The New Mexico State Cheerleading program is looking for men and women who are interested in cheering at the collegiate level This team consists of a large coed team and a possible spirit group to help support athletic games and appearances Scholarships are available to select members All females must have a minimum of a standing and round off back handspring on the basketball court to qualify past the first round of tryouts All interested applicants must have the following documents at the clinic registration May 4th: A copy of current physical- can be no more than months from tryout clinic date Physical Check List & Athletic Training Waiver- See Physical & Tryout Check List Waiver for Activities Center- Make sure to use the appropriate one per your age (you will find these below) Proof of Insurance- (Insurance Card) Completed Online Registration- We will have these on file so please complete prior to the clinic $35.00 Tryout Fee- Will not be reimbursed if cut Video Tryouts will need to mail these documents: Attention: NM State Cheer/Jessica Covington 1815 Wells St Las Cruces NM 88003 They must be received no later than Wednesday May 2nd Video’s need to be emailed to no later than Wednesday May 2nd Please also state the reason for the video tryout as to why you were unable to tryout in person Eligibility Requirements: Incoming freshman must have already applied to NMSU Good Academic Standing (minimum of 2.0 GPA) Undergraduates must be enrolled in at least 12 credit hours per semester Graduate students must be enrolled in at least credit hours per semester Tryout Schedule- Pan American Center Practice Gym May 4th Clinic & Tryout Clinic (Participants trying out for Mascot must register on this date and meet with the coach) 8:00-9:00am 9:00-9:30am Registration/Pictures/Weigh in Cut 1: Tumbling Qualifying- Standing and Round off back handspring on court *Mandatory for females 9:30-9:45am Cheer material 9:45-10:30am Fight Song 10:30-10:45 Break 10:45-12:00pm Stunting/Tumbling 12:00-1:00pm Lunch Break 1:00-2:00pm Interview/Review/Warm-up 2:00-5:00pm Tryout 8:00pm-Tentative Results posted on Facebook- NM State Cheer/Twitter/Snapchat @nmstatecheer What You Should Know: For the 1st cut, all Girls will be required to qualify a standing and round off back handspring on the court Boys are not required, but highly encouraged You will learn all of the material you will need for tryouts at the clinic You will receive both Stunting and Tumbling Open times to either select a partner/group to stunt with What to Wear: Shorts (Preferably Black Spandex for Girls and Basketball Shorts for Boys) T Shirt/Black Spaghetti Strap and Sports Bra-Preferably NMSU Colors Cheer Shoes for the Girls or Running Shoes for the Boys What to Wear for the Tryouts Females -Black Sports Bra and Black Soffe Shorts -Cheerleading Shoes -Spanks or Bloomers need to be worn under shorts -Hair Half Up and Half Down and curled with a White Bow -Make Up- Lashes need to be worn and make up completed Please look your best Gentlemen -White T Shirt (Plain no writing or images) -Black Basketball Shorts -Cheer or Tennis Shoes -Clean Shaves and Hair Cut May 5th – Mandatory Team Meeting- Hall of Legends *This is for those that have made the team ONLY 10:00am-1:00pm Team Meeting/Uniform & shoe fitting/Contract signing *Ladies wear black sports bras and spandex under clothes for fitting and picture *Gentlemen wear black athletic shorts for fitting and picture Tryouts and clinics will be closed A panel of highly qualified judges will select the finalists for the 2019-2020 season New Mexico State University Sports Medicine Athlete Try-Out Check List All student-athletes that are trying out for one of the New Mexico State University intercollegiate teams must complete all of the items on the following check-list before the first day of try-outs Each item must be initialed by one of the NMSU sports medicine staff members Must have a completed physical, signed and dated by a physician, within the last months Proof of sickle cell trait test with results (n/a for cheer) Sign try-out waiver Medical insurance information: Student athlete must show proof of medical insurance once admitted on the NMSU intercollegiate team If the student athlete is unable to complete all four items, they will not be cleared to participate in any NMSU athletic try-out events If you have any questions regarding these steps, please contact one of the NMSU sports medicine staff members All contact information and further detailed information regarding try-out requirements can be found on our website: Go to the “Inside Athletics” tab, and then go to the “Athletic Training” tab New Mexico State University Waiver for Athletic Try-outs By signing below, I understand that my participation in this athletic try-out is of my own choice and that I am physically able to participate I have received a physical examination and cleared by a physician in the last months as NCAA requirement and know of no medical reason that would disqualify me from this voluntary participation I further understand that participation in athletics can cause mild to severe injuries and assume and accept the risk of any such injury I realize that I am responsible for any bills arising from medical treatment, diagnostic testing, or further needed medical attention which may be associated with this athletic try-out, and understand that I cannot hold New Mexico State University financially accountable for these expenditures Print Name: Date: Sport: This try-out is in effect from May 4th 2019 Witness Signature: to May 5th 2019 Date: Emergency Information: Address: Banner ID: Date of Birth: Emergency Contact Information: Name: Address: Please list any known allergies: Please list any pre-existing medical conditions: Phone Number: