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Central Washington V. Puget Sound

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Central Washington University ScholarWorks@CWU CWU Athletics Events Programs CWU Athletics Collections Fall 11-6-1948 Central Washington V Puget Sound Central Washington University Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/ cwu_athletics_event_programs Recommended Citation Central Washington University, "Central Washington V Puget Sound" (1948) CWU Athletics Events Programs 27 http://digitalcommons.cwu.edu/cwu_athletics_event_programs/27 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the CWU Athletics Collections at ScholarWorks@CWU It has been accepted for inclusion in CWU Athletics Events Programs by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@CWU For more information, please contact pingfu@cwu.edu - * I SATURDAY, NOV 13, 1948 Eastern Washington vs Central Washington "WILDCATS" Rodeo Field Ellensburg, Wash ,H,omecoming Greetings: I am happy to join with the students and staff in extending a warm welcome to alumni and friends on this Homecoming occasion This is your day and the welcome sign is out on every door on the campus The football game today is with Eastern which has always been a rival that has stimulated general interest This game is the climax of the 1948 football season and trust that the same good sportsmanship prevails as has characterized the rivalry between these two colleges in the p3.st Two fine teams will meet today so we expect to witness many exciting p erformances May this be a pleasant homecoming day Robert E McConnell, President Central Washington College of Education Dr McConnell CRIMSON "W" CLUB WELCOMES ALUMNAE The "W" Club, the athletic award winners organization at Central joins the entire college in welcoming you back to the campus The events of this Homecoming weekend are planned, practiced and put on for you, the alums, in an effort to renew old memories of your past days here at Central Not apart from the other events is this contest between Central Washington Wildcats and Eastern Washington's hard-hitting Savages this afternoon E.W.C is a big, tough, fast ball club and is a definite favorite However, Central has a particular advantage today Tha.t advantage is the support we have received from you, the alumni, throughout this season Your support has been a definite contribution to a successful foot ball season for the Wildcats The "W" Club wants to thank all you alums for your support and urges that you keep up the good work, not only this football season, but the rest of the school year and commg years as well In conclusion we only ask that you observe the ball game today We are confident that it will w e ll show you how your appreciated backing makes for a fighting Central squad Robert G McCullough Pres of "W" Club 19!/B Homecomin9 Queen On behalf of the students of Central Washington College, would like to extend a sincere welcome to all former students, alumni, and visitors campus this weekend on our With the wonderful cooperation and spirit of the student body, we know that this will be the most outstanding Homecoming in the history of our school We hope that you have enjoyed the activities planned for you and will continue to participate in our Homecoming events Beverly Rasmusson MEET THE NEW CHEERLEADERS The new yell leaders selected this year are Snuffy Smith and Tommy Knutson in t h e back row with Louise Petrich a nd Marilyn Dreher (Photo by Ball) Wednesday, November 10 Saturday, November 13 :30-8 :00 p m -Grand Opening of Homecoming Crowning of Queen and Radio Show over KXLE, College Auditorium Thursday, November 11 :30-9 :30 p m -Student Stunt Night Presentation of Queen , College Auditorium Friday, November 12 12:00 noon-Classes suspended preparations for Homecoming 4:00 to sundown-Greased Pole Contest; Freshmen vs Sophomores :00 a rfl 9:00 a m - I K Breakfast, New York Cafe - Alumni Breakfast and Meeting, We bster's Cafe - Parade 10:00 a m 11 :30 a m -Kappa Delta Pi Luncheon, Websters Cafe 12:30 p m -Elwood Open House 2:00 p m -Football; Central vs Eastern, Rodeo Field 4:00 p m - Sue Lombard Coffee Hour, Sue Lombard :00 p m - Home Economics Club Welcomes Alumni, Home Economics Rooms 4:00 p m -Munson Hall Open House, Munson Hall :30-5 :30 p m -Coffee Hour For Alumni, Dr McConnell Home :30-5:30 p m.