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TECH SUPPLY CHAIN ASSOCIATION Organization By-Laws Article I Name 1.The name of this student organization is Tech Supply Chain Association, commonly referred to as TSCA Article II Purpose Section The purpose of TSCA is to promote the academic and professional development of members and advance the prestige of the Rawls College of Business Administration (COBA) and specifically, the Supply Chain program To accomplish these goals, TSCA shall provide members with opportunities to: A Interact with members of the business community, who can provide insight into careers in the their profession; B Engage with College of Business Administration faculty and students outside the classroom setting; C.Teach members essential life skills required to be successful in life after graduation; D Network with recruiting companies through sponsored breakfasts, dinners, classroom visits, and site visits Article III Membership Section TSCA is open to all current TTU undergraduate students who pay dues (Students of Texas Tech University who have an interest in Supply Chain Management) Section Tech Supply Chain Association does not deny or define membership on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, disability, citizenship, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression Section Members are not required to attend a certain number of events per semester/year Membership participation is completely up to each member The only requirement is that members pay dues before the Supply Chain Breakfast Any member that does not pay before the Supply Chain Breakfast will be denied entry to the event Section Any officer or member can submit a formal notification to the executive board regarding a member in violation Once the president and executive board receive notice, the formal notification will be reviewed at the next meeting If the executive board deems the complaint to be valid, they will invite the member in question to defend themselves a week from the initial meeting Once the member has the chance to defend themselves, the executive board will consult with the faculty advisor to determine if the executive board should remove the member with a two-thirds vote Any tie or split decision will be broken by the advisor Regardless of the outcome, the member will be notified 24 hours following the result Section Members may be removed if payment of dues is not submitted by the given deadline of the semester TSCA advisors and President have the discretion to remove members for other reasons they seem necessary Article IV Officers Section The Officers shall be the President, Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Membership, and Vice President of Public Relations Section The President shall serve at least one but up to two terms equaling one academic semester or school year Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Membership, and Vice President of Public Relations shall serve one or two terms equaling one semester or one school year Section All Officers shall be required to attend all Officer meetings, all informal events, company sponsored events, and all community service events unless excused by the President or Faculty Adviser Section The Officers shall be responsible for: A.Setting membership fees, approving the budget, and monitoring budgeted revenues and expenditures in order to assure a balanced budget; B.Coordinating activities among officers; C.Appointing representatives to COBA and TTU committees; D.Appointing members to standing and special TSCA committees; E.Filling vacancies in officer positions that arise during a semester, and; F.Guiding the direction of TSCA Section The following subparagraphs outline the principal responsibilities of each officer A.The President’s duties shall be to publish meeting agendas, preside at all meetings and events, and serve as chairperson of the Officer Committee The President shall be responsible for goal setting and the overall operations of TSCA, and shall be held accountable for the performance of duties by all other officers The President shall be authorized as a cosigner, along with the Faculty Advisor, on checks and other financial instruments that disburse funds from TMA accounts The President is the primary contact for the faculty advisor, guest speakers and company recruiters and acts as the host for guests upon arrival The President shall also be responsible for communicating with guest speakers and company recruiters and preparing thank you cards to them The President assists officers with projects and any special needs they may have The President shall be responsible for reregistering TSCA as an organization with Texas Tech University The President will also have access to social media accounts for special cases but the Vice President of Public Relations will be the primary manager of all social media and website B.The Vice President of Operations shall be responsible for the management of external events concerning recruiting companies and employers, including but not limited to site visits, sponsored dinners, and sponsored supply chain/career fair breakfast The Vice President of Operations (VPO) reserves facilities and negotiates pricing for all events which requires communication with the Rawls CMC The VPO checks to see if guest speakers need multimedia equipment one week prior to the event, reserves the equipment with the Marketing Area secretary, and picks up and returns the equipment to the Marketing Area secretary C.The Vice President