Consultants in Natural Resources and the Environment HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Prepared for DENVER • DURANGO • HOTCHKISS • IDAHO Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission 221 N Wisconsin Street, Suite G Gunnison, Colorado 81230 Submitted to— History Colorado 1200 Broadway Denver, Colorado 80203 Prepared by ERO Resources Corporation 1842 Clarkson Street Denver, Colorado 80218 (303) 830-1188 Written by Abigail Sanocki Jonathan Hedlund Prepared under the supervision of Sean Larmore, Principal Investigator History Colorado Project #CO-15-018 ERO Project No 6503 August 2016 ERO Resources Corp 1015 ½ Main Ave Durango, CO 81301 970.422.2136 ABSTRACT The Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) contracted ERO Resources Corporation (ERO) to prepare a county-wide historic resource survey plan ERO developed the plan using funds from the Certified Local Government Subgrant Program administered by History Colorado (Project #CO-15-08) The survey plan provides prioritization recommendations for future intensive or reconnaissance survey efforts to identify and document cultural resources in Gunnison County The purpose of a survey plan is to identify areas where survey may help the HPC establish priorities for future preservation, nominations, and public outreach as derived through the information gained during a survey The survey plan includes recommendations for future reconnaissance or intensive surveys of buildings, structures, and archaeological resources on county-, city-, and privatelyowned land The survey recommendations provided are prioritized based on public input, the extent of previously conducted work in the county, the current condition of resources that reflect important themes in the county’s past, and the goals and powers of the HPC In addition to providing guidance for planning future cultural resource surveys, this document includes an overview of the previously conducted survey and documentation work in Gunnison County and a thematic historical overview of the county’s history The historical overview provides general guidance for interpreting the history and determining the significance of historic properties associated with the identified themes ERO Project #6503 i FEDERAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The activity that is the subject of this material has been financed in part with Federal funds from the National Historic Preservation Act, administered by the National Park Service, U.S Department of the Interior for History Colorado and in part by History Colorado State Historical Fund However, the contents and opinions not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the U.S Department of the Interior or History Colorado, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the Department of the Interior or History Colorado This program receives Federal funds from the National Park Service Regulations of the U.S Department of the Interior strictly prohibit unlawful discrimination in departmental Federally-assisted programs on the basis of race, color, national origin, age or handicap Any person who believes he or she has been discriminated against in any program, activity or facility operated by a recipient of Federal assistance should write to: Director, Equal Opportunity Program, U.S Department of the Interior, National Park Service, 1849 C Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20240 ERO Project #6503 ii CONTENTS Abbreviations iv Project Description Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission Purpose of the Survey Plan Project Area Methodology and Data Collection Public Outreach File and Literature Review 15 Field Reconnaissance 18 Cultural Overview 22 Protohistoric Contact and Early Exploration .22 Early Settlement of Gunnison County, ca 1860s to ca 1915 .25 Early Settlement of the County’s Population Centers 28 Transportation 33 Early Development of Mining, ca 1870 to ca 1914 38 Early Ranching, 1869 to ca 1914 43 Recreation, 1879 to ca 1965 46 Recommendations for Future Survey 50 High-Priority Surveys 51 Medium-Priority Surveys 56 Low-Priority Surveys 61 Opportunities for Implementing Future Surveys 64 Summary 66 References Cited 67 TABLE Table Prioritized survey recommendations FIGURE Figure Project location .8 APPENDICES Appendix A Meeting Notes and Public Response Appendix B Previous Surveys and Previously Documented Sites Appendix C Table of Cultural Resources Identified During Windshield Survey Appendix D Information and Contacts for Funding Sources ERO Project #6503 iii ABBREVIATIONS BCC Gunnison County Board of County Commissioners CLG Certified Local Government CR County Road ERO ERO Resources Corporation D&RG Denver & Rio Grande Railroad DSP&P Denver South Park & Pacific Railroad HPC Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission landmark Resource on Gunnison County Register of Historic Landmarks Legacy Ranchland Conservation Legacy NHPA National Historic Preservation Act NRHP National Register of Historic Places OAHP Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation SHF State Historical Fund SRHP Colorado State Register of Historic Properties Western Western State Colorado University ERO Project #6503 iv HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO AUGUST 2016 Project Description The Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) contracted ERO Resources Corporation (ERO) to prepare a county-wide historic resource survey plan The plan was developed using funds from the Certified Local Government (CLG) Subgrant Program (Project #CO-15-08) It provides prioritization recommendations for future intensive or reconnaissance survey efforts to identify and document historic resources (i.e., sites or properties containing archaeological resources, structures, and/or buildings that are related to significant events, themes or people from the past, significant methods of construction or architectural design, or have the potential to yield additional information about the history of the region); survey types are defined in the Field Reconnaissance section of this report The purpose of a survey plan is to identify areas where survey may help the HPC establish priorities for future