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experimental investigation on attenuation of emission with optimized lpg jet induction in a dual fuel diesel engine and prediction by ann model

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Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Energy Procedia Energy Procedia 00 (2011) 000–000 Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1427 – 1438 www.elsevier.com/locate/procedia Advances in Energy Engineering Experimental Investigation on Attenuation of Emission with Optimized LPG Jet Induction in a Dual Fuel Diesel Engine and Prediction by ANN Model Thomas Renald C.Ja*, Somasundaram Pb a b Department of Aeronautical Engineering, Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India Department of Mechanical Engineering, KS Rangasamy College of Technology, Tiruchengode, Tamilnadu, India Abstract Environment pollution due to vehicles exhaust emission is still a severe crisis and an international concern has been raised for its control and diminution Especially, man-kind is experiencing an epidemic of illnesses made worse by air pollution mainly because of increased number of automotive vehicles The main problem faced by most of the vehicles today is the emission of NOx which can be controlled by different ways such as exhaust gas recirculation, using alternate fuels, turbo charging, and different mode of combustion On the other hand, diesel engines are the most trustworthy power sources in the transportation Due to inflexible emission norms and rapid depletion of petroleum resources, there has been a continuous exertion to use alternative fuels Further researches are being carried out to reduce emission rates and these researches would be explored till reducing the exhaust emission upto zero level In such a way, the present investigation explores with a series of experiments towards effective combustion of air, LPG and diesel mixture without encompassing major modification in the engine construction Here, LPG jet is inducted through air inlet to accomplish homogeneous mixture then it is allowed into the combustion chamber of CI engine The major parameters of the LPG jet injector are optimised through CFD technique by utilizing a commercial CFD code Changes in the performance of the engine and emission levels with the influences of the jet parameters are observed and analysed experimentally The optimized jet parameters obtained through CFD technique and the experimental results achieved from the dual fuelled CI engine show considerable improvement in the engine performance and significant reduction in CO2, CO, HC and NOx emission besides the normal engine performance and emission levels of diesel fuel induction Eventually, an artificial neural network (ANN) model is developed for predicting the emission levels based on the jet parameters, applying load and % of LPG induction by utilizing the experimental results It is also found that the predicted results provided good agreement with the experimental results © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee © Published by Elsevier Ltd of 2011 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE) Keywords: Dual fuel CI engine, LPG jet injection, homogeneous air-fuel mixture, jet parameters, CFD approach, reduction of emission, engine performance, ANN model * Corresponding author Tel.: +919894956436 E-mail address: thomsi_reni2000@yahoo.co.in 1876-6102 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of 2nd International Conference on Advances in Energy Engineering (ICAEE) doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2011.12.887 1428 Thomas Renald C.J andEnvironmental Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author name / Procedia Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 Introduction LPG known as an auto gas is a mixture of Propane and Butane LPG is probably the third largest used fuel after petrol and diesel and is widely used as a cleaner, eco-friendly automotive fuel LPG produces significantly less carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen emissions as well as a smaller percentage of carbon dioxide emissions LPG also emits 90% less particulates than diesel engines Reductions in emissions from LPG have resulted in the government, offering a variety of incentives to encourage motorists to convert to LPG Car owners driving vehicles