2020 UNK High School Indoor Track & Field Invitational Meet Dates Class D Class A Class B/C Thursday, March 19th Friday, March 20th Saturday, March 21st 1:00pm 1:00pm 11:00am As a reminder, we no longer rotate the meets year-to-year Class D will always be on Thursday, Class A will always be on Friday, etc If requested ahead of time, a school may opt up a class to compete on a different day Contact Information All questions should be directed UNK’s head track & field coach, Brady Bonsall, via email any time prior to the events Brady Bonsall (meet director) bonsallbi@unk.edu 308-233-7445 Entry Information Important Dates NEW - All entries must be submitted on athletic.net Hopefully, this change will be helpful since many of you use athletic.net already If you are a newcomer to athletic.net, please log on earlier rather than later to make sure you are able to navigate the athletic.net website, especially if you are a new head coach Meet Class D Class A Class B/C Search on athletic.net UNK Class D Invitational UNK Class A Invitational UNK Class B/C Invitational Entry Deadline Tuesday, March 17th, 6:00 PM Wednesday, March 18th, 6:00 PM Thursday, March 19th, 6:00 PM Entry Limits Limit of entries per school in all individual track events Limit of entries per school in the throws and vertical jumps Limit of entries per school in the horizontal jumps Limit of relay team per school in each relay event NSAA regulations govern the number of events at athlete can enter Entry Fee Information Team entry fees must be paid before or at the time of packet pick up Entry fees are non-refundable and non-transferable There is a team cap of $70 per team Boys’ and girls’ squads count as separate teams Athletes scratched after the declaration deadline still count towards your entry fee total X $10.00 = _ Number of athletes accepted Total entry fee ($70 per team cap) Make check payable to: University of Nebraska at Kearney Send entry fee to: Brady Bonsall UNK Athletic Department 2501 15th Avenue Kearney, NE 68849 Awards, Scoring, Results We will score places in each event (10-8-6-4-2-1) A team trophy will be awarded to the winner of each class in both genders The top individuals in each race and field event and top relays will receive medals We’ll hand out the medals and announce the team winners following the meet at the head table Results will be posted outside the south entrance on the weight room windows Full results will be available at www.lopers.com Team Camps There are limited dressing facilities due to the size of the meet Schools nearby are asked to dress at home Space is limited for teams to set up camp We will utilize the racquetball courts and Hyper Gym Please keep the bleachers available for paying customers only UNK is not responsible for any lost items The warm up area is limited in the field house; you may use the hallways or go outside Admission Public Admission Admission into the meet will be allowed only to those people paying at the gate Admission will be taken directly at the gate Admission is $7 for adults and $5 for students K-12 Please pass this information to your fans, especially your athlete’s parents Concessions/Merchandise A concession stand will be provided in the Health and Sports Center Food and drink are allowed only in the wooden bleachers UNK High School Track and Field Invitational t-shirts will be on sale in the control center next to the south entrance The t-shirts will be approx $15.00 each Coach/Athlete Infield Access In a continued effort to create the safest possible environment during the competition, coaches and athletes not competing in current race or field events and coaches are allowed in the infield area We ask that parents and friends stay our of the infield area Team Parking All parking rules and fees are administered by the University Parking Department UNK is NOT on Spring Break on Thursday and Friday On Thursday and Friday we ask buses to park in Lot 20 On Saturday parking is the lot north of Cushing Fieldhouse next to the football stadium Fan Parking All parking rules and fees are administered by the University Parking Department Fan