preservation, nominations, and public outreach as derived through information gained during a survey The surveys could also assist the HPC’s efforts to work proactively with the other county commissions and landowners for preservation and during planning review for new developments in Gunnison County The survey plan includes recommendations for future reconnaissance or intensive surveys of buildings, structures, and archaeological resources on Gunnison County, municipal, and privately owned land Survey recommendations are prioritized based on public input, the extent of previously conducted work in the region, the current condition of resources that represent important themes in the county’s past, and the goals and powers of the HPC In addition to providing guidance for planning future cultural resource surveys, this document also includes an overview of the previously conducted survey and documentation work in the county and a selective historical overview that identifies important themes and periods of significance The historical overview provides a basis for interpreting the history and significance of historic properties ERO’s survey recommendations are prioritized in three categories from high to low High priority surveys are surveys most likely to help the HPC meet their goals for ERO Project #6503 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO preservation, collaboration, and public education, and could be completed without right-ofentry to privately owned lands Medium priority surveys are focused on areas where there is a high concentration of cultural resources and opportunities for the HPC to collaborate with local community organizations in small population centers across the county Low priority survey recommendations are provided for places which the HPC and public show interest in researching but not have high concentrations of cultural resources and are under little threat of loss The recommendations are summarized in Table 1, below, and explained in detail in the Recommendations for Future Survey section near the end of this document Table Prioritized survey recommendations Priority High Medium Low Survey Recommendation Comprehensive reconnaissance/selective intensive survey to identify architectural and structural resources on all properties owned by Gunnison County or a municipality Comprehensive intensive archaeological survey of select county-owned lands Selective intensive/selective reconnaissance survey of East and West Downtown Gunnison Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of abandoned railroad grades Selective intensive survey of historic agricultural complexes along recreational and transportation corridors Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Ohio City Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Pitkin Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Crystal Townsite Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Comprehensive intensive archaeological survey of the Baldwin/Castleton townsites Selective intensive architectural survey of Tin Cup Selective intensive architectural survey of Whitepine Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of historic recreation–related resources Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post–World War II resources in and around the City of Gunnison Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission The Gunnison County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) established the HPC in 1993 (BCC 1993 and 1999) The purpose of the HPC is to promote public education, health, and welfare through the preservation of historic places The HPC maintains the Gunnison County Register of Historic Landmarks (landmarks) and provides educational ERO Project #6503 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO and technical and funding assistance to the community relevant to the interpretation, nomination, and maintenance of cultural resources (City of Gunnison 2007; HPC 2007) Through the landmarks program, the HPC can implement funds and initiatives to meet the following goals: Protect and preserve historic resources Stabilize and enhance the value of historic resources Educate the public about local history and provide opportunities to participate in commemorating the region’s heritage Foster the enhancement and diversification of the economy through historic preservation and interpretation Ensure a balance between the rights of private landowners and the public’s interest in preservation The HPC comprises a volunteer board of county residents The HPC board collectively developed the criteria for the landmarks register and provides landowners, towns, and the BCC with technical information about the financial and physical aspects of preservation and maintaining a landmark property The HPC defined the following criteria to qualify a resource as a local landmark: 50 years old or older work of an important builder or architect high artistic value represents significant type, period, or method of construction associated with a significant person or cultural group associated with significant event or patterns in history contributes to a historic district may possess information important to history or prehistory The HPC reviews landmark nominations and recommends nominations to the BCC (BCC 1993; HPC 2007) The HPC also accepts dedicated or deeded easements or properties containing cultural resources and can expend money to maintain those resources (BCC 1999) In addition to expending county funds, the HPC can actively pursue financial assistance for preservation, education, and survey programs to identify and document significant resources Through intergovernmental agreements with the City of Gunnison and the Town of Crested Butte, the HPC’s ability to review landmark nominations is shared with the historic preservation boards in those cities, and the HPC maintains the authority to accept or deny a board’s recommendations for nominations or alterations to ERO Project #6503 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO landmarks (BCC 1997 and 1998) Currently, however, the City of Gunnison does not have a design review board, so the HPC is responsible for monitoring the use and maintenance of landmarks