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Amalgamated Comments from all the questionnaires questionnaires Parish Plan comments Disabled facilities Better access needed to Sports pavilion (South) .Southdown area (South) Paths often uneven making it difficult to push wheelchair Disabled: Safe crossings required at Shepherds lane and Compton Street Comments/changes re disabled facilities • Footpaths safer – no parking • Parking – Has an illegitimate space been painted in Attwoods Dr? • Speed bumps on Compton St People drive too fast Children at risk1 • Better upkeep of pavements –overhanging trees/foliage Pavements very uneven and difficult for those with wheelchairs/pushchairs Safer asphalt path needed from Southdown Road to Shawford Down Maintenance of pathway on the down also needed – very slippery Good facilities for disabled Children and young people Ban dogs on Rec field (Comp) Youth club needed (Comp) x2 (South) x2 Facilities needed for older children (Comp) Facilities for smaller children like Romsey( South) x3 Southdown play area needed (South) Shawford play area needed (South x2) New one near Nursery –Otterbourne Rd Upto date equipment needed Playground – adventure style needed, better equipped for 10 – 16 year olds, climbing frame/ zip wire – comments Safe cycle area needed Skatepark Off road cycle track Younger children need the right size goals at the social club Can holes in cricket nets be patched up More equipment eg slides swings roundabouts; climbing thingsneeded for play areas in parish; another play area would be good – at Shawford Down, without destroying trees Play facilities ( need to be made more aware of where these are)should be improved/expanded – maybe at play field Compton; need suitable equipment for0-3 yrs old children; running path, bike paths, walking track Young people should be asked what they want, then they may look after it Would be good to have a sweet shop and youth club More play space and equipment eg benches for young people to sit on additional playground in Shawford; Improvements to playground on CD - monkey bars and roundabout;.1 on the Downs; A playground near CD pavilion with much more and bigger equipment Facilities for Children • School and pre-school are more than excellent • • • • • More provision for teenagers Lack of parental responsibility for children who abuse facilities Play areas could be improved School full but extension would compromise standards Football facilities good Floodlights would be nice Facilities For Children said by children(see also Q 16, 17, 21 and 28) • More play equip for under 5’s • More seating for mums and dads • Roundabout, see-saw etc • Basketball net or netball pole in corner of field • Section of playground for cricket, tennis or hoop shooting • Skateboard area Bicycle lane/cycle track New Facilities for Young People • Free bus into town or to youth clubs • Bike or skate ramps & zip wires for older children • Input from local youths aimed to taking ‘ownership’ • Youth group at scout hall or pavilion • Somewhere dry to meet, play (play station) & buy soft drinks • Little train (like at Hursley) for the toddlers • A shelter with seats Q 27 Comments on Schools and Play Area • Play equip in Compton St needs to be cleaned – birds’ mess • The school is great • Lots of space and you can play football • Not a lot to Q 28 Improvements to Play Equipment • More equipment suitable for the under 5’s • Climbing frame & sand pit • High & low monkey bars • Large tyre swing • Roundabout and climbing frame • Aerial runway • Floodlights Q 31 New Facilities for Young People • Swimming pool • Free bus to youth groups in other parts of Winchester • Basketball net/ netball hoop • Youth group • Tennis courts, Rugby pitch 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 School places not being offered to families moving to area – too many from outside parish at Compton school Child friendly cycle paths needed Q.20 Additional play area needed in Shawford – At bottom of Shawford Down Otterbourne Road Near Southdown Q.21 or in layby area at beginning of Youth clubs needed Football/sports needed (also listed on questionnaire that they not use Compton Playing fields) Pushchair friendly footpaths near Shawford Down needed Play park for older children needed Cheaper and more frequent public transport needed Free access to tennis court Blockbuster Video and other shops Q.27 Not enough areas or things to for teenagers Q.28 More climbing equipment, bigger slide needed More of it and more variety Q.31 Shop and basketball court Q.36 Gymtots or similar needed at Shawford Parish Hall Adult education classes needed Live sports matches at pavilion Tai Chi and team gym 36.2 Gym 36.3 Youth club School will be over-subscribed due to recent development Q.20 Suggest.play area Ott Rd x2; Bottom Shawford Down ; Q.21 Sand pit, ropes, climbing frame ; meeting place for older kids ; youth club Q.25 Lack of teenage facilities Q 31 Rugby posts Need a youth club (7) with many activities Another playground needed It must be in Shawford (7) Need more equipment in all playgrounds mother and toddler groups in afternoon in Scout hut e.g music there could be more things in the park in Attwoods Drove for kids to play on Excellent park near Martins Fields More facilities for older children within the playground in Martins Fields more after school clubs for younger children we would like to see more structures for children on the play area e.g climbing frame Youth Club in Compton Shawford Down Youth club x3 Something to stop them ruining the play area Basketball net in playground The climbing equipment at the Compton Street Playing fields is nothing compared to the same at Compton Down Why is it that the least used one got the better things? Also the goals at Compton Street Playing Fields are the most used in the whole area so it would be nice to have some full size goals with proper nets Regular cleaning by local authority to remove graffiti, bird poo Somewhere to go that doesn’t have old people moaning because it’s dark but only o‘clock at night because we make a bit of noise Sports, leisure and recreation Adults, like youth, need a swimming pool (4) and Village Fete which like Sports Club activities, CASCA Christmas Party, film evenings, adult education and keep fit classes will bring parishioners closer together.