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A Study of Christian (Systematic) Theology Books Used as Texts in

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Digital Commons @ George Fox University Western Evangelical Seminary Theses Western Evangelical Seminary 3-1975 A Study of Christian (Systematic) Theology Books Used as Texts in A T S Schools Richard Alvin Johnson Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/wes_theses Part of the Christianity Commons A STUDY OF CHRISTIAN (SYSTEMATIC) THEOLOGY BOOKS USED AS TEXTS IN A T S SCHOOLS A Graduate Research Project Presented to the Faculty of Western Evangelical Seminary In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Religion by Richard Alvin Johnson March 1975 APPROVED BY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am deeply indebted to many people for their assistance in making this research study a reality I would like to express my sincere gratitude and appreciation to the following My wife, gian, Sheryl Joy, an extraordinarily practical theolo- for her unfailing encouragement, faithful typing of the entire manuscript, scholarly assistance, and late hour humor My son, Scott Richard, who loved his parents, even during the extreme periods of frustration encountered in the process cif pioducing the paper~ Dr Norman N Bonner, my major professor, for his intellect- ual advise and criticism, wise counsel, and faithful encouragement throughout the study Dr Arthur M Climenhaga, f?r his professional and academic assistance and personal interest in the study Dr Philip S Clapp, for his time and advice given as cooperative reader The librarians of Western Evangelical Seminary, Mrs Lona Climenhaga and Miss Leta Hockett, especially for their efficient assistance in acquiring library materials All the professors of systematic theology from the A T S schools that responded to the questionnaire The Reedwood Friends Church, Portland, Oregon, for their support and cooperation with my time schedule TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page INTRODUCTION STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM PURPOSE OF THE STUDY JUSTIFICATION OF THE STUDY LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY DEFINITION OF TERMS Textbook Systematic Theology Dogmatic Theology Theological Perspective or Orientation Baptistic Evangelical Existentialism Liberalism Nee-liberalism Neo-ortho·doxy METHODS OF PROCEDURE STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION PRESENTATION OF DATA 10 ASBURY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 10 ASHLAND THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 11 AUSTIN PRESBYTERIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 13 iv v Chapter Page BANGOR THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 17 BERKELEY DIVINITY SCHOOL 17 BRITE DIVINITY SCHOOL 18 CALVIN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 19 CANDLER SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 24 CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL UNION 26 CENTRAL BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 26 CHICAGO THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 26 CLAREMONT SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 27 COLGATE ROCHESTER/ BEXLEY HALL/ CROZER 27 COLUMBIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 29 CONCORDIA SEMINARY 30 CONCORDIA THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 31 CONSERVATIVE BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 33 EASTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 35 EMMANUEL COLLEGE 36 EPISCOPAL THEOLOGICAL SCHOOL 37 EPISCOPAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY OF THE SOUTHWEST 38 EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 38 GARRETT-EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY FULLER THEOLOGI~AL SEMINARY GENERAL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 41 42 43 GETTYSBURG LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY GOLDEN GATE BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 45 46 