ADEA BFACA Annual Business Meeting March 16, 2014 Call to order: Linda Wells called the meeting to order Linda is the chair for the Clinical Administration (CA) Section Introduction of Officers: Officers for the Business and Finance (BF) section are: Scott Arneson, Councilor, Vacant - Chair Elect Vacant - Chair Officers for the CA section are: Bert Milligan, Councilor Richard Callan, Chair Elect Linda Wells, Chair Regional director positions are vacant in the following areas: BF East, BF Canada, CA East and CA South Central Please contact one of the officers if you are interested in serving New Members: New members were asked to stand and introduced themselves Councilors’ Report: Scott Arneson addressed the lack of a chair and chair elect for the BF Section for the upcoming year due to Jayne Nyman’s change of direction in her career and Rebecca Pousson’s resignation for personal family health issues It was mentioned that we should look for someone with experience as chair to help guide the newly appointed chair elect In regards to last year’s concern involving the program and poster selection, members seemed happier with this year’s process and selections Comments were made as to the 7:00 AM timing of many of the sections’ meetings and Scott agreed to take those concerns forward to the council Next year’s meeting will be held in Boston at the Old Convention Center The meeting will take place in March 2014 Deadline for program submissions is June 2nd, 2014 Money is available to bring in speakers for the ADEA meeting The program has to be approved as well as the request for speaker funding A brief moment was provided for the two candidates for Chair-elect position of the ADEA Board of Director’s Dr Huw Thomas from the Council of Deans and Dr Mike Seigal from the Council of Scetions presented themselves and gave a short talk concerning their involvement with ADEA and their hopes and aspirations for the future direction of ADEA Jo Kovdik: Liaison to the Council of Sections talked about the annual report and evaluation of section activities over the year The Council of Sections newsletter is looking for items of interest to include Money is available through the project pool for research activities and program funds are available to bring in speakers to the ADEA meeting By-Law Resolutions: Five By-Law Resolutions will be presented at the closing session 5H-2014 ADEA Council of Deans and ADEA Council of Allied Dental Program Directors Recommendation for a Task Force and Report Toward the Elimination of the Human Subject/Patient Component of the Clinical Licensure Examination 6H-2014 ADEA Corporate Council Request to Amend its Membership Dues 7H-2014 Provisional Membership of Bluefield College School of Dental Medicine 8H-2014 Provisional Membership of Touro College of Dental Medicine and New York Medical College 9H-2014 Approval of the Fiscal Year 2015 Budget Mid-Year Meeting Review: There were 125 attendees, and 17 speakers in attendance, including the keynote speaker Mr Sam Silverstein Mr Silverstein gave an engaging presentation challenging the participants to a renewed personal accountability with No Excuses The larger number of presenters was due in part to the adoption of a shorter presentation style for the first part of the meeting The EXPRESS-ions format was favorably received and overwhelmingly recommended as a model to continue into the future A reminder that your name will remain on the list serve indefinitely unless you request in writing that it be removed Future Meetings: The planning meeting for the Mid-Year and Annual meeting will be April 11th, PM and April 12, all day Those unable to attend and wishing to contribute can conference call in Please inform an officer if you are interested in this option The Mid-Year meeting will be held October 15 – 18, at the Green Valley Ranch Resort, Las Vegas, NV Nominating Committee/Elections: The chair, chair- elect and several non-officers serve on the committee Several regional director spots are vacant; see an officer if you are interested Election of secretaries – there were no nominations from the floor David Lazarchik was elected secretary of the CA section Nominations will be sought for secretary of the BF section Bert Milligan will be stepping down as councilor We are seeking interested parties, and former Chairs of the Section are eligible With no further business the meeting was adjourned Respectfully submitted, Dr Richard S Callan Secretary, Clinic Administration Section ... available to bring in speakers to the ADEA meeting By-Law Resolutions: Five By-Law Resolutions will be presented at the closing session 5H-2014 ADEA Council of Deans and ADEA Council of Allied Dental... indefinitely unless you request in writing that it be removed Future Meetings: The planning meeting for the Mid-Year and Annual meeting will be April 11th, PM and April 12, all day Those unable... themselves and gave a short talk concerning their involvement with ADEA and their hopes and aspirations for the future direction of ADEA Jo Kovdik: Liaison to the Council of Sections talked about