within that city Further, because the HPC was listed as a review agency in the 2016 Gunnison County Land Use Resolution, the HPC can also provide recommendations for development projects when land use changes may affect areas of concern to the HPC; the Community Development Department, Planning Department, or the BCC initiate reviews in response to an HPC request for an assessment of development impacts on cultural resources The HPC does not review all planning and development requests but only those deemed by the BCC to warrant review by the HPC The HPC’s greatest authority is derived from Gunnison County Resolution No 93-32, which not only established the HPC but also provides stipulations for the nomination of local landmarks and the protections that are afforded to landmarks Under Resolution No 93-32 (III)(1), members of the HPC and the general public can recommend cultural resources for designation as landmarks After obtaining consent from the property owner, the HPC approves properties for landmark listing when the property qualifies under any of the HPC landmark criterion/criteria defined above, and have consent from the property owner Landmarks are protected from “any new construction, alteration, removal or demolition” without first obtaining a landmark alteration certificate through the HPC The HPC can provide recommendations for in-kind alterations, impose a timeline for completing alterations, or request that the BCC or other county commissions deny construction permits Resources listed on the Colorado State Register of Historic Properties (SRHP) and the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) are not afforded the same protections under Gunnison County regulations unless a state agency or a federal nexus is present The HPC can impose a moratorium on issuing permits to a property owner who does not adhere to its recommendations on alterations (BCC 1993; HPC 2007) –– although the county’s private landowners, characterized as diverse and independent (City of Gunnison 2007; Mike Pelletier, personal communication 2016), not consistently request permission from the county to make alterations A property owner who can demonstrate that his or her property no longer retains integrity (i.e., integrity of historic location, ERO Project #6503 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO setting, design, materials, workmanship, association, and feeling) or that the HPC’s recommendations create an economic hardship can remove their property from landmark status Because of the independent nature of private landowners in the county and ongoing public perceptions about the expense and limitations imposed by historic preservation initiatives that could restrict a property owner’s options when developing or maintaining their buildings, the BCC and municipalities are hesitant to strictly enforce the recommendations of the HPC or local preservation boards, let alone create more strict criteria for a design-review process According to the City of Gunnison, city and county “policy makers have been reluctant to create such [historic preservation design standards and] regulations, as they may interfere with economic development,” and the city council recommends “it may be appropriate to experiment with simple design standards to select neighborhoods” instead of imposing more strict and broad-reaching guidelines for preservation (City of Gunnison 2007:10) Purpose of the Survey Plan The purpose of this survey plan is to define and prioritize future cultural resource surveys in Gunnison County The plan includes recommendations for intensive or reconnaissance-level surveys of places or select resources based on historical themes Recommendations are focused on the built, historic environment of the county because archaeological sites, especially prehistoric, are not easily recognized by the public and the best means to preserve these sites is to keep their locations confidential; however, the plan does include recommendations to consider archaeological resources in rural areas with high potential to contain historic or prehistoric resources Factors for prioritizing recommendations in the plan include the HPC’s needs, goals, and limitations; public input on the historic preservation process and historic places important to residents; significant resource types and historical themes in the county; threats to potentially significant resources; and the extent of previously conducted survey and documentation work in the county Of the greatest benefit to the HPC, future survey work will result in the inventory and documentation of the county’s resources and the completion of additional interpretive research into their history Documentation serves as the easiest form of preservation and can provide the foundation for future physical preservation (i.e., stabilization and/or restoration) efforts ERO Project #6503 Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B17 Project Location Sections 30 and 31, T50N, R1E; Sections 5, 6, and 7, T49N, R1E; New Mexico PM USGS Gunnison CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1979) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B18 Project Location Sections 3, 10, 11, 14, and 15, T49N, R1E; New Mexico PM USGS Signal Peak CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1979) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd 5GN1262 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B19 Project Location Sections and 5, T48N, R1W; New Mexico PM USGS Iris NW CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1979) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd 5GN5833 5GN1344 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B20 Project Location Sections 23 and 26, T50N, R3E; New Mexico PM USGS Pitkin CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1979) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd 5GN2549 5GN2128 ( 5GN5022 5GN2365 ( ( ( ( ( 5GN1346 5GN2370 5GN363.8 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B21 Project Location Sections and 10, T50N, R4E; New Mexico PM USGS Pitkin CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1979) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B22 Project Location Section 34, T50N, R5E; New