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See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/332212533 Needs of non-military defence resources in scope of education– dilemmas of XXI century Conference Paper · January 2018 CITATIONS READS 111 author: Andrzej Soboń Akademia Sztuki Wojennej 41 PUBLICATIONS   14 CITATIONS    SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Security of Europe View project Funkcjonowanie państwa w warunkach zewnętrznego zagrożenia bezpieczeństwa państwa i w czasie wojny View project All content following this page was uploaded by Andrzej Soboń on 06 April 2019 The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY „CAROL I” REGIONAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT STUDIES DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21ST CENTURY THE 13TH SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE WITH INTERNATIONAL ATTENDANCE ORGANIZED BY THE REGIONAL DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT STUDIES 8th- 9th November 2018, Braşov Coordinators: Lecturer Brỵnduşa Maria POPA, PhD Associate professor Vlad DUMITRACHE, PhD NATIONAL DEFENSE UNIVERSITY,,CAROL I” PUBLISHING HOUSE BRAŞOV, 2018 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 Moderators: Professor Cezar VASILESCU, PhD, eng Professor Ileana TACHE, PhD Asociate Professor Dorel BADEA, PhD Associate Professor Vlad DUMITRACHE, PhD Lecturer Brỵnduşa Maria POPA, PhD Liliana FILIP, PhD Candidate International Scientific Committee: Editor: Gheorghe CALOPĂREANU Teodor FRUNZETI Emilian DOBRESCU Ghiță BÂRSAN Gabriel RĂDUCANU Constantin – Iulian VIZITIU Octavian TĂRĂBUŢĂ Ioan Vasile ABRUDAN Ileana TACHE Mary S McCULLY Fahri ERENEL Mustafa Kemal TOPCU William BARTLETT Eleftherios THALASSINOS Pierre ALLEGRET Andrzej SOBON Tomasz KOSMINDER Elzbieta Jadwiga SRYMASISKA Agnieszka BRELIK Ramona RUPEIKA – APOGA Ebru CAYMAZ Vladan HOLCNER Igor SOFRONESCU Svetlana CEBOTARI Larisa PLOP Ion ROCEANU Stelian PÂNZARU Virgil ENE-VOICULESCU Vasile CĂRUŢAŞU Liviu FILIP Edith Mihaela DOBRESCU Mărioara PATEȘAN Anca DINICU Ioan Gabriel POPA Dumitru IANCU Luminița GIURGIU Daniel-Sorin CONSTANTIN Dănuț-Eugeniu MOȘTEANU Aurelian RAȚIU Dorel BADEA Lucian ISPAS L Cezar VASILESCU Florin Eduard GROSARU Maria CONSTANTINESCU Aura CODREANU Brỵnduşa Maria POPA Cristina ANTONOAIE Vlad DUMITRACHE Lecturer Brỵnduşa Maria POPA, PhD ISSN: 2248 - 2245 (CD-ROM) ISSN: 2248 - 2385 (online) The content of the papers is the entire responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Scientific Committee The authors take full responsibility for the contents and scientific correctness of their papers ii The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 CONTENTS TOURISM AS AN INFLUENCING FACTOR FOR THE INTERGOVERMENTAL RELATIONS, BABA Cristina Andrada, Ph.D candidate, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Doctoral school of Marketing, Bucharest, Romania _ page STUDY ON PERCEPTION IN MILITARY ENVIRONMENT OF THE PROBLEMATICS SPECIFIC TO THE MANAGEMENT OF TECHNICAL SYSTEMS FOR DEFENSE, BADEA Dorel, Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania, IANCU Dumitru, Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania MACOVEI Crenguţa, Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania COMAN Marin-Marian “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania _ page PARTICULARITIES OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN MONOSPECIALTY PUBLIC HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS, BĂRCAN Mihaela, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department Management, University of Craiova, Romania _ page 15 HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT METHODS TO THE LEVEL OF HEALTH ORGANIZATIONS, BĂRCAN Mihaela, PhD Candidate, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Department Management, University of Craiova, Romania, BĂRCAN Laurentiu, Ph.D page 25 IMPACT OF INFORMATION RESOURCES MANAGEMENT UPON THE ORGANIZATION PERFORMANCE, BEN SAID Boulbaba, Ministry of National Defence, Tunisia page 33 BIASES INFLUENCE ON MILITARY DECISION MAKING, BOSÂNCEANU Alexandru, Ministry of National Defense, Romania _ page 43 ANALYSIS OF THE TUNISIAN DEFENSE BUDGET IN THE 21ST CENTURY, MAJOR TRENDS AND CHALLENGES IN THE DEFENSE POLICY, BRAHIM Mohamed Tahar, Ministry of Defence, Tunisia page 65 THE THREE SEAS INITIATIVE – A NEW ROLE FOR ROMANIA?, BRÂNDA Oana-Elena, University Lecturer, PhD, “Titu Maiorescu” University, Bucharest, Romania page 83 THE TEAM-LEARNING OUTCOMES OF MILITARY STUDENTS AT UNIVERSITY SEMINARS, BUMBUC Ştefania, Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania page 90 iii The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 10 A RESEARCH ON COMPETENCE MISMATCH IN CAPABILITY BASED DEFENSE PLANNING, CAYMAZ Ebru, Marmara University, Department of Management and Organization, Istanbul, Turkey, ERENEL