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Cleveland State University ADM 613, LAW 630 (School Law) Access code to electronic reserve for ADM 613, LAW 630 is: 7627 4) Handouts as may be provided throughout the term 5) Some cases will be assigned through Lexis Nexis or Westlaw Accessing Electronic Reserve – All cases identified in the Course Outline in bold type can be found on Electronic Reserve, located by following these directions, progressing through a series of screens: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) click on “Academic” on the CSU Webpage click on “University Library” click on “Electronic Course Reserves” On “Research Guide” page, type in “ADM 674” or “mawdsley” Click on “ADM 674 LAW 654” Enter password, “7627” Click on “Electronic Reserves” click on item to be read – please note that the law cases are preceded by a subject matter area that does not necessarily align with the outline, so look for the name of the case Read and enjoy! (you will need Acrobat Reader to open) Electronic Reserve Password 7627 Final examination on Saturday, Feb 27, 9:00 am – 11:30 a.m Spring 2016 Course Outline/Schedule January 16 – Unit 1: Introduction: Education as a State Concern San Antonio v Rodriguez, 441 U.S (1973), text at p 340 Unit 2: School Governance Text: Ch 3, pp 175-184 Text: Ch 4, pp 233-239 Unit 3: School Board decision-making Bush v Dassel-Cokato Bd of Educ (electronic reserve) Nichols v Western Local School Board of Education (electronic reserve) School Board meetings Cypress Media, Inc v Hazelton Area Sch Dist (electronic reserve) ORC § 149.43 – Public Records Law (electronic reserve) (Would the same result as in Cypress be reached in Ohio?) Bellevue John Does 1-11 v Bellevue School Dist #405 (electronic reserve) State ex rel Savarese v Buckeye Local Sch Dist Bd of Educ (electronic reserve) Vermilion Teachers' Association v Vermilion Local Sch Dist Bd of Educ (electronic reserve) Unit 4: Compulsory attendance Text: Ch 12, pp 789-915 Plyler v Doe, 457 U.S 202 (1982); text at p 863 : reconcile Plyer with, Martinez v Bynum, 461 U.S 321 (1983); text at p 872 Pierce v Society of Sisters, 268 U.S 510 (1925); text at p 860 Parents’ Rights Huffman v State of Alaska – Electronic reserve O.R.C free materials; 3313.642 Materials for course of instruction; schedule fees and charges for loss and damage; enforcement Electronic reserve - ABC School v Mr and Mrs M (case will be handed out in class) Read short article on Electronic Reserve involving ABC School by Prof Mawdsley and Vida Lock, Dean of the College of Nursing Read Brown v Hot, Sexy, and Safer Productions, 68 F.3d 525 (1st Cir 1995) January 23 Unit Four: Religion and Education Unit A: Introduction: The Religion Clauses of the First Amendment The Child Benefit Test Wisconsin v Yoder, 406 U.S 205 (1972) p 819 Student Transportation Everson v Board of Educ., 330 U.S (1947); text, p 93 Books and Instructional Materials Cochran v Louisiana State Bd of Educ., 281 U.S 370 (1930) Abington v Schempp, Murray v Curlett, 374 U.S 203 (1963); text, p 100 Board of Educ v Allen, 392 U.S 236 (1968); text, p 103 Mitchell v Helms, 530 U.S 793 (2000) Tax Status, Tuition, and the Use of Public Funds Walz v Tax Comm’n, 397 U.S 664 (1970) Lemon v Kurtzman, 403 U.S 602 (1971); text, p 108 Mueller v Allen, 463 U.S 388 (1983); text, p 115 Zelman v Simmons-Harris, 536 U.S 639; text, p 157 Student Testing Levitt v PEARL, 413 U.S 472 (1973), cf PEARL v Regan, 444 U.S 646 (1980) Student Services/ Secular Instruction Meek v Pittenger, 421 U.S 349 (1975) Wolman v Walter, 433 U.S 229 (1977) Grand Rapids v Ball, 473 U.S 373 (1985); Aguillar v Felton, 473 U.S 402 (1985) Zobrest v Catalina Foothills Sch Dist., 509 U.S (1993) Board of Educ of Kyrias Joel v Grumet, 512 U.S 687 (1994) Agostini v Felton, 521 U.S 203 (1997); text, p 131 Mitchell v Helms, 530 U.S 793 (2000) January 30\ Unit 4B Introduction Religious Instruction in Public Schools Illinois ex rel McCollum v Board of Educ., 33 U.S 203 (1948); text at 91 Zorach v Clauson, 343 U.S 306 (1952); text, p 96 Prayer and Moments of Silence at School Functions Engel v Vitale, 370 U.S 421 (1962) Abington v Schempp, Murray v Curlett, 374 U.S 203 (1963); text, p 100 Wallace v Jaffree, 472 U.S 38 (1985) Marsh v Chambers, 463 U.S 783 (1983) Lee v Weisman, 505 U.S 577 (1992); text, p 124 Sante Fe Indep Sch Dist v Doe, 530 U.S 290 (2000); text, p 141 Student Sponsored Religious Activity in the Schools Widmar v Vincent, 454 U.S 263 (1980) Equal Access Act, 20 U.S.C.A §§ 4071-72; text, p 1281 Westside Community Sch v Mergens, 496 U.S 226 (1990); text, p 119 Religion and the Public School Curriculum Epperson v Arkansas, 