I’d like to have a good night’s sleep more than anything else right now I’ll have to shake hands with so many people (Text 8) M: Good afternoon We’d like to book a room, please W: Fine, what kind of room would you like? M: A single room with bath, please, oh, and a king-size bed W: I’ll just check that we have a room free Yes, that’s ok Could you tell me your name? 本本 本本 本本 M: Yes, it’s Jason W: OK I’ve got that And your job? M: Engineer W: And how long will you be staying? M: Just a couple of nights until December 8th W: So that’s a single room for two nights M: Yes Can you tell me the price? W: Yes It’s 本95 per night, breakfast included How will you be paying? M: With a Visa card W: OK, if I can just take a copy of the card Thank you Right, well here’s your key and your room number is 19, on the first floor M: Thank you (Text 9) M: Helen, you’ve got about four part-time jobs, and you’re a mother of two little girls and you’re a wife I’m wondering how you manage stress When there is just too much going on, what you do? W: I usually get some exercise, even if it’s 18 minutes Sometimes I may take my baby on a fast18minute walk with the dog M: Now, so, you use exercise as one of the ways How you find enough time to sleep? You’ve got to certain things How you get enough rest and relaxation? W: I love to have a piece of dark chocolate but not too much Many people will overeat when they are stressed out They stay up and eat up all those cookies without thinking about it That’s going to make things even worse (Text 10) W: I would like to thank Professor Jason for letting me have a few minutes to talk to you about the field trip we are going on tomorrow This field trip is a required part of the class You must participate if you want credit You will be expected to participate and keep a journal in your laboratory notebook The bus will leave at 9:00 a.m in the morning and we will be returning around 5:00 p.m Be on time because we will be leaving at once Remember to bring your lunch because we won’t take special trips to town to get food You should also bring some warm clothes in case the weather changes I have put together a small handout to guide you during the trip Please pick up the handout after class and read it tonight This should be a fun experience and hopefully you will learn something too As your leader I will try to make the trip a rewarding one 本本 本本 本本

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 14:56


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