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UNIT 12: ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES VOCABULARY GETTING STARTED holiday /ˈhɒlədeɪ/ (n) Kỳ nghỉ fantastic /fænˈtæstɪk/ (adj) Tuyệt vời ask for directions /ɑːsk fɔː dɪˈrɛkʃənz/ (v.phr) Hỏi đường local people / ˈləʊkəl ˈpiːpl/ travel /ˈtrævl/ (v) Du lịch season /ˈsiːzn/ (n) Mùa take a tour / teɪk ə tʊə/ (v.phr) Đi tham quan go penguin watching /gəʊ ˈpɛŋgwɪn ˈwɒʧɪŋ/ (v.phr) Xem chim cánh cụt exciting /ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ/ (adj) Thú vị 10 amazing landscapes /əˈmeɪzɪŋ ˈlænskeɪps (n.phr) Phong cảnh tuyệt vời 11 outdoor activities /ˈaʊtdɔːr ækˈtɪvɪtiz/ (n) Hoạt động trời 12 beach /biːtʃ/ (n) Bãi Biển 13 island /ˈaɪlənd/ (n) Đảo 14 sunset /ˈsʌnset/ (n) Hồng 15 museum /mjuˈziːəm/ (n) Viện bảo tàng 16 sports and games /spɔːts/ /ænd/ /geɪmz/ (n.phr) Thể thao trị chơi 17 capital city / ˈkỉpɪtl ˈsɪti/ (n.phr) Thủ đô A CLOSER LOOK 1 island country /ˈaɪlənd ˈkʌntri/ (n.phr) Quốc đảo tattoo /təˈtuː/ (n) Hình xăm kangaroo /ˌkæŋɡəˈruː/ (n) Chuột túi Scottish kilt /ˈskɒtɪʃ kɪlt/ (n.phr) Váy kiểu Scotland castle /ˈkɑːsl/ (n) Lâu đài coastline /ˈkəʊstlaɪn/ (n) Đường bờ biển native /ˈneɪtɪv/ (adj) Bản địa unique /juˈniːk/ (adj) Độc vơ nhị ancient /ˈeɪnʃənt/ (adj) Cổ 10 valley /ˈvỉli/ (n) Thung lũng 11 symbol /ˈsɪmbl/ (n) Biểu tượng 12 boat ride /bəʊt raɪd/ (n.phr) Đi tàu 13 tower /ˈtaʊə(r)/ (n) Tháp 14 show /ʃəʊ/ (v) thể 15 state /steɪt/ (n) Bang 16 official language /əˈfɪʃəl ˈlỉŋgwɪʤ/ (n.phr) Ngơn ngữ thống A CLOSER LOOK attraction /əˈtrỉkʃn/ (n) Sự thu hút countryside /ˈkʌntrisaɪd/ (n) Miền quê Statue of Liberty /ˈstætjuː ɒv ˈlɪbəti/ (n) Tượng nữ thần tự consist of / kənˈsɪst ɒv/ (phr.v) Bao gồm entertainment centres /ˌɛntəˈteɪnmənt ˈsɛntəz/ (n.phr) Trung tâm giải trí tourist /ˈtʊərɪst/ (n) Khách du lịch bridge /brɪdʒ/ (n) Cầu Englishman / ˈɪŋglɪʃmən / (n) Người Anh run through /rʌn θruː/ (phr.v) Chảy qua 10 present /ˈprizent/ (n) Món quà 11 red telephone box /rɛd ˈtɛlɪfəʊn bɒks/ (n.phr) Tủ điện thoại đỏ COMMUNICATION traditional festivals /trəˈdɪʃənl ˈfɛstəvəlz / (n.phr) Lễ hội truyền thống 3 • • • • • • visitor /ˈvɪzɪtə(r)/ (n) Khách tham quan clean /kliːn/ (adj) Sạch snake /sneɪk/ (n) Rắn lake /leɪk/ (n) Hồ famous for /ˈfeɪməs fɔː/ (v.phr) Nổi tiếng lie /laɪ/ (v) Nằm royal family /ˈrɔɪəl ˈfæmɪli/ (n.phr) gia đình hồng gia Pacific Ocean /pəˈsɪfɪk ˈəʊʃən/ (n) Thái Bình Dương SKILLS waterfall /ˈwɔːtəfɔːl/ (n) Thác nước bushwalking /ˈbʊʃ ˈwɔːkɪŋ/ (n.phr) Đi xuyên rừng be rich in / biː rɪʧ ɪn/ (v.phr) Giàu haka dance /Haka dɑːns/ (n.phr) Vũ điệu haka experience /ɪkˈspɪəriəns/ (n) Trải nghiệm SKILLS palace /ˈpæləs/ (n) Cung điện guard /ɡɑːd/ (n) Cận vệ historic /hɪˈstɒrɪk/ (adj) Lịch sử LOOKING BACK go sightseeing /gəʊ/ /ˈsaɪtˌsiːɪŋ/ (v.phr) Ngắm cảnh border /ˈbɔːdə(r)/ (n) Biên giới ice hockey /aɪs ˈhɒki/ (n) Khúc côn cầu băng PROJECT amazement /əˈmeɪzmənt/ (n) Sự ngạc nhiên diary entry /ˈdaɪəri ˈɛntri/ (n.phr) Nhật ký hành trình GRAMMAR Mạo từ gì? ARTICLES Mạo từ từ đứng trước danh từ cụm danh từ, cho biết danh từ nói đến đối tượng xác định hay không xác định.Người ta thường thấy tiếng Anh có mạo từ a an the Nhưng thực tế, tiếng Anh có mạo từ, a an the Ø Ø xem mạo từ khơng, nhiều trường hợp trước danh từ khơng có mạo từ có mạo từ khơng Phân loại mạo từ Vì mạo từ khơng thường khơng tính tới nên ta chia mạo từ a an the làm hai loại chính: Mạo từ khơng bất định: a, an Mạo từ xác định: the Cách sử dụng mạo từ a an the Cách sử dụng mạo từ a, an A An mạo từ sử dụng trước danh từ số có nghĩa Mạo từ a an sử dụng trường hợp sau: Đứng trước danh từ số đếm được, nhắc đến lần đầu tiên, đó: “a” dùng trước danh từ bắt đầu phụ âm “p,t,h,k,r,…” “an” dùng trước danh từ bắt đầu nguyên âm “o, u, e, a, i” Dùng trước danh từ mang ý nghĩa “một” Dùng trước danh từ nghề nghiệp Dùng cụm từ số lượng Lưu ý số trường hợp đặc biệt mạo từ a an Dùng “an” trước số từ bắt đầu “u”, âm “h” câm Ví dụ: an umbrella; an hour Dùng “a” với số danh từ mở đầu “uni” “eu” Ví dụ: a uniform, a unit, a European,… • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Cách sử dụng mạo từ xác định “the” Dùng trước danh từ nhắc lần thứ trở Dùng trước danh từ chúng xác định mệnh đề/ mệnh đề quan hệ phía sau Dùng trước danh từ nhất, độc (The sun, the earth,…) Dùng trước số thứ tự ( The first, the second, the last) Dùng trước tính từ để tạo thành danh từ người dạng số nhiều (The old- người già, the rich- người giàu, …) Dùng trước tên quốc gia tận -s số quốc gia số (The Philippines The United Kingdom) Dùng trước tên loại nhạc cụ phải đứng sau “play” Dùng trước tên địa điểm công cộng (The zoo, the cinema, the park) Đứng trước danh từ tên riêng dạng số nhiều để gia đình nhà họ (The Smiths – gia đình nhà Smith) Dùng trước tính từ so sánh so sánh kép Dùng trước tên sông, suối, biển, đại dương, sa mạc, dãy núi,… Dùng trước danh từ mà người nghe người nói biết rõ Dùng trước buổi ngày Dùng trước tên tờ báo Dùng trước tên tổ chức Dùng trước danh từ số thượng trưng cho nhóm động vật, lồi đồ vật (The whale (loài cá voi) Dùng trước danh từ phương hướng Đứng trước danh từ + of + danh từ ( The driver of the car (tài xế xe) • Dùng số cụm từ cố định (At the end of sth, At the age of sth) • Dùng trước hospital/church/school/prison/ chúng mang ý nghĩa khác Những trường hợp không dùng mạo từ a an the Dưới trường hợp mạo từ a an the không sử dụng: • Trước tên mơn học • Trước tên mơn thể thao • Trước danh từ số nhiều khơng xác định • Trước danh từ khơng đếm • Trước tên phương tiện giao thơng đứng sau giới từ “by” • Trước danh từ màu sắc • Sau tính từ sở hữu sau danh từ sở hữu cách • Trước tên bữa ăn • Trước ngày/tháng/năm/ mùa khơng xác định • Trước tên quốc gia (trừ quốc gia lưu ý), tên châu lục, tên núi, tên hồ, tên đường • Trước danh từ trừu tượng (Love, health,…) PRACTISE : 1/Một số tập trắc nghiệm mạo từ a an the 1…… youngest boy has just started going….to school A The – Ø B a – Ø C Ø – the D an – Ø 2.….eldest boy is at….college A The – the B An – the C The – Ø D A – the 3… person suffering from….shock should not be given anything to drink A An – the B A – Ø C A – the D A – any Mr Smith is… old customer and… honest man A the – an B an – the C an – an D the – the Do you go to … prison to visit him? A the B Ø C a D an On… Sundays my father stays in bed, reading… Sunday papers A the – the B a – the C Ø – the D the – a My mother goes to… church in… morning A the – Ø B the – the C Ø – the D a church – a And in… afternoon goes to visit… friends A the – any B the – Ø C an – an D the – the I have… little money left; let’s have dinner in … restaurant A some – the B a – the C the – a D a – a 10 Like many women, she loves… tea parties and ….gossip A some – the B Ø – Ø C a lot of – the D Ø – a 11 Ann used to ride a motorcycle up and down … road early in… morning A a – the B the – a C the – the D the – an 12 I am on night duty When you go to … bed, I go to… work A a – the B Ø – Ø C a – Ø D the – Ø Bài 2: Điền mạo từ thích hợp vào chỗ trống I want ………… apple from that basket Miss Lin speaks ………… Chinese I borrowed ………… pen from your pile of pencils and pens Eli likes to play ………… football I bought ………… umbrella to go out in the rain I lived on ………… Main Street when I first came to town Albany is the capital of ………… New York State My husband’s family speaks ………… Polish ………… apple a day keeps your enemy away 10 Our neighbors