Fahri, Associate Professor PhD, National Defense University, Defense Resources Management, Istanbul, Turkey SORAN Semih Associate Professor PhD., Ozyegin University, Professional Flight Program, Istanbul, Turkey _ page 96 11 THE IMPACT OF THE RUSSIAN-UKRAINE CRISIS ON REGIONAL SECURITY, CEBOTARI Svetlana Doctor habilitate, associate professor, "Alexandru cel Bun" Military Academy State University of Moldova, Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations , Chisinau , Republic of Moldova, PLOP Sergiu "Alexandru cel Bun" Military Academy Commander (Rector)/ Chisinau/ Republic of Moldova page 101 12 CRYPTOCURRENCIES – NATIONAL SECURITY IMPLICATIONS, CONSTANTINESCU Maria, Associate Professor, PhD, National Defense University “Carol I”, DRESMARA, Brasov, Romania page 115 13 DEFENCE INDUSTRY-PROPOSALS FOR IMPROVEMENT, Cornel CRUŢAN, Ministry of National Defence, Romania _ page 120 14 THE GROUPS THAT MODEL THE PLANET, DOBRESCU Emilian M Professor, PhD, Member of the Academy of Scientists, Scientific Secretary of the Economic, Legal and Sociological SciencesSection of the Romanian Academy, General Manager of CSCBAS of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania, DOBRESCU Edith Mihaela, PhD, SR Gr.III, Institute for World Economy of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania _ page 129 15 ETHICAL FUNCTIONS IN MANAGING DEFENSE RESOURCES, DRABIK Krzysztof, Professor PhD, Faculty of National Security War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland page 137 16 PARTICIPATION OF WOMEN IN CREATING SECURITY – POLISH ARMED FORCES AS AN EXAMPLE, DRAPIKOWSKA Barbara Faculty of National Security/War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland _ page 145 17 CURRENT SHORTFALLS INSIDE THE COMMON SECURITY DEFENSE POLICY, DUMITRACHE Vlad Ionuț, Associate Professor, PhD, DRESMARA, Brasov, Romania, GROSARU Florin-Eduard, Professor, PhD, Associated member of The Academy of Romanian Scientists, Director of the Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies – NATO Partnership Training and Education Centre _ page 161 18 EAST VERSUS SOUTH DILEMMA – CAN NATO COHESION BE SAVED?, FILIP Liliana, PhD Candidate, National University of Political Studies and Administration, Bucharest, Romania page 167 iv The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 19 CORRELATING THE PLANNING PROCESSES IN CAPABILITIES BASED PLANNING, STRATEGIC PLANNING AND PPBES, FLORESCU Virgil-Nicu, PhD Special Operations Command, Romania page 171 20 MILITARY EDUCATION FOR GEOPOLITICAL TIMES, GROSARU Florin-Eduard, Professor, PhD, Associated member of The Academy of Romanian Scientists, Director of the Regional Department of Defense Resources Management Studies – NATO Partnership Training and Education Centre page 179 21 EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS IN THE MILITARY, ILIE, Dorin-Gabriel, Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania _ page 185 22 ELEMENTS OF DECISION TO PROTECT OWN NATURAL RESOURCES, MANCIA Mircea Sebastian PhD Lecturer Dipl., MANCIA Aurora PhD, University Professor Eng., Faculty of Construction, Cadaster and Architecture, Department of Cadaster , University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania page 189 23 FUTURE CHALLENGES TO NATO AND THE IMPACT ON THE DEFENCE POLICY OF THE EUROPEAN ALLIES, MARSZAŁEK Maciej, Professor, PhD, The War Studies University, National Security Faculty, Warsaw, Poland page 193 24 ESTIMATING CYBER THREATS IN THE CONTEXT OF THE CONTEMPORARY SECURITY ENVIRONMENT, NEAG Mihai Marcel, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania, MOŞTEANU Dănuţ “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania page 199 25 CONTINUOUS FIGHT AGAINST CYBER-ATTACKS ON SENSITIVE DATA, BANKING AND FINANCIAL SYSTEMS, NIȚESCU Silvia Elena, PhD candidate “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu, LUCA Mihaela Paraschiva PhD candidate “Lucian Blaga” University of Sibiu page 206 26 COLLABORATIVE COMMUNICATION AND INFORMATION SYSTEM IN MODERN THEATRES OF OPERATIONS, ONOFREI Manuel Florin, Ministry of National Defence, Romania _ page 216 27 SOCIOCYBERNETICS: RECONFIGURING THE INTELLIGENCE LANDSCAPE, PĂDURARU Mihail, MA, VOICU Claudia-Iohana, MSc Candidate, Center for Strategic and Competitive Analysis, Chamber of Commerce and Industry RomaniaTurkmenistan page 233 28 FACTORS AFFECTING DEFENSE ACQUISITION STRATEGY, PARCHUKASHVILI Kakhaber, Ministry of Defense, Georgia _ page 239 v The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 29 THE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF THE PLANNING,PROGRAMMING, BUDGETING END EXECUTION SYSTEM, PĂTRAȘCU Octavian Ionuț, Logistical Naval Base ‘PONTICA’, Constanta, Romania _ page 249 30 USE OF VOOM’S THEORY IN MANAGERIAL PROCESSES SPECIFIC TO ENGINEERING SUBUNITS, PETRESCU Narcis-Manuel, MSc, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania IANCU Dumitru Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania BADEA Dorel Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania DINICU Anca Associate Professor, PhD, “Nicolae Bălcescu” Land Forces Academy of Sibiu, Romania page 259 31 PESTICIDES - THREAT ADDRESSED TO THE ENVIRONMENTAL SECURITY OF THE REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA, PLOP Larisa associate professor, PhD, Military Academy "Alexandru cel Bun", Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, SOFRONESCU Igor, Deputy commander (pro-rector), Lieutenant Colonel (r), Military Academy "Alexandru cel Bun" , Chisinau, Republic of Moldova, CEBOTARI Svetlana, doctor habilitate, associate professor, "Alexandru cel Bun" Military Academy State University of Moldova, Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences, Department of International Relations , Chisinau , Republic of Moldova _ page 267 32 DECISION MAKING PROCESS IN THE RESOURCES PLANNING STRUCTURES, POCIUMBAN Radu , Ministry of Defense/ Republic of Moldova page 271 33 WHY MANAGERS FAIL AND WHAT SOFT ELEMENTS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED WHEN AIMING FOR SUCCESS, POPA Brỵndușa Maria, PhD University Lecturer, DRESMARA /National Defense University of Romania “Carol I”/ Brasov / Romania page 284 34 RISK MANAGEMENT CONCEPT AND ITS EFFECTIVENESS FOR A MILITARY ORGANIZATION, SIPRA Aurangzeb, Pakistan Air Force page 288 35 NEEDS OF NON-MILITARY DEFENCE RESOURCES IN SCOPE OF EDUCATION– DILEMMAS OF XXI CENTURY, SOBOŃ Andrzej, PhD, The War Studies University, National Security Faculty, Warsaw, Poland page 300 36 THE FUTURE OF THE EU SECURITY AND DEFENSE POLICY AFTER BREXIT, TACHE Ileana, Professor, Ph.D., “Transilvania” University of Brasov, Department of Marketing, Tourism-Services and International Business, Romania _ page 308 37 THE DEFENCE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT POLICY IN THE MINISTRY OF DEFENCE OF GEORGIA, TOGONIDZE Anuki, Defence Policy and Development Department, Ministry of Defence of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia _ page 315 38 SMART DEFENCE – A FACILITATOR FOR NATO CAPABILITIES DEVELOPMENT, TUDORACHE Cătălin, Ministry of National Defense, Bucharest, Romania page 321 vi The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 39 AN OVERVIEW UPON CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE PROTECTION IN ROMANIA TUN-COMȘA Cristian, Land Forces Academy,”Nicolae Bălcescu”, Sibiu, Romania page 331 40 MILITARY CLASSES AS AN AREA OF INTEREST FOR THE ARMED FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF POLAND EXPERIENCE AND PERSPECTIVES, URYCH Ilona, PhD, Faculty of National Security War Studies University, Warsaw, Poland _ page 339 vii The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 NEEDS OF NON-MILITARY DEFENCE RESOURCES IN SCOPE OF EDUCATION– DILEMMAS OF XXI CENTURY LTC Andrzej SOBOŃ, PhD The War Studies University/ National Security Faculty, Warsaw, Poland Abstract: Every country must develop individual capacity to resist crisis or armed attack In XXI century near 70 years after initialled the North Atlantic Treaty, threats and challenges call European countries in raise awareness to training and educating further non-military defence resources The process cannot be done by military education institutions or for military personnel only Educational efforts must start in high schools and continuing through public administration up to the highest authorities responsible for national defence Dependence of the state defence preparations and collective defence to education for security is presented by Polish experience in specific geopolitical situation XXI century Regional situation of eastern border countries of EU and NATO is diametrically different than at the end of XX century, therefore, every country must redefine education of societies for non-military preparation Key words: non-military preparation, security, resources, education Introduction Each nation, state and country should shape its defence system that fosters the security of society, because the Sun Tzu aphorism: "it is a crime to [ ] not prepare for war” is still valid and extra significant Preparing for any eventuality is a reason to be proud In an unstable international security environment, Poland and other countries are obliged to build sovereign security and participate in the structures of NATO, OSCE, UN, EU or Visegrad Groups must strengthen this development The defence system of state must lead to deterring the opponent from disproportionate losses and ultimately, to providing to the lack of threats The strategy for the development of the national security system of the Republic of Poland 2022 defines this status as a response in all conditions to all threats and crises using the integrated the defence system of state [11] The state defence system is one of the