parking will be located west of Cushing Fieldhouse in Lot 14 Accessibility Accessible parking is available to the east and west of the Health and Sports Center in Lots 10 and 14a Accessible door access is on the east and west sides of the Health and Sports Center building For further assistance please call (308) 865-8069 Facility Information Cushing Fieldhouse Located north of the Health and Sports Center, Cushing Fieldhouse has a 160meter track with lanes around the track and an 8-lane straightaway Cushing Field house houses one jump pit for the long/triple jump, one pole vault pit and one high jump pit All surfaces are polyurethane Martin Surface Please observe the spike length limits of 1/4” PYRAMID spikes only The shot put ring is made of wood Please use soft sole shoes only Fieldhouse Policies & Information No smoking is allowed inside the building All alcoholic beverages are also prohibited Cans, glass, and glass bottles are not allowed in Cushing Field house Concessions will be available when the gates open to Cushing Field house Gates open one hour prior to the first competition of each meet Locker Facilities We have locker facilities for your athletes The girls’ locker room is next to the pool by the northeast entrance to the building The boys’ locker room is down the hallway toward the Health and Sports Center across from racquetball court A Lost & Found Any items lost during the track meet should be reported to the head table by the pole vault pit Items can be reclaimed by blind identification or other proof of ownership Heats, Advancements, Attempts Sprints and Hurdles All positions are selected accordingly to entry marks All events will follow NSAA rules, including rules regarding false starts The 200-meter dash, 400-meter dash, and 4x400-meter relay will use 5, 6, 4, 3, as the preferred lanes Due to the inconsistency in entry marks in the 55-meter dash and the 55-meter hurdles, the top times will advance to the finals Heat winners are not guaranteed advancement Preferred lanes are the standard 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 7, 1, Throws and Horizontal Jumps In the throws and horizontal jumps, athletes will be seeded in such a way that the top seeded athlete will be placed in the later flights Athletes in the shot put will make attempts in the preliminary round with athletes throwing the top marks advancing to the finals for more throws In the long and triple jump, all athletes will take attempts within their flight with no finals Meet management reserves the right to modify this policy due to time constraints, etc Relay Starts and Exchanges Zones 4x800-meter relay begins with a one-turn stagger start Each runner will run laps They will hand off on the west side’s yellow exchange zone 4x400-meter relay begins with a two-turn stagger start Each runner will run two and half laps Exchange zones are yellow on both sides of the track The number one runner will hand off to the number two runner on the east side (next to the bleachers); the number two runner will hand off to the number three runner on the west side; and the number three runner will hand off to the number four runner on the east side of the track Starting Blocks Starting blocks will be furnished by UNK No blocks will be used in the 400meter dash Event Check-In Track Events Athletes must check in at the hip number table, located by the garage door in the northwest corner of the fieldhouse, at least 15 minutes prior to their race Hip numbers must be worn on the left hip If an athlete is going to run with their shirt out, please make sure the hip number is visible on the shirt as the hip number needs to be seen for proper picking with our Finishlynx timing system Please ask your athletes to pay close attention to the order of races to assure proper check in Once we begin the 55-meter hurdle prelims, we will begin a rolling schedule Please make sure your athletes are aware that event times could begin earlier than planned Field Events Field event competitors need to check in 30 minutes before the event If their event follows another field event, they must check in to the