using alternative fuels will be taxed less than vehicles using petrol or diesel Other environmental advantages of Liquid Petroleum Gas as an alternative fuel include the fact that LPG engines are significantly quieter than diesel engines and marginally quieter than petrol engines Hence there is a scope for designing a gas jet and its position to study the engine performance rate and emission Gisoo Hyun et al [1] developed an LPG fuelled direct injection SI engine, especially in order to improve the exhaust emission quality while maintaining high thermal efficiency comparable to a conventional engine through Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Chunhua Zhang et al [2] conducted a study on the control scheme of a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)– diesel dual-fuel engine with electronic control The experimental results showed that comparing with diesel, the output performance of dual fuel is not reduced, while smoke emission of dual fuel is significantly reduced, NOx emission of dual fuel is hardly changed, but HC emission and CO emission of dual fuel are increased and fuel consumption of dual fuel is reduced Kurniawan et al [3] used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation and investigated the effect of piston crown shape to air motion characteristics of an internal combustion engine White et al [4] used CFD packages Fluent to model the direct-injection of two such fuels simultaneously into an engine and studied about the salient features of the two fuel jets are being to optimize the design of a dual-fuel injector for compressionignition engines Roberto et al [5] examined the flow geometry effects on the turbulent mixing efficiency quantified as the mixture fraction and compared two different flow geometries are at similar Reynolds numbers, Schmidt numbers, and growth rates, with fully developed turbulence conditions Ren et al [6] investigated the performances of the gaseous fuel supply and its influence on hydrocarbon (HC) emissions of dual-fuel engines and presented a new design of manifold respirators with mixers Cao et al [7] analysed an experiment on engine performance and sprays and characteristics between diesel and mixed liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)/diesel injection engines The performance test results showed that with LPG the mixed ratio increases, engine power reduces slightly, fuel consumption and engine noise have almost no change, pollutant emissions of smoke, CO and NOx at full load are improved significantly, but the amount of unburned HC increases In the above literature survey it has been reviewed that the mixture formation is good by modifying the design of piston head The performance of the engine increases when the LPG is electronically injected with micro controllers according to the speed and power required The emissions CO and NOx from the dual fuel engine are greatly reduced HC emissions from dual fuel engine are par with that of diesel at full load and its less in low loads and half loads The performance of the engine could be increased by designing the piston head by taking swirl and tumble ratio of the entering air Studying the flow characteristics and changing the flow pattern shows a significant change in performance of engine The design of the gaseous fuel supply system has a great influence on HC emissions in dual-fuel engines at light load A manifold respirator with a mixer gives the best performance in reducing HC emissions compared with a common pipe mixer and a respirator with no mixer Literature survey confirms that CFD tool can be used to study the gas jet parameters so as to improve performance of the engine and emission Major problems in emission control are design of engine and improper air-fuel mixture in the combustion system In an ideal combustion process, air-fuel mixture would be burnt completely within the combustion chamber In actual, when fuel is burnt, it emits virtually insignificant CO, O2 and relatively little NOx, the main constituents of acid rain, and substantially less CO2, a key culprit in the greenhouse debate, than most oil products and coal Thomas Renald and Somasundaram P\ / Sciences Energy Procedia 14000–000 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author nameC.J / Procedia Environmental 00 (2011) Major techniques can be followed in the reduction of emission