(5) These could be at Parish Hall or, perhaps the Pavilion Amateur dramatics also suggested Multi-sports for younger children Keep fit for over 50’s Sports area used too much from outsiders Social facilities for young adults needed ? Film Club needed Cafe in Community Room Basketball court Recreation – yoga/pilates/keep fit classes needed locally – comments Suggest canoeing/kayaking activities on the river Clubs should try to engage with more local people Sports clubs can feel as though they are for a certain group of people only teenage discos in Scout hut : Floodlit football and tennis on CD: recreational area with river frontage and paddling area should be developed between the navigation and the Malms and be paid for from the “ open spaces fund” ; Tennis Club Pavilion too small for expanding community – should be available to teenagers as Recreational /Counselling faciility.; More sports recreational facilities for young people Improve access to Pavilion and make available to non-club members: Introduce hockey; Yoga and keep-fit wanted in Scout hut; Suggestion for whist drives in Scout hut; Expand Pavilion to accommodate snooker/pool table tennis A Gym A hard playing court for netball/basketball/5 a side football After school clubs karate/drama/art/dancing in Scout Hut and other halls; Film Night for 11-16yr olds in Pavilion; Football and cricket for 5-12yr olds; More tennis courts on CD + rebound net Trout fishing No more facilities- people should learn to entertain themselves A netball hoop for girls More activities, more open and more organized sport needed Skateboard Park, paragliding and better use of SD Coaching and organized box leagues at week-ends Badminton Mountain bike club “ Good sports facilities” Mending the holes in the cricket nets Re events- More advertising, simple bright flyers through letterboxes Local hobbies ; wine tasting ; TV matches ; May Day Fest.; Keep fit after 6pm ;playschemes in hols ; toddlers group ; clubs ; concerts - local talent Part time post office club for the children after school club Club for adults for the evening Whist Drive Bingo Book Club Film Night Aerobics Youth club x3 Nothing noisy or amplified - it is close to residencies Youth club Film Night annual village fair boxing day football match Scout hut or church In any of the halls or church Scout hall or Shawford Village Hall The small room in the Scout Hall was intended to be used as a Community Room, possibly with internet access Doctor’s Surgery, part time post office Library Daily newspapers 42 Sports, clubs, etc not provided for • Do not feel part of any sports facility in Compton Down • Netball • Boules pitch • Yoga/pregnancy yoga • Running club or similar • A pub/social meeting area Q 43 Improvements to Sports Clubs etc • Cycle routes for leisure/fitness • Sports Pavilion & facilities appear to be rather exclusive to that specific area of village • Floodlights on 3rd tennis court 1 1 1 1 A general sports club at the pavilion where anyone can go along and play football, tennis, where all the facilities at Compton Down would be used, this might give the kids something to Should be something for the Compton children in the playing area aerobics, mother and toddler group Aerobics or other fitness classes More cubs for girls in Compton Village as Brownies in Twyford is not easy to get to without transport Local rambling/walking clubs Maybe a football tournament similar to the cricket match but with teams from compton, compton down, shawford and southdown once a year or more regular Law and Order Damage to Bus Shelter x2 (Comp + South) Bus shelter graffiti (South) x3 Vandalism Neighbourhood watch communication with police erratic (South) Speeding on local roads(South x3) Youngsters hanging about in car park – have set off bangers/fireworks Graffiti/vandalism of bus stops a problem Law and order, 18 comments as follows - concern over apparent increase in vandalism 6; Concern over graffiti 4; Concern over noisy parties 2, and burglaries ; Concern over Dangerous dogs Theft of bins Litter Bonfire smoke nuisance Criminal & Anti-Social Behaviour Causing Concern • Teenagers driving too fast in Atttwoods Drove • Rubbish left by teenagers in Attwoods Drove • Vandalism, graffiti and foul language at play area • Underage drinking and small fires • Cars driving too fast down Compton St • Damage to bus stops, bollards etc on main road • Drunks at 3am walking home • Car break-ins at Shawford station • Parking on verges, pavements & blocking entrances etc Q 57 Criminal Activity/Nuisance • Youths running over gardens etc & ‘giving aggro’ • Number plate stolen from car • Car break-in at Shawford Stn Suggest CCTV camera 1 1 1 1 Neighbourhood watch scheme appears moribund – Southdown Q.53 Never see police patrolling area anymore Speeding drivers in Southdown Parking on verges in Southdown and on dangerous corners Q.54 Door to door salesmen are a nuisance Cyclists on towpath Dog mess and litter on towpath Vandals at railway station Cars in station and Shawford Down carparks late at night Occasional graffitit in station No police visible Fireworks other than for Guy Fawkes or New Year – distressing to animals Litter on verges – Southdown Q.55 Theft and vandalism but over year ago Q.57 Vandalism at railway station Garden tools worth £800 stolen from garden during day Car tyres slashed when parked in private car port – Southdown LITTER, X Request a litter bin at Tilden Rd VANDALISM/PARTIES IN BUS SHELTER X Noisy at pub closing time Speeding on Main Road x 54 antisocial behaviour damage to cars, key marks all down car litter dropped by children going to and from school and in Compton Play Park Inconsiderate parking due to lack of adequate provision young people littering the play area and making lots of noise The influx of crowds of youngsters Not currently - had problems with one family 3-7 years ago Parents abuse the laws when dropping off children at Compton School - especially in the mornings Constant litter on football pitch/green, overturning of bins There is someone who seems a bit shady Motorbikes being driven on footpaths/bridleways/restricted byways and at high speed in Compton Street 57 offences vehicles damaged on own drive, continual harassment from neighbour who constantly breaks tenancy conditions damage caused to motor vehicle Services Problems in getting to recycling bins eg bottles (Comp) 1x week for rubbish (x11) and recycling weekly required Need for weekly rubbish collections, especially during summer months – 12 comments x week for recycling ok (South) Glass to be collected from home (x4) Problem with dog mess (Comp + South x3) Horse Dung (South x4) Where are the local parish farms ? Dissatisifed – no immediate facility for bottle disposal at Laura Close; should also collect glass and all paper ie yellow pages Recycling – have waste every week, with other recycling every other week Recycling – not sure what can recycle; green waste selective collection Need more waste and recycling bins Have to go to Winchester to get rid of extra waste Unhygienic and smelly as it is now Need for weekly rubbish collections especially during summer months Need for weekly rubbish collections all year round 10 “ Dustbin