of Finance shall be responsible for all financial affairs including collecting all funds and depositing them in an account on behalf of TSCA, developing and presenting a budget at the first meeting each term, making all necessary expenditures authorized by the President and Faculty Advisor, keeping accurate financial records, and submitting instructive written financial reports to the Officers at each meeting for instructive purposes The Vice President of Finance shall be authorized as a cosigner, along with the Faculty Advisor, on checks and other financial instruments that disburse funds from TSCA accounts The Vice President of Finance is responsible for securing Student Government Association funding, filing reimbursements for SGA funds within one week of the generation of a qualified expense, and handling correspondence regarding financial matters The Vice President of Finance assures the safe handling and timely deposit of TSCA funds D.The Vice President of Membership shall conduct an active and aggressive membership campaign each semester to meet the revenue goals of TSCA and shall maintain official membership records He or she will be in charge of relations and retention of members The Vice President of Membership coordinates membership drives and maintains official records of TSCA members including: permanent/local address, permanent/local phone, date of birth, email address, major, GPA, status of payment, receipt of dues, and other information such as emergency contact information for events that require traveling The Vice President of Membership will create a membership flyer which includes all necessary information for general membership and a registration form The Vice President of Membership will also arrive 30 minutes before the start of every event to set up a registration table and take attendance and relay each member points to him or her, compile attendance figures for events and post them within three days of an event, and maintain and update the Membership Point System The Vice President of Membership will be in charge of email communication to and from our members E.The Vice President of Public Relations will be in charge of all social media for TSCA including but not limited to Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter and the general upkeep and design of the TSCA website He or she will be in charge of all professional online networking and will also manage the event calendar throughout the Rawls Business School The Vice President of Public Relations will make all announcements requested by the TSCA officers Only the Vice President of Public Relations may post on any TSCA social media accounts but the President will have access to the accounts for security reasons The Vice President of Public Relations is responsible for the design, payment, and distribution of the organization’s t-shirts, nametags, and other organization merchandise The President and Advisor must approve the design, supplier, and quote before any action is implemented The Fundraiser/Public Relations officer will be responsible for reporting to TSCA alumni with organization updates Section Selection of TSCA Officers will be conducted in the following manner: A.President Members who intend to apply for President will meet the faculty advisor and current president individually before they submit their application Members who want run for President will submit a formal application and resume to the faculty advisor Faculty advisor and the current president will analyze the applications and resumes and will then decide if the applicant is both eligible and suitable for the intended position The faculty advisor will then email the eligible and suitable applicants of their status and request a formal interview time The faculty advisor will also contact the ineligible and/or unsuitable applicants of their status The candidates will be interviewed by the faculty advisor and previous president The faculty advisor and previous president will decide whether or not a candidate is suitable for the position 7 It is preferable for presidential candidates to have at least one semester of previous TSCA officer experience The faculty advisor will determine the appropriate method of announcing the new president B Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Membership, and Vice President of Public Relations Members who want run Vice President of Operations, Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Membership, and Vice President of Public Relations will submit their respective applications and resumes to the faculty advisor Officers who intend to return next semester will meet with the President and faculty advisor if he or she wishes before submitting their applications The President and Faculty Advisor will analyze the applications and then decide if the applicant is both eligible and suitable for the intended position These officer positions are open to all current TSCA members in good standing Each candidate should be interviewed by a panel of at least three officers The existing Officer Committee will then decide the outcome of the candidates’ election Section Officer interviews and Presidential interviews will be held during April or May for the next semester, or next year in the President’s case, and November or December for the next semester unless a special case arises Section In the event of a vacancy during the semester, the Officer Committee shall determine if the office should be filled or remain vacant for the remainder of the term Should the committee