GORDON-CONWELL THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 46 HARTFORD SEMINARY FOUNDATION 48 vi Page Cha~ter HOWARD UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF RELIGION 48 INTERDENOMINATIONAL THEOLOGICAL CENTER 49 LEXINGTON THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 49 LUTHER THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 50 LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SOUTHERN SEMINARY 51 MARY IMMACULATE SEMINARY 52 MARYKNOLL SEMINARY 53 FACULTY OF RELIGIOUS STUDIES OF McGILL UNIVERSITY 53 MOUNT SAINT MARY'S SEMINARY OF THE WEST 54 NASHOTAH HOUSE 56 NAZARENE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 56 NEW BRUNSWICK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 57 NEW ORLEANS BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SE~INARY McMASTER DIVINITY COLLEGE MEMPHIS THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 57 59 60 MIDWESTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 61 MORAVIAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 62 NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST SEMINARY 63 NORTHERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 65 -NORTH PARK THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 66 NORTHWESTERN LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 68 PACIFIC LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 69 PACIFIC SCHOOL OF RELIGION 70 PERKINS SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 71 PHILADELPHIA LUTHERAN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 72 vii Page Chapter PHILLIPS UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SEMINARY 75 PRESBYTERIAN SCHOOL OF CHRISTIAN EDUCATION 75 REGIS COLLEGE 76 SAINT BERNARD'S SEMINARY ' 77 SAINT JOHN'S SEMINARY 77 SAINT MARY OF THE LAKE SEMINARY 78 SAINT MARY'S SEMINARY 79 SAINT PAUL SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 80 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 81 SOUTHEASTERr BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY -82 SOUTHEkN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 82 SOUTHWESTERN BAPTIST THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 84 TRINITY EVANGELICAL DIVINITY SCHOOL 85 UNION THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 86 UNITED THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 87 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO DIVINITY SCHOOL 89 UNIVERSITY OF DUBUQUE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 90 UNIVERSITY OF SAINT MICHAEL'S COLLEGE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY 91 VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY DIVINITY SCHOOL 91 VIRGINIA UNION UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 92 WASHINGTON THEOLOGICAL COALITION 92 WESLEY THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 93 WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY 94 viii Chapter Page WESTON COLLEGE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY 95 YALE UNIVERSITY DIVINITY SCHOOL 96 TABULATION OF THEOLOGICAL BOOKS EVALUATION OF SELECTED SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY BOOKS 125 GUSTAF AULEN 126 KARL BARTH 128 LOUIS BERKHOF 132 GERRIT C BERKHOUWER 134 EMIL BRUNNER 135 JAMES OLIVER BUSWELL, JR 137 JOHN CALVIN 140 C W CHRISTIAN 142 HOWARD DEWOLF 143 L T C HAMMOND 145 GORDON KAUFMAN 146 GORDON R LEWIS 149 JOHN MACQUARRIE 97 150 WILLIAM NICHOLLS 152 FRANCIS PIEPER 154 WILLIAM G 156 T SHEDD AUGUSTUS HOPKINS STRONG 157 PAUL TILLICH 159 H ORTON WILEY 161 SU~MARY AND CONCLUSIONS SUMMARY 164 164 ix Page Chapter CONCLUSIONS 165 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER STUDY 168 APPENDICES SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRE B C D E F G H 170 170 INTRODUCTORY LETTERS ACCOMPANYING QUESTIONNAIRE 175 LIST OF A T S SCHOOLS THAT RESPONDED TO FIRST SURVEY 178 LIST OF A T S SECOND SURVEY 184 SCHOOLS THAT RESPONDED TO LIST OF A T S SCHOOLS THAT RESPONDED TO SURVEY WHOSE REPLIES WERE UNUSABLE 187 LIST OF A T S SCHOOLS THAT DID NOT RESPOND TO QUESTIONNAIRE 189 SELECTED LETTERS OF PROFESSORS OF