collection should be weekly as in most civilized societies” Better provision for garden waste comment Other rubbish issues - 22 comments as follows ; Litter bins required for car park on top of SD Dog-pooh bins required on tow-path of navigation; Dog mess Shepherds lane 3; Dog and horse mess Compton Street 4: Builders rubble mess; Recycling too restricted (6) kerbside glass collection Litter at Shawford Lock Litter bins needed at bus-stops Are you dissatisfied with waste/recycling arrangements? • Should be able to recycle more • Waste collection a disgrace • No arrangements for people with medical problems • Maggots, flies and/or smell in hot weather Suggest bio-degradable bin liners be offered 1 • Green waste bags get blown around – suggest bins • Re-cycle bins not big enough • Garden waste not collected due to access probs at another house Q 71 Further Comments on Services (see also Q70) • Dog mess in Attwoods Drove & Compton Street • Refuse coll’n every week • More bins for dog mess & to be used • Immoveable rubbish bin in play area • Too much horse manure on footpaths • Too much aimless driving around of coll’n vehicles • Reduce charges for fortnightly collections • Village spring cleaning 74 Parish Development – Other Ways • Keep same but pub, P.O would be good Not a village • No room for more homes without compromising existing homes • Increase in horse manure on paths • Would be good to restore Compton News & P.O to original use Q 70/71 Not enough rubbish is recycled Weekly collections needed 18 particularly in summer Need bottle/glass collections Litter a problem in Station Terrace and Shawford Down carparks Litter bins needed in all carparks Stop complaining re 2-weekly collections! Dog mess a major problem where children play on Shawford Down towpaths More green bags needed and are too small Recycling too complicated Shredded paper should be recyclable Local recycling centre closes too early in winter REQUEST WEEKLY COLLECTIONS X 10 " glass collection / better plastic recycling Bins left untidily /extra rubbish not collected Q.75 Totally against Park and Ride Need weekly refuse collection (16) Need glass collected for recycling (6) 1 15 1 1 1 and on require local bottle bank eg inside playing field or on green in Attwoods Drove more could be done to include glass, bottles In the summer it smells and maggots and flies Garden rubbish should be once a week in the summer Too many flies around bins Not all packaging that can be recycled can be: margarine tubs, orange juice cartons Waste collection should go back to once a week (hygienic) Plastic and tetrapak recycling needs to be improved There should be a separate bin for food leftovers green bins could be emptied once a month instead of twice, glass and tins could be placed in bins Household waste should be collected weekly as the fortnightly collections have led to an increase in flies They not collect glass - need more info about number on recycling items; WCC not inform us Weekly collection of black bins x5 weekly collection of recycling bins Green bags not sturdy enough or large enough for non-compostable garden waste x2 Introduce a brown bin for garden waste - this is common in other countries Reservations about fortnightly waste collection if we should have a hot summer like 2006 Bins are often left in the road or drove entrances causing congestion in this narrow lane (end of Compton Street) we should have arrangements for disposal of glass bottles especially the elderly who have to carry them on the bus to Winchester which would be dangerous should they fall I wouldn’t mind taking plastic and tetrapaks to a venue if I knew they really were going to be recycled Compton Street needs dog mess bins - some dog owners not pick up their mess Dog mess and horse poo in Compton Street Green bags are not suitable for the elderly or disabled - impossible to manhandle The litter problem could be solved by paying a daily fee to trustworthy local children to keep them clean Excrement is biodegradable; plastic and tetrapaks are a permanent ugliness Should be at least two Village Spring Clean Days per year Village amenities Community room to have PO and Parish Council Office (South) Community room to provide meeting space ; refreshment area – locate it at Sports pavilion (?) More community events (South) X2 Village shop like Twyford Facilities – village shop/café needed – comments Need an NHS dentist Keep fit facilities- have more Have village fete Shawford hall – use for yoga; craft & art; writers club Use scout hut for playgroups/singing groups Have fax machine/photocopier/table tennis/ pool table Internet access comments: in Shawford Village Hall in Pavilion Village community room 7comments small library ; table tennis and snooker; Chess, Role play and children’s games Quiz night for pavilion, Bands and music gigs in Village Hall Newsletter advertising forthcoming events is needed Mum + toddler sessions could be held Info on local history, café, maps of local walks, scenery and places of interest Need to advertise farm shops Photocopier Scanner Teach older people to use internet Q.42 Could be provided: Wildlife club for young children Pre-school music or movement classes Youth football teams More activities for social interaction Dance classes Horseriding Increased Use of Scout Hall • Parent & Toddler Gp • Band practice /music venue • Youth group • Yoga or other exercise classes • Folk evening • First Aid • Cheese & Wine evening • Circle dancing • Local businesses to use for meetings • Internet café • Brownies etc group • Evening classes e.g cookery • Games evening e.g pool, darts, cards Q 36.2 Increased Use of Village Hall • Youth group • Local businesses to use for meetings • Farmers’/local markets • Food/wine tasting e.g Mediterranean 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 Q 36.3 Increased Use of Sports Pavilion • Specific sports days hosted by pro to gauge interest & involvem’t • Food/wine tasting • Pavilion open with tea/coffee when children playing tennis Q 39 Location of Community Room Communication Parish Mag to include more groups reporting their activities (South) Parish Mag excellent (X2) Free Parish Mag Parish magazine – all planning applications should be listed asap – comments Have houses for sale etc included as Winchester Extra not delivered here Deliver it to Southdown rd area Raise more via subscription monies Grove rd – did not get welcome pack Distribute magazine more widely as important parish communicant Some web site links out of date (South) Web site needs facelift (South) Web site cluttered Website- 1- some web-pages are dated Keyholder address for Southdown Rd/postbox notice board needs to be displayed – difficult to know how to advertise Q.46 Who has welcome packs for new neighbours? Q.48 