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Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Final Report

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ARARAT SUSTAINABLE GROWTH FUTURE FINAL REPORT FEBRUARY 2014 © Planisphere 2014 This publication is copyright No part may be reproduced by any process except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright Act 1968 PROJECT CONTROL NAME NO PM APPROVED PD APPROVED DATE DRAFT FOR COMMENT NO JLR SEP 2013 CONSULTATION DRAFT (V1) KP JLR OCT 2013 CONSULTATION DRAFT (V2) KP JLR 31 OCT 2013 FINAL REPORT (V1) KP JLR 23 JAN 2014 FINAL REPORT (V2) JLR JLR 14 FEB 2014 The Study Team recognises that the State of Victoria has an ancient and proud Aboriginal history and complex ownership and land stewardship systems stretching back many thousands of years We would like to acknowledge the Traditional Owners of this land, and offer our respect to the past and present Elders and through them to all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 Table of Contents Chapter Introduction 4 Chapter Sustainable Growth Plan 43 1.1 Purpose 5.1 Introduction 44 1.2 Background 5 5.2 Draft Vision 44 1.3 The Study Area 5 5.3 Principles 44 1.4 The Study Team 7 5.4 Directions & Policy Responses 45 1.5 Approach 5.5 Settlement Hierarchy 46 1.6 Consultation 7 Chapter The Rural City in Context Chapter Ararat in Future 47 6.1 Introduction 48 2.1 Introduction 6.2 Existing Infrastructure 48 2.2 Strategic Context 9 6.3 Settlement Role 48 2.3 Key Influences 9 6.4 Current Strategic Direction 48 2.4 Municipal Profile 11 6.5 Issues, Opportunities & Constraints 51 2.5 Key Drivers of Change 14 6.6 Future Growth Recommendations 53 Chapter Setting a Framework for Growth: Residential Land Use Chapter Small Towns Strategy 57 16 3.1 Introduction 17 Introduction 58 3.2 Housing Growth 17 Lake Bolac 59 3.3 Residential Land Use 17 Willaura 66 Chapter Setting a Framework for Growth: Non-Residential Land Use 27 4.1 Introduction 28 4.2 Business Confidence Survey 28 4.3 Retail Land Use 29 Pomonal 72 Moyston 78 Elmhurst 84 Buangor 89 4.4 Commercial Land Use 32 Chapter Implementation 94 4.5 Industrial Land Use 33 4.6 Tourism 38 8.2 Timeline for Implementation 95 8.1 Planning Scheme Implementation Recommendations 95 4.7 Critical Considerations 40 Appendices 98 Appendix A: Strategic Context Appendix B: Ararat SGF Property and Economic Analysis Report, Urban Enterprise (August 2013) Appendix C: Proposed Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) changes Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 Chapter Introduction Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 Introduction 1.1 Purpose 1.2 Background Ararat Rural City Council is preparing a Sustainable Growth Future Strategy (SGF Strategy) to provide an integrated framework for managing the future growth and development of the municipality over the next 25 years Ararat Rural City is located approximately 200km northwest of metropolitan Melbourne Approximately 4,230 sq kilometres in area, the municipality is home to around 11,183 people (ABS Census 2011), 7,500 of whom reside in the township of Ararat, with the remainder spread across a number of smaller townships and rural living areas The purpose of the SGF Strategy is: • To prepare an integrated land use strategy to manage the future growth and development of Ararat and small towns within the municipality; and • To provide high level strategic direction to inform the update of Council’s MSS The population is projected to grow to 13,925 residents over the next 20 years (Victoria in Future 2012) This will reverse the trend experienced between 1991 to 2006, a period which saw a decrease in population A number of major projects, such as the $300M Ararat Prison redevelopment, the Western Highway Duplication and National Broadband Network, have given impetus to economic development in Ararat and, alongside a demand for rural living opportunities, are key drivers of projected population growth The anticipated growth and change of the municipality has highlighted the need to plan for the future of Ararat Rural City to ensure local needs are met and suitable land, services and infrastructure are available to meet demand Council’s Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) was last reviewed in 2004 and the opportunity exists to undertake a major revision to reflect current optimism in the future growth potential of Ararat Rural City A recent policy-neutral rewrite of the MSS and Local Policies has been undertaken to modernise the MSS structure Considerable strategic work has also been undertaken since the last review and this needs to be drawn together to inform the updated MSS Council has identified several remaining gaps in the available strategic information, particularly in relation to the supply of commercial, retail, industrial and residential land in Ararat and key townships This project therefore seeks to review the current MSS, integrate recent strategic work and address a number of strategic gaps Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 Importantly, the Strategy seeks to apply a regional approach to strategic planning and economic development across the municipality, including planning for tourism, business attraction and retail diversity The project includes two core components: • Land Supply and Demand Analysis: to understand the location, demand and capacity of residential, commercial, retail, and industrial land throughout the municipality • Small Towns Strategy: to guide the future role, function, growth and development of the municipality’s smaller settlements A key output of the project will be a set of updated Framework Plans to sit within the Ararat Planning Scheme MSS The updated plans will reflect the analysis, data and strategic directions identified throughout the SGF Strategy 1.3 The Study Area The study area for the SGF Strategy focuses on the principal settlement of Ararat and the key population centres of Willaura, Lake Bolac, Moyston, Pomonal, Elmhurst and Buangor (Refer to the Study Area Map on the following page) The study area also encompasses the smaller rural localities of Wickliffe, Streatham, Mininera, Westmere, Tatyoon, Moroona, Middle Creek, Warrak and Mount Cole, however a detailed analysis of these smaller rural settlements has not been undertaken as part of this project It is important to note that although agricultural land plays