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The CONSTITUTION OF ALPHA PI LAMBDA FRATERNITY Fall 2015 ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1: Name Section 2: Purpose .5 ARTICLE II: FRATERNITY STANDARDS Part I: Scholarship Part II: Membership Recruitment Part III: Educational Programs Part IV: Social Responsibility Part V: Philanthropy/Community Service Part VI: Faculty Advisor Part VII: Alumni Relations Part VIII: Financial Standing .6 Part IX: General Section 3: Enforcement ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Eligibility Section 2: Classes of Membership .7 Part I: Active Member Part II: Inactive Member Part III: Honorary Member Section 3: New Member Education Section 4: Formal Entrance into the Fraternity Section 5: Withdrawal .10 Section 6: Expulsion 10 Section 7: Appeals 10 Part I: Expulsion 10 Part II: General 10 ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS 11 Section 1: Regular Meetings 11 Section 2: Special Meetings .11 Section 3: Procedure 11 Section 4: Attendance 11 Section 5: General Voting Privileges 11 ARTICLE V: ELECTIONS 11 Section 1: Regular Elections .11 Section 2: Special Elections .12 ARTICLE VI: OFFICERS 12 Section 1: Elected Officers 12 Section 2: Term of Office 12 Section 3: Duties of Elected Officers 13 Part I: President 13 Part II: Vice President 13 Part III: Treasurer .13 Part IV: House Manager .13 Part V: : Risk Management Chairman 14 Part VI: New member Master 14 Part VII: Recording Secretary 14 Part VIII: Corresponding Secretary 14 Section 4: Requirements of Officers 15 Section 6: Reports of Officers and Committee Chairmen 15 Section 7: Executive Committee .16 Part I: Composition 16 Part II: Decisions 16 Part III: Duties 16 Section 8: Finance Committee 16 Part I: Composition 16 Part II: Decisions 16 Part III: Duties 16 Section 9: Impeachment of Elected Officers .17 ARTICLE VII: APPOINTED OFFICERS 18 Section 1: Number 18 Section 2: Power of Appointment .18 Section 3: Duties .18 Part I: Rush Chairman 18 Part II: Athletic Chairman 18 Part III: Social Chairman 18 Part IV: Historian 18 Part V: Scholastic Chairman 19 Part VII: Assistant Social Chairman 19 Part VIII: Steward .19 Part IX: Community Service/ Philanthropy Chairman 19 Part X: Technology Chairman .19 Part XI: Assistant House Manager .19 ARTICLE VIII: APPOINTED COMMITTEES 20 Section 1: Classes of Committees 20 Section 2: Standing Committees 20 Part I: Review Committee 20 Part II: Rush Committee .20 Part III: Social Function Committee 21 Part IV: House Improvement Committee 21 Section 3: Special Committees 22 ARTICLE IX: FINANCIAL OBLIGATIONS .22 Section 1: Dues 22 Section 2: Rent 22 Section 3: Payment .22 ARTICLE X: FRATERNITY HOUSING 23 Section 1: Eligibility 23 Section 2: Room Selection 23 ARTICLE XI: ALUMNI CORPORATION RELATIONS 23 Section 1: Purpose of the Alumni Corporation 23 Section 2: Meetings with the Alumni Corporation 23 Section 3: Alumni Corporation Participation on the Fraternity’s Review Committee .24 Section 4: Financial Relationship with the Alumni Corporation .24 Section 5: Social Relationship with the Alumni Corporation 24 ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS AND RATIFICATION 25 Section 1: General Amendments .25 Section 2: Amendments to Alumni Relations 25 ARTICLE XIII: BY-LAWS 25 Section 1: Enactment 25 Section 2: Definition 25 Section 3: Amendment or Repeal 25 Section 4: Record 26 1.Alcohol and Drugs 28 Hazing .28 Fighting 28 Fighting is an attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons In any fight, members involved risk criminal charges, civil litigation and serious injury That is why Alpha Pi Lambda will not tolerate or condone any fight, whether it is on of off Fraternity property, between members or non-members 28 Sexual Abuse and Harassment .28 The responsibility of maintaining a safe and positive learning environment for active organization members is a concern Our goal in the area of Fraternity housing must be to make sure that all who live in our houses are protected to the best of our ability Two major areas of concern have been shown to cause liability and property loss problems for fraternities: house maintenance and fire safety In both areas, a responsible risk management program can lessen the probability of causing damage to the Fraternity house 28 Education 29 What Can We Do As A Group To Prevent Sexual Abuse? 29 What Can You Do As An Individual To Minimize Sexual Abuse? 30 How Men Can Tell If Their Behavior Is Sexual Harassment .30 What New Members Expect From Their Education 31 8.Maintain sprinkler systems – while this may be at a great cost, it significantly reduces the possibility of harm to our members 34 IX How to Survive a Fraternity House Fire .34 Procedures for a Tragedy or a Crisis 35 ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1: Name The name of this fraternity shall be the “ALPHA PI LAMBDA FRATERNITY” hereafter referred to as “Fraternity.” Section 2: Purpose The purpose of this Fraternity shall be to promote fellowship, progress and leadership among the students of Drexel University, and to further the ideals of the college through fraternalism ARTICLE II: FRATERNITY STANDARDS Section 1: Purpose The standards in this article are to be used by the Fraternity’s Review Committee for the purpose of evaluating the status of members in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2, Part I These standards deal with all areas of Fraternity life they must be adhered to by all members and potential members these standards shall also be analyzed by the Review Committee for their conformity with the ideals and purposes of the Fraternity Section 2: Standards Part I: Scholarship It is obvious that without Drexel University our Fraternity would have no purpose That is why every member’s academic performance is important, and why it is a reflection on our Fraternity Each member shall be required to maintain cumulative academic Grade Point Average of at least 2.5 Members’ term GPAs will be allowed to fall below this standard only once without consequence The second time an individual’s GPA falls below 2.5, he will be sanctioned by the Judicial or Review Board Each member and potential member is strongly encouraged to belong to another University organization Part II: Membership Recruitment Every member is expected to abide by and support all programs, established in the Fraternity’s Rush and New member manuals In addition, each member is responsible for taking an active role in educating potential members about the Fraternity and what its purposes and ideals are It is the Fraternity’s duty to ensure that all potential members participate in educational programs dealing with such subjects as substance abuse, interpersonal relationships, and other