Q.49 Info on website outdated and difficult to find More advertising of website needed Should have regular updates and links to train and bus times from Shawford Discussion forum needed – and new layout Reads Twyford Parish magazine instead of Compton & Shawford Q.51 Include list of advertisers in parish magazine on website so that they are contactable when magazine mislaid Need to know more re children’s clubs Parish magazine excellent Drop or reduce the religious part Reintroduce police report feature Parish Mag thought good (4) but Guest and Wildlife pages suggested (1) Parish Communication Suggestions • Never had a welcome pack • Info on notice boards as to how to open and put up notice • Never get free local newspaper – does one exist? • Please don’t waste money on this • Don’t know what is on it- so no comment Parish Magazine Improvements • Subscription ran out – no idea how to get a new one • More local news inc train & bus times • Needs to be free • Ensure regular deliveries – few & far between • No improvements because it is excellent • An exchange/buy page Articles from local people – ‘local heroes’ 1 1 1 1 Parish Communication: comments as follows Notice boards should not be locked; Parish Mag over focused on Church matters - marketing should be parish focused, comments Poor circulation of Parish Mag More articles from local parishioners on travels ,sponsorships and other interesting activities Guy Hanson , Fermain, Shepherd’s lane is publisher of Hampshire life and will offer and issue for each welcome pack Notice boards out of date, emails and good website should replace Peter Walker would like to be on the Parish mag distribution list ( Edgewood Field Close) Request about Parish Mag availability x5 Q.51 Applause for Parish Mag !! several Request for more info about clubs in the area " " all Planning applications in Mag 48 We moved into village on April 07 and did not receive a welcome pack I thought website was out of date 51 Parish Mag Let people know how to purchase one Do not know how to get it getting younger people and children involved This is the first place I’ve lived where I have read the Parish Magazine - I think it’s brilliant ps bring back the silly reports of the PCC meetings - they were great A small ads page for locals for sale, wanted, private as well as businesses x2 More news of Compton specifically Recommended local tradesmen (by parishioners) Security items (like article in September issue on Rogue Traders) Transport updates A village history feature Additional Comments • Stop more development in Compton • Compton needs a pub • Use former P.O premises for shop • Opening times & location of farm shops to be adv on noticeboards • Would like to maintain general character of village • Bus service direct from Compton to St Cross • Should be concentrating on hygiene & security instead of this quest1 • Need village shop again to encourage elderly to stay Solar panels installed but not effective Need good farm shop Resurface M3 asap and barrier needed Sad that Shawford PO has closed More housing for older people needed Very friendly parish Parking at Twyford surgery getting more and more difficult Lorries at nursing home dangerous Need better mobile phone reception Conclusion Parish to work as a whole ensure right sort of people are housed within social housing sector stop the developments, including half finished houses some kind of post office service would be useful Highways problems: parking problems ie people parking on grass, pavements in Martins Fields Speeding cars coming down Otterbourne Road past Compton Street, dangerous road junction when turning right from Compton Street due to poor visibility As a 92 year old widower I have little cause for complaint More people who work locally ie people who will contribute to the life of the community We need a local shop - as a single parent of a young child it wold be easier to pop to a local shop that to have to drive to Sainsburys for just a pint of milk Peace and quietness To retain a good mix of housing and age groups For any new building to be in keeping with country area Less signage - official and unofficial Although we need young families to keep the parish vibrant, we have an excellent school that would be overwhelmed if too many were encouraged to come here Wish to retain village atmosphere in Compton Street - houses in linear pattern along the street and cars travelling at moderate speeds Village Design Statement comments General New development near school awful (Comp) Development out of character in the village (South x5) Otterbourne Rd x2 Stop infilling destroying character of area esp flats (South) x7 Otterbourne Rd x1 Some starter homes needed (Shouth Reduce density of new housing (x5) (South) + Compton+1 Some infilling to be allowed in character (South) Variability of house design needed (South) New development a threat (South) Stop further development (South) Some retirement smaller homes needed (South x2) Excessive development, inappropriate design, cramped and over-crowded – 14 comments – “high cost executive infill”, “pretentious mansions with electric gates” Limit of housing density already reached in Compton Down – comments Future developments need to take account the need people still have for cars, and the parking involved More family/starter homes needed Stop back garden developments- keep designs in character Too futuristic developments No more development – we are semi rural community; farm shops or other cottage industries would be less intrusive Disproportionate development – eg Compton stree, corner of Southdown rd/Otterbourne rd What are planners thinking of ? new Scandinavian house not in keeping Development in Compton street is an eye sore Ugly architecture on too small plots No more developments – plants more trees , shrubs Development of flats being built, not blend in Developments are overcrowded, out of character ; inappropriate designs and in unsuitable locations Developments seem unco-ordinated; greater socio/economic mix should be supported No new developments in Mountain Ash area Developments bring increased pressure on local school eg parking Otterbourne rd too busy – difficult to pull out into ; too many large transfer trucks HCC have said they can only look at individual applications for housing they not look at overall picture Too expensive here to have starter/affordable housing New development would be out of keeping Important to keep green areas Need for high quality smaller properties so that residents can downsize without moving from Parish 1; Beechcroft development ( Compton Street) should have been a courtyard arrangement ; Too much garden infill 5: New developments must blend with existing Not enough development : Need for reasonable starter