393 U.S 97 (1968); text, p 105 McClean v Arkansas, 529 F Supp 1255 (E.D Ark 1982) Edwards v Aguillard, 482 U.S, 578 (1987) C.H ex rel Z.H v Oliva, 226 F.3d 198 (3rd Cir 1999) Religious Symbols and Other Religious Influences in Schools/ on Public Property Stone v Graham, 449 U.S 39 (1980) Lynch v Donnelly, 465 U.S 668 (1984) Allegheny County v ACLU, Greater Pittsburgh, 492 U.S 573 (1989) Sechler v State College Area Sch Dist., 121 F Supp.2d 439 (M.D Pa 2000) Elk Grove Sch Dist v Newdow, 542 U.S (2004); text, p 164) The Use of Public School Facilities by Religious Groups Lamb’s Chapel v Center Moriches Dist, 508 U.S 384 (1993); text, p 389 Good News Club v Milford Cent Sch., 121 S Ct 2093 (2001); text, p 151 February Unit 5: Student Rights Ch 13, 883-918 Unit 5A: Discipline Generally Palmer v Merluzzi, 868 F.2d 90 (3rd Cir 1989); text, p 964 Suspension and Expulsion Goss v Lopez, 419 U.S 565 (1975); text, p 969 Corporal Punishment Baker v Owens, 423 U.S 907 (1975) Ingraham v Wright, 430 U.S 651 (1977); text, p 954-964 Neal v Fulton County Bd of Educ., 229 F.3d 1069 (11th Cir 2000) Search and Seizure New Jersey v T.L.O., 469 U.S 325 (1985); text, p 982 Safford Unified School Dist No v Redding, 129 S Ct 2633 (2009); text, p 986 Drug Testing Vernonia Sch Dist 47 J v Acton, 515 U.S 646 (1995) February 13 Unit 5B: Sexual Harassment (Ch 954-927) Teacher-Student Harassment Franklin v Gwinnette County Pub Sch., 503 U.S 60 (1992); text, p 963 Gebser v Lago Vista Indep Sch Dist., 524 U.S 274 (1998); text, p 968 Peer-to-Peer Harassment Davis v Monroe County Bd of Educ., 526 U.S 629 (1999); text, p 1011 Unit 5C: Controls over Student Behavior: Speech and Expression (text, p 986-1014) Tinker v Des Moines Sch Dist., 393 U.S 503 (1969); text, p 1051 Guzik v Drebus, 431 F 2d 594 (6th Cir 1970); text, p 1054 Bethel Sch Dist No 403 v Frazer, 478 U.S 675 (1986); text, p 1057 Hazelwood Sch Dist v Kuhlmeier, 484 U.S 260 (1988); text, p 1062 Morse v Frederick, 127 S Ct 2618 (2007); text, p 1068 Kowalski v Berkeley County Schs., 652 F.3d 656 (4th Cir 2011); text, p 1075 Layshock v Hermitage Sch Dist., 650 F.3d 205 (3d Cir 2011); text, p 1085 February 13 Unit 6: Desegregation (Ch 16, 1201-1259 (top)) Plessy v Ferguson, 163 U.S 537 (1896); Gong Lum v Rice, 275 U.S 78 (1927) Sweatt v Painter, 339 U.S 629 (1950) McLaurin v Oklahoma Bd of Regents, 339 U.S 637 (1950) Brown v Board of Educ of Topeka, 347 U.S 483 (1954); text, p 1222 Brown v Board of Educ of Topeka, 349 U.S 294 (1955); text, p 1225 Unit 7: Tort Liability Textbook – pp 395-436 General principles and areas of tort liability Kingsley v Independent Sch Dist No (electronic reserve) Sain v Cedar Rapids Community Sch Dist (electronic reserve) Summers v Slivinsky (electronic reserve) Levandoski v Jackson County Sch Dist (electronic reserve) Thomas v City Lights School, Inc (electronic reserve) Sargi v Kent City Bd of Educ (electronic reserve) Tort liability defenses Benitez v New York City Bd of Educ (Textbook, p 452) White v Canonge, (electronic reserve) Educational malpractice Brown and Cannon, Educational Malpractice: A Remedy for What Ails Our Schools?, 78 Ed.Law Rep 643 (1992) (electronic reserve) February 20 Unit 8: Teacher Rights (Ch 9-11) Unit 7A: Issuance of contracts/Collective bargaining Clearview Educ Ass’n v Clearview Local Sch Dist (electronic reserve) State ex rel Donah v Windham Exempted Village Sch Dist (electronic reserve) Unit 7B: Rights/Standards attendant to termination/discipline Continuing Contract Rights of Administrators Midlam v Greenville City School District Bd of Educ (Electronic Reserve) Grounds for termination/discipline Scherer v Rock Hill Local Sch Dist Bd of Educ (electronic reserve) Kari v Jefferson County Sch Dist (electronic reserve) Sullivan v Board of Educ of Eastchester Union Free Sch Dist (electronic reserve) Thomas v Smith (electronic reserve) Hearn v Board of Educ (electronic reserve) Evaluation/improvement plan/reasons Naylor v Cardinal Local Sch Dist (electronic reserve) Gerner v Salem City Sch Dist Bd of Educ (electronic reserve) Dove v Allen County Educ'l Service Center Governing Bd (electronic reserve) Skilton v Perry Local School Dist (electronic reserve) Unit 7C: Claims resulting from school district action McGhee v Miller (electronic reserve) Mouchette v Board of Educ., Oakland Unified Sch Dist 8 (electronic reserve) Caron v Maine Sch Admin Dist No 27 (electronic reserve) Free expression and official duties Garcetti v Ceballos, 126 S.Ct 1951 (2006) Mayer v Monroe County (electronic reserve) Weintraub v Board of Educ (electronic reserve)

Ngày đăng: 02/11/2022, 00:30


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