a significant role in the identity, landscape and economic contribution of the municipality, the focus of the SGF Strategy is on urban and rural living land The Strategy seeks to apply a regional approach to strategic planning and economic development across the municipality LEGEND Rural City of Ararat Municipal Boundary Study Area Map Municipal Centre LEGEND Small Town ELMHURST Rural City of Ararat Municipal Rural Village Boundary POMONAL Rural Locality Municipal Centre ARARAT ELMHURST MOYSTON Draft Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan Small Town (2013) designated future settlement role: Rural Village Regional Centre POMONAL Grampians National Park BUANGOR Rural Locality Small Town Draft Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan (2013) designated future settlement role: ARARAT MOYSTON MAROONA Regional Centre Grampians National Park BUANGOR Small Town TATYOON WILLAURA MAROONA MININERA TATYOON WILLAURA WICKLIFFE WESTMERE STREATHAM LAKE BOLAC MININERA WICKLIFFE Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 LAKE BOLAC WESTMERE STREATHAM The project in currently in Stage 3: Draft Strategy The Draft SGF Strategy has been prepared through undertaking extensive background research and analysis, township surveys, a land supply and demand analysis, and targeted consultation with business owners and community members 1.6 Consultation The involvement of and consultation with a variety of stakeholders is a fundamental component of the preparation of the SGF Strategy To date the project team has sought input through the following engagement opportunities: Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 A Business Confidence Survey was distributed in May and June 2013 to provide an overview of current business conditions and confidence within Ararat Rural City There were 31 responses from businesses across the municipality Full details regarding questions and responses can be found in the Ararat SGF Property and Economic Analysis Report (Appendix B) prepared by Urban Enterprise as input into the SGF Strategy A variety of businesses participated in the survey from the retail, construction, and health and service sectors The majority of survey respondents were located in Ararat, while a few businesses had multiple locations in Ararat, Stawell and Horsham Respondent businesses had been operating for an average of 18 years in Ararat Rural City COMMUNITY WORKSHOPS APRIL MAY JUNE JUKY Business Workshops Community Workshops Analysis & Consultation Stage Draft Strategy >> This stage provides an important opportunity for the community and other key stakeholders to review and comment on the Draft SGF Strategy Comments received will be used to inform preparation of the Final SGF Strategy, due for completion in December 2013 BUSINESS CONFIDENCE SURVEY Stage Scoping Summit >> The project is being undertaken in four stages as outlined in the process diagram opposite Two business/retail workshops were held on the 27th and 28th of May in Ararat with local businesses, retailers and developers The purpose of the workshops was to gain an understanding of the existing issues, opportunities and constraints facing local businesses, retailers and developers within the municipality, particularly Ararat Inception AUG 1.5 Approach BUSINESS WORKSHOPS SEPT Importantly, the Strategy has been developed in close collaboration with Council by means of a Project Steering Group representing a range of council departments including strategic planning, statutory planning, economic development, community services and engineering CONSULTATION Stage >> Urban Enterprise: Economic Analysis, Land Demand & Supply Analysis OCT Planisphere: Project Management, Planning & Urban Design A half day Scoping Summit was held on the 28th May at the Gum San Conference Centre in Ararat The purpose of the Scoping Summit was to gain an understanding of the key issues, opportunities and constraints facing Ararat and other key settlements throughout the municipality The Scoping Summit was attended by a number of Council officers, government agencies and service providers PROJECT STAGES NOV Planisphere, in partnership with Urban Enterprise, has been commissioned by Council to prepare the SGF Strategy Key roles of the consultant team have been as follows: SCOPING SUMMIT DEC The Study Team JAN-FEB 1.4 Community ‘Drop-In’ Sessions Stage Final Strategy Three Community Workshops were held over the weekend of the 1st and 2nd of June, 2013 Workshop (Grampians) was held at the Moyston Hall, Workshop (Eastern Ranges) at Warrak Hall, and Workshop (Southern Towns) at Lake Bolac Hall The workshops were well attended by community members and other interested stakeholders Chapter The Rural City in Context Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Strategic Context This section sets the context for the study Ararat Rural City is influenced by a range of government policies and regulations, socio-demographic characteristics, environmental conditions, economic drivers and external influences or ‘drivers of change’ Various State, Regional and Local policies, plans and data sources provide the strategic context in which the SGF Strategy needs to be considered A detailed summary of State, Regional and Local Policy is provided in Appendix A: Strategic Context Key strategic documents include: • Ararat Rural Zone Review (2007) • Ararat Retail Strategy & Streetscape Report (2007) • Ararat Rural Zone Review: North West Precinct (November 2006) • Ararat Residential Land Use Strategy (2005) STATE POLICY • Industrial Land Use Strategy (2005) • Victoria Planning Provisions • Ararat Economic Development Strategy (2005) • State Planning Policy Framework • Ararat Rural City Community Action Plans • Victoria in Future 2012: Populations Projections • Urban Development Program (administered by the Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure) • Reformed planning zones for Victoria (2013) • Victorian Freight and Logistics Plan (2013) REGIONAL POLICY • Draft Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan (2013) • Central Highlands Regional Strategic Plan (2010) • Glenelg Hopkins Regional Catchment Strategy (20132019) • Draft Wimmera Regional Catchment Strategy (20132019) LOCAL POLICY • Local Planning Policy Framework (includes MSS and Local Policies) • Ararat Rural City Council Environmental Sustainability Strategy 2010-2020 • Ararat Rural City Community Vision 