have ………… cat and ………… dog Bài 3: Điền vào chỗ trống mạo từ thích hợp Copper is ………… useful metal He is not ………… honorable man Aladdin had ………… wonderful lamp He returned after ………… hour You are ………… fool to say that French is ………… easy language Mumbai is ………… very dear place to live in She is ………… untidy girl I bought ………… horse, ………… ox, and ………… buffalo 10 Man, thou art ………… wonderful animal 11 He is ………… honor to this profession Bài 4: Hoàn thành đoạn văn sau cách điền mạo từ a/an thích hợp Paul goes to university every day In his backpack there is … book, … pencil case, … apple and … egg and mayonnaise sandwich Some days he also buys … ice cream for dessert Today he has … English exam The exam is not very difficult He writes … short story about … adventurer The story begins like this: “It is … special day for Oliver At ten o’clock in the morning, he gets on … plane His destination is Australia…” Bài 5: Điền mạo từ “a/ an/ the” thích hợp vào chỗ trống, khơng điền ghi X 1.I bought blue sweater yesterday I’d like cup of tea There is apple and banana on the table I bought beef, vegetables and milk beef is very good Mai has many books _ books are mostly about English grammar I took suitcase and backpack on holiday _ suitcase was much more useful Julie read book and magazine She said _ book was quite boring though She offered us piece of cake and biscuits They drank _ coffee and _ tea 10 Jame has son and two daughters 11 Lan often watches films and TV programmes all night 12 She has black umbrella and I have _ blue one _ blue one is bigger 13 I bought new dress, but I was annoyed to find that zip was broken 14 We should take taxi because it's getting dark 15 I met very nice American last night 16 sun rises in east and sets in west 17 moon moves around earth 18 We often play soccer in _ afternoon 19 _ guitar is one of the most oldest musical instruments 20 I often go to school at 6.30 am 21 Pop music has always appealed more to young than _ old 22 I often listen to _ music in my free time 23 Donald Trump becomes _ president of _ united states on January 20, 2017 24 We often take exam each semester 25 There will be interesting movie this weekend 26 Hoa is most intelligent student in my class 27 When I was at _ school, I had to wear uniforms 28 poor and elderly are often left behind when it comes to modern technology 29 Is there _ bank near here? 30 On _ Christmas eve, people often have parties late at _ midnight Bài 6: Điền mạo từ “a/ an/ the” thích hợp vào đoạn văn sau, khơng điền ghi X 1.John bought new car last week Unfortunately, _ car broke down after just two days 2 We went to movie yesterday Although it got _ good reviews, _ movie was terrible I was so mad, I went to _ box office and asked for my money back Our teacher gave us easy test today There were _ questions on there which we used to in _ previous tests Ms Parrot, _ most famous lady detective of _ twenty-first century, was born in _United Kingdom in _ 1960s Since then, she has been to many countries, including Portugal, Singapore and Australia She has never been to Philippines or _ United States, but she speaks English, French and Portuguese Like Sherlock Holmes, Sherlock Holmes, _ famous detective, she plays _ violin, and sometimes practises up to five times day She is also only person in _ world to have performed Tchaikovsky's 1812 overture in one breath on _ recorder PRACTICE Vocabulary AND PRONUNCIATION NGỮ ÂM Pronunciation Đối với từ có hai âm tiết, dấu (ˈ) đánh vào trước âm tiết nhấn trọng âm TỪ LOẠI GIỌNG ĐIỆU VÍ DỤ • Do you think flying cars will replace planes?  (Bạn có nghĩ xe ô tô bay thay máy bay không?) Câu hỏi Yes/ No lên giọng • Will your brother be a pilot in the future?  (Anh trai bạn trở thành phi cơng tương lai phải khơng?) • What would you like to have for breakfast?  (Bạn muốn ăn cho bữa sáng?) Câu hỏi có từ để hỏi xuống giọng • Where will you travel to for your next vacation?  (Bạn du lịch đâu cho kỳ nghỉ vậy?) NGỮ ÂM (PRONUNCIATION) Decide whether each of the following questions has raising tone (R) or falling tone (F) E.g.: Which job will you in the future? F Will a flying car safe? What will you buy for your child? Do you think there is a real skycycling tube? Why you think there is no teleporter? When did you last use the metro? Will you travel on a supersonic airplane? How could you escape the gridlocked road yesterday? Have you ever used the metro? Will she lend you her hover scooter? 10 Who has helped us build the skytrain system? Ex I: Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined A amazing B around C against D spacious A serious B question C stressful D dense A crime B nutrition C vehicle D picture A obesity B poverty C homeless D overpopulation A thousand B healthy C weather D thirsty A crowded B polluted C wanted D caused A place B crime C cause D traffic A lucky B suffer C support D culture A noise B system C square D service 10.A January B crystal C hungry D skyscraper Ex II: Odd one out A population B healthy C serious D crowded A increase B stressful C support D provide A village B countryside C city D atmosphere A disease B poverty C healthcare D crime A slum B wealthy C spacious D healthy A malnutrition B headache C obesity D drought A hungry B dense C flood D difficult A death B commit C spread D increase A shortage B poverty C crime D peaceful Ex III: Choose the best answer Good living standard helps people to ……………… healthy and to live longer A live B stay C take D make Traffic jam is the most serious …………… in big cities nowadays A part B cause C problem D affect You can see …………….people in many places in big cities They have no place to live A homeless B old C poor D wealthy The narrow streets can’t …………… more traffic during rush hour A take B provide C support D carry The lives of people in overcrowded cities are getting more …………… A easier B faster C poorer D difficult The government is trying to ………………the problem of shortage of accommodation A solve B help C explain D finish Big cities often ……………….more pollution than the countryside A enjoy B support C become D suffer A healthy child ……………………more care from his mother than a sick one A has B requires C increases D supports The man ……………….crime last week and he was sent to prison A committed B had C took D got 10.Poverty is the major ……………of death for children living in the slums A problem B effect C cause D solution Ex IV: Choose a word that has a different stress pattern from others A lazy B children C disease D stressful A crowded B wealthy C problem D effect A question B invite C city D village A diverse B weather C money D doctor A native B river C relax D dentist A peaceful B describe C spacious D dialogue A review B pollute C sister D enjoy A complete B candle C traffic D heaven A frighten B nature C number D decide 10.A compare B freedom C artist D standard Ex VI: Fill in the gap with a suitable word given in the box caused difference living increases enough life overcrowded healthcare When too many people live in a small place, ……………….can become very difficult As the world’s population………………., there is less land left for agriculture to feed all the people There are so many people that there is not ……………….food or houses for everyone Our government has spent a lot of money on schools and …………… Air pollution is …………… by vehicles and factories People in this