- Kamola Open House, Kamola Hall 4:30-5 :30 p m.-Inspection of New Science Building 6:30-8:00 p m -Banquet, Sue Lombard Hall :00-12 :00 p m.-Dance, Music by Music Makers, New Gym :30 p m.- Late Leave Ends 7:30-9 :30 p m -Stunt Night, College Auditorium 7:30-9:30 p m.-Games and Dancing, Campus Club 10:00 -Pep Rally, Parade and Bonfire Sunday, November 14 :.00-11 :00 a m.-Herodetean Breakfast, residence Dr Mohler The Evergreen Intercollegiate Conference, one of the biggest little-college athletic leagues on the coast, is off to a flying s tart in th is, its first y ea.r of operation, and-backing up this statement is t he terrific football record its members have piled up in winning I out of 18 games against non-conference opposition Formation of the new conference took place late last spring, with seven schools making up the charte r membership They include : Central Washington College, Eastern Washington College, Pacific Lutheran College, St Martin's College, Western Washington College and Whitworth College, all former members of the old Washington lntercollP.giate Conference, and College of Puget Sound, formerly of the Northwest Conference An eighth member, University of British Columbia, has been granted membership into the conference, and it will commence Evergreen competition during the coming basketball season U B.C is currently engaged in Northwest conference football action but will switch to the Evergreen grid schedule in 1949 Having the honor of serving a s the f~rence' s first president 1s Leo Nicholson, Central' s long-time, successful director of athletics Perry Mitchell, prominent coast athletic official and a Renton publisher, is commissioner of the conference The name of the conference was taken from Washington, the "Evergreen" state, and all the members with the exception of the University of British Columbia, located in British Columbia but very close to W W.C and Bellingham, comprise our state's fast-growing smaller colleges which may give way to the bigger colleges in size but more than make up for it in spirit The Evergreen conference is definitely big-time on a small-college scale but watch it grow in power and prestige with each coming year of red-hot action in all the major sports WILDCATS PLAYING FINAL GAME Seven of the men who will be playing their last games in a ewe uniform are pictured above From left to right, kneeling: Jack Dorr, Bob Osgood and Dominic Bort Standing: Bob McCullough, Wayne Jensen, Ed Bartlett and Russ Victor (Photo by Ball.) MILLER AND SEMON Shown above are two of the men who work hardest on the football team and receive little notice They are Don Miller, manager, and Bill "Doc" Semon (Photo by Ball.) Pre-Game Statement by Coach Shorty Luft: On behalf of the Central football squad I wish to extend a welcome to the Central Alumni on this Homecoming I am ever t emindful that I am fortunate to direct football here at the College and it is with a great deal of pride and joy that we, the coaching staff, can present to you a group of men who have paid the premiu·.n s in football Premiums are paid in the form of strenuous and often punishing physical effort, in loyalty and cooperation, and in the subordination of self interest for the good of the team We meet a fine and capable opponent in Eastern Their 1948 record has been impressive and up to th~ present, the Savages must in their final game emerge victorious in order to remain in the title race Although Central's title aspiration was throttled by the slim margin of defeat a week ago-The Wildcats, who ask no quarter, will be out to make this a homecoming long remembered by its faculty, students, patrons, and its alumni Wilbur E Luft, Football Coach CENTRAL'S COACHING STAFF Ralph Grant, Shelley Kem, Head Coach Shorty Luft, Arne Faust Speaking for the team, I would like to welcome all of the alumni back to Central for homecoming This year we have the largest enrollment in the history of the school and they have all pitched in to help make this the biggest and best homecoming yet I can assure you the team will its part Our opponents for the homecoming game are our traditional rivals from Cheney, the