social issues facing Fraternity members Part III: Educational Programs The Fraternity shall be responsible for providing all of its members with the opportunity to educate themselves on important social issues facing all individuals All members are expected to attend any such program sponsored by the Fraternity Members are also expected to attend other educational programs sponsored by other fraternities, sororities, or Drexel’s Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) The Fraternity shall sponsor at least one such program per academic term Part IV: Social Responsibility Each member of the Fraternity is responsible for abiding with all University policies including those dealing with Alcohol, Hazing, Discrimination, Harassment, and Sexual Assault Furthermore, each social function promoted by the Fraternity shall be in accordance with all federal, state and local laws, as well as IFC policies and Drexel’s Social Policy for Fraternities Each member is expected to act in accordance with these policies and laws The Fraternity shall be responsible for maintaining its house in accordance with the local building, safety, fire and health codes Part V: Philanthropy/Community Service The Fraternity shall conduct at least one philanthropic event annually The Fraternity shall also sponsor at least one community service project each academic term Each Fraternity member is responsible for completing a minimum of 10 philanthropic or community service hours each term Part VI: Faculty Advisor The Fraternity shall endeavor to have a Drexel University professor/ staff member as an academic advisor at all times Each advisor shall serve for a minimum of two academic terms The advisor may attend Regular Meetings and or any Fraternity-sponsored function Part VII: Alumni Relations All members are expected to contribute to good relations between the Fraternity and its Alumni Part VIII: Financial Standing Each member shall remain in good financial standing with the Fraternity This shall consist of meeting all financial obligations to the Fraternity within the time limits imposed by the Financial Committee More severe consequences if continued to be problem Part IX: General The Fraternity expects all of its members to abide by the standards described in this Section Furthermore, all members are expected to comply with all federal, state, and local laws, and all University laws, codes and regulations not otherwise mentioned The Fraternity expects and demands that every individual’s rights be respected and never violated by any of its members Part X: Outer Fraternity Relationship Don’t betray yourself or the frat badly on social media Don’t act like an idiot Section 3: Enforcement The Fraternity’s Review Committee and its Judicial Board shall be responsible for all judicial procedures relating to these standards, in accordance with Article VIII, Section 2, Part I and Article VI, Section Part III, respectively ARTICLE III: MEMBERSHIP Section 1: Eligibility Any man of good moral character, fully matriculated and in good standing currently enrolled at Drexel University is eligible for membership Section 2: Classes of Membership There shall be four classes of membership: Active, Inactive, Honorary, and Special Members Part I: Active Member Full Active Member A Full Active Member shall be a member of the Fraternity enrolled as an undergraduate student at Drexel University who has been granted Full Active Member status based on a determination by the Fraternity’s Review Board that the member is in good standing with the Fraternity A Full Active Member shall be allowed all rights and privileges of the Fraternity He shall, be allowed to hold an elected or appointed position in the Fraternity He shall be allowed to nominate any other Full Active Member for an elected position in the Fraternity He shall be allowed to vote on any matter brought to a vote by the Fraternity He shall be allowed to hold a position in the IFC Probationary Active Members A Probationary Active Member is a member who, based on a determination by the Fraternity’s Review Board, does not meet the standards required for Full Active Membership in the Fraternity A Probationary Active Member shall stay in this status from the time of the Review Board’s decision until his next review He shall not be allowed to vote on any matters concerning the Fraternity He shall not be allowed to hold an office in the Fraternity, appointed or elected He shall not be allowed to hold a position in the IFC He is still responsible for any financial obligations he may have with the Fraternity He may participate in the Fraternity’s Rush and New member programs, and in any philanthropic or other community service events sponsored by the Fraternity Such participation will be looked upon favorably during his next review WILL BE ON SOCIAL AND ATHLETIC PROBATION Junior Active Member A Junior Active Member is a member who has just entered the Fraternity He shall be allowed to hold appointed positions in the Fraternity as well as the positions of corresponding secretary, and recording secretary He shall be allowed to make and second motions at Fraternity meetings He shall be allowed to hold appointed IFC positions A Junior Active Member is not permitted to vote on any matter concerning the Fraternity This exclusion of voting privileges shall begin when he becomes a Junior Active Member and shall last for two academic terms as an active member of the Fraternity A Junior Active Member’s status shall be considered by the Fraternity’s Review Board, at which time he will either be promoted to a Full Active Member, or he shall become a Probationary Active Member Part II: Inactive Member A member who, after entering the Fraternity, finds that he cannot meet his obligations to the Fraternity, due to financial considerations or other difficulties may petition for Inactive Membership status To become an Inactive Member, he must be an Active Member of the Fraternity, and he must request and receive the unanimous consent of the Fraternity’s Executive Committee Each request for inactive Membership status shall be considered individually by the committee Should the Executive Committee fail to grant the member inactive status, the member may appeal this decision to the Fraternity at the next Regular meeting of the Fraternity In such a case, members of the Executive Committee shall have no vote and a unanimous vote of those eligible to vote shall be necessary for approval An Inactive Member shall pay a fee to be determined by the Finance Committee until his graduation or the termination of his inactive status He shall be carried on the rolls of the Fraternity until his graduation He may petition the Executive Committee for readmission to active status Readmission shall be granted by the consent of a majority of the Executive Committee The Executive Committee shall review all inactive cases at the beginning of every term Part III: Honorary Member An Honorary Member is an individual who has been rewarded by the Fraternity for his service to it with a perpetual Honorary Membership Honorary Membership requires a unanimous vote by the eligible voters of the Fraternity Honorary Members may wear letters, however, are not required to pay dues, nor are they allowed to attend any Fraternity meetings Section 3: New Member Education Any Full Active Member of the Fraternity at any Regular Meeting may propose a candidate for membership in the Fraternity All votes for candidacy are restricted to Full Active Members and shall be by secret ballot If less than ten percent of the votes the candidate receives are negative the candidate shall become a New member of the Fraternity If more than ten percent of the votes are negative the candidate is ineligible for membership, however his candidacy may be submitted for one additional vote at a subsequent meeting Any Full Active Member of the Fraternity may call for a vote to terminate the status of a New member The vote is restricted to Full Active Members, it shall be by secret ballot, and it will be held at the next meeting Members whose absence has been approved by the President may vote by absentee ballot, which must be received prior to the meeting If more than ten percent of the votes are negative and there are at least three negative votes, A candidate may terminate his status as a New member at any time by notifying the Fraternity Section 4: Formal Entrance into the Fraternity The name of the New member shall be submitted to the Fraternity prior to Informal Initiation (the pinning ceremony) The vote is restricted to Full Active Members and shall be by secret ballot If more than ten percent of the votes are negative the New member shall be ineligible for membership, A final vote for membership shall be held following Informal Initiation The vote is restricted to Full Active Members and shall be by secret ballot If more than ten percent of the votes are negative the New member shall be ineligible for membership, A New member shall become ineligible for membership if he fails to become a Junior Active Member within six months unless, under the voting rules of Section of this Article, the Fraternity votes to extend the new member period All active New member s are required to participate in Informal Initiation unless the Fraternity excuses them Failure to participate in informal Initiation without being excused will make the New member ineligible for membership A New member may petition the Executive Committee and the New member Educator for inactive status Should his request be granted the New member shall have inactive status effective immediately If the request is denied the New member shall have the option of terminating his relationship with the Fraternity or continuing as an active New member Section 5: Withdrawal Once a member has been Formally Initiated he is not permitted to withdraw voluntarily from the Fraternity, nor may he resign, regardless of whether he is an Active or Inactive Member Section 6: Expulsion A member of the Fraternity may be expelled from the Fraternity upon conviction of any one of the following charges: 1) Violation of the Fraternity Oath; 2) Involvement in illegal acts; 3) Delinquency of financial obligations to the Fraternity for more than one year A member accused of one of these charges shall be notified in writing of the charges one week prior to his trial The trial shall be conducted as follows: It shall be held during a Regular Meeting of the Fraternity The President of the fraternity shall act as judge and shall conduct the trial The Vice President of the Fraternity shall act as prosecutor The accused member shall defend himself The Full Active Members of the Fraternity present at the meeting shall act as the jury A vote of ninety percent or more of the jury shall be required for conviction A convicted member may appeal the conviction in accordance with Section 7, Part I of this Article If the convicted member waives his right to appeal or fails in his appeal he shall be considered expelled from the Fraternity and shall be banished from the Fraternity’s rolls forever Section 7: Appeals There are two types of appeals: expulsion, and general Part I: Expulsion A member convicted by the Fraternity of any of the charges listed in Section of this Article may appear before the Fraternity at the next Regular Meeting following his conviction for the purpose of appealing his conviction After he has been given the opportunity to present his case he shall be excused from the meeting, at which time the members shall discuss the case and vote to determine whether the conviction should be overturned An affirmative vote by ninety percent or more of the voting members present at the meeting shall be required to overturn the conviction Part II: General Any fine, restriction, or other penalty imposed on a member, other than expulsion, may be appealed to the Fraternity at a Regular Meeting The request for appeal must be submitted to the Executive Committee within one week of the imposition of the penalty Failure to request an appeal within one week effectively waives the member’s right to appeal the penalty, and the penalty shall be imposed The Fraternity shall hear the case of the accused, and following their private deliberation they shall vote on the appeal, with members of the Executive Committee being excluded from the vote If a 10 ARTICLE XII AMENDMENTS AND RATIFICATION Section 1: General Amendments Excepting those sections dealing with the Alumni Corporation, this constitution, in entirety or in part, must be amended according to the following procedures The proposed amendment(s) must be introduced at either a Regular or Special Meeting by a Full Active Member All Full Active Members shall be notified in writing of the proposed changes All Excused Full Active Members shall be required to cast their absentee ballot to be delivered to the President prior to the vote on the amendment(s) All other Full Active Members shall be required to attend the meeting at which the voting will take place A two-thirds majority of those members voting shall be required to pass the amendment(s) Votes not specifically cast, as abstentions shall not be counted as such Section 2: Amendments to Alumni Relations Amendments to sections dealing with relations with the Alumni Corporation shall use the same procedures as Section of this Article, with the addition that they shall require the approval of the Alumni Corporation ARTICLE XIII: BY-LAWS Section 1: Enactment The Fraternity