elements that make the whole integrated national security system up, which is a response to a number of potential threats to vital national interests created on the basis of strategic policy of the Polish state The National Security Strategy of RP from 2014 in specifically way emphasizes non-military tasks and interactions with other elements of Polish national security system, creating a consolidated interdependent defence system [Kuliczkowski, pp 31-36] Individual fields of state defence preparations have been included in the state defence system Among the functional areas of defence preparations of the state, we can distinguish successively: political and strategic area, military field, economic and 300 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 defence field, social field and educational field Above specified the areas of state defence preparations contain specific tasks and areas of interest The political and strategic area includes state actions in the area of defence policy, the main purpose of which is to maintain state sovereignty in the case of a potential threats for internal security and war The military domain includes state actions in military defence preparations of the state, whose main purpose is to maintain the readiness of the system of reacting to typically military threats The economic and defence domain includes state actions in the field of defence preparations, whose main purpose is to prepare an appropriate functional economic base The social field includes defence preparations related to ensuring conditions for citizens to live in an emergency, their existence in an endangered security environment and the survival of the entire society with property and possessions The educational field includes state activities in the field of defence preparations of the state whose primary goal is to raise public awareness in the context of citizens implementing imposed defence tasks [Kwaśniak, Wojciszko, p.112] The main inspiration for the creation of the article are new educational projects of the National Security Faculty of the War Studies University implemented jointly with the institutions subordinate to the Minister of National Defence of the Republic of Poland Ideas of the National Security Faculty to increase public awareness in the field of collective defence have become the basis for conducting research This paper presents the results of the author's research around education for security, hence the main scientific question: How to educate society for the needs of non-military defence preparations? The regional situation of Poland is now differing radically from situation of the end of the twentieth century Therefore, Poland must ensure that there is a social potential with knowledge related to the defence of country, history, traditions of arms, shaped patriotic and civil attitudes The state must redefine society's education for non-military purposes Taking the above into consideration, the article covers interdisciplinary non-military defence preparations at the level of primary, secondary and higher education as well as post-graduate studies: State tasks in the field of education for safety in primary schools Challenges of innovative and experimental activities in secondary schools Human resources of students in higher schools in non-military defence preparations The essence of postgraduate studies in scope of education for safety Professional education of the state administration State tasks in the field of education for safety in primary schools Considering education as a science of specific values, it should be emphasized that education forms the basis for the existence and development of the state, determines its strength, advantages, chances or their lack Therefore, education for safety has a main meaning related to the objectives of national education [Cackowski, p.31] Education for safety covers the scope of knowledge that determines security sciences Defensive education includes defence issues of the state in the field of defence preparations of the state, armed forces, as well as the organization and conduct of defence activities in the military and nonmilitary dimension and their functioning at the local government level Defensive education should serve to master knowledge and skills in the area of military training with the optional 301 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 preparation of school levers for service in units of the Territorial Defence Forces [12] Thus, it does not seem exaggerated that under defence education - in accordance with the "Minimum program implemented within the framework of innovative defence preparation programs or education for safety " – addressing the issues of combat training with including subjects: shooting, reconnaissance, engineering, CBRN defence, anti-aircraft defence and medical training It should be