温肯大发〔2021〕11 号 各部门、各学院: 根据工作需要,经研究,温州肯恩大学生命科学伦理委 员会更名为温州肯恩大学伦理委员会,负责对学校涉及人和 动物的研究项目进行伦理审查和监督。在医疗单位开展的任 何类型的涉及人的生物医学研究项目由各医疗单位伦理委 员会审定。同时对人员组成进行调整,伦理委员会下设涉及 人的伦理委员会和实验动物伦理委员会,具体如下: 一、涉及人的伦理委员会 主 任:杨毅欣 副主任:赵韫琦(理工学院) 李 委 倩(人文学院) 员: - - 朱绍和(理工学院) 张 波(理工学院) 崔正焕(商务与公共管理学院) 丹尼尔·奥斯汀(商务与公共管理学院) 阿姆里塔·考尔(人文学院) 文森特·泊杜瓦隆(建筑与设计学院) 二、实验动物伦理委员会 主 任:孟宇(理工学院) 副主任:托比·米切莱纳(理工学院) 委 员: 黄启恒(理工学院) 郭建华(温州市动物园) 金盈盈(校办) 鲍家俊(科研办) 特此通知。 温州肯恩大学 2021 年 月 22 日 温州肯恩大学办公室 - - 2021 年 月 22 日印发 Announcement of Name Change and Membership Adjustment of Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee of Life and Medical Science To all administrative departments and offices, According to the work needs, the Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee of Life and Medical Science (ECLMS) has been renamed to Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee (WKUEC) Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee is responsible for conducting ethical review and supervision of biological, biomedical, psychological and medical research projects involving human and animal subjects at Wenzhou-Kean University Any type of human-related biomedical research projects carried out in medical units shall be reviewed and approved by the ethics committees of each medical unit correspondently The Committee contains two sub-committees: Institutional Review Board, and Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee Institutional Review Board Director: Eric Yang Co-Director: Yunqi Zhao (College of Science and Technology) Qian Li (College of Liberal Arts) Members: Siew Woh Choo (College of Science and Technology) Bo Zhang (College of Science and Technology) Jeonghwan Choi (College of Business and Public Management) Daniel Austin (College of Business and Public Management) Amrita Kaur (College of Liberal Arts) Vincent Peu Duvallon (College of Architecture and Design) Laboratory Animal Ethics Committee - - Director: Yu Meng (College of Science and Technology) Co-Director: Toby Michelena (College of Science and Technology) Members: Aloysius Wong (College of Science and Technology) Jianhua Guo (Wenzhou Zoo) Yingying Jin (Office of University Affairs) Jiajun Bao (Office of Research and Sponsored Programs) Wenzhou-Kean University March 22nd 2021 - - ... 2021 年 月 22 日印发 Announcement of Name Change and Membership Adjustment of Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee of Life and Medical Science To all administrative departments and offices, According... needs, the Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee of Life and Medical Science (ECLMS) has been renamed to Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee (WKUEC) Wenzhou-Kean University Ethics Committee. .. (College of Science and Technology) Members: Aloysius Wong (College of Science and Technology) Jianhua Guo (Wenzhou Zoo) Yingying Jin (Office of University Affairs) Jiajun Bao (Office of Research and