country can enjoy high ………………….standard The city center becomes ……………….with so many people coming from different parts of the country 8 Do you know the ……………… between a city and a megacity? KỸ NĂNG DO YOU KNOW? POPULATION FACTS • The world’s population totals 7.6 billion people and is expected to grow to nearly 10 billion by the middle of this century • More people live in urban than rural areas, with 55 percent residing in urban areas in 2018 By 2050 this proportion is expected to reach nearly 70 percent • A total of 50.4 percent of the world’s population is male, and 49.6 percent is female • China has the world’s largest population (1.42 billion), followed by India (1.35 billion) • The largest city in the world by population is Tokyo, Japan, with a population of nearly 38 million KỸ NĂNG ĐỌC (READING SKILLS) I - Read the passage and complete the following sentences with ONE or TWO words.  The increased loss of the ecosystems including wetlands, wildlife, rainforests, coral reefs, aquatic life forms, and grasslands are highly influenced by overpopulation It is out of overpopulation that activities such as excessive agriculture, environmental pollution, and extensive land development have become more and more intensive For example, rainforests originally covered 14% of the entire earth’s surface Today, rainforests only cover about 6% of the earth’s surface and scientists forecast it may even become less in the next four decades judged by the current rate of vegetation removal, logging, and deforestation Besides, due to environmental pollution, 30% of the ocean reefs have been lost because of acidification and global warming since 1980 Also, more than half of the original wetlands have been lost The increased loss of the _are highly influenced by overpopulation Excessive agriculture has become more and more _ _of the entire earth’s surface was originally covered by rainforests Rainforests may cover less than 6% of the earth’s surface in the next _ Acidification and _have made 30% of the ocean reefs disappear since 1980 II - Read the passage and decide whether the statements are TRUE (T) or FALSE (F) Population problems are different in different parts of the world For example, in many European countries, the population is getting older The birth rate is low because many young people have only one child or none at all After retirement, they feel lonely and often very poor because they don’t save enough money In Africa, the population problems are very different The population has grown rapidly over the last 40 years and it has a relatively young population Many families continue to have large numbers of children to look after older people and to help on the land Asia is the largest and most populous of earth’s continents It also has the highest population growth rate today, and its population almost quadrupled during the 20th century Asian population will continue to grow, increasing pressure on the region’s natural resources  In Europe, young couples usually have more than two children Old people in many European countries don’t save enough money for their retirement  The population of Africa has increased rapidly  Asia has the highest population growth rate in the world  The population of Asia will decrease in the next few years  KỸ NĂNG NGHE (LISTENING SKILLS) Exercise 1: Listen and complete the text (Track 24) Overpopulation is a real problem It could (1) the Earth Very soon, there will be too many people and not enough (2) There won’t be enough (3) to grow food for everyone We’ll eat all of the (4) in the sea And our pollution will cause more (5) I think we are in a very (6) situation I don’t know what the answer is