problem are, • Modifying the engine design; • Using alternate fuel which produces low emission; • Recirculating or treating the exhaust for further utilization or conversion The emission control problems have been addressed in numerous research works, because reduction of emission is a difficult problem which is influenced by design of an engine, appropriate fuel, proper air-fuel ratio and homogeneous mixture, the engine operating parameters include load, speed, compression ratio, pilot fuel injection timing, pilot fuel mass inducted and intake manifold conditions Finally, it has been found that there is a scope for improving the performance and reducing emission level of diesel engines exclusive of major modification in the engine construction Nomenclature d inlet diameter of nozzle in mm x distance between tip of the nozzle and intersection of vertical axis of air inlet pipe and nozzle axis in mm θ inclination of nozzle in degree CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO Carbon Monoxide FC Fuel Consumption FHP Frictional horse Power FP Fuel Power HC Hydrocarbons IP Indicated Power in W NOx Nitrogen Oxide O2 Oxygen RPM Revolution per Minute SFC Specific Fuel Consumption ηmech Mechanical Efficiency ηB.TH Brake Thermal efficiency ηI.TH Indicated Thermal Efficiency Problem statement Recent researches and investigations on the compression ignition (CI) engine performance parameters optimization and emission problems are mainly dealing with modification of engine construction to improve the performance and reduction of emission which is tedious and non-interchangeable The present study made an attempt on reduction of emission level in the CI engine without having any major alteration in the existing engine construction and also to improve the performance of engine In the betterment of engine efficiency and reduction of emission level, LPG and air should be mixed homogenously The main objective of this work is to design a simple and realistic setup which would not disturb the existing engines construction and the developed setup could be adapted to all engines efficiently 1429 1430 Thomas Renald C.J/ Procedia and Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 000– (2012) Author name Enviroonmental Sciences s 00 (2011) –0001427 – 1438 Method of Analysis Fig.1 shoows the method of analysiss and as per thhis method on nly the presennt study was ccompassed In n the accompplishment of efficient combustion, air and LPG are premixeed together ttill achieving g homogeneouus mixture, before b the mixxture enters into i combustiion chamber to m with diiesel fuel To o achieve this, LPG jet is innducted againnst the flow off inlet air Beffore conductinng series of exxperiments, itt a decide thee condition off LPG jet flow w to be inductted In order too analyse thiss is formidablle to analyse and problem, Computational Fluid Dynam mics (CFD) technique t waas approachedd to fix the L LPG jet flow w me Method (F FVM) was addopted to solv ve Navier-Stookes and enerrgy equationss conditions Finite Volum t presence of LPG jet lo ocated in the flow path of air inlet by y which goveern the turbulent flow in the utilizing a commercial c C CFD code k-ω ω Shear Stresss Transport model m was ussed as a turbuulence model Various casses and confi figurations weere modelled to achieve homogeneous h s mixture of air/LPG and d triangular ellements were used to moddel both air annd LPG flow path Tests were w conducteed for variouss configuratioons and positioons of LPG innductor in thee cases of nozzzle and duct The better reesult obtained d from this invvestigation is given in Fig Fig 2a shoows grid geneeration when nozzle n is of 5m mm dia at 30°° inclination and a inserted by b 10mm conddition Fig 2bb presents the contour of paath lines colored by particlee ID to see thhe extent of turbulence prroduced at thhis condition The boundarry conditions are given ass follows Velocityy inlet conditiion was givenn to air inlet Pressure inlet was givven for LPG inlet i (Operatin ng pressure = 2.1MPa) The surrrounding facees were considdered as wall The surrrounding of innlet duct was taken as wall The endd of LPG ductt was considerred outflow Fig 2: a) Grid geeneration when nozzle n is of 5mm dia at 30° inclinaation and inserted d by 10mm, b) Contour of patth lines colored by b particle ID From thee results obtaiined by simullation, it