2030 • Residential Land Review (2012) • Industrial Land Review (2012) Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 • Stawell – Ararat – Halls Gap Triangle Rural Zone Review (2012) have already been introduced into the Ararat Planning Scheme, Council has 12 months to determine how it will apply the new residential zones Reforms have also been made to the Rural Zones For the purposes of this study, only the changes to the Rural Living Zone (RLZ) are relevant The implications of the zone reforms are discussed in further detail throughout the SGF Strategy DRAFT CENTRAL HIGHLANDS REGIONAL GROWTH PLAN (2013) 2.3 Key Influences The Draft Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan (RGP), released in June 2013, will be used to guide and inform land use planning across the Central Highlands Region In formulating the Draft SGF Strategy, two important policy positions, recently released by the State Government are set to have significant influence on the future of the municipality: The plan covers the municipalities of Ararat, Ballarat, Golden Plains, Hepburn, Moorabool and Pyrenees and identifies opportunities to encourage and accommodate growth and manage change over the next 30 years • Recent reforms to the Victorian planning zones It sets strategic priorities and infrastructure directions for the region, identifies where development will be supported, and highlights regional assets that should be preserved, maintained and/or developed • Release of the Draft Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan A short overview is provided below with further detail provided in Appendix A: Strategic Context REFORMED PLANNING ZONES (2013) The Victoria Planning Provisions (VPPs) contain a suite of State-standard zones and overlays that Councils are to select from in seeking to achieve their strategic objectives In mid 2013 important reforms were made to the State Planning Policy Framework and several of Victoria’s planning zones Three new residential zones, three amended residential zones, two new commercial zones and three amended industrial zones were introduced into the Victoria Planning Provisions More detail can be found on the new planning zones within Appendix A: Strategic Context While changes to the commercial and industrial zones The RGP contains a settlement hierarchy to help frame development across the region Designations within the Central Highlands Region include Ballarat as a ‘Regional City’, and Ararat and Bacchus Marsh as ‘Regional Centres’, alongside various Towns, Small Towns and Rural Settlements Importantly, Lake Bolac and Willaura have been identified as Small Towns in the hierarchy, highlighting their role in the Ararat municipality in providing access to key services and connection to sewage The plan identifies the Western Highway and Melbourne to Adelaide railway corridors (via Ararat) as key east-west transport assets providing links across the region to major centres This position is further supported in the State Government’s Victorian Freight and Logistics Plan (2013) which identifies Ararat as a key location on the National Land Transport Network Implications for the Strategy Key factors influencing the SGF Strategy include: • State Policy requires Council to ensure there is a sufficient supply of residential land supply to meet demand over at-least a 15 year planning horizon It is useful to adopt a similar time frame for commercial and industrial land • Recent reforms to Victoria’s planning zones will have implications for Ararat Rural City by rationalising commercial zones, introducing a new hierarchy of residential zones and broadening the range of land uses permissible in rural zones • The Draft Central Highlands Regional Growth Plan (RGP) sets a framework to guide and inform land use planning across the Central Highlands Region The plan sets the strategic priorities and infrastructure directions for the region • The RGP contains a settlement hierarchy to help frame development across the region and outlines future development directions and strategies for several townships Designations within the Central Highlands Region include Ballarat as a ‘Regional City’, and Ararat and Bacchus Marsh as ‘Regional Centres’, alongside Lake Bolac and Willaura which have been designated as Small Towns Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 10 Elmhurst Introduction Existing Infrastructure Elmhurst is located approximately 35km north-east of Ararat on the Pyrenees Highway UTILITIES The township has an scenic landscape setting with the Mount Cole and Mount Buangor State Forest providing a backdrop to the south, the Pyrenees Ranges and Wimmera River to the north Elmhurst attracts people seeking a rural residential lifestyle given its affordable housing prices, scenic location and short commuting distance from Ararat Farms along the Wimmera River commonly combine cropping and livestock, producing wool, prime lambs, beef, grains, legumes and wine grapes.1 • Reticulated water is available to most of the town Elmhurst is not serviced by reticulated sewerage COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE & facilities Open Space & Recreation • Recreation Reserve including sports oval, pavilion, BBQ facilities and tennis courts Settlement Role Elmhurst has been identified as a Rural Village Rural Villages support small populations and provide a focal point for the surrounding rural community Access to services such as education and retail are available and connections to reticulated water vary Current Strategic Direction At present, the Ararat Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) does not provide specific strategic direction for Elmhurst • Children’s Playground • Golf Course • Numerous sporting clubs and associations including tennis, golf and angling Community • Community Hall • Uniting Church and Anglican Church • Mobile Library Service • Hotel/Pub • Post Office and General Store (recently closed) Education • Primary School • Playgroup Health • Bush Nursing Centre • Infant Welfare Transport • Coach service from Ararat to Maryborough (via Elmhurst and Avoca) times per week Emergency Services • CFA Elmhurst Community Action Plan 2006-2009 Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 • Police Station 84 Elmhurst Issues, Opportunities & Constraints ISSUES OPPORTUNITIES VALUES & CONSTRAINTS The following issues, opportunities and constraints have been identified through