THEOLOGY· ACCOMPANYING THEIR SURVEY RETURN 194 CHRISTIAN (SYSTEMATIC) EVALUATION FORM· 206 BIBLIOGRAPHY THEOLOGY BOOK 209 BIBLIOGRAPHY -209- 210 Albeck, W G; Studies in the Lutheran Confessions Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1952 Althaus, Paul Die Letzten Dinge Ahlstron, Sydney E Bobbs-Merrill, Information unavailable (e.d.) The·ology in America Co., Inc., 1967 Anselm, Saint Proslogion Press, 1965 New York: Aquinas, Thomas Summa Theologica Classics, Inc New York: Oxford University Westminister: Augustine, Saint Soliloquies and Confessions Christian Classics Inc Westminister: Aulen, Gustaf The Faith of the Christian Church Fortress Press, 1960 Baillie, Donald God Was in Christ Scribners & Sons, 1955 New York: Theology of the Sacraments Christian Philadelphia: Charles Information ·Unavailable Barth, Karl Church Dogmatics 1936-1958 Edinburgh: Dogmatics in·Outline Publishers, Inc City: Evangelical Theology: Doubleday & Co., 1963 The Humanity of God T New York: & T Clark, Harper-Row An Introduction Atlanta: Garden John Knox Press, 1966 Bavinck, Herman Our· Reasonable Faith Information unavailable Beegle, Dewey The Inspiration of the Scripture unavailable Information Scripture, Tradition and Infallibility Grand Rapids: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973 Bente, F Concordia Trigolotta Publishing House, 1921 Berkhof, Hendricks Press, 1969 St Louis: We've Founded Hope Concordia Atlanta: John Knox 211 Berkhof, Louis Systematic Theology Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1949 Grand Rapids: Berkouwer, Gerrit c Studies in Dogmatics Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1952 Wm B Grand Rapids: Bloesch, Donald The Ground ~f C~rtainty Wm B Eerdmans Publsihgin Co., 1971 Grand Rapids: The Christian Witness in a Secular Age Information unavailable Rapids: Wm The Christian Life and Salvation B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich Row Publishers, Christ th~ Center 1966 Grand New York: Harper- Inc~, and Papers from Prison Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc;, 1967 L~tters York: Brunner, Emil 1950-1952 Dogmatics Philadelphia: Eternal Hope Westport: New Westminster Press, ~reenwood Press, Inc., 1973 Press, Buber I Truth as Encounter 1964 and Thou New York: Philadelphia Westminster Charles Scribners & Sons., 1970 Bultmann, Rudolf Jesus Christ and Mythology Charles Scribners & Sons, 1958 New York: Buswell, James Oliver, Jr A Systematic Theology of the Christian Religion Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1962 Calvin, John Institutes of the Christian Re~igion Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Christian Education, 1909 Chemnitz, ~artin Examination of the Council of Trent Louis: Concordia Publishing House, 1971 Two Natures in Christ Publishing House, 1971 Christian, Cobb, C W Shaping Your Faith St Louis: Waco: Word, St Concordia Inc., 1973 John B Christian Natural Theology: Based on the Thought of Alf~~d North Whitehead Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1965 212 Westminster Philadelphia: Cobb, John B God and the World Press, 1969 Living Options in Protestant Theology: A Survey of Methods Philadelphia: Westminster Press, Cone, A Black Theology of Liberation James H Cousins, Ewart (ed.) Process Theology Newman Press, 1971 Philadelphia: Philadelphia: Oregon Yearly Meeting Constitution and Discipline Newburg: of Friends Church, 1958 Cullmann, Oscar Christ and Time Press, 1950 1962 Paramus·: Philade·lphia: Paulist/ Westminster Christology of the New Testament Westminster Press, 1959 Culpepper, Robert H Interpreting the Atonement Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1966 Grand Rapids: Daane, James The Freedom of God Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973 Wm Grand Rapids: B Toward a Philosophy of Daly, Mary Beyond God the Father: Women's Liberation Beacon Press, Inc., 1973 Boston: De Chardin, Pierre Teilhard The Phenomenon of Man Harper-Row Publishers, Inc New York: Dellenberger, John and Claude Welsh Protestant Christianity New York: Charles Scribners & Sons, 