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Analysis of Lacustrine Deltaic Sedimentation in the Green River F

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Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1991 Analysis of Lacustrine Deltaic Sedimentation in the Green River Formation, Southern Uinta Basin, Utah (Volumes I and II) Robert Reginald Remy Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses Recommended Citation Remy, Robert Reginald, "Analysis of Lacustrine Deltaic Sedimentation in the Green River Formation, Southern Uinta Basin, Utah (Volumes I and II)." (1991) LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses 5143 https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/5143 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons For more information, please contact gradetd@lsu.edu INFORMATION TO USERS This manuscript has been reproduced from the microfilm master UMI films the text directly from the original or copy submitted Thus, some thesis and dissertation copies are in typewriter face, while others may be from any type of computer printer The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleedthrough, substandard margins, and improper alignment can adversely affect reproduction In the unlikely event that the author did not send UMI a complete 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Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission O rd e r N u m b e r 9200086 A nalysis o f lacustrine deltaic sedim entation in th e G reen River Form ation, southern U in ta B asin, U ta h (Volum es I and n ) Remy, Robert Reginald, Ph.D The Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical Col., 1991 UMI 300 N Zeeb Rd Ann Arbor, MI 48106 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission ANALYSIS OF LACUSTRINE DELTAIC SEDIMENTATION IN THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION, SOUTHERN UINTA BASIN, UTAH A Dissertation Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the Louisiana State University and Agricultural and Mechanical College in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in The Department of Geology and Geophysics Volume I by Robert Reginald Remy B.A Providence College, 1978 M.S University of Colorado, 1984 May 1991 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission TABLE OF CONTENTS Page VOLUME TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT IV CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION CHAPTER II STRATIGRAPHY OF THE EOCENE PART OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION IN THE SOUTH-CEN­ TRAL UINTA BASIN, UTAH CHAPTER III DEPOSITIONAL PROCESSES OF A FLUVIALLYDOMINATED LACUSTRINE DELTA AND OF TRANSGRESSIVE DEPOSITS IN THE GREEN ' RIVER FORMATION, SOUTH-CENTRAL UINTA BASIN, UTAH 59 CHAPTER IV LACUSTRINE HUMMOCKY CROSS-STRAT­ IFICATION PRODUCED BY COMBINED FLOWS, GREEN RIVER FORMATION, UTAH 214 CHAPTER V DISTRIBUTION AND ORIGIN OF ANALCIME IN MARGINAL LACUSTRINE MUDSTONES OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION, SOUTH-CEN­ TRAL UINTA BASIN, UTAH 234 CHAPTER VI (FIELD GUIDE TO) DELTAIC AND LACUSTRINE FACIES OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION, SOUTHERN UINTA BASIN, UTAH 272 CHAPTER VII CONCLUSIONS 301 COMBINED REFERENCES 309 CHART STRATIGRAPHIC NOMENCLATURE OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION, SOUTH-CEN­ TRAL UINTA BASIN, UTAH in pocket CHART STRATIGRAPHIC CROSS-SECTION A-A' SHOWING THE STRATIGRAPHY, LITHOLOGY, AND INTERPRETED DEPOSITIONAL ASSEMBLAGES OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION, SOUTH-CENTRAL UINTA BASIN, UTAH in