homes for teachers and other essential workers Satisfied with new developments 1; Maintain semi-rural nature of community If flats are necessary should convert existing large houses into flats No more and floor properties No concrete crusher No change German Haus on Otterbourne Road should not have been permitted Large houses should not be knocked down in order to build more smaller ones Shepherds lane already overdeveloped and traffic is unsafe Courtyard developments unacceptable in Compton Street Limit of housing density already reached in Compton Down – Views on recent development • Too many houses in too small a space • Planning Permission for house ‘splitting’ creates precedent • Impact on traffic • Parking • Not in keeping with existing properties 13 • Recent development is luxury housing • A joke – whoever approved recent appl’s needs shooting (&similar derogatory comments) • No new building in Old Orchard • Inadequate consideration to hedgerows during construction • Strongly object to Compton News flat development • Creation of high value slums st • Smaller houses for families & time buyers, not large ones • Not in line with original plans Further Comments on Development • If housing shortage in Winch’er why build small no of exec homes?1 • ‘Affordable’ housing unlikely where land prices so high • Type of dev should depend on individual site not laid down rule • S/be in keeping with area & fit existing infrastructure • Parish full, no space in school Density optimal or over-reached Q 82 Proportion of house types to be constant? • Yes – already parking issues in C St – more dev worsens situation • No more buildings in the village • Do not understand the question • Yes Q 96 Any Other Important Views? • Local farmland surrounding Compton • Towards Twyford Church from Shawford Road • All Saints Church Building should reflect 21st century not 18th/19th Prevent further division of gardens in Southdown Very poor view of recent development eg The Malms – still unsold and not contributing to parish Too many huge houses – flats not conducive to area, small cottages suitable High density infill is inappropriate Value of houses will drop if too much infill Must be sympathetic to area and retain character Some new houses out of character – ie Huff house on Otterbourne Road Recent development ok Lack of development for older people and 1st time buyers So far development ok but needs very careful watching No to development of multiple housing in combined back gardens Infill inevitable but backfill not appropriate – Southdown Council decisions for and against new properties appear illogical Apart from or 2, new designs are depressing Courtyard developments NOT compatible particularly Compton St Backfill acceptable provided sufficient space to retain local character – Southdown No to any more development in Southdown Q.81 Very against new houses on the Island in Shawford – infrastructure cannot support Development in Shawford must not contribute to traffic problem in village Individual designs ok as long as sympathetic, not necessarily same as previous houses Q.82 Starter homes, affordable housing and flats would change area for worse Southdown Mix of housing more natural – with sufficient spacing and greenery Stop ALL garden in-fill ,destroying character, Parish has reached full capacity Space between the houses so important High treesand hedgerows dominat,rightly TPOs should be enforced and more trees encouraged Criticism of developments in Highways and Tilden Rd and Haus all combined therefore NO MORE DEVELOPMENT in this area X 10 Dreadful ! Very grateful for shared equity housing x Q,81 More energy efficiency New housing needs to "blend in" Must keep ‘character’ of village at all costs (8) reflect existing housing mix (4) Avoid ‘social engineering’ (3) and flats (2) Maintain hedgerows which give much of its character to the Village (4) Watch verges – being eroded by heavy vehicles 77 recent development unsuitable and not in keeping with existing buildings changes the village in all ways, extra cars, school placements Some is totally out of character Housing density too high and design quality poor It hasn’t enhanced the attraction of the parish Beechcroft is a mess, it should never have got through planning Houses being built which don’t seem to be selling because of the locality, price and lack of room in the school Too many dwellings in a small space We have to accept that new development is needed, we can’t be nimbyish about it However we should be trying to create communities ie mixed housing, local facilities, not just expensive dormitories to feed the commuter need Should be stopped Some of the new houses are completely out of keeping totally out of character within a village I don’t think there should be too much as it will ruin the atmosphere of the place Should never have been allowed Compton Street does not have enough access for more properties + people already drive too fast down the school road recent development has caused major problems with the school run and hasn’t been completed Courtyard development in Compton Street inappropriate design and density Totally inappropriate How did the developer at Beechcroft get permission? Large Houses in Compton Street completely inappropriate Dismay - the new houses near the church are ugly Insensitive development has taken place/been approved in the Compton Street Conservation Area which is totally out of character and does not preserve or enhance the character or appearance of the CA Inappropriate development in Otterbourne Road Development should be in keeping with the locality, the linear nature of the Compton Street Conversation Area should be retained Multiple Occupancy and one-sized buildings should be resisted Build houses to match existing ones Infrastructure Cycle route to Winchester (South) Poor roads for cyclists x2 (South) + Compton x1 Local narrow roads need care for cyclists (South) Path and cycle track on Badger Farm Road(South) Parked cars on roads a problem Cycle lanes needed from parish to Winchester – comments Cycle lanes between village and Winchester would be a good development Cycle lanes needed comments as follows from parish to Winchester on Otterbourne Road Cyclist should be allowed to use foot paths with priority to pedestrians Cycle paths underused -a waste of time and money cycling on roads NOT SAFE ; MARK SEPARATE CYCLE LANES on Ott Rd x Attwoods Rd and Compton Street dangerous Station Parking free to residents – others pay (South)+(Otterbourne) Commuters are using area at bottom of Shawford down which stops walkers using this as no spaces left during the day Station- Need double yellow lines – very congested here Station parking- Make it free for locals Parking can be difficult at weekends ( laura Close) Improve situation by having parking permits – some car share so leave spare cars on local rds and then travel to Winchester Stop parking on river bridge – v dangerous – blind bend Have more parking for new houses in Highways rd Highways rd- signs not specify it is a private rd – hence road used as car park Better traffic management at Bushfield and Otterbourne Hill (South) Otterbourne Road dug up too often x2 Improve sight lines at Parish Junctions (South x2) Compton Main Road floods (South) Grove Rd / Otterbourne Rd floods (South) Bus service-Not impressed – may need to buy 2nd car due to poor service toEastleigh Quiet tarmac for M3 needed (South) Traffic speed excessive on narrow lanes – comments Avoid creeping industrialization – comments Excessive noise levels suffered – comments – M3 (?re-surfacing project), air traffic , motor cycle joy riders, discos/parties beyond cut-off time Highways rd and Laura Close – need more tarmac on road Need more lighting on Main Rd near Bus stops Otterbourne rd in bad state due to many excavations Main road needs repressing Motorwaynoise intrusive Waste of money putting in cycle track at Otterbourne Hill – road more dangerous and cyclists rarely use it Otterbourne Rd should be 30mph ( x2 respondents); traffic there affects quality of life especially motor cycles Otterbourne rd too busy to cycle safely ( adults or children) Compton street and Southdown rd with Otterbourne rd – unsafe as view obscured and cars travel too fast Compton street with Otterbourne rd – view obstructed Excessive noise levels suffered – motorway resurfacing 3; Traffic; 10 comments as follows : Excessive on narrow lanes Shepherds lane 5: Excessive on Otterbourne Road; Dangerous junctions SL/ OR Dust from Lorries in Shepherds lane ; Speed traps needed ; Already too much traffic on CD “ If Speed Kills, Reduced Speed Saves Lives” Street lights needed at bus stops so that customers can be seen by drivers in the dark Needed at junctions Bus shelters should be improved Car Parking: comments Pavilion car park should be larger Rail Authority should construct car park on the east side of the Road to the Malms Parking for GP surgery; Parking for Village Hall; Parking at Shawford station Road Parking should be restricted in Shawford centre by the Bridge pub No off road parking in Shepherd’s lane Overhead Cables • Who would pay? What about traffic disruption during works? Q 112 Othger Significant Influences • Speeding cars & bikes on main road • Why are trail bikes allowed where children & horses go Q 118 Would you use the Bus Service More? • Costs more for bus to Winchester than hrs parking! Q 123 Facilities for Cyclists • More cycle lanes/paths • Main roads unsafe for cyclists Children must use pavements • The cars drive way too fast – should keep to speed limit • Make footpath on main road a cycle path too • Police should stop those at night with inadequate lights • Police should urge wearing of light bands or light coloured clothing1 • There aren’t any! • Otterbourne Hill – what happens at top & bottom – lane disappears • Roads & footpaths in poor condition, blocked gulleys etc Q 126 • • • • • • • • • Parking Improvements Attwoods Drove green should be halved to provide parking bays Turning old P.O into flats would exacerbate parking problem Stop people sticking old car in space to reserve it to park behind Don’t build any more houses Build pavement outside school to shorten turn round time Turn Shawford Down parking into stn car park c/w lights & CCTV School to remind parents re parking in Carman’s Lane (not allowed)1 Do not take over Church Field for parking Parking in Martins Field difficult when Scout Hall in use Q 129 Parking at Station • Free car park at foot of Shawford Down • Minimal charge for parking to discourage out-of-area parkers • Police it to stop double/illegal parking • Extension to current car park for free parking Q 134 Vehicle Speeds • Mini r’about at Compton St/Otter Rd Don’t spend £1M on it Q 138 Safety at Road Junctions –Other • Cars turn into C St from main rd too fast nr misses crossing rd • Compton St/Otterbourne Rd Hedge restricts view • Parked cars at pub in Shawford & school in Compton are hazard • 30 mph throughout village Poss 20mph in Compn St & Shep La • Speed limits not adhered to Why did activation sign disappear? Q 140 State of Roads & Drainage • Flooding of school when drains blocked by leaves • Southampton bus lay-by gets flooded • Blocked storm water drains 1 1 1 Additional views: Twyford Church, Itchen Valley, St Catherine’s Hill and Twyford Down Water meadows behind Shawford Park All footpaths Shepherds Lane and beyond Q.98 Too much “maintenance” on Shawford Down – but in favour of cattle Too many self seeded sycamores obscuring views and creating debris on towpath Trees and fencing poorly maintained around entrance to station Network Rail should not remove more trees along railway Trees need cutting back from road in Shawford, Pearson Lane Get rid of cattle on downs – mess, flies and smell barbed wire also dangerous All roadsides, paths and verges need more maintenance Keep walkways and footpaths connected to allow varied walking Need to maintain large trees - Southdown Q.100 No to motorbikes on footpaths/bridleways Q.102 Clear fallen trees at bottom of Shawford Down Stop complaining re dog mess on Shawford Down Q.105 Footpath outside Red Lane House near river needs cutting back earlier as gets very overgrown No maintenance on towpath Pavements have not been maintained in over years around station area Pearson Lane never swept Undergrowth needs cutting back on footpaths, particular on downs to station Council does not appear to anything Q.107 No cycling should be enforced on towpath Map of paths needed on website Keep overhead cables so can watch swallows congregate Q.112 Railway announcements too loud Heavy goods trains very noisy Clay pigeon shooting on Sunday mornings Noisy speeding cars Deviate aircraft higher and away from valley and resurface M3 asap Q.123 Large potholes in road through Shawford village No Cycling notice needs to be re-sited to be more visible Crossing road between towpaths very dangerous as trees not maintainted Cyclists should not use footpaths or towpath SLOW DOWN signs needed through Shawford by station Cyclists should use pavements not roads Speed of traffic and lorries offputting to cyclists Cycle route dangerous and on Otterbourne Road frequently disappears Proper cycle paths needed – only ok to use pavements if pedestrians not within 10 metres Suggest cycle path all along one side of river to Winchester/Eastleigh Cycle facilities under utilised Q.126 Network Rail should open car park for commuters Use goods yard at back of station for parking Parking should be controlled on Station Terrace