consultation with the community and key stakeholders, and supplemented by additional research, analysis and site visits • Limited population growth • Attractive to rural lifestyle / ‘tree change’ population growth There are a number of environmental and heritage values and constraints that need to be considered when planning for the future of Elmhurst These are illustrated on the map on the following page and include: • Ageing population • Recent closure of petrol station, post office and general store • No reticulated sewerage facilities • Limited public transport services to Ararat (2 per week) • Large area designated as Township Zone, which in some cases, may not be the most suitable zone for its current/future use • Limited connections with the River • Potential to better utilise connections to the Wimmera River • Redevelopment opportunity for the former post office and hotel/ pub • Opportunity to further recognise and promote the townships rich heritage values • Opportunity exists to amend zone anomalies throughout Elmhurst • The Vegetation Protection Overlay (Schedule 1) covers an area of land located to the west of the township The purpose of the VPO1 is to protect areas of significant remnant vegetation • The Vegetation Protection Overlay (Schedule 2) applies to a portion of the Pyrenees Highway located to the west of the township The purpose of VPO2 is to protect areas of significant remnant vegetation located along roadsides throughout the municipality • The Environmental Significance Overlay (Schedule 2) applies to the Wimmera River and its adjoining floodplains The purpose of ESO2 is to protect watercourses, water-bodies and wetlands from inappropriate development and to ensure that that they are retained as a natural asset • A number of areas within and surrounding Elmhurst have been identified as ‘Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity’ These areas include landforms and waterways/ waterbodies that are regarded as likely to contain sites of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance • Some areas of Elmhurst are subject to flooding and have been identified by the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority as having a 1% Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) Refer to the map on the following page for details Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 85 Elmhurst: Values & Constraints Map LEGEND np Gle Wimmera River k ree kC ic atr Railway line Contours Planning Scheme Overlays ELMHURST - GLENPATRI CK RD PYRE N EES Vegetation Protection Overlay Environmental Significance Overlay HWY Elmhurst Station Restructure Overlay Other Values/ Constraints CO U ST a Ri (as identified by the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority) ve S ST r SE R D RA T EE SP O R T R TS G BL R O U N D R ST H UR S IN D D KA Y M CR EE K RD HI LL AR YS RD Recreation Reserve R ST er C G O LF ER LY Land Subject to Flooding (1% AEP flood) m M EL H W im DE G H IG BY VE GR E EN ST Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity CO A Y S T R D ES HIR BY S BO UN D D AR RD CK GS AR Y M C KI N RD N 300 metres 600 Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 86 Elmhurst Future Growth Recommendations Township boundary This section provides recommendations for how to manage, support and encourage sustainable growth in Elmhurst Some of these recommendations are strategic, for example the need for future investigations or other advocacy work, and others are more applied, for example recommending the rezoning of a particular area of land Where possible, recommendations are illustrated spatially on the Proposed Framework Plan on the following page • Define a township boundary for Elmhurst that reflects the current extent of the township, and allows for future growth as identified by the Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy (2013) Town Centre core • Concentrate future retail/commercial activity within the Town Centre Core • Encourage new businesses, services and activities to locate within the township of Elmhurst Township Residential • Support residential uses in close proximity to the town centre and existing community infrastructure and services Rural Residential • Investigate rural residential opportunities to the west of the township boundary in the longer tern The suitability of new residential development in this area must be fully considered before any rezoning proceeds, including an assessment of environmental assets and hazards; mainly native vegetation, cultural heritage, topography, flood, and bushfire risk • Ensure rural residential growth occurs in areas where it will not impact on the viability of productive agricultural land, and minimises potential land use conflict community Infrastructure & facilities • Ensure the future growth of Elmhurst makes best use of existing infrastructure assets, services and facilities • Continue to support and enhance existing community facilities and various community groups, clubs and associations as a key asset of the township Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 • Advocate for the provision of accessible transport services to Ararat, Ballarat and Melbourne, particularly for the elderly and youth of the community • Ensure all streetscape works take into consideration the safety and efficiency of roads and intersections, including maintenance of sight lines • Support the development of facilities and services that allow for ageing in place • Rezone the tree/creek corridor running from Green Street to the Golf Course from Township Zone to Public Conservation & Resource Zone to better reflect the use and intent of the land • Work closely with Government and other service providers (e.g Bush Nursing Centres) to promote and develop opportunities for improvement e.g provision of a community bus service, shared partnership development around home and community care (HACC) services, and nursing infrastructure Recreation & Leisure • Continue to recognise and promote the proximity of the Pyrenees Ranges, Mount Cole State Forest and Mount Buangor State Forest to Elmhurst as a key environmental and recreational asset of the township HERITAGE • Continue to protect areas of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance including landforms and waterways/ waterbodies that are regarded as likely to contain sites of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance • Continue