pocket Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission TABLE OF CONTENTS Page CHART STRATIGRAPHIC CROSS-SECTION B-B' SHOWING THE STRATIGRAPHY LITHOLOGY AND INTERPRETED DEPOSITIONAL ASSEMBLAGES OF THE GREEN RIVER FORMATION, SOUTH-CENTRAL UINTA BASIN, UTAH in pocket VOLUME II APPENDICES 340 Appendix Thickness, Location, and Stratigraphie Markers of Measured Stratigraphie sections 341 Appendix Maps Showing Locations of Measured Sections 342 Appendix Explanation for Symbols Used in Measured Stratigraphie Sections 349 Appendix Measured Sections 350 VITA 394 III Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission ABSTRACT Detailed llthofacles analysis of over 4,500 m of measured sections of most of the Eocene portion of the fluvial and lacustrine Green River Formation in the south-central Uinta Basin documents twelve lithofacies: Sa (nonsinuous trunk streams), Sb (meandering delta distributary channels) Sc (amalgamated delta mouth bars), Sd (regressive deltaic sandsheets) Se (overbank and shallow-lacustrine sandsheets), Sf (crevasse channels and splays), (passively-filled abandoned channels) Mg (subaqueous mudflats), Mr (subaerial mudflats), L (lake-margin carbonate flats), and la and lb (openlacustrine deposits) The lower half of the study section consists of the carbonate marker unit (130 m) and the overlying Sunnyside delta interval (375 m), which record marginal-lacustrine sedimentation along the southern shore of Lake Uinta within and adjacent to a large, fluvially-dominated lacustrine delta informally named the Sunnyside delta Meandering delta distributary channels on the delta plain cannibalized most delta mouth bars Shallow water depths in the southern half of Lake Uinta atttenuated waves and wave-generated currents, thereby preventing the development of shoreface ravinement, beaches, barriers, or significant siliciclastic bars Evaporative pumping on subaeriallyexposed mudflats produced brines which altered detrital clay minerals to analcime The combination of moderately high local subsidence and variations in lake volume produced low amplitude (less than 12 m) fluctuations in relative lake level which, due to the gentle gradient of the delta plain, produced shifts in shoreline position on the order of 40-50 km During periods of rapid relative lake level rise most siliciclastic sediment was trapped upstream, resulting in iv Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission the development of extensive, but thin, transgressive shallow-lacustrine carbonates The regressive portion of each depositional cycle consists of upper and lower delta plain, shallow-nearshore lacustrine, and relatively rare delta front deposits The upper half of the study section consists of the transitional interval (200 m), which records a major, but gradual, expansion and deepening of the lake, and the overlying upper member (300 m), which consists of dark mudstone and dolostone and relatively rare hummocky cross-stratified storm deposits produced by combined flows and nearshore-lacustrine sandbodies that accumulated in a generally quiet, but not necessarily very deep, relatively siliciclastic-poor, open-lacustrine setting Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission U P P ER M E M BE R OF G R EEN R IVER FM QREENRIVER FOHMfKTiONS Opori'Lncutlrino NtahoonTW w-BhttIo bod Matiooany o»-analo bod Lowor Doila Plain Assomblaav sombiogoY UpoQCQolut Plain Assotnblaao mixed Opnn-loeuBl>lno ond Shallow Noarshoro-Laeusidno AsMmblafloo Uppof DOIIO Shallow NoorshorO'LacusKIno Auomblogo Lower Delta Ploln ASBomblago Shallow Noarshoro-Lacuatrino Ataemb4age Upper Della Plain AaeemWago Upper Delta Plain Awomblago Lower Della Plain Assemblage Auombloge Lower Delia Plain ABSomblage Upper Della Plain Aseemblago ORHN mVOR FORMATION t,a«r*f OtNa Ptein(laPI AAtwnbApt; niuwa «nd MMfien* (U-900 m| el IM SO Se endO' e?Miene —' ehweaemileeel ine e-i B.m-miekmimomm el lueleOee SOMclooeteemd been wth Meic emeede* icwvd Merei>e In prtMei.