remembered that the Ministry of National Education has provided 28 hours (1 hour per week) of education for the subject in one school year Hence, we should be aware that in most cases, the Polish educational system will be based on "enforced" 28 hours for this subject Only classes with "uniformed profiles" implementing additional innovative education programs for safety This schools offer additional classes in education for safety implemented for the next years of school (high school) [Urych, 6, pp.148-177] A new draft of regulation of the Minister of Education on the core curriculum for the subject of education for safety will be opened in 2019/2020 school year Education for safety will prepare students theoretically and practically for proper behaviour and appropriate reactions in difficult and crisis situations, in situations posing a threat to health and life The subject will cover a variety of educational contents: in the field of national security, (4 hours) organizations of rescue operations (7 teaching hours), health education (7 hours a year) and first aid (10 teaching hours) In the ministerial opinion, the development of appropriate reactions will have a significant meaning in situations of real danger and in conducting rescue operations In the author's opinion, program content should offer: purpose and construction of individual arms, using of guns, reconnaissance activities, construction of fire stations, defence and protection against weapons of mass destruction and industrial chemicals, principles of emergency warning and principles of first aid [13] Challenges of innovative and experimental activities in secondary schools Pedagogical innovation is called an innovative program, organizational or methodical solution aimed at improving the quality of school work The basic requirement for innovations is to confirm that they guarantee the implementation of school tasks set out in educational programs, in particular the core curriculum The independence of the school in making decisions regarding the conduct of pedagogical innovation was introduced in Poland on 1st September 2017 This allows for adopting resolutions on innovation and pedagogical experiments at schools, after giving opinions on the projects to the schools - council These are the competences of the pedagogical councils Developing students' creativity, including those conducive to active participation in public life, has been attributed to the school Currently, this is a requirement for the schools Until now the conditions were only "recommended" [14, art.1, 44, 55, 68, 86] The need to create pedagogical innovation of uniformed classes has its beginnings in the growing interest in the subject of state security among young people The behaviour of young people expressed by the growing interest in security and defence reflect the current political situation It dates to 1994, when the Ministry of National Defence and the Ministry of Education started work on the project of "uniformed classes." The benefits for uniformed services among graduates were quickly defined as advantages for uniformed services 302 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 Uniform classes were created based on the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport from 9th April 2002 on the conditions for conducting innovative and experimental activities by public schools and institutions The minimum goals for establishing of uniformed classes have been described in the form of soft effects [Urych, 7, pp.112-134]: - Preparing graduates for further education in departmental higher education institutions; - Acquisition of patriotic and civic attitudes; - Awareness of national values; - Making school programs more attractive; - Developing intellectual skills [Urych, 8, pp 21-47] The most desired effect is readiness for preparatory training in military units It has been estimated that the period of this training can be shortened about one month (normal three months training) The low cost of implementing this project causes the Ministry of National Defence has supported training in secondary education In cooperation with the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of National Defence introduced a pilot program "Pilot program for supporting upper secondary schools with certified military uniforms in military classes" accepted by the Secretary of State in the Ministry of National Defence on 29th August 2017 The pilot program includes three stages: (1) 01/09/2017 - 31/01/2019 realization of 185 hours of lesson activities in the subject of Military education with the support of military units, training centres and regional military administration organs; (2) 01/02/2019 - 30/06/2019 - support of local military administration bodies in the direction of targeting willing individuals on the possible paths of military service and military