1954 Dewolf, L Howard A Theology of the Living Church Harper-Row Publisher, Inc., 1953 Downing, F Gerald Philadelphia: Dulles, Avery Co., Inc., New York: A God for Us and a Man for Us Fortress Press, 1968 Models of the Church 1974 Revelational Theology Garden City: New York: Doubleday & Seabury Press, 1969 Dunning, Stephen Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle and Other Modern Verse New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Co., 1967 Ebeling, Gerhard God and Word Information unavailable 213 Ebeling, Gerhard Press, 1962 The Nature of Faith Word and Faith Philadelphia: Fortress Fortress Philadelphia: Press, 196.3 Ellul, Jacques 1969 Violence Engelder, Theodore New York: Seabury Press, Pbpular Symbolics Inc., Information unavailable Erickson, Millard J The Living Gbd: Readings in Christian Theology Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1973 New Theology Evang~lical Information unavailable Ferro, R L R~adings in the History of Christian Thought New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, Inc., 1964 Fortman, Edmund J Press, 1971 Forsyth, P T Allenson, The Triune God Westminster Philadelphia: This Life and the Next Inc., 1946 Alee R Naperville: Frankfort, Henri, and others Before Philosophy: The Intellectual Adventure of Ancient Man San Francisco: William Gannon, 1973 Fansen, Peter The New Life of Grace Press, Inc., 1972 New York: Seabury George, R Beasley Baptism in the New Testament Grand Ra~ids: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973 Gilkey Langdon Maker of Heaven and Earth Doubleday & Co Inc 1965 Naming the Whirlwind Merrill Co., Inc., 1969 Garden City: New York: Bobbs- Gonzalez, Justo L The History of Christian Thought Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1970-1971 Grillmeier Aloys Sheed & Ward, Christ in Christian Tradition Inc., 1965 Groff, Warren F Christ, the Hope of the Future Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1971 Guralnik, David B (ed.) American Language New York: Grand Rapids: Webster's New World Dictionary of the New York: World Publishing Co., 1960 214 Guthrie, Shirley Press, 1969 Christian Doctrine John Knox Atlanta: Halligan, Nicholas The Ministry of the Celebration of the Sacraments Stateri Island: Alba House, 1973-1974 Halverson, Marvin and Arthur Coh~~ (ed.) A Handbook of Ch~istian Theology New York: New American Library, 1972 Hammond, T C In Understanding Be Men Inter-Varsity Press, 1968 Haring, Bernard 1963-1966 The Law of Chr~st Downers Grove: Denver: Fred G Mercer, Harvey, Van A A Handbook of Theological Terms Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1964 New York: Hatt, H E Encountering Truth: How Revelation Yields Doctrine Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1966 Heim, Karl God Transcendent Information unavailable The World: Its Creation and Consummation Information unavailable Hendry, George The Holy Spirit in Christian Theology Philadelphia: Westminster Press Grand Henry, Carl F H (ed.) Revelation and the Bible Rapids: Baker Book House, 1967 Gr.and Rapids: Wm Jesus of Nazareth: Savior and Lord B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1966 Hodge, Archibald Outlines of Thea logy van Publishing House, 1972 Hodge~ Charles 1973 Systematic Theology Grand Rapids: Greenwood: Zonder- Attic Press, Hordern, W~lliam A Layman's Guide to Protestant Theology New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1968 Philadelphia: New Directions in Theology Today Westminster Press, 1966-1967 Speaking of God Publishing Co., Inc., 1964 Kee, Alistar Gannon New York: The Way of Transcendence Macmillan San Francisco: William 215 New York: Kelly, J N D Early Christian Doctrines Row Publishing Co., Inc., 1959 Kerr, Hugh (ed.) Readings in Abingdon ~ress, 1965 Chri~tian Thought Harper- Nashville: Klug, E F From Luther to Chemnitz on Scripture and the Word Grarid Rapids: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1971 Knudson, Abbort The Doctrine of God Press, 1930 Kung, Hans The Church New York: Nashville: Sheed & Ward, Kuyper, Abraham The Work of the Holy