-eendthetelle 01ãeeimtôtfy (Uueturae inugh eteeet Shollow Near8horo)itnroene endMtiena el We Be end 81unelMtee redle pvtpb MeUheleelee leipaetMly andemdeneeeorelmeiome and nOciMel IheL Rbelaelee Cemmoni Uhelaeiet Sobetid# eeowredbaaee Mb btalerneiemaloenoiemerale leg ineireeMant andeei teaMMeedknentry tUueUfim trauihcrewbedt «aplet andplanai laRtnetMne ItMrel eeeiew iiaadng andamtigamiUen« eandtiodMt Cernmonenaraeierltuea el in* tnbP |lS4e*ni) tandl geemeiiywan bieniler leogedmeniMie eiaddneendaB«li aandbom» ol lha ObnnatacUa aengionwala, leg invraaaWna andeairaaoOM upwarddacmaaa mgrain alia and ina adtnanlaiy airuemraa Iroughcraaabada MppM andplanar lananatlona Waral aeeraiHnbadding Hmoultr to labulargaomatry and «d amaigaRiauon« aanifoodM Cornnonenaiaawniuoa WuiaU>KR(t S-AO*tn)undaoOM el MAaiacM80moudaMaieulai — - 1.0gramalia ranga at 93378 p anabaanaa of canalalant >arjppM planar andwavyplanar larnmaliona and hummaeiiy 'eraaabada.aonvaluiabaddPig.andbwiTowa.I flSnnarpa***»**'— %naay aûràdbaMttàiâilar io Ma ôëmmàn'lartieulâfgiôniMry f l p ^ planar lânânâbAxindMa agramalia (ganaiaty laaaman 178p| Caibonala gramalanMcenalu el oatracodaa aokta andMa aammn -ana*larnmaiiana.npplaa.Iravgnareaabada,muderaeka.andrarahummockyoreaawiraimcailen.Mudiianaa di*y ealearaaua aneameanaranymaiaM and airueniraMa, awiaugh aamaaihM plana* lamlnabana rkipM muderacka bwirawa *aai iraoM Oadlmanli watadapoaaad In a daaa Irorc aanng mdialneuiaiy meut»bara and aaaocialadlata-maigln earbanala Malaand »«aS.'!StSSMl _ ô"-"rrỹặiùỹlợlẻKK -rf nblaga: Similar lo |, Iowa* data plainaiaairWagaaicapl lhali (II rad mwdaianala abaam |3| ini npplaa graan mwdaiana earbanalagranalona, alromalaaia andmieiaa ara more rrr, irwanvw*l cercarMla MO bt_—^ I_ . — .i^ j ,^,Y,mandbadaaiaganara»ywndar3 ,0r " — liadapealadIn ahaoaw lawla madaraia anargylakb-miirginearbanalaMalaandnaarahara (Wardalap andpradaaai aatunga lana kareganaira lananaiaddoiaaiana (an anala) andnanar aauianaan andamaienaat ma Sb andSa nmolaeiai andvary mwa* WMlana ar grayla brown aimawoMwaamarad avrtacaaof lha rackaaraganaraayBghl la —ar nnmuderr**-* - ~ r~ — - A lawgroan mwdalenaaa rOnabona aynaiaalaeraeka andlaaa eamm anaunia arag^raay vndar 3.0miMck ii~ _ jwrramnppM planar I andwaaeanvnen' dapealad Inganaraay law anargy Ieraaabadaand hummackyetoae-alr ii COLTONPOPMATION a (83-390Wlol lha Sa Sb, Sa ar raapaeirvaiy ana vary mmor eamanaiagraMiana andnaeraa al r Hmamiwa rmrmwry uunrw gwnwiry, vcmnvwmvm wvnv«.,iv- Carbanilagralnaienaaeenalai aI aalracadaa ooUa andMa eommen IandeommarVyaihM planar lammaiwna PppWa Irougheraaabada muderacka andrare Mummaekyereaa^liaimeailen Wudatanaa erdyeaiearaaw» and areganaraPr mawM andainie(ui*Mi aOMawgMaama aiNH pUnar lamMBana i*ip*A muderaekt burrewa TO N G U E O F C O LTO N FM andauba-jwaeua mudllalt cravaaaa aplayi andavarbankaandahMla andwnaamman Mta-ma^ earbomwa Ma C H AR T «ITERPRETED D E P O S IT IO N A L A S S E M B LA G E S O F TH E G R E E N RIVER FO R M ATIO N S O U T H -C E N T R A L U IN TA BASIN UTAH Robert R R em y (1991) REMY, ROBERT R 9200086 © 1991 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Monsurod Socilon -^ U P P ER M E M BER OF G R E E N R IVER FM QREENRIVER FOHMATiONS Matiopany oll-»hqlo bod CiHin*Laeusirlni Anomblogo? g ilIL mixed Open-loeuBl>lno ond Shollow Noorohore Locueidno Aooomblogeo Plain ABflomblocio Shallow Noorohoro laouoiiino Auombloge J : Shallow Noarshoro-Lacuitrino Auomblage Auomblo oRiiN revORporu PUIn(LOP) Amwmblxo*: niDwa «nd tnt Mr and Mg BheltciM n -u ie u n ty »el lit» S-m-rniek aanaOMat el UUw li eharaaarWea ina 9-I 9-1L auraeaoaa icward «tea ata In gramai.