Our (7) don’t seem too worried They never see the bigger picture The world’s population is exploding, and (8) cause great damage More and more people are living longer and longer We have better (9) Our scientists have found cures to many (10) There are many reasons What we really need to is thinking about how overpopulation is damaging the Earth Exercise 2: Listen and decide if each statement is true or false or not given (Track 25) No Statements T F NG There are more and more people on the earth          The author thinks that it is totally bad for the population to continue to increase When the world’s population increases too much, there will be food wars but water wars It is expected that by 2050, the population will be 20 billion    Natural disaster is one of the factors controlling population    Although we are rich, we cannot control the length of time we live    In Japan, there are more old people than young people    Japan government is importing foreign laborers    KỸ NĂNG NÓI (SPEAKING SKILLS) Talk about the causes and effects of an overcrowded world You can use the following questions as cues: • What are the causes of an overcrowded world? • What are the effects of an overcrowded world? Useful languages: Useful vocabulary Useful structures • high fertility rates • Two main reasons for an overcrowded world are … • scientific advancement • An overcrowded world causes many problems like • no policty to control • There are some effects of an overcrowded world For • high unemployment example, • traffic and air pollution • poverty • health problems • crime Complete the notes: Structures of the talk Your notes What are the causes of overcrowded world? What are the effects of overcrowded world? Now you try! Give your answer using the following cues You should speak for 1-2 minutes Two main reasons for an overcrowded world are There are some effects of an overcrowded world For example, Now you tick! Did you  answer all the questions in the task?  give some details to each main point?  speak slowly and fluently with only some hesitation?  use vocabulary wide enough to talk about the topic?  use various sentence structures (simple, compound, complex) accurately?  pronounce correctly (vowels, consonants, stress, intonation)? Let’s compare! Finally, compare with the sample answer on page 214 KỸ NĂNG VIẾT (WRITING SKILLS) I- Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given You can change the cues and use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences Overpopulation/ bring/ many problems/ like/ crimes/ unemployment → Every country/ should do/ something/ control/ population → Some/ measure/ should/ empower/ laws → People/ must/ aware/ effects/ overpopulation → Methods/ to control/ population/ should/ carry out/ soon → II - Write a short paragraph (60-80 words) about disadvantages of life in crowded cities like Hanoi or Ho Chi Minh City You can answer some of the following questions: * What are the disadvantages of living in an overcrowded city? * What are the ways to solve those problems? ... president of _ united states on January 20, 20 17 24 We often take exam each semester 25 There will be interesting movie this weekend 26 Hoa is most intelligent student in my class 27 When I was... century, was born in _United Kingdom in _ 1960s Since then, she has been to many countries, including Portugal, Singapore and Australia She has never been to Philippines or _ United States, but... zoo, the cinema, the park) Đứng trước danh từ tên riêng dạng số nhiều để gia đình nhà họ (The Smiths – gia đình nhà Smith) Dùng trước tính từ so sánh so sánh kép Dùng trước tên sông, suối, biển,

Ngày đăng: 01/11/2022, 16:48