qualification for adult students - volunteers [15, art 35]; (3) 01/07/2019 - 31/08/2019 - for graduates- volunteers, who will confirm the capability, as part of the military qualification for active military service [Mika, pp 4-5] It has been confirmed that the most popular among students are practical drill, shooting training or topography conducted in military units and at shooting ranges Classes take place once a month and last for about hours Human resources of students in higher schools in non-military defence preparations The events of recent years clearly showed that military threats such as the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine should require a Polish response to the situation in the form of building defence capabilities, strong armed forces, territorial defence, reserve of human resources but above all educating the society for the security of the state The education of the society will allow to change the public's awareness of the need to build powerful military forces not only based on participation in the NATO military alliance Anchoring in the integration structures must form the basis for the security of the Republic of Poland but not make it dependent This message must have an educational value and not just propaganda Therefore, it is necessary to create adequate military potential in order that not to be in the position of a weak state unable to defend itself Its own defence potential, strengthened by the NATO alliance, will help avoid exposure to the war scenario That is why defensive education and building conditions for educating defenders of their territory are so important After all, we are witnessing the strength of volunteer fire departments that not have an equivalent in the form of a core curriculum in primary or secondary schools, and without which the National Fire and Rescue System would not be able to function The 303 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 system is an integral part of the internal security of the state, including for the purpose of saving life, health, property or the environment, forecasting, identifying and combating fires, natural disasters or other local threats Although education for safety and defence education have a lot in common, in no case should they be used freely [Soboń, pp.153-170] At the level of higher education, the Ministry of National Defence introduced, in consultation with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, a pilot program "Training program for the implementation of military education of students within the Legia Akademicka" The project in its mission includes the training of university students up to two semesters for candidates for privates or non-commissioned officers The subject of the project includes elements of preparing students in the basic scope (theory + practice) of infantry activities The aim of the program is to acquire knowledge and skills necessary to effectively perform tasks as an infantry team during the implementation of tactical and crisis events The program includes 30 teaching hours of theoretical training: - preparing the basics of fighting behaviour, - implementation of basic fire tasks, - rules of soldier's behaviour, - independent development of physical fitness The essence of postgraduate studies in scope of education for safety Postgraduate studies are a specific form of education, available for candidates with at least bachelor’s degree This type of studies is finalized with obtaining postgraduate, specialist qualifications The postgraduate qualifications legitimated by the certificate confirm the achievement of the assumed learning outcomes at the postgraduate studies National Security Faculty at the War Studies University conducts postgraduate studies in area corresponding with studies offered by the faculty on bachelor or master level, in this case: security sciences In other instance, to offer postgraduate studies which are not directly related to main field of didactic and research conducted by the faculty, approval from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education is required The proposal of the National Security Faculty at the War Studies University is to educate primary and secondary school teachers in the field of postgraduate studies and skills necessary at the labor market - education for safety Postgraduate studies in education for safety are intended for students or graduates preparing for job as a teacher Students of education for safety program are expected to obtain preparation for teaching (conducting classes) of more than one subject The entire program includes 196 didactic hours and 60 hours of internships Proposed subjects preparing to teach another subject in the substantive scope are: (1) Theory of security; (2) State security; (3) International security; (4) Social security; (5) Cybersecurity; (6) Crisis