-aandlha Kale ol taeimtMaiy auueti lamnaUona and laaaeommeneaugnareaabada and iwa gramaUalganaraai! Shollow Noorohore-Lacuoirino Aooomholgo '"W tio al traeaa eadUaamawar, dapaalie la aubaanal and avbaquaeua mudnaia, an Delta Proni (OP) AaaamWaga: "niki (tw o m), lamleuMr aandbediaaol lha Buboronaiathat (lata than9 ml aanralena andawaienael lha Oa and 01lahel ta ÔëmrënTiiwb» *" " ’Lithology (width o f colum n Indicates grain size): reugneraubada.ee y Bi.uonatgr aeouradbaaaa tel _ eommentreuonereaabeda andflnagramaUa iganaiaaylaaaman l?Bp| ( imraelaaiaandeommorUiraihM fJanar lamataiiona npplaa ireugnereubraieoemmerl»eafeareeua andawoanatt»» matMre andilruewralau a« and amal reel iraeu Oadlmanli •ratadapoaaad In a daoa Irera aatvng m predaM anrlrenmanla nblaga: SM SmMar lo lewar data pb ợlẻK, (m icrons) Siitstone G reen m udstone Red m udstone D ark m udstone Lim estone Dolo stone K erogenous lam inated d olostone (oil shale) Opan-Laeualrlna
    Aar Uho%elw L Mudllena and duieilena aremediumla dam(paylebretan üéii gray, andeemmenlyaiMbd la Mnabona aynaiaalaeraeka andlaw eemrnenn praaam Sandalene and aHalena unia arag ^ rely under 9.0miMck labulai birinaliena andlaaaeemrnenireugncreuoada and hummeekyereaa-ilraimci COLTONPODMATK graymudalenael Ihe Mr auueluraa ataeking andarnaigamaiian'ei aandbedM g a n iw tabular gaoma impTMtlena, andeauuedaa andIreugnereaabeda eurrani andlauareambin 9>tS-m-ihidi aandbedwa ol linelaclaaSb nekrda aeouradbaua «wi Mialerm daeraaaain grainalta andlha aeaWel aaOrnemary alruelurea treugti ereaabd dwa plainaaaanWbige Sadmarea«raredapoaMdIn an upper daU plainle I aubunal andaubanuaeua mudnaia cravaaw aplayi andeverbankaandahul CHART S T R A TIG R A P H IC CR O S S -S E C TIO N B-B* S H O W IN G THE STR ATIG R APH Y LITH O LO G Y AN D IN TER PR ETED D E P O S ITIO N A L AS S E k Robert R R em y (1991) Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission Socilon soctlon 17 100 ol UROor mombor Tull tunnnmndl Opon-LacuBliIno AoMmblago Horso Bonch Sandoiono Sod Opon-Loeuslrino Aasemblago S3 Marhor Unll Open LocwBlrlno Mahooanv oil-ahnlo bod 31 Maikor Unli Shallow Noarahoro lacuaiiino Aaaomblago G Marker Aaaomblago ORIIN RIVan aORMATION LOP) Astwnbljpt; niUen* •nd undiwn* (U-900 m| el ID* 90.0# end01nielKM* >es lo purpi* andor##nto llghi pey •nd Mg Bhclad** Mp#eu»ely endewoonti* gnlntwn* •tnmMoB* end ndeM ol m# L ainelociot Common »9-1S-m-miek•ondOoM el UUioIk M 00meloo#teomd Omm wth moolennollenol oonglo^oi#, log impi#ô< d#er#o(#In o*M ằi.-#endtheteal# ol toeimtnuiy ãuueturM.lmugli «owO^ rbpi## endpunv unnoiian#, -tndeuMr la Iwultr o#em#Vy and tiadilng andamtlgamailonel tandOodM# Tumnar (lata man9 m) tandeodMt ol in# S# tva gradadanal to tnaip andoooatlonaly tfovrod bat#i ItOuUr le Itia cemmonWmicwlarooomalry, MppMi.pitr a eommenmugn uettooda, and im#gramaUo (otnarafy Me than ITSm) CaiOonai#giaintten#a cenmt ol o#l menmoadatl# an.l eommonyoehM pWnar lamlnaiion# rWe# irovgherottOoda mudeaiAt andrar# nwmmoe , Mwdalenaa arooommodyeataraowa andaia ganaiaay maaaMand alrueiudlaaa anneegn aom#ailiM pianar lamina bunewa andamal n d traeoa SadUnanlami# dtpealiad maIomt data plainaateng mmaandaung oola dwmbwlary ilneamonaia hate, aubaanal and aiAaquaoua mudnaia, andcravaaaaapiaya and evarbankaandahaaia laamWaga: ThkK (lS40a m), lanileviar tandbodat ol lha ScOholadaa 9-i aandbomaaol lha OblanotacUt Ma a# and 01laholacM radlo pwipla andgroanle bain gray mudalena el lha Mi — jna.