decide to fill the position, they shall appoint a replacement from the membership of TSCA Section 10 Any officer who fails to perform the duties of the office may be removed Such action shall be effective upon a majority vote of the Officer Committee taken at an official meeting called for such purpose with faculty advisor present Section 11 All TSCA officers will be expected to perform to an exceptional level of professionalism in all dealings both inside and outside of TSCA events In the case that an officer's actions reflect poorly upon the organization, it will be up to the Officer Committee to decide what actions should be taken, if any, to deal with the situation Article V TSCA Attendance System & Meetings Section The following point system will used in order to track member involvement This can be changed at anytime by the discretion of the Vice President of Membership and the approval from the Executive Committee A Company sponsored dinners and site visits will be worth points B Community Service events will be worth points C Social Events (as defined by executive committee) will be worth points D Miscellaneous events (as defined by executive committee) will be worth point Section Members will lose points equal to the amount they were set to gain under the following guidelines: A Member has until noon, seven calendar days before the event to RSVP B In the event he or she has a conflict that makes him or her unable to attend the event for which we have received their RSVP, he or she has until the Friday before the event to send an email to the Vice President of Membership, who will decide if the excuse is viable If accepted, the points in question will not be lost If denied, the points that member was set to gain will be deducted from their total points Section Attendance guidelines for events such as site visits that have limited amount of attendees will be determined by the point system Article VI Meetings Section Regular meetings for TSCA will be held at minimum once a month but may be scheduled more times if needed Section Quorum will consist of 50% of members who are present at the meeting Article VII Relationship to External Entities Section TSCA is sponsored by the Area of Supply Chain Management at Texas Tech University and is housed in the Rawls College of Business Section TSCA has no affiliation with other local, state, or national organizations Article VIII Activities Section TSCA shall host the following activities each semester (excluding summer): A Three or more formal programs; B Two or more informal gatherings; C One or more site visit Article IX Committee Structure Section All Officers and the Faculty Advisor shall constitute the Officer Committee The Officer Committee is responsible for: A Filling vacancies in offices that arise during the semester; B Removing Officers for nonperformance of duties, and; C Acting on behalf of the Officers when it is not feasible for the entire group of Officers to convene in a timely manner Article X Faculty Advisor Section The Coordinator for the Area of Marketing and Supply Chain Management shall appoint the Faculty Advisor from the full-time Supply Chain Management faculty at TTU Section The Faculty Advisor shall be responsible for the continuity of records and safe-keeping other property of TSCA including debit cards and check books Section The Faculty Advisor shall approve all expenditures and cosign all checks as needed and other financial instruments that disburse funds from TSCA accounts Section The Faculty Advisor shall be responsible for ensuring that the activities of TSCA are in compliance with University regulations and the operations of TSCA exemplify sound business principles Section The Faculty Advisor shall serve for at least one full school year and advise the Officer Committee on matters under consideration Section The Faculty Advisor is responsible for appointing and/or appointing attendee for supply chain site visits as budget allows and oversees all liability issues Article XI Records Section The records of TSCA shall consist of the Constitution, meeting minutes, membership records, and financial records Section The Constitution and By-Laws shall constitute the operating basis for TSCA Article XII Amendments Section The Constitution may be amended by the Faculty Advisor and the President of TSCA with approval from Area Coordinator of Supply Chain Management Article XIII Financial Procedures Section Dues are set a fixed rate of $55 per semester Members will have the option to pay for the academic year if they so choose The group of executive officers not pay dues, as their positions require significantly more time and effort than those of an ordinary member Members’ dues are distributed to put on bi-monthly events, the TSCA Supply Chain Breakfast, Global Case Competition in Denver, and TSCA clothing The financial officer and faculty advisor meet at the beginning of every semester to allocate the funds to different accounts The president and other officers have the opportunity to participate in the meeting All transactions must be documented by the Treasurer Cash will not be an acceptable method of payment, checks and credit/debit cards will be the preferred method of payment Article XIV Parliamentary Procedures Section Tech Supply Chain Association shall use Robert’s Rules of Order, current addition, as its authority on parliamentary procedure Approved on August 21, 2018

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 17:12


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