management; (7) Military technology in security; (8) Pre-medical help Practical subjects preparing to conduct the subject (Didactics of the subject) are: (1) Didactics of education for safety; (2) Methodology of teacher's work in education for safety; (3) Ethical aspects of didactic work [Urych, 9, pp 211-47] A graduate of postgraduate studies in education for safety will be prepared to work as education for safety teacher The studies include preparation for conducting the subject education for safety as additional one in the didactic scope After completing the study 304 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 program, the graduate knows the multidimensionality and multilevel of safety as a social and educational category, categories of security threats based on various criteria, the scope of activities of institutions, bodies and organizations operating in various security areas and relations between them, rules of reacting in the situation of immediate threat for life or health, providing premedical help, methodology of performing tasks - standards, procedures and good practices applied in a selected area of pedagogical activity Skills which the graduate acquire allow for interpretations of social phenomena and processes related to security in the national and international dimension, forecasting the processes and social phenomena related to security both in the national and international dimension, undertaking reactions in a situation of immediate threat to life or health, provide premedical help The graduate receives a certificate confirming completion of postgraduate studies at the War Studies University Obtained diploma meets the requirements of educational standards preparing for the teaching profession and detailed qualifications required from teachers Professional education of the state administration The task to ensure the functioning of the defence training system correspond with characteristics of the Council of Ministers and its role in providing external security of the state Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 2015 defines the organization of defence training in the state, points subjects involved in defence training and qualify competences of the authorities in the planning and implementation of defence training in the state According to the regulations the purpose of defence training is to acquire skills (improve qualifications) necessary to perform defence tasks and to upgrade qualifications in the scope of performing these tasks The training includes theoretical and practical classes and exercises The training is also conducted as higher defence course and other forms of education at state universities, including military academies [Wojciszko, pp 141-145] The organizers of defence training on the principles and in the scope specified in the regulation are: Prime Minister; Minister of National Defence; the minister responsible for government administration department; provincial governor and local government bodies, voivodship marshal, starost, mayor, city president The training is carried out in accordance with the training program, which includes among others: (1) international and internal circumstances of state security; (2) integration processes with international security structures; (3) the basic principles of NATO and other international security organization, fundamentals of security policy including the national security strategy of the Republic of Poland; (4) the principles of the functioning of the state in the time of the external threat and during the war, the organization and functioning of the defence system of the state and its elements; (5) economic and defence preparations for the implementation of tasks for the Polish Armed Forces and allied troops; (6) preparations for militarization; (7) protection of facilities particularly important for the security and defence of the state The trainings are attended by: 1) ministers, secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state and directors-general; 2) persons performing the functions of central government administration bodies and their deputies; 305 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 3) heads of organizational units subordinated by Prime Minister, as well as ministers responsible for the departments of governmental administration or supervised by them and their deputies; 4) voivodes and deputy governors; 5) marshals and deputy marshals of provinces, starosts, commune heads, mayors and presidents of cities and their deputies; 6) directors and executives of organizational units and their deputies in central offices; 7) directors and executives of organizational units in provincial offices and their deputies; 8) heads of provincial self-government, township and commune organizational units as well as employees of these units; The training may be attended by deputies and