#gramaliaranga elU-arop anabaanca olcenalalanl -, — jrad baa-aa tabular lo laaii oommenlanllewlargaenV—" la andimagramalia (ganaraaylaaalhan ITSp| Caibonala gramaianaa ' aaaanng mownbuuiy i "lacualrlna |OHl| Color Chango Ur andavanandbadeara ganaraly under 9.0 loatadIn arvanow to» le medarawanargylaha-margmearbanalahaiaandnaarahora (Wardalatoandpredaaa) aatunga Iona, hareganoua lananaiaddotoaiena (on anato) andmanoratiaiena - andamaionaoluia ObandOatibolaciaa andvary mmor nnaalona i gray _ lo bidvm aldiowghMamaiad avrtacaaol lha lockaara ganaraayBghl le onaanddutoaionaarai laaa -a larr graan mudalcnae ' aiMbd la mnabona aynaiaalacracha, and eommor^muderacha.h'-"*— «h a A ndhummoGhyeioaa-ali lacr - COLTONPOUMATION HOP) Aaaambtogai oaialon# andaandelona(S9-900p: ol maOa Ob, Oa ard * amolacma radlo putpia andgraanlo HgiM a Mr and MgNholaetoa 10apaeirvaiy.ano varyminor caibonalagramaionaandnaeraaolihaLiaholaeiaa, Common —- •* — » —aeaaneaol vanlcal lianda Ingrainalw or aaJimanir— andamalgamauonol aandbodlaa ganaraaytabular gaomalry, eceuiadbaaaa mn niararmaiionai oonMomaraia mg uaeodaa, andlieugncreaabada eunani andtotaareambmg rictâaa andplanar lantnailona Commonenaradarlaleaol lha MWa01nnelactoaObmctoda aeouradbaaaa«mmMiatomialWnal eongtomaraia togimpraaalena andeauaeodaa up>vard ta andlha aeala el aatfmamary alrucluraa Vov^ crecabada npplaa andplanar lamnattena lalarmi aceralton baddmg gaomatry and ttacMngand amalgamallanol aandbodlaa TMmar [laaa lhan9 ml aandbodlaaol lha Oaand81mimtooiaa abarpandoccattonaay aeouradbaaaa tabularto laaaeommentoraiculargaomatry rtoptoa planai loiranabona andla" labada and PnagramtUa Iganaraây laaalhan ITS|i> Caibonila gralnaionaaconalai eloairacedae ooUa andlaaa' nonlyaihM pianar laiMnaitona ilp^a Iroughcroaabada muderaeaa andrara hummoehyeroea-alrainailen Mu* and araganaraPy maaaMandauuclwialaaa abhow^ aama aehM planaf torranaOona itopto" - —— an mudalena andcaibonalaara laaaoommenandradmudalenaand aandatena ara ima car admica Mr# dapoabadIn an vppar dau plain10aiuvlil aanmgIn nemamoova andamueui mudllata cravaaaa apiayaandevarbankaandahaaia, anduneommen Wa-margmcaibonala TO N G U E O F CO LTO N FM CHART PRETED D E P O S IT IO N A L A S S E M B LA G E S O F T H E G R E E N RIVER FO R M ATIO N S O U TH -C E N TR A L UIN TA BASIN UTAH obert R R em y (1991) REMY, ROBERT E, 9200086 © 9 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission MEASURED lop ol uoDor mombor Opon-locusuino Aasomblaoo Tu» (unnnmod) Opan-iacuBUinp AMomblogo Oppn-lacustrino ASBomblago Mahogany oll-ahalo ood Opon-lacu&ldno Assombiogo OP0n'lBCUBt»t 51 Mntkor u Shallow NoaishotO'Lacusitino Astomblogo Shollow Noorahoto-UicutKlno Assombiago C Mntkcr Lower Delia Plain Aseomblaoe D Morkor Goes Into Subouiloeo i ^ o f Delia Plain Auemblago Lithology (w idth o f colum n Indicates grain size): 00 Color Change 200 ^ic?ons)° G reen m udstone Red m udstone D ark m udstone Lim estone Dolostone Kerogenous lam inated dolostone (oil shale) limMreeitrm —uplW)MMrr(iii( iiMtttaKneuMqu T O N G U E OF C O LTO N FM CHART STR ATIG R APH IC CR O S S -S E C TIO N A-A* SH O W IN G THE STR A TIG R A P H Y LITH O LO G Y, AN D IN TE R P R E TE D D E P O S ITIO N A L A S S E M B LA G E S O F TH E G R E E N Robert R R em y (1991) Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission MBASUREO SECTION MEASURED top ol uoDor momBor Opon-locusumo Aasomblaoa Tu» (unnnmod) Opon-iacuBUinp Assombiago Opon-lacustrino Asaornblogo Mahogany oll-ahalo bod SI Mntkor u Opon-iacusKino Asaornblogo Opon-locusbit Asaornblogo Shallow AASomblogo Shollow Noorohoio-Loewsiilno Assombiago C Mntkor Lower Dollo Ploln Assombiago CHARACl Lower Dollo Plain Assombiago lrr*euUr|*g Lithology (w idth o f colum n Indicates grain size): Color Chonao OUeniltstAarp inlncliu* andeommenhr 400 300 Sandstone 200 (m icrons) too 62 Siitstone G reen m udstone Red m udstone Doric m udstone Lim estone Dolostone Kerogenous lam inated dolostone (oil shale) T O N G U E OF C O LTO N FM iiAatttal (no woaqwaow CHART STR ATIG R APH IC C R O S S -S E C TIO N A-A* S H O W IN G THE STR A TIG R A P H Y LITH O LO G Y AN D IN TE R P R E TE D D EPO SITIO N AL A S S E M B LA G E S O F TH E G R E E N R l\ Robert R R em y (1991) Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission A' Shnllow Nooishoro'Ucusirino Astomblooo Shallow Noa>BhorO‘ Laeuairlno Asseniblago Asaomblogo ORSBNmen i>oiwation rMU wi* el B)( Ml _ CAMKIwMile* el irtea-1#onbôdaino.lôflUaiUrlauiEvUtfaôeiml>y.ôna ^ ô1^ notaein hev#yeomenel le ôh*rpandeceauonwr «eewed*««#« U lomitiam and let» cennen ueugncreuMdi and Dnagiain «lia (ganaratir Mi eaUc andMaaeenmn Miaelaala andeeirmeiwaahba planai lananaimna ilpp , enta-tlraineailen MuOMena»araeemiwMy eaieaiaeua and are @anaia*ymaatha and avucbraMta aMieughto M andgiaan Is igni gray n) aandboMi oMhaOa SM.'ls?rfssMiJS,S£S;; zazKazsazav jy (w idth o f colum n >s grain size): 00 300 S andstone 00 (m icrons) 100 62 S lltstone G reen m udstone R ed m udstone D ark m udstone Lim estone D olostone Kerogenous la m inated dolostone (oil shale) BcaMel aadlmanMiyanvdwia* lievghen aiasMnnand amaloBmallon el tandbatfaa 0*emsrr)rwitnirreduiar|«eB«d mamma, au vaitleal gramtUa imnda «hamandganaraiy dal baaaa eemmeneuiiaMar « — ^emaitadi eennilutebaddng.andbL anda^roollracaa Sadknaniawarndapeaaad Ina iMU Iron aaning InOHliMvUiym aaandaitecialad wZa.maigineaiMniiti [giaaMrtnan Sm| aandbetPat amMia’eenimen ( j _ eommen and(«) ina maan«andeomamMMaa iMddmgHehsrsmanuieaty tabulai and avan^ Sawnanli «tara dapaaaadIn«haaow Mu la medaiala anargylaka.maigincaieenalaRataandnaaianeia o.nacar> iimamaaaa .«a(ea anaMiai Ui andSaMialaoaa andvary mini naiad BMtaeaael ina rnckaaia ganaraiy ugni to II tnaidaa andewaeedai, A la* graanmudUenaa an •""••htmwavaandtunanliieplai.eMna» radapeiaad ki ganaialy lowanaigy la mckKMan abaaneeel vaitlcal Uandt i auuetunM^acMngandamaigamalienel aandbodm* ganamoylabulai gaomairy aeowtadbaaaawi Im c ^ i and b o w ^i^ ^ Mmmallona, Cemmort ctiataei CHARTS =TED D E P O S IT IO N A L A S S E M B LA G E S O F T H E G R E E N RIVER FO R M ATIO N S O U T H -C E N T R A L U IN TA BASIN UTAH ir tR R e m y (1 9 ) REMY, ROBERT R 9200086 © 1991 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission MEASURED top 01 uopor momeor Opon-ioeusKino Aasomblaoa TU» lunnomoo) Opon-iacuBUinp Assomblogo Opon-lacustrino AsBomblago 52 Markor Unli Mahoaany oll-anato bod Opon-lacu&ldno AssombiODO SI MiwKor Un Shnllow Nooishoro'Uicusirino Astombiooo Shnllow Nonrahoto-UicutKlno Asacmblago C Mntkcr Lower Delia Pioin Aseomblaao O Marker Goes Into Subsurloeo Lower Delia Ploln Auemblago Lllhology (w idth o f colum n Indicates grain size): Sandstone 0 (m icrons) 100 62 Siitstone Sholiow NearehotO'Laeusiilne Aeeembiage G reen m udstone R ed m udstone Doric mudstone Lim estone Dolostone Kerogenous lam inated dolostone (oil shale) TO N G U E OF C O LTO N FM CHART STRATIG RAPHIO CR O S S -S E C T IO M A -A ' S H O W IN G THE S T R A TIG R A P H Y , U T H O LO Q Y , A N D IN TE R P R E TE D D E P O S ITIO N A L A S S E M B LA G E S O F Robert R R em y (1991) Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission A' Shnllow Nooifthoro'Locusirino Astombiaoo Shallow Noa>BhorO‘ Laeufllrlno Asseniblago Assomblogo ORSBNmen i>oiwation " W W ih * w g r M iile n ilM w e a u a n W r ««*##00«*#i L umiUdm and In * cennen ueugncrotuedi and OnegiaUi We (generatir I*, andIM* cennen Mraelatti andcanneiw eihM ptanw landnmone il crett-tlrameailen WudWene*areeemmewyewaiaewi and i ôãnwatymauheand C*iMAiWaiiInuo!n**eenằlôlôtO(]>K ndcrevait* tglaya andeverSar* aandaheata iinaseunoladea Min* S* CMSI unetaoet, red10eurpi* andor l*Olmpr*iaiona.andeiu ho logy (w idth o f colum n dicates grain size): '-ôeuwgeeaabwi^e^iuu ãr* eemmonRi ealearaeu*, and aregeneraey maaiW* and air——- — Sandstone (m icrons) Siitstone G reen m udstone R ed m udstone Doric m udstone Lim estone Dolostone Kerogenous la m inated dolostone (oil shale) - M il andaaaecuiadWw.margincaiMnat medaial* anergykk*>marpineareenal* RataandneaiWeia lirvaioaiau giiy andeenumewy amM lamUuiBuna lynareW eri Mrrcvr* andeiliaeedai, Alawgraanawdaleneaai, icn.laeularlnoeomlrv.i i~ -ry g k *^ COLTONr< nalM-ZacwlellMO dilgieaierlhanismli airuclurea.alaciunoandamaigamalienel l nave gradalienal le anarpandee ffia.'ssnTS.v: abaene* el vertical UandaInt tanytailen*, Cemmentnaracianriaa el CHART R PRETËD D E P O S IT IO N A L ASSEIVlB LAGES O F TH E G R E E N RIVER FO R M ATIO N S O U TH -C E N TR A L U IN T A BASIN UTAH R obert R R e m y (1991) REMY, ROBERT R 9200086 © 1991 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission I UBRARX INDIAN CANYON B R ADLEY (1931) Willow Creek-lndian Canyon Surface Section NINE M ILE CANYON W E IS S A N D O TH E R S (1990) Geologic M ap of Price ' X ' Quadrangle T H IS R E P O R T Composite Nine Mile Canyon Surface Section BR ADLEY (1931) G ate Canyon Surface Section HENDEL( Subsurface c Point G as Saline taelos Is same as saline facies of Uinta Form ation of D ane (1955) and Ray and others (1956) ^ T o p of upper member ' Horse Bench Sandstone Lentil O IL SHALE FACIES Horse Dench Sansf£tfiQp_aed_ Base o f upper member laced at base of lahogany ledge (which Includes the Mahogany K y X Zone of thin oil shale beds — T uff (unnamed) ^ Horse Bericlỵ’ S andstone Bed W avy tuff Top o f delta facies at top o f rfm-formlng — SS,0arir.sandstone - U pper oil shale group D ELTA FACIES — B m arker (base) BASAL MEM BER • O m a ik e r (base) (middle marker) I UNEXPOSED I BASE O F L _ J fo r m a tio n I — D m arker (base) Basal 20 m Is cllff*lormlng carbonate sequence (correlated with carbonate marker unit of R yder and others (1976)) SECOND LACUSTRINE FACIES TO N G U E OF WASATCH FORMATION^ TO NGUE OF GREEN RIVER •FORMATION WASATCH FORMATION Upper lacustrine shale unit Lower lacustrine shale unit ✓ C o lor Change carbonate marker • : upp UNIT SHA TONGUE O F COL­ TON f o r m a t i o n W A! TOh T O N Q u io F GREEN’ fỵiv Ê R FORMATON (LOWER BLACK SHALE FACIES O F ABBO TT (1957)) LOW FAC COLTON FORMATION (> 725 m) FLAG STAFF MEMBER OF GREEN RIVER F0RIWAT10N NORTH HORN FORMATION CHART S T R A T IG R A P H IO N O M E N C L A T U R E O F T H E G R E E N R IV E R Robert R Rem ] ReprocJucecJ with permission of the copyright owner Further reprocJuction prohibitecJ without permission NEAR GREEN RIVER M ILE CANYON H E N D E L (1957) Subsurface of Peters Point G as Field JA CO B (1969) Composite Nine Mile Canyon Surface Section D A N E (1955) & R A Y AN D O T H E R S (1956) Composite Surface Section in Central and W estern Nine Mile Canyon Upper tuff zona ^ ^ Surface (at or n e a r S2 m arker X unlir G reen River marker bed Is from 580 to 710 m below surface (m ean: 640 m) , PARACHUTE CREEK MEM BER Top Of delta facies as ^ d e f in e d by Bradley (1931) — M ahogany oil shale bed “ Top A marker (top of deha facies as defined by Jacob (1969)) — m arker (base) Lower tuff zone