may, by a majority vote at a Regular or Special Meeting and provided a Quorum is present, enact such by-laws as are deemed necessary and which are not inconsistent with this constitution Section 2: Definition The by-laws of the Fraternity shall be considered to be all motions regarding rules, regulations, and procedures of policy not specifically regulated by the constitution, which are of a permanent nature and cannot be changed without prior notice Section 3: Amendment or Repeal Amendment or repeal of any by-law shall require a majority vote at a Regular or Special Meeting and provided a Quorum is present 25 Section 4: Record The Historian shall compile by-laws into a permanent record at least once a term Record of Constitutional Amendments January 13th, 2008 – Motion to temporarily suspend constitution to allow voting rights for new members a Was passed with notation that it would be reevaluated after months (1 new member class) b As of Spring 2008, new member voting rights were revoked to current standing in constitution Programming Chair Amendment Programming Committee Amendment Removal of Remunerations for officers Social Chair to Exec Amendment PR and Corresponding Secretary Amendment Assistant Treasurer to appointed position amendment Social Policy amendment Movement of dues payment deadline 10 Increased minimum GPA required to hold officer positions 11 Amendment to allow suspension of house requirement to hold executive positions 12 Amendment to allow junior members to vote passing a 2/3 vote 13 Removal of Social Chairman and addition of Risk Chairman to Executive Board 14 Addition of Greek Week Chairman as appointed Chair position 26 Appendix A: Risk Management Policy and Procedure Overview “Look both ways before you cross the street to make sure there aren’t any cars coming.” That was probably the official beginning of risk management in your life Until the 1980s, risk management was not a topic of frequent conversation in the Greek world Sure, emphasis was placed on safety of houses, members’ actions, and social events with alcohol were scrutinized, but until the major lawsuits became prevalent, we were able to take care of things on our own That changed, and so has the amount of attention that we must pay to risk management issues As a result, Fraternities spend more time focusing on risk management than perhaps ever before While every Fraternity is covered by an insurance policy to help shelter it from some of the risks, the bottom line is that there is no insurance policy will provide coverage for any accident or incident if it’s determined that a law was being broken It should be noted that individuals who commit an erroneous act are usually held personally responsible by the law Recent lawsuits have shown that the court will put blame on the specific individual first, suing their personal or parents’ insurance and only then take on the Fraternity While there is no such thing as coverage for violating the law, the Fraternity can reduce the likelihood of serious incident through a method of Fraternity management and instruction This publication is designed to help the Fraternity keep itself in business by teaching brothers to make responsible decisions and manage risks appropriately What's Included in this Manual? • Risk Management Policy Outline • Alcohol and Drugs • Sexual Abuse and Harassment • Hazing • Fighting • House Maintenance • House Security • Fire Safety Suggestions • How to Survive a Fraternity House Fire • Tips for Vacations and Winterizing • Crisis Management 27 I Risk Management Policy Outline Alcohol and Drugs As stated before no insurance policy will provide coverage for any accident or incident if it’s determined that a law was being broken That is why a strict code of conduct for the use of alcohol will be outlined Hazing No Fraternity shall conduct hazing activities Hazing activities are defined as: “Any action taken or situation created, intentionally, whether on or off Fraternity premises, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule Such activities may include, but are not limited to, the following: use of alcohol; paddling in any form; creation of excessive fatigue; physical and psychological shocks; quest, treasure hunts, scavenger hunts, road trips, or any other such activities carried on outside or inside of the confines of the Fraternity house; wearing of pubic apparel which is conspicuous and not normally in good taste; engaging in public stunts and buffoonery; morally degrading or humiliating games and activities; and any other activities which are not consistent with fraternal law or policy or the regulations and policies of the educational institution.” Fighting Fighting is an attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons In any fight, members involved risk criminal charges, civil litigation and serious injury That is why Alpha Pi Lambda will not tolerate or condone any fight, whether it is on of off Fraternity property, between members or non-members Sexual Abuse and Harassment The Fraternity will not tolerate or condone any form of sexually abusive behavior on the part of its members, whether physical, mental or emotional This is to include any actions, which are demeaning to women including but not limited to date rape, gang rape, or verbal harassment Housing The responsibility of maintaining a safe and positive learning environment for active organization members is a concern Our goal in the area of Fraternity housing must be to make sure that all who live in our houses are protected to the best of our ability Two major areas of concern have been shown to cause liability and property loss problems for fraternities: house maintenance and fire safety In both areas, a responsible risk management program can lessen the probability of causing damage to the Fraternity house Crisis Management Procedures will be designed to accommodate various situations that may arise While these are situations everyone hopes will not come about, it is wise to have procedures available to handle the situation correctly Situations like these have happened to other Fraternities before, and 28 therefore we model our procedures off of others Education Each student member, associate member and new member shall be instructed semi-annually on the Risk Management Policy of Alpha Pi Lambda Fraternity II Alcohol and Drugs The possession, sale, use or consumption of alcoholic beverages, while on Fraternity premises or during a fraternity event, in any situation sponsored or endorsed by the Fraternity, in any event an observer would associate with a fraternity, must be in compliance with any and all applicable laws of the state, province, county, city and institution of higher education, and must comply with