is reealized that the physical parrameters of nnozzle and thee LPG jet affeect the homoggeneous mixinng of air/LPG G Based on th hese results, a series of expperiments wass conducted for f various innlet diameter of nozzle, disstance betweeen tip of the nozzle and inntersection off vertical axiss of air inlet piipe and nozzlee axis, inclinattion of nozzlee, % of LPG annd % of dieseel for differentt loading connditions to invvestigate the influences i of these parameeters over em mission and peerformance off engine Thomas Renald C.J/ and Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 000– (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author name Procedia Enviroonmental Sciences s 00 (2011) –000 Experimental setup The expperimental settup developedd for the preesent investigation is show wn in Fig Nozzle wass introduced at a the centre of o elbow porttion of air inleet pipe to injeect LPG jet foor achieving hhomogeneouss mixture of LPG L and air before b it enterss into engine cylinder To investigate thhe influences oof parameterss such as inlett diameter of nozzle (d), distance betweeen tip of the nozzle n and inteersection of vertical axis off air inlet pipee and nozzle axis a (x), inclinnation of nozzle (θ), % of LPG L and % of diesel for diffferent loading g conditions over o emission and performaance of enginee, the experim mental work was w designed inn such a way Different noozzles with inllet diameter (dd) of 5mm, 7m mm, 10mm an nd 12mm werre fabricated; the ‘x’ valuess were adopteed as 5mm, 7m mm, 8mm andd 10mm, baseed on the simu ulation resultss, nozzle incliination angless were taken as -180°, 30°°, 45° and 90°; different % of LPG and d % of diesel combinations are 0% and d a 60% and 40% respectiively for varioous loading coonditions of 100%, 20% and 80%, 40% and 60%, and T schematicc of nozzle arrrangement witth air inlet pippe is shown inn Fig.4 kg, 5kg, 10kkg and 15kg The Fig Nozzle arrangem ment with air inleet pipe Fig Schhematic of experimental setup 4.1 Experim mental Methoddology In the prresent study, a series of expperiments wass carried out for f different fuuel ratio of diesel and LPG G as 1:0, 0.8:00.2, 0.6:0.4 annd 0.4:0.6 forr various ‘d’ values, v ‘x’ vallues and ‘θ’ values v for diffferent loading g conditions as a mentioned above The exxperiment waas conducted based b on four cases as listeed below with h speed of thee engine mainntained constaant at 1500 rppm The exhau ust gases suchh as CO, CO2, O2, HC and d NOx were exxamined with the help of seeparate apparaatus called exh haust gas anallyzer ‘AVL 4337C5’ CASE 1: 1000% DIESEL In this caase, the enginee was operated with 100% diesel fuel and d the emissionn results weree acquired CASE 2: 200% LPG AND D 80% DIESEL L Here, thee engine was tested with 200% of LPG annd 80% of dieesel for variouus inlet diameeter of nozzle,, at different ‘x’ values witth different anngle of inclinaation for vario ous loading coonditions andd the emission n results were obtained D 60% DIESEL L CASE 3: 400% LPG AND With 40% % of LPG andd 60% of diessel for variouss inlet diametter of nozzle, at different ‘xx’ values with h different anggle of inclinattion for variouus loading connditions, the em mission resultts were accom mplished 1431 1432 Thomas Renald and Somasundaram P\ Sciences / Energys 00 Procedia (2012) Author name C.J / Procedia Enviroonmental (2011) 14 000– –000 1427 – 1438 CASE 4: 600% LPG AND D 40% DIESEL L In this case, c the enginne was operaated 60% of LPG L and 40% % of diesel forr various inleet diameter off nozzle, at different d ‘x’ vaalues with diffferent angle of inclination n for various loading l condiitions and thee emission ressults were exaamined Results and a discussion n 5.1 Engine performance p Figures from f to shhow the enginne performancce based on th he major param meters such ass specific fuell consumptionn, brake therm mal efficiency,, mechanical efficiency e and d indicated theermal efficienccy for variouss loading conditions respecctively From Fig 5, reduceed specific fu uel consumptioon is observedd for the casee d 60% of diesel and 40% off LPG Fig depicts brakee thermal efficciency for variious loading cconditions and e is noted n for the case 60% of diesel and 400% of LPG C Comparison off improved brrake thermal efficiency mechanical efficiency forr different loadding conditionns is provided d