to protect, promote and recognise sites of local heritage significance • Improve pedestrian and cycling connections within the township, particularly linking to key points of interest such as the Primary School and Recreation Reserve • Rezone the Recreation Reserve and adjoining Golf Course land from Township Zone to Public Park & Recreation Zone to better reflect the areas existing use and intent Streetscape & Environment • Strengthen connections to the Wimmera River and continue to promote and preserve the river as a key environmental and recreational asset of Elmhurst • Continue to protect and strengthen the existing boulevard tree planting along High Street • Continue to enhance and soften the visual appearance of the township through streetscape greening initiatives, particularly within the retail/commercial core 87 LEGEND np Gle Township Boundary k ree kC ic atr Watercourse Elmhurst: Proposed Framework Plan Railway Line PYRE G ick atr p len ek e Cr N EES HWY N EES Elmhurst Station Town Centre Core Watercourse Elmhurst Station EL Township Residential HWY Township Boundary ELMHURST - GLENPATRI CK RD PYRE Community Uses LEGEND Farming Railway Line Area to be rezoned to Public Park Bush Nurisng Centre and Recreation Zone in the short term Elmhurst Primary School Township Residential BY Area to be to Public Erezoned R Town Centre Core H L IConservation Y & Resource Zone in G ST H ST term short Farming GR EE N ST Community Uses ST S VE RA Area to be rezoned to Public ParkLiving investigation area (long Rural EL and Recreation Zone in theterm) short M H UR term R K T EE R ST KA Y EE K RD RD HI EE R D G R O U N D R D IN RD BL D Elmhurst Golf Course CR EE K Elmhurst Golf Course AR YS R TS ST O EE CR T Police Reserve KA Y SP r C T ve N RD CO AR YS S T GS S T BO UN D RD R D ES HIR BY S BO UN D Y RD Y T RD A CK IN AR Y CK S A ES HIR BY S M Y R D CK D AR CO A GS AR Y CK C KI N BO UN D M M GS RD N 300 600 metres 300 600| FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy metres R D AR Y HI LL Elmhurst Golf Course CO CK IN RD SE H UR S Ri C ST S VE RA DE G M CR a U RD Recreation Reserve R D O U R SE Rural Living investigationDarea (long R D Recreation R term) D HI LL CO U IN er M G O LF BL m Police T EE T S SP Area to be rezoned to Public O R TS G Conservation & Resource Zone in theBL O LF G IN R short term D O C ST R r KA Y ve C Ri M N GR EE EL W im Police the DE G a M H Elmhurst Primary UR School S T B SPY OER H R LY IG TS G ST H O LF ST G R O CO U U N R D SE R D Recreation R D Reserve W im M ST ST er S H m ST Bush Nurisng Centre EL H IG W im VE Elmhurst Station RA HWY Elmhurst Primary School BY ER LY ST DE G N EES EN ST ELMHURST - GLENPATRI CK RD GR E PYRE Bush Nurisng Centre D AR N tric pa n Gle 88 Buangor Introduction Buangor is located approximately 24km east of Ararat, and 75km west of Ballarat The township is centred around the intersection of the Western Highway and Challicum Road, and serves as an important gateway to Mount Cole State Forest, Mount Buangor State Park and Langi Ghiran State Park Buangor is the closest town in the municipality to Ballarat (50 mins) The townships Cobb & Co Changing Station, now used for community functions and gatherings, provides a key point of interest for those travelling along the highway Behind this sits the sports oval and pavilion, tennis courts, and primary school The recent establishment of a wine and art gallery known as ‘Off the Beaten Track’ has encouraged passers-by to stop off within Buangor A number of vineyards and cellar door sales are also located within the wider area Buangor is supported by predominantly farming industries, including wool, cattle, cropping, hay and vineyards In more recent years the timber industry has established plantations in the area.1 The Melbourne-Ararat railway line runs east-west through the township, to the south of the Western Highway Existing Infrastructure UTILITIES • Reticulated water is available to most of the town Buangor is not serviced by reticulated sewerage COMMUNITY INFRASTRUCTURE & facilities Open Space & Recreation • Recreation Reserve including sports oval, pavilion and tennis courts • Numerous sporting clubs and associations including cricket, tennis, basketball and soccer • Billy Billy Creek picnic area Emergency Services • CFA Settlement Role Buangor has been identified as a Rural Village Rural Villages support small populations and provide a focal point for the surrounding rural community Access to services such as education and retail are available and connections to reticulated water vary Current Strategic Direction At present, the Ararat Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) does not provide specific strategic direction for Buangor • Toronto Park • Close proximity to Mount Cole State Forest, Mount Buangor State Park, Langi Ghiran State Park and the Challicum Hills Wind Farm Community • Cobb & Co Changing Station (now used for community functions and gatherings) Education • Primary School Health • N/A Transport \ • Coach service from Melbourne to Ararat (via Buangor) times per week • Coach service from Melbourne to Oyen (via Buangor) times per week • Coach service from Ballarat to Stawell (via Buangor) times per week • Coach service from Melbourne to Nhill (via Buangor) times per week Buangor & District Community Action Plan 2006-2009 Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 89 Buangor Issues, Opportunities & Constraints ISSUES OPPORTUNITIES VALUES & CONSTRAINTS The following issues, opportunities and constraints have been identified through consultation with the community and key stakeholders, and supplemented by additional research, analysis and site visits • Limited commercial activity as evidenced by the recent closure of the hotel/pub • Buangor is the closest town in the municipality to Ballarat (50 mins) • Fragmented community • Close proximity to Mount Cole State Forest, Mount Buangor State Park and Langi Ghiran State Park There are a number of environmental and heritage values and constraints that need to be considered when planning for the future of Buangor These are illustrated on the map on the following page and include: • Uncertainty around the impact of the Buangor bypass, that is to be constructed as part of the Western Highway Project • Historic values, namely the Cobb & Co Changing Station and nearby homesteads • Construction of the bypass offers the potential for significant benefits