Mexico PM USGS Whitepine CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1983) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Path: P:\6500 Projects\6503 Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan\Maps\6503 Figure Bs.mxd 5GN1979 ( Gunnison County Historic Resource Survey Plan Figure B23 Project Location Sections and 11, T48N, R3E; New Mexico PM USGS Doyleville CO Quadrangle (1:24,000, 1979) Site Approximate Site Location Selected Town Gunnison County City of Gunnison 1,000 1:24,000 2,000 Feet ± Prepared for: Gunnison County Historic Preservation Commission File: 6503 Figure Bs.mxd (GS) June 12, 2016 Portions of this document include intellectual property of ESRI and its licensors and are used herein under license Copyright © 2015 ESRI and its licensors All rights reserved Appendix C Table of Cultural Resources Identified During Windshield Survey ERO Project #6503 C1 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Table C1 Cultural Resources identified during windshield survey Name Address Resource Type / Architectural Style Date of Construction 1947 Gunnison Savings & Loan 303 N Main Street, Gunnison Commerce, financial institution / Modern Movement Denver & Rio Grande Depot Transportation, rail-related, depot/ Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Education, education-related / Modern Spanish Colonial Revival 1885, 1935 Chipeta Hall - Western State Colorado University 611 S Main Street, Gunnison N Teller Street, Gunnison Ute Hall - Western State Colorado University N Pitkin Street, Gunnison Education, education-related / Spanish Colonial Revival 1950 est Crawford Hall - Western State Colorado University E Gothic Avenue, Gunnison Education, college / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1940 est Taylor Hall - Western State Colorado University N Adams Street, Gunnison Education, college / Mixed late 19th century and 20th Century Revivals 1911, 1940, 2000s Kelley Hall - Western State Colorado University Escalate Drive, Gunnison Education, college / Modern 1960 est Hurst Hall - Western State Colorado University Escalate Drive, Gunnison Education, college / Modern 1960 est Escalante Complex - Western State Colorado University Escalate Drive, Gunnison Education, education-related / Modern 1960 est Kelly Dairy / Kelly Building 302 W Tomichi Avenue, Gunnison Commerce, specialty store / Mixed: Quonset w/ modern false storefront 1928, 1988 Vacant residence 512 W Virginia Avenue, Gunnison 1920 est Stone block garage 901 W New York Avenue, Gunnison 620 S 9th Street, Gunnison Domestic, single dwelling; possible health care, hospital; vacant / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, secondary structure, garage / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Education; commerce, organizational / Rustic Commerce / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1966, 1974 Western State Colorado University Student Union Brick Commercial Building ERO Project #6503 708 W New York Ave., Gunnison C2 1950 est 1935 1960, 1976 Survey Plan Prioritization Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post–WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison High; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of abandoned railroad grades Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison High; Selective intensive/selective reconnaissance survey of East and West Downtown Gunnison High; Selective intensive/selective reconnaissance survey of East and West Downtown Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Name Address Resource Type / Architectural Style Date of Construction 1955, 1968 Residence 315 S Teller Street, Gunnison Domestic, single dwelling / Modern Movement Parlin Post Office / railroad stop 51387 US-50, Parlin Government, post office; transportation, rail-related / No style 1906, 1965 Denver South Park & Pacific Railroad Depot & Section House Cebolla Sportsmans Hotel 205 Roller Street, Ohio City Transportation, rail-related, depot; domestic, multiple dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, hotel / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Commerce; dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Government, post office / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Commerce / No style 1881-1890 est., 1930 Agriculture, agricultural field; domestic, single dwelling; vacant / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Recreation and culture, outdoor recreation / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Government, government office / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Late 1800s est Pitkin Assay Office Pitkin Post Office Silver Plume General Store 93 CR 13, Gunnison 315 Main Street, Pitkin 419 Main Street, Pitkin 204 9th Street 1905 est 1881-1900, 1961 1885, 1965 1964, 1980 Fuyu Farms US Highway 50, Parlin Santarelli Hotel, Sapinero fishing cabin Gunnison-Crested Butte Tourism Association 1809 County Road 727, Gunnison 202 E Georgia Avenue, Gunnison Gunnison County Family Services 225 N Pine Street, Gunnison Government, government office / Modern 1950, 2000 Gunnison County Fairgrounds 275 S Spruce Street, Gunnison Recreation and culture, fair / No style 1960 Gunnison County Health Education Center 300 E Denver Avenue, Gunnison Governmental, government office; healthcare / Modern 1955, 1968 ERO Project #6503 C3 Early 1900s est 1920, 1979 Survey Plan Prioritization Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-WWII resources in and around the City of Gunnison High; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of abandoned railroad grades High; Comprehensive reconnaissance/selective intensive survey to identify architectural and structural resources on all properties owned by Gunnison County or a municipality High; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of abandoned railroad grades Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of historical recreation-related resources Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Pitkin Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Pitkin Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Pitkin High; Selective intensive survey of historical agricultural complexes along recreational and transportation