Spirit Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1956 Ladd, George The Presence of the Future Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973 LeFevre, Perry Nashville: Inc., 1967 Grand Rapids: Grand Rapids: Philosophical Resource~ for Christian Thought Abingdon P-ress Understanding of Man Press, Abingdon Philadelphia: Westminster 1966 Latourelle, R Theology of Revelation House, 1966 Staten Island: Leeming Principles of Sacramental Theology unavailable Lei.th, John H (ed.) John Knox Press, Alba Information The Creeds of the Churches 1973 Atlanta: Lewis, Gordon R Decide for Yourself: A Theological Workbook Downers Grove: Inter-Varsity Press, 1970 A Workbook on Contemporary Judge for Yourself: Challenges to Christian Faith Inter-Varsity Downers Grove: Press, 1974 Litton, Edward Arthur Introduction to Dogmatic Theology Greenwood: Attic Press, 1960 McClain, A J The Greatness of the Kingdom Zondervan Publishing House, 1954 Grand Rapids: Macquarrie, John The Faith of the People of God Charles Scribners & Sons, 1973 God and Secularity Westminster Press New York: Philadelphia: 216 Macquarrie, John Principles of Christian Theology Charles Scribners & Sons, 1966 New York: Mackintosh, H R The Doctrine of the Person of Christ York: Charl~s Scribners & Sons, 1912 Mcintyre, John The Shape of Christology unavailable New Information Collegeville: Martimort, A G Signs of the New Covenant Liturgical Press, 1973 Mathis, Marcian and Dismas Bonner (eds.) The Pastoral Companion: Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press, 1961 May e r , F Re i g i o us Bod i e s o f Am:·e r i c a Publishing House 1954 Miley, John Systematic Theology St Information unavailable Moltmann, Jurgen The Theology of Hope Row Publishing Co., Inc., 1967 New York: Moody, Dale The Spirit of the Living God Westminster Press, 1968 New York: Grand Rapids: Morris, Leon The Cross in the New Testament Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1965 Iain The Puritan Hope Nelson, J Robert Epworth Press, Harper- Philadelphia: Moran, Gabriel The Theology of Revelation Seabury Press, Inc., 1968 Murray, Concordia Louis: Information unavailable The Realm of Redemption Ltd London: Nicholls, William The Pelican Guide to Modern Theology Vol I.: Systematic and Philosophical Theology New York: Penguin Books, Inc., 1969 Niebuhr, H Richard The Meaning of Revelation Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1967 Christ and Culture Row Publishing Co., Inc New York: Niebuhr, Reinhold Moral Man and Immoral Society Charles Scribners & Sons, 1932 Nygren This is the Church Glenoe, Inc., 1967 New York: New York: HarperNew York: Benziger, Bruce & 217 Ott, Heinrich God John Knox Press, 1973 Atlanta: The Apostolic Word Pannenberg, Wolfhart Westminster Press, 1972 Jesus, Westminster Press, 1964 Paul, God and Man "Philadelphia: Philadelphia: The Atonement and the Sacraments Robert S Rapids: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co Grand Pelikan, Jaroslav Th~ Christian Tradition: A History of the Development of Doctrine Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1971-1974 Pieper, Francis Christian Dogmatics Publishing House, 1950 St Louis: Prenter, Regin Creation and Redemption Fortress Press Preus, Robert St Louis: Quick, C Philadelphia: The Theology of Post-Reformation Lutheranism Concordia Publishing House, 1950-1957 The Doctrine of the Creed Rahner, Karl Theological Investigations Press, Inc., 1967-1973 Ramm, ~nformation unavailable New York: Bernard A Handbook of Contemporary Theology Rapids: Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1966 Rapids: Concordia Seabury Grand Special Revelation and the Word of God Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1961 Varieties of Christian Apologetics Baker Book House Grand Grand Rapids: Richardson, Alan (ed.) Dictionary of Christian Theology Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1963 Roberts, J~ D Liberation and Reconciliation: Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1971 A Black Theology Robinson, James M The Beginnings of Dialectical Theology