to the amenity, livability and attractiveness of Buangor For example, a reduction in truck movements throughout the township will result in a safer pedestrian environment with improved access between the north and south of the township • Lifestyle development opportunities • Extensive areas to the north of Buangor are subject to the Wildfire Management Overlay (WMO) and draft Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) These are areas that have the highest bushfire risk and are likely to be particularly exposed to the impact of bushfire The suitability of new development in these areas must be fully considered before it proceeds, and appropriate bushfire protection measures will be required However, it should be noted that the proposed BMO is based on existing tree plantations that currently have an uncertain future as a result of the proposed bypass It is considered that bushfire constraints to the north are likely to reduce once the bypass has been constructed, effectively providing a barrier to any fire front from the north • The Vegetation Protection Overlay (Schedule 1) applies to large areas of land throughout Buangor The purpose of VPO1 is to protect areas of significant remnant vegetation • Some areas within Buangor have been identified as ‘Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity’ These areas include landforms and waterways/ waterbodies that are regarded as likely to contain sites of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 90 Buangor: Values & Constraints Map LEGEND NE VI S RD Billy Billy Creek BE N Railway line BU AN GO R- Contours Planning Scheme Overlays Draft Bushfire Management Overlay Vegetation Protection Overlay WE ST ER N Heritage Overlay HW Y Wildfire Management Overlay Other Values/ Constraints Buangor Primary School Hall (Cobb & Co) BU AN GO RR D PEACOCKS ROAD CHALLICUM RD Oval Areas of Cultural Heritage Sensitivity Buangor Station Buangor Cemetery N 250 CHALLICUM ROAD Bi lly Bi lly C re ek 500 metres Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 91 Buangor Future Growth Recommendations Township boundary This section provides recommendations for how to manage, support and encourage sustainable growth in Buangor Some of these recommendations are strategic, for example the need for future investigations or other advocacy work, and others are more applied, for example recommending the rezoning of a particular area of land Where possible, recommendations are illustrated spatially on the Proposed Framework Plan on the following page • Define a township boundary for Buangor that reflects the current extent of the township, and allows for future growth as identified by the Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy (2013) Town Centre core • Concentrate future retail/commercial activity within the Town Centre Core, in close proximity to existing retail activity • Encourage a wider range of businesses, services and activities that take advantage of Buangor’s heritage assets, nearby wineries and proximity to Mount Buangor and Mt Langi Ghiran Township Residential • Support residential uses in close proximity to the town centre and existing community infrastructure and services • Rezone lots fronting Challicum Road (south of the railway line) from Farming Zone to Township Zone to better reflect their existing use and subdivision size Rural Residential • Rezone lots to the west of the township (between the railway line and the Western Highway) from Township Zone to Rural Living Zone and investigate application of a Restructure Overlay • Investigate potential for rural living opportunities to the north and north-east of the township boundary in the longer term, once the bypass is in operation The suitability of new residential development in these areas must be fully considered before any rezoning proceeds, including an assessment of environmental assets and hazards; mainly native vegetation, cultural heritage, topography, flood, and bushfire risk Future development should be directed outside the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) area in the first instance Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 • Ensure rural residential growth occurs in areas where it will not impact on the viability of productive agricultural land, and minimises potential land use conflict community Infrastructure & facilities • Ensure the future growth of Buangor makes best use of existing infrastructure assets, services and facilities • Continue to support and enhance existing community facilities and various community groups, clubs and associations as a key asset of the township • Advocate for improved frequency of accessible transport services to Ararat, Ballarat and Melbourne, particularly for the elderly and youth of the community • Support the development of facilities and services that allow for ageing in place • Work closely with Government and other service providers (e.g Bush Nursing Centres) to promote and develop opportunities for improvement e.g provision of a community bus service, shared partnership development around home and community care (HACC) services, and nursing infrastructure Recreation & Leisure • Continue to recognise and promote the proximity of Mount Cole State Forest, Mount Buangor State Forest and Langi Ghiran State Park to Buangor as a key recreational asset of the township Streetscape & Environment • Continue to protect existing Avenue of Honour tree planting along the Western Highway • Support succession planting where existing Avenue of Honour trees are reaching the end of their life cycle • Ensure all streetscape works take into consideration the safety and efficiency of roads and intersections, including maintenance of sight lines • Prepare an Urban Design Framework for Buangor to provide direction on potential improvements to the design of the streetscape following construction of the bypass, including strengthening visual and physical connections between the north and south sides of the highway • Develop a Community Action Plan and Urban Design Plan in response to changes associated with the bypass HERITAGE • Continue to protect areas of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance including landforms and waterways/ waterbodies that are regarded as likely to contain sites of Aboriginal cultural heritage significance • Continue to protect and promote sites of local heritage significance such as the Cobb & Co