in Fig andd the maximum m mechanicall n efficiency iss clearly noticced for the casse 60% of dieesel and 40% of LPG Fig presents thhe comparison plot of indiicated thermaal efficiency for f different loading cond ditions and ennhanced indiccated thermall efficiency iss observed forr the case 60% % of diesel annd 40% of LP PG On the whole, w it is obvvious that thee case 60% off diesel and 400% of LPG shhows better enngine performaance Fig Load L Vs SFC Figg.7 Load Vs Mecchanical efficienccy Fig.6 Load Vs Brake thermal t efficiencyy Fig Load Vs Indiccated thermal effiiciency 1433 Thomas Renald C.J /and Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author name Procedia Environmental Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 5.2 Emission level The emission results of main toxic gases such as CO, CO2, HC, NOx and amount of O2 are compared and presented in Figures from to 13 for different loading conditions of kg, kg, 10 kg and 15 kg Fig shows the comparison plot of CO %vol for different diesel and LPG fuel ratio with different loading conditions and minimum CO % vol is noted for the case 80% of diesel and 20% of LPG The comparison plot of CO2 % vol in the exhaust gas for various diesel and LPG fuel ratio with different loading conditions is presented in Fig 10 From this figure, reduced concentration of CO2 %vol is observed for the case 40% of diesel and 60% of LPG The level of O2 % vol is compared and shown in Fig 11 and minimum concentration of O2 % vol is noticed for the case 60% of diesel and 40% of LPG which implies that air/LPG mixture is homogeneous and air-fuels mixture is burnt fully There is no considerable change in the concentration of HC which can be seen from Fig 12 Fig 13 delineates the comparison of concentration level of NOx for various diesel and LPG fuel ratio with different loading conditions and predominant reduction in NOx emission is examined for the case 40% of diesel and 60% of LPG According to these results, it is obvious that increase in LPG fuel ratio decreases the emission rate considerably 0.14 0.12 2.5 CO2 % vol CO % vol 0.1 0.08 0.06 1.5 0.04 0.5 0.02 0 10 Load in kg 12 14 16 100% DIESEL 80% DIESEL+ 20% LPG 60% DIESEL+40% LPG 40% DIESEL+60% LPG 10 12 14 16 Load in kg 100% DIESEL 60% DIESEL+40%LPG 80% DIESEL+20% LPG 40%DIESEL+60%LPG Fig.10 Load Vs CO2 Fig Load Vs CO 20 700 19 600 500 HC in ppm 18 O2 % VOL 17 16 400 300 200 15 100 14 10 12 14 16 100% DIESEL 60% DIESEL+40% LPG Fig.11 Load Vs O2 10 12 14 Load in kg Load in kg 80%DIESEL+20%LPG 40% DIESEL+60% LPG 100% DIESEL 80% DIESEL+20% LPG 60% DIESEL+ 40% LPG 40% DIESEL+60% LPG Fig.12 Load Vs HC 16 1434 Thomas Renald C.J andEnviro Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author name / Procedia onmental Sciences s 00 (2011) 000––000 140 120 NOx in ppm 100 80 60 40 20 -20 10 15 20 Load in kg 100% DIESEL 80% % DIESEL+20% LPG 60% DIESEL+40% LPG 40% % DIESEL+60% LPG Fig.13 Looad vs NOx r it is obbserved and decided d that th he nozzle withh diameter of 5mm inserted d From thee simulation results, by 10mm distance d insidde through elbbow of air innlet pipe at an a angle of 30° provides predominantt homogeneouus mixture of o air and LP PG fuel Acccording to thiis result, a series s of expeeriments wass conducted with w some possible cases annd combinationns to investigaate the influennces of physiccal parameterss of nozzle annd different fuel f proportioons From thee experimentaal results andd discussion, better enginee performancee was observeed for the casee 60% diesel and a 40% LPG On the contrary, consideraable reduction n in emission level of varioous gases are examined for 40% diesel and a 60% LPG fuel combinaation for mostt G decreases emission levvel but affectts the enginee of the casees which impplies that inccrease in LPG performancee for nozzle diameter d of 5mm at x =100mm subtendeed angle of 300° in both caases It is also o observed thhat nozzle coonditions inflluence the enngine perform mance and emission e leveel But fuell proportions and nozzle coonditions are confined withhin the abovee discussed annd mentioned range Hencee meters to fix ann exact conditiion to achievee better enginee performancee there is a need to optimizee these param m was predicteed and optimiized by using g with reduceed emission raate In such a way, the currrent problem artificial neuural network (ANN) ( model Prroposed