EVACUATION CREEK M EMBER 5>bed (HorseBench ^ S a n d s to n e Bed) Horse Bench Sandstone Bed II Tuff zone of Parachute ^ C r e s k Mem ber ^ 'b e d (bench-forming sandstone) — OH shale l>ed PARACHUTE GREEK MEM BER Mahogany oli-shale bed -bed (thick clllf-form - TONGUE A OF DOUGLES CREEK MEMBER sandstone) Base of Parachute Creek M em ber placed at base of zone of thin oil shales — C m arker (base) RENEGADE TO NG U E O F " WASATCH FORMATION TONGUE D O F DOUGt-AS j/C R E E K MEMBER O F GREEN ^ RIVER FORMATION TONGUE Y O F W ASATCH FORMATION — D m arker (base) ^ r e e n River f _ m a ! l w bed (top) UPPER iL A C K S HALE FACIES OF A BBO TT (1957) I C A S H ION (1967) Big Canyon Surface Section TONGUE E O F DOUGLAS CREEK MEMBER O F GREEN RIVER FORMATION base o f delta facies (set at persistent c o lo r change upward from gray to brown) BLACK SHALE FACIES LOW ER B LAC K SHALE FACIES O F ABBO TT (1957) Upper producing zone COLTON FORMATION VER TICAL SCALE (IN METERS) CHART iR E E N R IV E R F O R M A T IO N , S O U T H -C E N T R A L U IN T A B A S IN U T A H Robert R R em y (1 9 ) REMY, ROBERT R 9200086©1991 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission NEAR GREEN RIVER IB M ILE CANYON G H E N D E L (1957) Subsurface of Peters Point G as Field JA CO B (1969) Composite Nine Mile Canyon Surface Section D A N E (1955) & R A Y A N D O T H E R S (1956) Composite Surface Section in Central and W estern Nine Mile Canyon Upper tuff zona ^ ^ Surface (at or n e a r S2 m arker X unit) Green River m arker bed Is from 580 to 710 m below surface (m ean: 640 m) , PARACHUTE CREEK MEM BER Top Of delta facies as ^ d e f in e d by Bradley (1931) — Mahogany oil shale bed Top A m arker (top of deha facies as defined by Jacob (1969)) — B m arker (base) Lower tuff zone EVACUATION CREEK MEMBER 5>bed (HorseBench ^ S a n d s to n e Bed) Horse Bench Sandstone Bed T uff zone of Parachute ^ C r e e k Mem ber ^ 'b e d (bench-forming sandstone) — OH shale l>ed PARACHUTE GREEK MEM BER Mahogany oll-shale bed -bed (thick clllf-form - VS, TONGUE A OF DOUGLES CREEK MEMBER sandstone) Base of Parachute Creek M em ber placed at base of zone of thin oil shales — C m arker (base) TONGUE E O F DOUGLAS CREEK MEMBER O F GREEN RIVER FORMATION base o f delta facies (set at persistent c o lo r change upward from gray to brown) UPPER iL A C K SHALE FACIES OF ABBOTT (1957) Hgs BLACK SHALE FACIES LOW ER B LAC K SHALE FACIES O F ABBO TT (1957) U pper producing zone COLTON FORMATION VER TICAL SCALE (IN METERS) CHART G R E E N R IV E R F O R M A T IO N , S O U T H -C E N T R A L U IN T A B A S IN U T A H R obert R R e m y (1 9 ) RENEGADE TO N G U E O F WASATCH FORMATION TONGUE D O F DOUGLAS j/C R E E K MEMBER O F GREEN ^ RIVER FORMATION TONGUE Y O F WASATCH FORMATION — D m arker (base) ^ r e e n River f _ m a ! l w bed (top) CA S H ION (1967) Big Canyon Surface Section REMY, ROBERT R 9200086©1991 Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner Further reproduction prohibited without permission INDIAN CANYON BR ADLEY (1931) W illow Creek-lndian Canyon Surface Section NINE M ILE CANYON W E IS S A N D O TH E R S (1990) Geologic M ap of Price ' X ' Quadrangle TH IS R E P O R T Composite Nine Mile Canyon Surface Section BR ADLEY (1931) Gate Canyon Surface Section HENDE Subsurfac Point G Saline tacles Is sam e as saline facies of Uinta Formation of Dane (1955) and Ray and others (1956) ^ T o p Of upper member ' Horse Bench Sandstone Lentil O IL SHALE FACIES Horse Dench Sansi£tfiap_aed_ Base o f upper member placed at base of \

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 23:17

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