either the BYOB or Third Party Vendor Guidelines No alcoholic beverages may be purchased through Fraternity funds nor may the purchase of same for members or guests be undertaken or coordinated by any member in the name of, or on behalf of, the Fraternity The purchase or use of a bulk quantity of common sources of such alcoholic beverage, e.g kegs, is prohibited Open parties, meaning those with unrestricted access by non-members of the fraternity, without specific invitation, where alcohol is present, shall be forbidden No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell alcoholic beverages to any minor (i.e., those under legal "drinking age") The possession, sale or use of any illegal drugs or controlled substances while on Fraternity premises or during a fraternity event or at any event that an observer would associate with the fraternity, is strictly prohibited Alcoholic beverages are permitted in the Fraternity house provided that all federal, state, or local laws, as well as University policies, are followed III Sexual Abuse and Harassment Why should we be concerned about sexual abuse? Because legal liability is a reality in sexual abuse incidents It is possible that a victim of sexual abuse or rape may be able to sue the perpetrator, even though criminal charges are not filed or dismissed The active organization, active organization officers, and others may be sued if an incident of sexual abuse occurs at a Fraternity function What Can We Do As A Group To Prevent Sexual Abuse? i Review Fraternity and system “traditions” and eliminate sexist, degrading practices that signal to members that is okay to demean and not respect others ii Host educational programs for the Fraternity Hold a program on human sexuality Hold another program on alcohol and other drugs Aggressively address problems of substance abuse that leads to other problems iii Invite a campus counselor to conduct a program on male-female relationships and assertiveness communication 29 iv Take a leadership role in the Greek system to condemn sexual harassment and abuse and to promote a safe environment for all What Can You Do As An Individual To Minimize Sexual Abuse? i Understand that you are responsible for your own actions as an individual and as a member of Alpha Pi Lambda Fraternity ii Understand your own sexuality and be aware of social pressures iii Don’t assume that previous permission for sexual activity applies to the current situation iv Don’t assume that just because someone is dressed in a “sexy” manner or flirts that she wants to engage in sexual activity However, know these actions may be misinterpreted v Don’t get into a vulnerable situation with someone you don’t know or trust vi Don’t participate in or allow “less severe rapes” to happen Verbal harassment of women, whistles, snide comments and stares are all assaults on any woman’s sense of well being The underlying intention is to intimidate the person vii Take an equal role in your relationships Always take account of the woman’s wishes viii Reject sexual stereotypes that define women as passive, weak, and irrational, and men as aggressive, macho, and dominating ix Avoid excessive use of alcohol and other drugs that will impair your judgment and interfere with effective communication x Don’t rape Sexual intimacy is a free exchange between free people Intimidation, coercion, and force have no place How Men Can Tell If Their Behavior Is Sexual Harassment Some men (and women) are confused as to what behaviors constitute sexual harassment The following questions may be especially helpful in assessing one’s behavior i Would I mind if someone treated my girlfriend, partner, mother, or sister this way? ii Would I mind if this person told my girlfriend, partner, mother, or sister about what I was saying or doing? iii Would I mind if a reporter wanted to write about what I was doing? iv If I asked someone for a date and the answer was “no,” I keep asking? v If someone asks me to stop a particular behavior, I get angry and more of the same instead of apologizing and stopping? IV Hazing The purpose of fraternity education is just that—education about the Fraternity, the active organization, and the university It is education about past and present Brothers, and it is education about what makes a good member The senseless act of hazing not only creates liability risk for the Fraternity and the Fraternity, but also hinders the development of the friendships that are the basis of Brotherhood 30 The majority of states consider hazing to be a felony This means that, in those states, a lawsuit resulting from a hazing activity might exclude insurance coverage for members who were aware of or condoned a hazing activity Remember back to the beginning of this manual where it states that insurance will not protect an individual from an illegal act Therefore, hazing carries a number of risks, including: A civil lawsuit Criminal prosecution for an illegal act Discipline by the Fraternity Loss of recognition from Drexel University Possible loss of insurance coverage What New Members Expect From Their Education New members desire many things from the Fraternity They expect these things when they become full members, and they expect them during their education period They want: i ii iii iv v vi vii viii ix x xi xii xiii To make friends To have a positive experience with their Fraternity To learn about the Fraternity To feel wanted and needed To be informed as to what the Fraternity expects from them To join an organization, not a disorganization To be respected as individuals and Brothers To be helped in adjusting to campus life, college classes, and Fraternity responsibilities To have fair treatment and not be subservient to initiated members To work with initiated members at tasks commensurate with their experience and knowledge To respect older members To have initiation requirements, but not to have to earn active status through personal favors, competition or juvenile activities To have lots of fun If the Fraternity offers these things, it has a successful program; and there are many activities that lead to such a program Remember, if you have any doubt about whether something is hazing or not, don’t it Find an alternative V Fighting Fighting is an attempt to harm or gain power over an adversary by blows or with weapons In any fight, members involved risk criminal charges, civil litigation and serious injury Fighting is a widespread problem and a huge risk That is why Alpha Pi Lambda will not tolerate or condone any fight, whether it is on or off Fraternity property, between members or non-members For our purposes we will constitute a fight as the following: A fight between two members Any fight on Fraternity property A fight off