Poor parking on corners and across pavements must be stopped Paying carpark could drive more to Winchester thus causing loss of Shawford service or to Shawford Down Free carpark for residents only New parking area needed near pub Encourage cycling to station and create proper drop-off and pick-up area Discourage nocturnal parking in road – Southdown Q.129 Put in yellow lines or resident only parking Stop using goods yard for storage/ toilet cleaning and use for parking No congestion problems caused by parking Make Shawford parish Hall parking available free to residents Q.131 No to street lights and pavements in Southdown Q.132.1 Speed limit should be enforced - Southown Q.138 Pearson Lane – poor visibility Make 20 mile speed limit in Shawford in area near station going towards Twyford past pub Trees by Compton St junction with main road need cutting back Southdown Road/Otterbourne Rd junction dangerous because of cars speeding also because of trees needing cutting back And island needs proper lighting – very dangerous for schoolchildren crossing All junctions made dangerous only by speeding drivers Q.140 Poor road maintenance on Otterbourne Hill and on junction between Shawford hill and Otterbourne Road Overhead trees need cutting back Poor drainage outside Bridge pub area – leads to flooding Poor drainage in Southdown - flooding SPEED LIMIT TOO HIGH x Motor bike speeding Dangerous junction with Poles lane better pedestrian crossing All junctions dangerous Q.140 Flooding of road ; drains need more clearing in autumn Q.143 Poor pavements full length through Ott Rd X3 ; Stop cyclists on pavement - hazard to cars reversing out of drives as well as cyclists Re-surface Ott Rd with low noise tarmac ; speed camera ! Trail bikes cause a problem on Itchen Navigation footpath and on Shawford Down (2) Twyford Rd/Pearson Lane junction opposite station dangerous for cars & pedestrians (6) and Shepherds Lane road surface bad at lower end (4) Horse poo not dog mess is the problem Same rules should apply Bridleways made difficult for walking (2) Village shop, post office and another pub (3) needed Parking - big problem Parking in Pearsons Lane should be controlled, perhaps by permit(7) as should parking on pavement outside Village Hall(4) Need more parking at station Marking parking bays would help (8) Also parking outside Brackenlea can cause problems Commuters now clogging Shawford Down Car Park (1) 112 Compton School and playground cause severe problem on entering and leaving my home; the roads are not suitable for the amount of cars lined up along them The birds in the morning are the noisiest thing in Compton Village Cars racing up the road in first gear, scooters Continued disturbance pre Christmas by fireworks The Farm animals must be terrified and when I had dogs they were severely affected Bikers sometimes mess up the footpaths in wet weather 116 visiting friends and relatives Disabled therefore unable to use public transport 123 cyclists great care has to be taken at any time for vehicles and cyclists etc from Martins Field and the Main Road, and school exit also into main road pot holes in Compton Roads around school and playpark are in need of repair Clearer labelling of which footpaths cyclists are allowed to use Map of bike trails for the parish Mark out leisure cycle routes for families Too scary to cycle on main road so cyclists should be allowed on pavements x2 Rural roads too narrow for cyclists Need dedicated cycleways or shared footpaths/cycleways 126 parking remove grass area outside house have tried asking the council but they are not interested due to high costs involved; they won’t even consider “Residents Only” parking take one side for parking people to have front drives where they don’t restructure parking for flats; at moment people park on grass/pavements and it looks a mess and it is dangerous for children I appreciate the local authority’s difficulty but how about more garages instead of the courtyard development Don’t think there is much that can be done because some of the flats have more than one car This has been discussed many times with WCC who appear not to be interested Get rid of the grass area outside flats in Martins Fields and make more space for cars - no-one uses the grass area x2 People who have garages should be made to use them: if not they should be given to people who would Make use of garages for cars not storage School should have off-road parking - dangerous at present Urgently needed thought to be given to traffic problems outside the school am and pm Reluctantly, the grass area in Attwoods Drove should be used for parking Compton Street and Martins Fields crowded at school stand and end times but mostly free - yellow lines and regulations would make things worse 129 tidy up the tarmac at the bottom of Shawford Down and mark spaces on it The storage site at Shawford Station could have been used to facilitate station parking A decent car park wold need to charge to cover costs but where would walkers on the Down leave their cars?? Time limits on parking at Shawford Down to prevent all day parking by commuters 138 dangerous crossing the main road after getting off the bus from Winchester due to speeding traffic The junction of Martins Fields and Attwoods Drove, particularly when people park almost to the junction Badger Farm roundabout is a nightmare Martins Fields/Attwoods Drove junction increasingly tricky often because of parking Compton Street/Attwoods Drove junction tricky x2 140 No surface water drains in the Compton End end of Compton Street There should be a presumption against development until a permanent solution is found Landscape Cut and cover for M3 (South) Footpaths overgrown (South x3) Footpaths great (South) Too much cow dung on Shawford Down (South) Cattle not controlling vegetation (South) Need more cattle (South) Footpaths/bridleways/hedge rows – must keep clear and trim – comments Builders remove all trees ie Tylden rd site; hedgerows are not maintained ie footpath along Otterbourne rd v overgrown causing narrowing of path and hence traffic hazard Vegetation clearance of pavements and footpaths needed – forces people to walk in road – dangerous Make more educational use of landscape eg ecology of Shawford down More native trees to be planted Path hurdle way/Compton – Shawford down path, dog infested, tree roots dangerous Highways rd- pavements rarely swept, trees need cutting back Need more dog poo bins Cattle-Too many cow pats – cattle can be intimidating View south from Monarch’s Way to be preserved Four Dell Farm Indutrial park proposals will destroy views (2) Footpaths/bridleways/hedge rows : 19 comments if you include Shepherds lane maintenacne ; Mature trees should be maintained Better maintenance of shrubs and