Changing Station • Improve pedestrian and cycling connections within the township, particularly linking to key points of interest such as the Primary School and Recreation Reserve • Continue to promote and preserve Billy Billy creek as a key environmental and recreational asset of Buangor 92 BU AN Buangor: Proposed Framework Plan WE ST ER N WE ST EW RN ESH TW ER Y N Township Boundary Billy Billy Creek Billy Billy Creek Railway Line Railway Line Main Access Road (following construction of the Bypass) Township Entry Point (following construction of BU Township Entry Point A Avenue of Honour tree planting Avenue of Honour tre Public Open Space/ Recreation Buangor Primary School Oval Hall (Cobb & Co) BU AN GO RR Hall (Cobb & Co) D BU Buangor A Station NGOR RD CHALLICUM ROAD Bi lly Public Open Space/ R Township Residential Community Uses Town Centre Core Township Residentia Farming Town Centre Core Area to be rezoned to Area to be rezoned to Rural Living in the short term Zone in the short term CHALLICUM ROAD Buangor Rural Living investigation area Area(long to be rezoned to Cemeteryterm) Zone in the short term Rural Living investiga term) Buangor Station CHALLICUM ROAD Community Uses Area to be rezoned to Township Zone Farming in the short term PEACOCKS ROAD ALLR CHALLICCUHM ICDUM RD PEACOCKS ROAD Buangor Primary School Oval Buangor Cemetery Township Boundary Main Access Road HW Y Buangor Cemetery LEGEND Proposed Buangor BypassProposed Buangor B (indicative alignment only) (indicative alignment only CHALLICUM RD BU AN GO R- BE BU NN AN EV GO IS RRD BE NN EV IS RD LEGEND HWY Bi lly C re ek Bi lly Bi lly C re ek N 250 500 metres Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 93 Chapter Implementation Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 94 Implementation 8.1 Planning Scheme Implementation Recommendations 8.2 Timeline for Implementation The Ararat Planning Scheme provides the primary tool to implement the recommendations of the SGF Strategy It is an important implementation mechanism as it requires Council, the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) and applicants to consider the key objectives and directions outlined in a Strategy such as this The timeline for implementation of the Strategy is classified as follows: Recommendations for implementation of the Strategy through the Ararat Planning Scheme are listed below • Medium: years to years updates to the municipal strategic statement (clause 21) The Municipal Strategic Statement (MSS) establishes the strategic framework for the municipality and provides the broad local policy basis for making decisions under a planning scheme Acting as a planning authority or responsible authority, Council must aim to achieve the objectives and follow the strategies set out in the MSS As Council develops and revises its strategic direction, the MSS needs to be refined • Short: months to years • Long: years to 10 years • On-going: throughout the life of the Strategy Short, medium and long terms actions are listed on the following page Following implementation of the Strategy through the Ararat planning scheme, all directions of the Strategy will be ongoing throughout the life of the Strategy (25 years), and reviewed every years through subsequent MSS reviews Suggested updates to the Ararat Planning Scheme MSS are included as Appendix C to this report Zone changes/ corrections Standard zones for Statewide application are included in the Victorian Planning Provisions These zones are used in all planning schemes as required An important feature of the zones is that they are used to implement the State and Local Planning Policy Frameworks, including the Municipal Strategic Statement The SGF Strategy recommends a number of zone changes/ corrections, as identified in the table on the following page recommended overlays The SGF Strategy recommends application of a Restructure Overlay in parts of Willaura and Buangor The purpose of a Restructure Overlay is to identify old and inappropriate subdivisions which are to be restructured to create larger lots that better reflect the strategic directions for the locality than the existing subdivision pattern referencing the sustainable growth future strategy The Planning and Environment Act 1987 allows certain documents to be incorporated in a planning scheme by reference, rather than by including the entire document in the scheme itself Reference documents provide background information to assist in understanding the context within which a particular policy or provision has been framed It is recommended that the Sustainable Growth Future Strategy is included as a reference document within Clause 21.06 Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 95 ACTION / ACTION IMPLEMENTATION RESPONSIBILITY TIMELINE FOR IMPLEMENTATION MUNICIPAL STRATEGIC STATEMENT A1 • Prepare a planning scheme amendment to incorporate the key strategic directions and future growth recommendations (including all Proposed Framework Plans) of the SGF Strategy into the Municipal Strategic Statement, as detailed in Appendix C Council Short A2 • Prepare a planning scheme amendment to implement the zone changes/ corrections as listed below Council Short ZONES & OVERLAYS ARARAT A3 • Rezone parcels of land located to the south-west of the township (along Vincent Street and Bellinghams Hill Road) from Farming Zone to Rural Living Zone (or to Residential Zone if sewerage is available) Council Short - Medium A4 • Rezone the portion of land between Aradale Golf Course and Green Hill Lake (between Warrak Road and McLellan Street) to Rural Living Zone Council Short - Medium A5 • Rezone the existing Commercial Zone (Business Zone) situated along the Western Highway and Barkly Street (to the east of Princes Street) to Commercial Zone; taking into account considerations such as adjoining sensitive land uses and heritage buildings Council Short A6 • Rezone the small triangle of Residential zoned land bounded by Baird and Wilson Street to Commercial Zone, to provide further opportunity for large format retailing on the periphery of the town centre; taking into account considerations such as adjoining sensitive land uses and heritage buildings Council Short A7 • Rezone the small triangle portion of land adjoining the railway line (currently used as a roundabout) to Road Zone - Category to better reflect the use and intent of the land Council Short A8 • Investigate industrial