Fraternity property, in which the Fraternity has been represented in any way 31 In the event of a fight, the involved person or people shall be brought to trial in accordance with Article VI, Section of the Alpha Pi Lambda Constitution After a thorough review, the Executive Board shall determine the consequences based on the situation Possible penalties may consist of a monetary fine, social suspension or expulsion from the Fraternity Fighting as defined in this risk management manual must also accommodate non-members who decide to brawl on Fraternity property In the event of this situation, there are two different ways this may be handled First, all involved parties shall immediately be separated and ejected from the house and sent on their way Second, if the situation calls for it, the involved people may be detained and the police called to handle the situation During a situation like this, it is imperative that all members remember not to become involved with the situation If a member is in the process of ejecting someone from the house, then his only responsibility is to safely see the person to the door and off Fraternity property, any member who becomes involved with a fight will be held accountable and brought to trial as stated above VI House Maintenance Listed below are some basic suggestions that our Fraternity can follow to develop its own local house maintenance risk management policy: i Schedule regular inspections Thoroughly inspect the house every month, with the active organization president, house manager, and specified alumni board member doing the inspection together and completing a written checklist ii Pay attention to traffic areas Particular maintenance attention should be directed toward doorways, railings, stairways, carpet, floors, and windows Outside, regular inspection of fire escapes should be scheduled to check their operation and to make sure they are clear of obstacles iii Develop a written maintenance program Have a written schedule to replace or change furnace filters, light bulbs, exit lights, etc when needed iv Keep halls and stairways cleared All halls, stairways, and exits should be kept clear and well lighted at all times v Service heating and air conditioning equipment Schedule annual service and inspection of these major mechanical systems vi Service kitchen equipment Regular cleaning, service, and inspections of all kitchen equipment should be scheduled Pay particular attention to stoves, deep fryers, exhaust hood filters, and fire extinguishing systems vii Restrict access to dangerous areas As appropriate, limit or prohibit access to certain areas of the house such as roofs, furnace rooms, fuse boxes, etc 32 VII House Security Fraternity leaders must become more aware of the need to limit access to the house Unfortunately, cases of arson and vandalism are not unknown to fraternities Some house security suggestions include: i A locked house is a safer house The minor inconvenience of maintaining a locked house is justified by the safety benefits to the members and physical structure Give only members a key ii Install deadbolts on all doors and lock windows Consider installing a timer that automatically sets deadbolts from midnight to 7:00 a.m Lock all ground access windows during the same hours iii Let people knock No one enters your family home without knocking Keep it that way at your Fraternity house The only exception should be during social events with door monitors greeting guests iv Designate “key alumni.” Give keys to alumni, such as the faculty advisor and corporation board officers, who require access to the house v Have “key alumni” check the house during breaks Whenever the house closes for holidays, term breaks, etc establish a schedule of “key alumni” who will regularly check house security and make sure all mechanical systems function vi Install outdoor lighting Floodlights in front and security lights in back are the best way to deter Fraternity house vandalism and arson vii Greet unescorted strangers Don’t let strangers roam the house Confront them, student or not, and ask if you can help them VIII Fire Safety Suggestions Managing our risks requires all Fraternity members to set high standards for the safety of our houses In no areas of house operations is this more important then in the area of fire safety An analysis of 260 fraternity and sorority house fires conducted by the National Fire Association determined the two leading causes of these fires were careless smoking and match disposal (24.9%) and electrical system misuse and over fusing (22.7%) Basic fire safety suggestions for a fire safety risk management program include: Establish a “no smoking” policy that bans smoking in bed and establishes other non-smoking areas Provide plenty of ashtrays in designated smoking areas Don’t overload circuits Prohibit the use of extension cords, multi-outlet devices, etc Do not permit members to install their own custom wiring Install alarm systems Consult with local fire officials to determine the number and preferred location of smoke and heat detectors in sleeping rooms and common areas Also consider installing an alarm system wired to a central location Provide and maintain fire extinguishers Extinguishers should be well marked and readily available throughout the house Establish penalties for tampering with fire extinguishers Make sure extinguishers are checked and serviced regularly 33 Hold regular fire drills Plan, design, and post your emergency evacuation plan inside each bedroom door Quarterly fire drills are recommended, with evacuation leaders and a postevacuation roll call procedure established Have emergency telephone numbers posted at all house phones Keep the Fraternity house clean Avoid keeping flammable materials in the house Extra clutter, such as paper, boxes, and clothing, provide fuel for a fire Trash removal is especially important Comply with fire codes and regulations Local fire department officials and insurance investigators will be willing to provide regular inspection and answer your questions, usually without cost Maintain sprinkler systems – while this may be at a great cost, it significantly reduces the possibility of harm to our members IX How to Survive a Fraternity House Fire If a fire begins in your room yell “FIRE!” and then try to put it out only if you’re sure you can handle it If you have any doubt, get out of your room and close the door behind you to keep smoke and flames out of the corridor Sound the alarm and arouse other members If the fire starts in another part of the building, you probably will be aroused by an alarm, yelling in the corridor, or the sound of fire engines outside Here’s what to in easy steps: Make for the door If there is smoke in the room, roll