corridors Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of historical recreation-related resources High; Comprehensive reconnaissance/selective intensive survey to identify architectural and structural resources on all properties owned by Gunnison County or a municipality High; Comprehensive reconnaissance/selective intensive survey to identify architectural and structural resources on all properties owned by Gunnison County or a municipality High; Comprehensive reconnaissance/selective intensive survey to identify architectural and structural resources on all properties owned by Gunnison County or a municipality High; Comprehensive reconnaissance/selective intensive survey to identify architectural and structural resources on all properties owned by Gunnison County or a municipality HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Name Address Resource Type / Architectural Style Date of Construction 1964, 1970 Survey Plan Prioritization Rocky Mountain Rose Shopping Center 322 E Denver Avenue, Gunnison Commerce / Modern Cranor Hill ski area 2438 County Road 10, Gunnison 5855 County Road 742, Taylor River Canyon 35382 US Highway 50, Gunnison 16020 US Highway 50, Sapinero Area 176 King Avenue, Somerset 3616 State Highway 133, Somerset 12 River Road, Somerset 34 River Road, Somerset 125 King Avenue, Somerset 101 River Road, Somerset 3800 State Highway 133, Somerset 3788 State Highway 133, Somerset 3764 State Highway 133, Somerset 311 W Park Street, Marble Recreation and culture, outdoor recreation; health, resort / No style Domestic, single dwelling; agriculture / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1970 est Agriculture 1897, 1935 Commerce, department store; recreation and culture, outdoor recreation 1926, 1976 Domestic, single dwelling 1903, 1945 Domestic, single dwelling 1945 Domestic, single dwelling 1903, 1957 Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1903, 1938 Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1907, 1940 Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Government, government office / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1907, 1940 Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Domestic, camp; domestic, single dwelling, seasonal dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements 1912, 1920 Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble 1910, 1942 Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Elmer’s Ranch Moncrief Farm New Sapinero Village - Store and Campgrounds Garver Residence Oxbow Mining Residence Miszczak Residence Cook Family Residence Drennan Residence Sangeniti Family Residence McCay Residence Gillaspie Family Residence Somerset Domestic Waterworks district office Keithley-Graham Family Cabin Abstract Marble ERO Project #6503 303 W Park Street, Marble C4 1921 1903, 1951 1903, 1938 1907, 1959 Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of post-World War II resources in and around the City of Gunnison Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of historical recreation-related resources High; Selective intensive survey of historical agricultural complexes along recreational and transportation corridors High; Selective intensive survey of historical agricultural complexes along recreational and transportation corridors Low; Selective reconnaissance/selective intensive survey of historical recreation-related resources Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset Medium; Comprehensive reconnaissance/intensive architectural survey of Somerset HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Name Kern Residence Desser Residence Soucie Family Residence Marble Butcher Illian-Barber Residence Burdick Garage Beaver Lake Lodge guest cabin Beaver Lake Lodge guest cottage Gibbons Residence ERO Project #6503 Address 301 W Park Street, Marble 201 W Park Street, Marble 113 State Street, Marble 112 Main Street, Marble 205 E Marble Street, Marble 213 E Marble Street, Marble 201 E Silver Street, Marble 201 E Silver Street, Marble 205 E Second Street, Marble Resource Type / Architectural Style Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Commerce, specialty store; commerce, warehouse / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, secondary structure, garage / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, hotel / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, hotel / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements Domestic, single dwelling / Late 19th century and early 20th century American Movements C5 Date of Construction 1910, 1942 1908, 1966 1910, 1970 Late 1800s est 1910, 1942 1913, 1944 1954 1905 1920, 1936 Survey Plan Prioritization Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Medium; Comprehensive intensive architectural survey of Marble Appendix D Information and Contacts for Funding Sources ERO Project #6503 D1 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Local Community Foundation of the Gunnison Valley Gunnison County Metropolitan Recreation District (MetRec) State Colorado Come to Life – Matching Grant Program Community Resource Center – Colorado Grants Guide Denver, South Park & Pacific Historical Society Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) History Colorado National American Association for State and Local History (AASLH) The Graham Foundation National Endowment for the Arts National Trust for Historic Preservation Preserve America Grant ERO Project #6503 D2 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) Institute of Museum and Library Services National Park Service, Historic Preservation Fund Grants ERO Project #6503 D3 ... State Historical Fund SRHP Colorado State Register of Historic Properties Western Western State Colorado University ERO Project #6503 iv HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO. .. of historic places The HPC maintains the Gunnison County Register of Historic Landmarks (landmarks) and provides educational ERO Project #6503 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO. .. recommendations for future surveys ERO Project #6503 18 HISTORIC RESOURCE SURVEY PLAN GUNNISON COUNTY, COLORADO ERO’s windshield survey establishes baseline data from which historical and architectural