senators as well as other participants directed by public administration bodies [16] The only organizer of these trainings in Poland is National Security Faculty at the War Studies University Summary Polish experiences in the building of defence potential have a decades-long tradition However, at the turn of the century it was serious consideration about acquiring trained candidates for service in military units The presented educational path from primary school to central administration verifies the adopted hypothesis in relation to the main question asked: How to educate the society for the needs of non-military defence preparations? Poland as state carries out tasks in the field of education for safety at the level of education in primary schools Education for safety includes defence issues of the state in the field of defence preparations of the state, armed forces as well as conducting defence activities Nevertheless, this action, having 28 hours (1 hour a week) is treated by schools as "forced" with low quality education The hope for improvement of low-quality education is to be the new project of the Minister of Education New core curriculum for the education for security which will be introduced in 2019 This project raises hopes among those interested in increasing the defence potential of the state, secondary school directors conducting pedagogic innovations aimed at preparing for preparatory training in military units or further training for students Participating in the preparation of pupils also requires highly qualified teachers responsible for education for safety and practically prepared for classes with pupils Also, the awareness of people who are politically and substantively responsible for the security of the state requires further training This task was formalized and announced by the act of the defence training system and is implemented during Higher Defence Courses and defence courses at the National Security Faculty of the War Studies University Having the above in mind, the article clearly indicates that the process cannot be done by military education institutions only or by military personnel The system built in Poland in the last decade requires increased attention of the Ministry of National Defence as well as the introduction of acreditation of programs, didactic classes and studies 306 The 13th International Scientific Conference “DEFENSE RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN THE 21st CENTURY” Braşov, November 8th-9th 2018 References: [1] Cackowski, Z., Sprawy edukacji Szkoła, oświata, wychowanie (27), Edukacja Filozoficzna 1999 [2] Kuliczkowski, M., Pozamilitarne przygotowania obronne w Polsce, Wyd AON, Warsaw 2016 [3] Kwaśniak, G., Wojciszko, M., Przygotowania obronne państwa, Wyd Oficyna wydawnicza PWSZ, Nysa 2014 [4] Mika, M., (eds.), Program nauczania dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych przedmiotu „Edukacja wojskowa", Biuro Spraw Proobronnych MON, Warsaw 2017 [5] Soboń, A., Edukacja obronna -próba standaryzacji, Wydawnictwo Akademii Sztuki Wojennej, Warsaw 2018 [6] Urych, I., Wartości uczniów klas wojskowych – analiza wyników badań, „Zeszyty Naukowe ASzWoj”, (109) 2017, Warsaw 2017 [7] Urych, I., Military class in Poland – experiences and perspectives, Security and Defence Quarterly, 2(11) 2016, Warsaw 2016 [8] Urych, I., Students of military classes concerning selected aspects of Poland’s national security An empirical study, Security and Defence Quarterly, 4(17) 2017, Warsaw 2017 [9] Urych, I., Student’s opinion on the academic curriculum in military classes, Security and Defence Quarterly, 1(18) 2018, Warsaw 2018 [10] Wojciszko, M., Formalnoprawne uwarunkowania organizacji szkolenia obronnego w państwie, Kuliczkowski, M., Wojciszko, M., (eds.), Administracja publiczna i przedsiębiorcy w obszarze pozamilitarnych przygotowań obronnych państwa, Towarzystwo Wiedzy Obronnej, Warsaw 2012 [11] National Security Strategy of the Republic of Poland 2014 [12] Act No Nr 10/Szkol./P7 Minister of National Defence from 21.01.2015 r w sprawie wprowadzenia Minimum programowego realizowanego w ramach innowacyjnych programów przysposobienia obronnego lub edukacji dla bezpieczeństwa oraz programów szkolenia członków organizacji pozarządowych, wymaganych podpisania porozumień z komendantem szkoły wojskowej lub ośrodka szkolenia [13] https://men.gov.pl/ministerstwo/informacje/nowa-podstawa-programowa-dla-liceumtechnikum-i-branzowej-szkoly-ii-stopnia-projekt-w-konsultacjach.html Access: 30.07.2018 [14] Act - Prawo oświatowe from 14.12.2016 r (Dz.U 2017 r No 59) [15] Act O powszechnym obowiązku obrony Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej from 21.11.1967, (Dz U 2016 r No 1534) [16] Council of Ministers' decree w sprawie szkolenia obronnego from 8.10 2015 307 View publication stats

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