out of your bed, with your pillow over your mouth and crawl to the door Don’t stand—smoke and deadly gases rise You can die from smoke inhalation Feel the door with the palm of your hand If the door or knob is hot, don’t open it If the door is not hot, open it slowly and be ready to slam it shut if necessary Check the hall If everything appears clear, proceed to the nearest exit If there is any smoke in the corridor, crawl into the hallway Close the door behind you to protect your belongings Stay close to the wall so you can count the doorways to the exit If the nearest exit or stairway is blocked, use the alternate one Walk down to ground level Fires generate heat, smoke, and panic, so hold onto the handrail for guidance and protection against being knocked down by exiting occupants If fire or smoke is dense at lower levels, walk back up to clearer air or to the roof if it is accessible If you cannot get out of your room because the room door is hot or smoke is dense in the hall, don’t panic You can stay in your room and still survive a fire Here are some things to do: Open window to vent room if there is any smoke If you are on the first or second floor, you may be able to drop to the ground safely If you are up any higher, you usually are better off staying put Although some people survive jumps from 35 feet or more, they are usually seriously injured Let someone know you are in the room If the phone works, call for help Hang a bed sheet out the window to signal fire fighters, but don’t try to climb down Fill the sink with water It might be needed for fire fighting Turn on the bathroom fan if it helps to clear your room of smoke 34 Wet towels and sheets You’ll need them to put around doors and cracks if smoke seeps in Get fresh air Make a tent over your head with a blanket at a slightly opened window to get fresh air If the windows not open, break out one with a chair or drawer If heat and flames are rising outside from a lower floor, don’t breathe smoke-laden air 10 As a last resort If your room becomes untenable, you may be forced to make for the best exit, but remember to keep low Remember that few people are burned to death in fires Most people who die so from smoke, poisonous gases, and panic Panic is usually the result of not knowing what to If you have an escape plan and adapt it to the emergency, you can greatly increase your chances of survival X Tips for Vacations and Winterizing Property damage can occur during vacation periods Be aware of the potential for problems resulting from extreme weather and plan accordingly Shut off the domestic water supply This should be done especially during cold weather vacations if the house will be unoccupied Maintain heat Have your Fraternity house properly checked periodically during all vacation periods Have furnace and heating systems checked professionally Check for proper operation, automatic shut off, and proper venting Store combustibles away from heating or furnace areas These areas should be checked and cleaned regularly X Crisis Management There are several steps to follow in the event of a tragedy, with additional steps and consideration dependent on each case or situation Below is a general listing of those steps Notes regarding possible tragedy or crisis other than injury or death follow it Procedures for a Tragedy or a Crisis i Who’s in Charge—Be sure every person in your Fraternity knows that the Active Organization President is in charge of every emergency situation involving serious alarm, injury or death In his absence, a rank order of officers should be established, with each knowing where to find a copy of this policy ii Close the House—If a tragedy has occurred within the house, close it immediately You cannot offer instructions if your members are leaving and outsiders are entering Permit only your members and appropriate officials to enter iii Call for Assistance—Your first phone call should be to the appropriate emergency number for ambulance or police assistance In the case of a fire, contact the nearest fire station (911, if applicable, for any emergency situation) Where installed, alarms will automatically bring the fire truck Before leaving the phone, your second call must go to your Fraternity advisor and the third call to your faculty advisor All will discuss the situation with you and, in all 35 serious cases, be at the house in a matter of minutes If you are in doubt as to whether a situation is serious or not, call! In the case of a suicide attempt, with or without serious injury, not assemble your members or call parents Your advisors will quietly discuss further steps to take in this instance iv Assemble Your Membership—As soon as possible, assemble your membership in a group Explain to them there is an emergency situation and that the house is closed Ask them to cooperate in halting outgoing phone calls until further instructed Do not discuss specifics of the situation until the advisor(s) arrive Depending upon the situation, out-of-house new member s and members may need to be called in No Brother should make statements to anyone other than university or college officials Your Active Organization President will make appropriate statements to the media after the situation is under control and a response plan is established v Do Not Notify Parents—In the event of a serious accident or illness, the medical personnel will notify parents and advise them of the student’s physical situation In the event of a death, university or college officials will notify parents vi Follow Up—In the case of a Brother’s death, not announce it until a university or college staff member has arrived to help Be very careful with this information, as they will call the university or college media office to release an official statement only after all members of the immediate family have been notified If the deceased Brother lived in the house, not move any of his personal possessions Perhaps you will want to move his roommate somewhere else temporarily You should call the family to offer sympathy on behalf of the Fraternity; ask what their wishes are in regards to his possessions It is, of course, proper to send sympathy cards, flowers, etc If a funeral is within driving distance, the active organization should consider sending a delegate Other Possible Tragedies or Crisis (Crisis Management Continued) i Significant Property Damage—A fire or other natural phenomena may cause damage to the Fraternity house or grounds Depending on the severity of damage and related accidents, steps 1-4 should be followed ii Death of a Member of a Brother’s Immediate Family—The active organization’s reaction will likely be influenced by how the individual himself reacts Flowers and a delegation to the funeral are