Northern Tier Dairy Discussion Group Meetings LEARN MORE ABOUT: DECISIONS REGARDING KEEPING OR CULLING DAIRY HEIFERS USING GENOMICS AND RIGHTSIZING YOUR HEIFER HERD All meetings 11:00 am—2:00 pm Using Genomics to Select Heifers at Early Age Speaker: Chad Dechow Selection options for heifer inventory management, the use of beef semen, and shifting herd dynamics Multiple Dates: January 23rd Tioga County Tokishi Training Center, Wellsboro, PA January 30th Bradford County Towanda Gun Club, Towanda, PA Economics of Rightsizing Your Heifer Herd February 19th Susquehanna County Montrose Library, Montrose, PA Speaker: Michal Lunak Review of heifer cost of production, heifers needed vs heifers on farm using DHIA data February 20th Wyoming County Emergency Services Center, Tunkhannock, PA This is a free event To reserve your lunch, please contact Michal Lunak 570-265-2896; The Pennsylvania State University encourages qualified persons with disabilities to participate in its programs and activities If you anticipate needing any type of accommodation or have questions about the physical access provided, please contact Michal Lunak 570-265-2896 This publication is available in alternative media on request The content of this flyer, including text, graphics, and images, is educational only and not intended to be a substitute for veterinary medical advice, diagnosis or treatment Always seek the advice of a licensed doctor of veterinary medicine or other licensed or certified veterinary medical professional with any questions you may have regard-