Walter Williams High School Registration Course List 2018-19 Course offerings are dependent on student demand and scheduling issues Student demand must be sufficient to support a teaching position for the course to be offered Please refer to the course guide for detailed and full information on courses and prerequisites ENGLISH English I English I Honors English II English II Honors English III English III Honors English III AP Language English IV English IV Honors English IV AP Literature Yearbook See Ms.Lee for app Journalism See Mr Marowitz for app MATH Math I Math II Math II Honors Math III Math III Honors Discrete Math Honors Advanced Functions & Modeling Essentials of College Math Pre-Calculus Honors Calculus AP (AB) (pair with BC) Calculus AP (BC) (pair with AB) Statistics AP SCIENCE Earth/Environmental Science Earth/Environmental Science Honors Environmental Science AP Biology Biology Honors Biology II Honors (paired with AP Bio) Biology AP (paired with Bio II) Physical Science Physics AP Chemistry Chemistry Honors Chemistry II Honors (paired with AP Chem) Chemistry AP (paired with Chem II) SOCIAL STUDIES World History World History Honors World History AP Civics & Economics Civics & Economics Honors American History I American History I Honors American History II American History II Honors US History AP European History AP 1960’s Era Psychology AP FOREIGN LANGUAGE Spanish I Spanish II Spanish III Spanish IV Spanish AP Spanish I Native Speakers Spanish II Native Speakers Latin I Latin II Latin III Latin IV FINE ARTS: See Fine Arts teachers for recommendations above “Beginning” levels Chorus Vocal Music Beginning Vocal Music Intermediate Music Specialization Prof H (Fall) Music Specialization Adv H (Spring) Orchestra Orchestra Beginning Orchestra Intermediate Orchestra Proficient (Honors) Orchestra Advanced (Honors) Band Band Beginning – Fall Band Beginning – Spring Band Intermediate – Fall Band Intermediate – Spring Band Proficient – Fall (Honors) Band Proficient – Spring (Honors) Band Advanced – Fall (Honors) Band Advanced – Spring (Honors) Wind Ensemble Intermediate Wind Ensemble Proficient Honors Wind Ensemble Advanced Honors Percussion Ensemble Beginning Percussion Ensemble Intermediate Percussion Ensemble Proficient (Honors) Percussion Ensemble Advanced (Honors) Other Music Theory AP Visual Arts Visual Arts Beginning Visual Arts Intermediate Visual Arts Proficient (Honors) Visual Arts Advanced (Honors) Studio Art AP Sculpture Intermediate Sculpture Proficient (Honors) Sculpture Advanced (Honors) Pottery Intermediate Pottery Proficient (Honors) Pottery Advanced (Honors) HEALTH & PE Health & Physical Education Physical Fitness PE II (Fall Weightlifting Athletes) PE III (Spring Weightlifting Ath) Sports Education I Sports Education II Sports Medicine I SPECIAL Student Media Assistant See Ms Harper for application CAREER & TECH EDUCATION CTE Internship See Ms Turner CTE Adv Studies Career Management Business & Finance Prin of Business and Finance* Personal Finance Business Law* Accounting I* Accounting II Honors Microsoft Word and Powerpoint * Microsoft Excel * Multimedia & Webpage Design* Creative Coding for Games and Applications Finance Academy I Finance Academy II Finance Academy III Marketing and Entrepreneurship Small Business Entrepreneurship Marketing * Sports and Entertainment Marketing I Sports and Entertainment Marketing II Human Services Prin of Family and Human Services (formerly Teen Living) Parenting and Child Development Food and Nutrition I Food and Nutrition II Engineering, Design, Architect Drafting I Drafting-Engineering II Honors Drafting- Engineering III Honors Drafting-Architecture II Honors Drafting-Architecture III Honors CAREER & COLLEGE PROMISE ACC -11th and 12th graders only –appl Photography (at WWHS) Videography (at WWHS) Web Design Fall (at WWHS) Database/Web Graphics Web Design Spring (at WWHS) Markup&Scripting/Content Mgmt ACC Host 1: CTE Pathway ACC Host 2: CTE Pathway ACC Host 1: University Transfer Pathway 3.0 gpa ACC Host 2: University Transfer Pathway 3.0 gpa ACC @ CTEC: university Transfer 3.0 gpa ACC Machining ACC Early Childhood Edu COLLEGIATE START @ ELON – 12th graders only 3.0 uw gpa –need to apply Elon Collegiate Start Host (Fall) Elon Collegiate Start Host (Fall) Elon Collegiate Start Host (Spring) Elon Collegiate Start Host 4(Spring) COURSES OFFERED AT CTEC(must choose if taking classes at CTEC) Biomedical Technology Health Science I Health Science II* Pharmacy Tech Honors(HS prereq) Nursing Fundamentals Honors (2 blocks) Computer Science AP PLTW Intro to Engineering H PLTW Princ of Engineering H PLTW IntegratedManufacturing H PLTW EngineeringDesign&DevH Computer Programming I * Computer Programming II Honors Computer Engineering Tech I* Computer Engineering Tech II H Computer Science Principles AP Computer Science AP Scientific Visualization * Scientific Visualization II Honors Game Art Design (SciVis prereq)* Adv Game Art Design Intro to Culinary (paired with Culinary I) Culinary Arts I (paired with Intro) Culinary Arts II (2 blocks) Automotive Service Fundamentals Automotive Service I Automotive Service II Automotive Service III Digital Media * Adv Digital Media * Distance Ed –See counselor: NCSSM Forensic Science H ^ NCSSMGenetics and Biotech H ^ NCSSM Physics H ^ NCSSM Aerospace H (starts at 8:05am) (PLTW and Math pre)^ NCSSM African American St H ^ NCSSM Public Health Topics H^ NSSM Applications of Mathematics H^ Early Release –choosing Fall or Spring does not guarantee Early Release that semester Classes can supersede Early Release If you are interested in an ABSS course not listed on this WWHS registration form, please alert your counselor for discussion *Option for honors ^Limited space and prerequisites Please see your school counselor or Ms Turner if interested: Public Safety/Fire Academy (GHS) Machining (ACC) Early Childhood (ACC) See your school counselor if interested in: NCVPS classes Virtual Academy Walter Williams High School Registration Course List 2018-19 Course offerings are dependent on student demand and scheduling issues Student demand must be sufficient to support a teaching position for the course to be offered Please refer to the course guide for detailed and full information on courses and prerequisites