Eastern Washington Savages They boast a big line and fast backfield, and are rated as one of the best small college teams in the nation We here at Central hold no fear of them Although our team is small in comparison, it is a tough, scrappy outfit, and so far has held its own with the best in the conference Win, lose or draw, I can promise you a good ball game, and the Savages a busy afternoon Captain Bob Osgood EASTERN'S COACHING STAFF Merle Vannoye, Head Coach Abe Poffenroth, Dan Stavely "The Wildcats of Central Washington are one of our toughest opponents from year to year, and we are not excluding today This is their Homecoming and they will be fired up, but we have had a very good year, with the exception of our game with the College of Puget Sound, and our boys will be all out to keep that record as clean as we can, even with that one loss I have always enjoyed my competition against the Wildcats, and I am sorry that this will be my final appearance against them in Collegiate competition." -Leonard "Bud" Thrapp, Co-captain BUD THRAPP "Today marks the end of the season for the Savages, and we hope to end this season the same way we started it With a win To date, we have played eight games, and have been defeated in only one, giving us a record of seven wins against one loss We are going to strive to make this eight wins against one loss, :it the expen se of the Central Washington College Wildcats." - Donald Rosbach, Co-captain DON ROSBACH The Evergreen conference CONFERENCE RECORD College Puget Sound Eastern W ashingt on P acific Lutheran Central Washington Whitwort h College Wester n Wash ington S t Martin 's College w L 1 4 4 O T Pct 0 0 Pf Pa 1.000 76 800 125 61 800 90 30 500 13 19 250 38 53 000 22 82 120 000 () 0 SEASON RECORD w 5 2 L 1 4 T () () 0 Pct Pf WINCO CHAMPIONS 1938 Western 1939 Eastern, P L C., Tied 1940 P acific L ut heran 1941 P acific L ut heran 1942 Cent ral No Winco Compet it ion in 1943, 1944 1945 1946 Central Pa .786 96 38 875 173 74 786 110 42 714 89 32 429 127 98 '.333 99 88 250 78 161 E u TI 1947 Eastern Washington College FB Svoboda FB Lowe 56 LHB Beardsley RHB Doran LHB Thrapp 58 RHB Perrault 62 QB Iyall QB Raappan a 14 LE Satterlee LT Hake 13 21 LG Osgood 17 66 Kontos c RG Bo rt 15 24 RT RE Bonjorni, B McCullough 69 LE Sheahan 76 28 LT LG C Thoreson D Rosbach Pein 60 64 78 Squad List 10 11 12 13 14 TIM Central Washington College 18 K lEtorn, Cherr y , b Driten ba ss, b Beardsley, b Victor, b Doran, b Carmody, b Kruger, b Boettcher, b Moffet, g Do r r, b Ba rtlett, b Jensen , b Satterlee , e lyall, b RG RT Lowther Poffenrot h 63 77 RE Nagel 73 Sq uad List 15 Kontos, c 16 Sherwood, b 17 Osgood, g 18 Svoboda, b 19 Sc hoole r, e 20 K a p ral, e 21 Hake, t 22 Smith , c 23 Hawkins, g 24 Sort, g 25 C Richardson, t 26 King, g 27 H e nley, e 28 McCullough, e 30 43 45 50 54 56 61 62 63 68 69 86 J Richardson , b D Bonjorn i, g Lynch , e Thompson, g McLa ne, t Shuer, t Meul1, b Duclaw, t Vannelli, c Oebser, t B Bonjorni, t C Sa tterlee , e Jameson , b Spe ichler, g G Carleton, b 13 Benish, e 14 Cummings, g 17 Will iams, g 26 Everman, t 30 Gaze, g 34 R Carleton, e 41 Ernest, g 50 Willging, c 51 Thompson , t 52 Graves, t 55 Rasmussen, e 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Lowe, b Cobb, b Thrapp, b Gill, b Thoreson, t Glazie r, b Perrault, b Lowther, g D Rosbach , g Michaelson, b Raappa na, b Doe, e 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 Brewer, b Walters, e R Rosbac h , t Underwood, b Hunt, t Nagel, e Conrad , c Spence, g Sheaham, e Poffenroth, t Pe in, c Benton, g Game Officials : SCORE 11 121 Referee Frank G illihan Umpire Bill Hardie Hea d-Lin esman Walter Lindquist Field J udge Glen Sherar 141 TOTAL I Coke=Coca-Cola ltEFEREE'S SIGNALS 11Coca·Cola11 and its a bbreviation "Coke" are the registered trade·marks which distinguish the product of The Coca~Cola Company ~·) Illegal forward pass w ff~~ Crawling, pushing or he lping runner v ~r ~ Deley of gome or excess time out & ' Illegal motion or formation at snap Unnecessary roughness Int erference with forward poss ' Holding ~I ~ ~ Pe na lty refused, incomplete pass, missed goal, etc (

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 12:54

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