Arttificial Neu ural Networrk Fig.14 Propposed ANN architecture with a sin ngle hidden layerr 1435 Thomas Renald and Somasundaram P\ / Sciences Energy Procedia 14000–000 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author nameC.J / Procedia Environmental 00 (2011) In order to predict and optimise the present problem, an ANN based model was developed with the base of feed forward back propagation method A code was developed based on the feed forward back propagation method by utilizing Matlab R2009a software package Fig 14 shows the developed architecture of artificial neural network with five input layer with neurons, seven output layer with neuron and one hidden layer with 10 neurons The links with synaptic weights are connected between neurons and the back-propagation training algorithm is based on weight updates so as to minimize the sum of squared error for K-number of output neurons, given as 1K E = ∑ (d k p − ok p )2 (1) k =1 where dk,p = desired output for the pth pattern The weights of the links are updated as wji(n+1) = wji(n) +ηδpjopi + αΔwji(n) (2) where n is the learning step, η is the learning rate and α is the momentum constant In equation (4), δpj is the error term, which is given as follows: (3) For output layer : δ pk = ( d kp − okp )(1 − okp ), k = 1, K For hidden layer : δ pj = o pj (1 − o pj ) ∑ δ pk w kj , j = 1, J (4) where J is the number of neurons in the hidden layer The training process is initialized by assigning small random weight values to all the links The input–output patterns are presented one by one and updating the weights each time The mean square error (MSE) at the end of each epoch due to all patterns is computed as MSE = NP k ∑ ∑ (d kp − okp ) NP =p =k (5) where NP =number of training patterns The training process will be terminated when the specified goal of MSE or maximum number of epochs is achieved The activation function for the input and the one hidden layer is chosen as tansigmoidal function The activation function for the output layer was chosen as pure linear function The network was then simulated for the input values and a graph is plotted between the output and target (neural network output) values The network created was trained for the input and output values The stopping criterion for training was number of epochs and was given as 1000 as shown in Fig.15 The network was again simulated for the input values and the target values of the experiments conducted The input values for the test readings were then given and the network was trained The target value was then obtained and compared with actual outputs The results were compared with the actual experimental results and the predicted results obtained from the present study show minimal in variations From Fig 16, it is clear that the parameters considered could be confidently used for the above method for predicting the emission rates The behaviours of the parameters are also noted The predicted emission levels were compared with the respective experimental results and the absolute percentage error was computed, which is given as % Absolute error = Experiment alvalue − Pr edictedval ue X 100 Experiment alvalue (6) 1436 Thomas Renald C.J and Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Author name / Procedia Environmental Sciences 00 (2011) 000–000 The experimental results of emission levels were utilized for predicting the emission level with the influences of ‘d’ values, ‘x’ values, ‘θ’ values for different proportions of fuels (Diesel+LPG) with different loading conditions Both results were compared and shown through Table 1, the absolute percentage error ranges from 0.11498% to 3.28939 % which is in the acceptable range Conclusions From all the above results and discussion, the following conclusions are arrived and they are summarized as follows: • It was found that the new technique which was used in this investigation away from the engine construction influenced on the engine performance and emission levels predominantly • The thermal efficiency of the engine increases when powered with dual fuel The percentage increases about 5% when 60% of diesel and 40% of LPG • No considerable change was found in torque and brake mean effective pressure • The mechanical efficiency was increased about 5% when powered with dual fuel when 60% of diesel and 40% of LPG • There was an increase in Hydrocarbon