certainly appropriate The Brother will be shaken for some time following his loss The active organization must remain sensitive to this and assist in any way possible iii A Brother is Arrested—As much as possible, the active organization should stand clear of any involvement In the case of the arresting crime was committed in the Fraternity house or at a Fraternity-sponsored event, steps 1-4 should be followed Only the Active Organization President should make comments to the public or media after adequate consultation with an advisor In no case should Fraternity funds be used as bail money 36 iv A Brother is Diagnosed with AIDS—Should a Brother be diagnosed with AIDS and it comes to the Fraternity’s attention, your Greek advisor, and faculty advisor should be contacted immediately The potential for alarm and mixed reaction is great; the Fraternity will need professional assistance At all costs, the dignity of each member, especially the Brother diagnosed with the disease, must be preserved The issue must remain private as long as deemed necessary 37 Appendix B: Alpha Pi Lambda Social Policy Being a brother of the Alpha Pi Lambda Fraternity of Drexel University is a privilege that brings about social responsibility, benefits, rights, standards and obligations This code includes a clearly defined social policy that ensures a safe, effective, enjoyable and responsible way to plan and participate in social activities sponsored by the fraternity Below is the Social Protocol for planning and running all social events at the Alpha Pi Lambda house This is compliant with Drexel University and the Alpha Pi Lambda Alumni Association The Social Chairman is in charge of the event All doubts or concerns during the event should be addressed to him In the case of his absence, all concerns should be brought up to his assistant and to the appointed fraternity risk manager The following rules will apply for any Alpha Pi Lambda social event: • • • • • • • • • A complete guest list must be compiled and submitted to the Office of Fraternity & Sorority Life by the required date and be approved All those on the guest list must provide proper identification to be admitted to the social event o Any guests not on the guest list will be admitted only with a brother’s approval (those present at the front door) and need to present proper identification as well as sign-in for future submission to the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life Those who are of 21 or older will be provided with a wristband that will indicate that they are permitted to be served alcohol Two members will be assigned to monitor activity at the front door at all times – one to monitor the guest list and the other to check IDs and distribute wristbands Another member shall be stationed in the foyer area as a security measure and to prevent guests from entering the residential and brother-only levels of the house Entry into the residential areas of the house during social events is restricted to members only The chapter room, east and west parlor areas shall be closed off during social events No alcohol is permitted in the foyer area or outside at the front, back and side steps of the house This ensures compliance with the Pennsylvania Open Container Laws and respect to the Powelton Village community members No one is permitted behind the bar except for designated Alpha Pi Lambda bartenders o Bartenders should be of drinking age (21 or older) and should be approved by the risk and social managers Guests will have the option of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages once in the basement Those who not have proper wristbands will not be served any alcoholic beverages Guests are encouraged to speak with members of the fraternity, namely the Risk Manager and Social Chairman, to report suspicious activity All alcoholic distribution shall be stopped half an hour before the event ends This is to ensure that 38 all guests can leave in an orderly fashion If anyone is too intoxicated or not following rules, they will be flagged and/or ejected from the social event at the discretion of the Alpha Pi Lambda fraternity hired security Flagged guests shall not be served any alcoholic beverages under any circumstances Possession or use of illegal substances and drugs are strictly prohibited Those found involved in such activities shall be ejected and permanently prohibited from participating in all future social events and be reported to the appropriate authorities To ensure the safety of our guests, members are assigned different workstations during the social event These stations include the front door, back room, first floor duty, bar tenders and coat check/foyer monitors Each of these stations is rotated on hourly shirts and members are strictly held accountable and members are strictly held accountable The Social Chairman will formulate all assignments Two designated members shall remain sober for the event Along with this, for every 25 guests there shall be an additional sober member Sober members shall be chosen in a rotation, starting with the oldest members first to set precedent The Fraternity leadership will determine this beforehand Matches, fireworks, lighter fluid and other flammable substances are not permitted in the house during the social event Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the house, including in the basement All members shall ensure fire exits are not blocked under any circumstances, and any guest shall have access to visibly marked fire exits and alarms Attendance shall not, under any circumstance, exceed the house’s maximum capacity (300) This will comply with fire regulations During closed one-to-one socials, guests shall be restricted to the invited organization and brothers of Alpha Pi Lambda only There will be no exceptions to this, including friends, family members and significant others This outline is to ensure the safety of everyone involved Safety is the number one concern in the Alpha Pi Lambda house and to the brothers of Alpha Pi Lambda fraternity members, and any and all measures will be taken to ensure that all Alpha Pi Lambda social functions completely comply with the rules of Drexel University, the Inter-Fraternity Council, and the Alpha Pi Lambda Alumni Association Any person who is in violation of the rules regulated in this outline will be subject to immediate disciplinary action taken by the Alpha Pi Lambda judicial board, fraternity and Drexel University’s proper authorities Repeat offenders will face much more harsh punishment Revised: Ted Desmond (Social Manager) – 10/9/08 Shams Naim (Risk Manager) – 10/9/08 39

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 23:54


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