Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy 703-683-8416 Edith Rosato, Chief Executive Officer National Community Pharmacists Association 703-683-8200 Douglas Hoey, Chief Executive Officer American College of Apothecaries 901-383-8119 Ed Hesterlee, Executive Vice President Liaison Members American College of Clinical Pharmacy 816-531-2177 Michael S Maddux, Executive Director Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education 312-664-3575 Peter H Vlasses, Executive Director American Pharmacists Association 202-628-4410 Thomas E Menighan, Executive Vice President American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy 703-739-2330 Lucinda L Maine, Executive Vice President American Society of Consultant Pharmacists 703-739-1300 Frank Grosso, Chief Executive Officer National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations 804-285-4431 Rebecca P Snead, Executive Vice President American Society of Health-System Pharmacists 301-664-8890 Paul Abramowitz, Chief Executive Officer National Association of Boards of Pharmacy 847-391-4400 Carmen A Catizone, Executive Director Summary of Discussion –August 21, 2014 55 Attendees Representing member organizations: (19) Academy of Managed Care Pharmacy Edith Rosato, Chief Executive Officer Dana McCormick, President Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education Peter Vlasses, Executive Director Stephanie Gardner, President American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Lucinda Maine, Executive Vice President Pat Chase, President American College of Apothecaries Ed Hesterlee, Executive Vice President American College of Clinical Pharmacy Michael Maddux, Executive Director Gary Yee, President American Pharmacists Association Thomas Menighan, Executive Vice President Matt Osterhaus, President American Society of Consultant Pharmacists Frank Grosso, Chief Executive Officer Jeffery Delafuente, President American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Paul Abramowitz, Chief Executive Officer Christene Jolowsky, President National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations Rebecca P Snead, Executive Vice President Phil Woodward, President National Association of Boards of Pharmacy National Community Pharmacists Association Doug Hoey, Chief Executive Officer Mark Riley, President Guests (36) Joan Baird ((ASCP) Lynne Batshon (ASCP) Lynette Bradley-Baker (AACP) Ryan Burke (JCPP/APhA) Anne Burns (APhA) Stephanie Callinan (ASCP) MaryJo Carden (AMCP) Adam Chesler (PTCB) Addolorata Ciccone (ASCP) Sharon Clackum (ASCP) Arnold Clayman (ASCP) Kevin Day (NCPA) Lauren Fuller (AMCP) Carolyn Ha (NCPA) Sheldon Holstad (ACCP) Sean Jeffery (ASCP) Elizabeth Jex (FTC) Ray Love (CPNP) Stacie Maass (APhA) Everett McAllister (PTCB) Steve Mullinex (NCPDP) Jim Owen (APhA) Margaret Robinson (NASPA) Mitchel Rothholz (JCPP/APhA) Elizabeth “Scotti” Russell (NABP) Doug Scheckelhoff (ASHP) Lisa Schwartz (NCPA) Todd Sega (AMCP) Amy Shank (PCCA) April Shaughnessy (AMCP) Mindy Smith (APhA Foundation) Todd Sorensen (AIMMc) Ken Sprague (ASCP) Lee Ann Stember (NCPDP) Brian Wall (APhA Foundation /JCPP) C Edwin Webb (ACCP) Member organizations of the Joint Commission of Pharmacy Practitioners (JCPP) held their regularly scheduled quarterly meeting on Thursday, August 21, 2014, at the Lorien Hotel, Alexandria, Virginia Meeting participants were welcomed by Edith Rosato, AMCP CEO and Chair of this JCPP Meeting Representatives of member organizations and guests introduced themselves Paul Abramowitz, ASHP CEO, provided a recognition and led a moment of silence regarding the recent passing of Janet Teeters, ASHP Director of Accreditation Services Opening Remarks / Administrative Activity Members reviewed and accepted the Summary of Discussion from the May 29, 2014, JCPP meeting The participants then reviewed the 2014 JCPP meeting schedule and template agendas The meeting agenda for the November 19, 2014, JCPP meeting was accepted and the organizations were reminded that the registration memo was included in their meeting packets Update on Provider Status Activities - State Based Activities Becky Snead, NASPA CEO, provided an overview of activity at the state level to achieve provider designation and service identification, payment and coverage for services, and optimization of pharmacy practice acts She reviewed various state examples and the trends at the state level The members discussed areas for collaboration to advance progress towards the JCPP Vision National Patient Safety and Clinical Pharmacy Services Collaborative Todd Sorensen, PharmD, Executive Director of the Alliance for Integrated Medication Managrment Collaborative (AIMMc) discussed the work of AIMMc and the work conducted by participating practices that support the profession achieving a "tipping point" on delivery of medication management services and the alignment of AIMMc to JCPP's strategic goals He discussed with the JCPP organizations current status and direction of AIMMc and ways JCPP organizations can increase involvement with AIMMc Task Force Pharmacists' Role in Addressing Prescription Medication Misuse and Abuse JCPP members reviewed the draft statement and principles on pharmacists' role in addressing prescription medication misuse and abuse prepared by a staff working group This document is intended for use within and outside of the profession After some discussion and suggested modifications, JCPP member organizations approved the draft as amended The document is attached NCPDP Standards and Activities Related to Pharmacy Practice Steve Mullinex, NCPDP Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Industry Relations, and Lee Ann Stember, NCPDP President, provided an overview of the history and membership of NCPDP, their role as a neutral convener, expansion in dentistry and NCPDP activities impacting pharmacy practice (compounding, ePrescribing, acetaminophen use and dosing, standardized dose designations, immunizations, medication synchronization, PDMP, prior authorization, audits and best practice initiatives) JCPP Vision Strategic Plan JCPP members reviewed a draft document prepared by the Strategic Planning Steering Committee The CEOs were complimentary of the work conducted by the committee A one-day planning meeting of JCPP member organization staff will be planned before the next meeting to refine the tactics contained within the plan related to the goals that JCPP will assume a leadership role and further discuss implementation of the plan In addition, the CEOs will continue to discuss JCPP organizational structure to best implement the strategic plan within available resources After discussion the JCPP members approved an amended version of the document goals and objectives Revisiting Competition Issues in the Follow-on Biologics Arena Elizabeth Jex, attorney advisor at the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) discussed the work of the FTC regarding consumer protection in healthcare, particularly as it relates to pharmaceuticals and followon biologics She reported that specialty drugs make up approximately 50% of drug spend She reviewed current federal laws and barriers to the entry of lower cost products into the US market, including activity on the state level Hot Topics and Organizational Updates No additional topic ideas for future JCPP meetings were identified at this time Each organization reported on progress it was making in the areas of focus related to the implementation of the JCPP Vision Strategic Plan: Patient Care Process; Pharmacy Quality; Value of Pharmacists’ Patient Care Services; HIT; Provider Status Recognition, in addition to other organizational information A number of newsletters, journals, and other educational materials from practitioner organizations were provided so that member organizations may better serve pharmacy practitioners and coordinate future projects The next regularly scheduled meeting of JCPP is November 19, 2014; it will focus on continued discussions around activity implementation related to the new vision statement, post-election impact on pharmacy’s agenda, accreditation of pharmacy practice, and data interchange There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:46pm ###