growth to the north (in close proximity to the Western Highway Ararat Bypass and Pyrenees Highway), following take-up of existing industrial land in Ararat The exact location of future industrial land will be subject to the final alignment of the Western Highway Ararat Bypass and a land suitability assessment Council Long LAKE BOLAC A9 • Rezone the existing Township Zone and Farming Zone to the north-east of the township to Industrial Zone to better reflect its existing industrial use and subdivision pattern Council Short A10 • Rezone the existing Public Park & Recreation zoned land located to the north of the township to Public Conservation & Resource Zone to protect and preserve the natural environment and restrict any commercial development in the area Council Short A11 • Rezone the existing lots located between Mortlake-Ararat Road and Lake Bolac College from Township Zone to Public Use Zone (Education) to better reflect the existing use and intent of the land Council Short A12 • Rezone the parcel of land containing the tennis courts from Township Zone to Public Park & Recreation Zone to better reflect the existing use and intent of the land Council Short WILLAURA A13 • Rezone the Township Zone to the west of the township to Farming Zone to better reflect the areas existing farming use, subdivision pattern, and allotment size Council Short A14 • Investigate application of a Restructure Overlay to the south of the township on lots adjoining Willaura-Wickliffe Road Council Short - Medium Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 96 POMONAL A15 • Rezone land surrounding the major intersection of Pomonal from Rural Living to Township Zone to create a defined centre for the town and a focus for future retail/commercial activity, in line with the recommendations of the Stawell – Ararat – Halls Gap Triangle Rural Zone Review (2012) Council Short A16 • Rezone existing Farming and Rural Living zoned land located to the west of the township to Rural Conservation Zone, in line with the recommendations of the Stawell – Ararat – Halls Gap Triangle Rural Zone Review (2012) Council Short A17 • Explore the potential to rezone some parcels of land in Pomonal to Rural Activity Zone to encourage tourism development that takes advantage of Pomonal’s attractive natural/rural setting and proximity to the Grampians National Park and Lake Fyans Council Short A18 • Investigate further rural residential opportunities to the north-east of the township in the longer term to better reflect the extent of existing property boundaries The suitability of new residential development in this area must be fully considered before any rezoning proceeds, including an assessment of environmental assets and hazards; mainly native vegetation, cultural heritage, topography, flood, and bushfire risk Future development should be directed outside the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) area in the first instance Council Long MOYSTON A19 • Investigate opportunity to rezone the area of land to the north-west of the township from Farming Zone to Rural Living Zone, applying an hectare minimum lot size The suitability of new residential development in this area must be fully considered before any rezoning proceeds, including an assessment of environmental assets and hazards; mainly native vegetation, cultural heritage, topography, flood, and bushfire risk Future development should be directed outside the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) area in the first instance Council Medium A20 • Rezone Moyston Cemetery to Public Use Zone (Schedule 5) to better reflect the use and intent of the land Council Short A21 • Rezone Township zoned properties alongside the Recreation Reserve to Public Park & Recreation to better reflect the use and intent of the land Council Short A22 • Rezone heavily vegetated land throughout Pomonal (as identified on the Proposed Moyston Framework Plan) to Public Conservation & Resource Zone to better reflect the use and intent of the land Council Short ELMHURST A23 • Rezone the Recreation Reserve and adjoining Golf Course land from Township Zone to Public Park & Recreation Zone to better reflect the areas existing use and intent Council Short A24 • Rezone the tree/creek corridor running from Green Street to the Golf Course from Township Zone to Public Conservation & Resource Zone to better reflect the use and intent of the land Council Short A25 • Investigate rural residential opportunities to the west of the township boundary in the longer tern The suitability of new residential development in this area must be fully considered before any rezoning proceeds, including an assessment of environmental assets and hazards; mainly native vegetation, cultural heritage, topography, flood, and bushfire risk Council Long BUANGOR A26 • Rezone lots fronting Challicum Road (south of the railway line) from Farming Zone to Township Zone to better reflect their existing use and subdivision size Council Short A27 • Rezone lots to the west of the township (between the railway line and the Western Highway) from Township Zone to Rural Living Zone, and investigate application of a Restructure Overlay Council Short A28 • Investigate potential for rural living opportunities to the north and north-east of the township boundary once the bypass is in operation The suitability of new residential development in these areas must be fully considered before any rezoning proceeds, including an assessment of environmental assets and hazards; mainly native vegetation, cultural heritage, topography, flood, and bushfire risk Development in the first instance should be directed outside the Bushfire Management Overlay (BMO) area Council Long Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 97 Appendices Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 98 ... Wickliffe Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 46 Chapter Ararat in Future Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 47 Ararat 6.1 Introduction... new treatment plant Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 42 Chapter Sustainable Growth Plan Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY... cable Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT: FEBRUARY 2014 15 Chapter Setting a Framework for Growth: Residential Land Use Ararat Sustainable Growth Future Strategy | FINAL REPORT:

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