vegetation on SD; Trees and shrubs on western side of Otterbourne Road south of the Junction with Shepherds lane should be removed to improve visibility for safety reasons 2; East end of Shepherds Lane should be re-surfaced (7) {“Aspects of Shepherd’s lane are a disgrace”} Footpaths muddy on SD and on the Itchen Nav; Finger post to foot path at top of Shepherd’s Lane to be repaired Safety paths for children on Shepherd’s lane Overgrown Leylandii hedges should be cut down Q 107; Farm vehicles should travel more carefully Better maintenance of unadopted roads Leylandii hedges out of keeping Owners should be able to what they want with their own hedges Against farm animals on SD; Q102 - access on paths through local farmland should not be restricted Open spaces should be preserved Further comments on Landscape • HCC’s farms should be kept as farms and not be developed • Deterioration in woodland between Hurdle Way & Compton Vill • Close monitoring of preservation orders on hedgerows & trees • It would be a tragedy to have our landscape eroded Q 100 What features of Open Spaces are Important – Other • These attractions are why we enjoy living here so much • Children’s playgrounds (for visiting grandchildren) 1 1 1 • No airplanes! • Good to have paths in woods etc but no need for walkers in fields Q 102 Changes to Open Spaces • Walking/cycle routes • Dog mess & horse manure to be picked up • The more rustic the better • No – it’s fabulous, and why we are living here Comments on Maintenance of Roads etc, and Litter • Always litter in Attwoods Drove and by bus stop • Junct of C St/Otterbourne Rd dangerously screened by hedging • Compton St footpath a disgrace Dirty, uneven & slippery • Dog mess and horse manure on pathways • Chilbolton Ave has leaves swept up Why not Compton St?1 • Visitors to Carman’s La (horse owners, school parents) should contribute to maint if they use it Or Council should pay • Crumbling road surfaces & footpaths Complaints ignored • Vegetation encroaching on footpaths & obscuring road signs Q 107 Other Needs re Footpaths • Path maps would be a luxury OS maps always available • Vandal proofing would be necessary for any maps & signs • Wd like to run around a lot more but have to find routes myself • Pity to have lost wooden stiles to bare metal • Double yellow lines needed at Attwoods Dr bus stop 1 1 2 1 1 Shawford Down used to be much better Q.105 Horse droppings ; dog mess on Downs paths.; Over hanging branches, bushes and brambles ; criticism of state of pavement surfaces ; Ott Rd needs re-surfacing ; Please co-ordinate services digging up road 98 we must not try to pretend we live in the 19th century, new development of land should be eco-friendly for the 21st century If people own their properties it is up to them what they as long as it is in keeping Better maintenance of woodland and footpaths particularly the woodland between Compton Street and Hurdle Way 100 Open spaces walking is important but should be within set boundaries ie on footpaths and dogs should be under control Keep pathways for walkers and horse riders - don’t allow motorised use 102 Open open spaces where possible grazed by sheep in preference to cattle as space changes the cause less damage and mess to the ground Parking and green space in Martins Fields and Attwoods Drove needs some creative thinking in terms of landscape design and segregation between cars/pedestrians; at present there are blank grass areas and no controlled zones for parking A mixture of sheep and cattle would give better mix Bottle bank Needed x4 Car park opp M3 bridge – Shepherds Lane) x1 Bridge Car park Williams Garage Compton Street Bottle bank needed – comments – MPF carpark, Parish Hall carpark or Shawford Down carpark (opposite Shepherds Lane entrance) Suggest one at Williams Garage / otterbourne recreational area OR at the parking opposite shepherds lane /otterbourne rd junction Suggest at shops/PO Bottle bank by sports pavilion or layby Bottle bank needed comments as follows suggestion for Pavilion car park for SD opposite SL 1; for Green area by Attwoods drove Bridge Hotel; Bottlebank would require maintenance and clean up - bad idea Bottle Bank Siting • Shawford Village Hall • Memorial Playing Fields/Sports Pavilion • School playground • Martins Field or Attwoods Drove • Near to Bridge pub or in their car park • Shawford Station car park • Anywhere Also large recycling bins at roadside like in Italy • Is there space in one of the garage areas? 4 1 Bottle bank to go behind Bridge pub Bottle bank could encourage fly tipping Bottle bank to go near Shawford Parish Hall or Memorial Ground Bottle bank to go near station Bottle bank to go near Pavilion (2 suggest this option but note that Sports Club offered it as site and was given too many constraints by council so withdrew Offfer) Bottle bank to go in layby carpark on Otterbourne Road – must be screened Bottle bank to go behind Captain Barnard pub Ott.Rd car park x3 Williams garage x3 Village Hall x or station area Pavillion car park x3 Pub ; Ott Hall ; each Bottle bank needed Bridge CP (7) Shawford Down CP (6) Station CP (6) Parish Hall CP (2) Pavilion CP (2) Compton Street playing field or Attwoods Drove green Bottle collection would be best the same as Eastleigh Council have a plastic box for each house emptied once a month Shawford Hall (can’t think of anywhere in Compton) Somewhere by the garages In the park, away from swings By playing fields Parish Hall, garage, shop Bottom of the Downs or car park at the top of the main road Near the village centre Other comments Winchester CC should be required to support and abide by the VDS otherwise what value does it have ? Highways rd Compton – felt q’aire reinforced feelings that this area not felt to be part of the village of Compton No business development in the parish other than a local shop perhaps This is a residential area More community based projects Additional Comments • Village shop & post office needed • Mother & toddler groups needed • Weekly refuse coll’ns to be re-instated – please • Ask for other villages to be used as models e.g Easton (2 gd pubs) Twyford (good P.O./store) • Quest latched onto every fad going without ref to limited budgets & personal obligations to sort out problems If a business were to bring more traffic to area then should not be allowed Take-away outlet if tastefully done would be beneficial Sainsburys sponsored bus has rendered any other food shop in local area non viable Cyclist area to be developed in conjunction with other parishes We are very privileged to have a lovely primary school - the children of this parish should have first refusal If planning permission is not approved by Parish Council then WCC planning should not accept applications Doctor’s Surgery is needed