emission when going to dual fuel mode • Specific fuel consumption was reduced around 33% • NOx was reduced upto 35% for 60% LPG and 40% diesel proportion when compared to that of running at 100% diesel • CO2 emission was reduced about 67% for 60% LPG and 40% diesel proportion • The CO emission was reduced upto 12% in dual fuel mode for 60% of diesel and 40% of LPG • The absolute percentage error between experimental and predicted results ranges from 0.11498% to 3.28939 % which is in the acceptable range • All these results were obtained for the effective nozzle condition, diameter of mm, x= 10 mm and θ = 30° • On the whole, it is recommended that better engine performance and reduced emission level can be achieved if the dual fuels proportion lies between 40-60 % of diesel and LPG for the nozzle condition, diameter of mm, x= 10 mm and θ = 30° 1437 Thomas Renald C.J and Somasundaram P\ / Energy Procedia 14 (2012) 1427 – 1438 Table Comparison of experimental results and predicted results of emission levels 41.97 80 42.75 87 43.06 81 8 0 41.96 03 6 0  4 42.83 52 0  43.21 17 0  4 43.94 72 0.00 561 0.00 158 0.00 095 1 0 40.00 04 5 4 0  4 40.86 27 0.00 383 0.00 492 0.00 120 8.92 E 06 0.00 335 1 0  41.59 45 0.00 966 1 0  41.99 94 1.54 E-05 % Absolute error 0.03 975 0.06 253 2.73 E08 0 0 0.67 676 3.2 893 2.29 87 2.70 053 0.89 965 1.10 030 1.40 107 1.79 927 0.80 037 0.99 352 1.60 016 0.60 199 0.91 241 1.20 716 1.30 374 0.2 38 99 5 0.1 14 98 3 2 6 5 5 4 34 000 21 30 999 75 10 538 96 22 000 01 364 99 99 162 00 03 89 000 38 55 000 03 580 00 03 263 58 28 93 999 58 000 15 15 400 84 14 808 28 15 664 14 700 05 6.26 E 06 8.16 E-06 0.54 178 6.23 E 08 1.96 E-08 1.85 E 06 4.28 E 06 5.92 E 08 4.42 E 07 0.05 013 2.95 E-06 2.54 E 06 5.41 6E 0.01 9319 0.05 133 2.83 E 06 2.87 2407 Experimental result 0.0 04 0.0 06 0.0 15 0.0 01 0.0 03 0.0 05 0.0 03 0.0 00 0.0 01 0.0 31 31 0.0 00 27 2.4 E 0.0 09 0.0 02 0.0 06 0.0 09 04 Absolute Error 19.0 201 18.5 150 17.5 262 17.2 703 16.0 558 15.8 111 15.2 556 15.8 866 15.7 813 15.8 822 15.2 040 15.2 996 1.65 E+0 1.60 E+0 15.2 965 15.2 365 Predicted result 1.29 966 1.79 877 1 8 5 5 Experimental result 1 0.0 005 0.0 006 0.0 005 0.0 001 0.0 003 0.0 002 0.0 007 0.0 004 0.0 004 0.0 064 0.0 002 0.0 001 0.0 033 0.0 137 0.0 974 15 0.0 687 Absolute Error 1.40 076 NOx ppm Predicted result 1 Absolute Error 0.2 147 0.2 711 0.0 356 0.0 804 0.0 022 0.0 901 0.2 522 0.5 164 0.0 035 0.5 094 0.1 927 0.0 261 0.0 325 0.0 575 53 0.0 232 0.1 117 HC ppm Predicted result 41.06 50 0.0 485 0.0 437 0.0 932 0.1 296 0.0 399 0.0 364 0.0 375 0.0 145 0.0 501 0.0 343 0.0 715 0.0 779 0.0 929 0.0 942 0.0 409 0.0 222 O2 %vol Experimental result 39.98 21 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Absolute Error 0 2.95 E 3.71 E06 0.03 691 9.83 E 2.23 E06 3.82 E 5.34 E06 6.83 E 5.33 E 0.00 107 2.98 E 5.81 E07 1.06 E 0.00 992 Predicted result 39.40 52 165 99 95 217 00 08 297 59 19 369 99 96 194 00 04 229 99 91 291 00 16 362 99 98 193 99 99 231 75 13 292 99 91 369 00 02 189 99 99 230 26 18 302 82 05 363 00 01 Experimental result 38.10 47 6 7 9 2 3 9 2 8 Absolute Error 0.00 202 0.00 275 0.01 039 0.00 045 0.00 158 0.00 052 Predicted result 36.92 52 Experimental result Absolute Error 0 0 0 0 CO2 %vol CO %vol  Predicted result Exhaust Temperature in °C Experimental result Absolute Error Predicted result LPG % Diesel % Experimental result Load in kg Nozzle angle in degree Diameter of duct in mm Distance between duct tip & Air Engine Temperature in °C 20 001 49 997 83 852 124 00 05 0.9 988 13 001 18 999 46 000 20 0.0 000 0.0 000 0.1 937 0.0 000 04 0.0 011 0.0 001 0.0 000 0.0 000 04 1.6 487 9.9 992 19 000 0.6 487 0.0 000 0.0 000 11 0 0 8.3 242 12 000 88 0.0 405 30 0.0 000 74 4 1 1 3.0 90` 984 Acknowledgement We are thankful to Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai, Tamilnadu, India, provided laboratory facilities to achieve this work successfully References [1] Gisoo Hyun, Mitsuharu, Sinntchi Goto, (2002) 3-D CFD Analysis of mixture formation process in an LPG DI SI Engine for Heavy Duty Vehicles International 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reduction of emission which is tedious and non-interchangeable The present study made an attempt on reduction of emission level in the CI engine without having any major alteration in the existing engine

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 10:40