judge immediately after the previous event is over Campus Map Buses drop off team on the west side of the Health and Sports Center by the bridge and then park the buses in Lot 20 36th Street Lot 14 Lot 15 Lot 15 MENH RNDH NSTH CUSH COE Lot 14 A Lot 27 Lot 27 MSAB Lot 18 Clinic Parking HSC 26th Street Zone C Lot COPH MONA blocks Lot 10 25th Street Lot FAB THMH 19th Ave Annex BHS GRNH 24th Street 24th Street U.S Highway 30 U.S Highway 30 Construction Zone Lot 29 Safety Center Driving Range blocks south blocks west 12th Ave 23rd Street Hike/Bike Trail 13th Ave Cranewood Apartments 14th Ave WSTC Lot 25 27th Street MARH Lot 6A LIBR Lot 24 HSEC Lot Zone C Lot CONH MANH FRNK Service Parking 28th Street ANTH 15th Ave Lot 26 Lot 33 Lot 34 Lot 23 NSU OTOL URS FAC Lot 35 HVAC One Way CMCT Zone C Lot Zone C Lot 32 Zone A WLCH Zone A GSB Lot 17 Lot 19 Lot 22 OC KC sit Univer CUP University Drive e y Driv CTE Lot 28 8th Ave Lot 21 il Tra ike e/B Hik URN Lot 12 Zone C Lot 11 Zone C Zone A Lot 16 Lot 20 Univ ersity Drive il ike Tra Hike/B State Vehicles CTW FNDH Motorcycle Parking 29th Street Zone C 9th Ave Spillway Any Valid Permit N Lot l Kearney Cana CPST 30 Minute Loading Zone Zone A Residence Halls Lot 16 Residence Halls Lot NFH Hike/Bike Trail Zone A Zone C University Drive 35th Street Foster Field Disabled Parking 800 feet Dr ive Lot 13 Parking Meters Commuter Lot Parking Services 2507 19th Avenue Kearney, NE 68849 308.865.8367 parking@unk.edu Emergency Phones Faculty/Sta La ke vie w 17th Avenue Parking Regulations available at: www.unk.edu/parkingrules Visitor Permits are required to park on campus and may be obtained from Parking Services 400 University Heights blocks north blocks west Lot Document by Facilities Management and Planning Parking Services Key: 200 University Heights Apartments Lot Zone C University of Nebraska at Kearney Parking Map - Fall 2016 ALUM CLASS D EVENT SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: FIELD EVENTS: 1:00 P.M 1:00 P.M Long Jump and Triple Jump will take four (4) attempts only Boys Shot Put, Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump (Girls will follow the boy’s shot and long jump; boys will follow the girls high jump) Pole Vault - Boys followed by girls Triple Jump – Boys followed by girls will follow Long Jump TRACK EVENTS: Girls events first followed by boys 1:00 P.M X 800m Relay 1:45 P.M 3200m run 2:30 P.M Rolling Schedule 55m Hurdles (Semifinals) 55m Dash (Semifinals) 400m Dash (Finals against time) Mile Run 55m Hurdles (Final) 55m Dash (Final) 800m run (Finals against time) 200m Dash (Finals against time) x 400m Relay CLASS A EVENT SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: FIELD EVENTS: 1:00 P.M 1:00 P.M Long Jump and Triple Jump will take four (4) attempts only Boys Shot Put, Girls Discus, Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump (Girls will follow the boy’s shot and long jump; boys will follow the girls high jump and girls discus) Pole Vault - Boys followed by girls Triple Jump – Boys followed by girls will follow Long Jump TRACK EVENTS: Girls events first followed by boys 1:00 P.M X 800m Relay 1:45 P.M 3200m run 2:30 P.M Rolling Schedule 55m Hurdles (Semifinals) 55m Dash (Semifinals) 400m Dash (Finals against time) Mile Run 55m Hurdles (Final) 55m Dash (Final) 800m run (Finals against time) 200m Dash (Finals against time) x 400m Relay CLASS B/C EVENT SCHEDULE SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: FIELD EVENTS: 11:00 A.M 11:00 A.M Long Jump and Triple Jump will take four (4) attempts only Boys Shot Put, Girls Discus, Girls High Jump, Boys Long Jump (Girls will follow the boy’s shot and long jump; boys will follow the girls high jump and girls discus) Pole Vault - Boys followed by girls Triple Jump – Boys followed by girls will follow Long Jump TRACK EVENTS: Girls events first followed by boys 11:00 A.M X 800m Relay 11:45 A.M 3200m run 12:30 P.M Rolling Schedule 55m Hurdles (Semifinals) 55m Dash (Semifinals) 400m Dash (Finals against time) Mile Run 55m Hurdles (Final) 55m Dash (Final) 800m run (Finals against time) 200m Dash (Finals against time) x 400m Relay