Information unavailable Rondet, H Press, Roth, The Grace of Christ 1966 Paramus: Rober~ P Story and Reality Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1973 Paulist/Newman Grand Rapids: Wm B 218 Information Rowley The Biblical Doctrine of Election unavailable Schedler, Norbert Philosophy of Religion: Cont~mporary Persp~ctive New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974 Schillebeeckx Edward Christ th~ Sacrament of the Encounter With God New York: Sheed & Ward, Inc., 1963 Schilling God in an Age of Atheism Press, 1969 Nashville: Schleiermacher, Friedrich Christian Faith Alee R Allenson, ·Inc., 1928 Abingdon Naperville: Information unavail- Glaubenslehre able Schlier The Church: unavailable Readings in Theology Information Schlinski, E The Theology of the Lutheran Confessions Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1961 Schnackenburg, Rudolph The Church in the New Testament York: Seabury Press, Inc Schwarz, Hans On the Way to the Future Augsburg Publishing House, 1972 Shaw, John M· Christian Doctrine Minneapolis: Information unavailable Shedd, _William G T Dogmatic Theology Zondervan Publishing House, 1966; Sittler, Joseph The Ecology of Faith Fortress Press, 1970 Grand Rapids: Philadelphia: Smedes, Lewis B All Things Are Made New Wm B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1970 Smith, Ronald G The Doctrine of God Westminster Press, 1970 Stevens, William Rapids: Wm New Grand Rapids: Philadelphia: Doctrines of the Christian Religion B Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1967 Grand Strong, Augustus Hopkins Systematic Theology Philadelphia: Griffith/Rowland Press, 1886, reprinted, 1907 Tappert, Theodore G The Book of Concord: The Confessions of the Evangelical Lutheran Church Philadelphia: Fortress Press, 1959 219 Thieleke, Helmuth Press, 1969 Theological Ethics Philadelphia: Thomas, Owen c Introduction to Theology Hadden & Co., Ltd., 1973 Tillich, Paul Systematic Th~ol6gy Publishers, Inc., 1967 Cambridge: New York: Fortress Greeno, Harper-Row Van Buren, Paul The Edge of Language: An Essay in the Logic of Religion New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc 1972 The Secular Meaning of the Gospel: An Original Inquiry New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1963 Whale, J s Christian Doctrine University Press, 1941 Cambridge: Walgrave, J~ Unfolding Revelation Press, 1972 Cambridge Philadelphia: Westminster Welch, Claude Protestant Thought in the Nineteenth Century: 1799-1870 New Haven: Yale Universi~y Press, 1972 Walther, E F St Louis: w Proper Distinction Between Law and Gospel Concordia Publishing House, ~929 Wiley, H Orton Christian Theology Hill Press, 1940 Williams, Calvin Pr.ess The Church Kansas City: Wo f, W J No Cross and No Crown Wynkoop, Mildred Bangs Hill Press, 1962 Foundations Zahrnt, Heinz Die Sache Mit Gott Jovanovich, Inc., 1970 Jovanovich, Advocate Franklin Springs: Williams, D The Spirit and Forms of Love Harper-Row Publishers, Inc., 1968 The Question of God Inc., 1971 Beacon New York: Information unavailable Kansas City: New York: New York: Beacon Harcourt Brace Harcourt Brace A STUDY OF CHRISTIAN (SYSTEMATIC) THEOLOGY BOOKS USED AS TEXTS IN A T S SCHOOLS An Abstract Presented to the Faculty of Western Evangelical Seminary In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Religion by Richard Alvin Johnson March 1975 ABSTRACT The impetus for the investigation grew from the problem of an apparent lack of information concerning the availability and usability of Christian (systematic) by professors of theology theology books used There was therefore a need to ob- tain and compile infor~ation relating to s~ch availability and usability Thus, the investigation purposed to ascertain what Christian systematic theology books are available to professors of theology in A T s schools today, evaluate the content while discerning the theological perspective of selected available books, and determine the usability of these books in evan- gelical classrooms investigatio~, This purpose was accomplished through the although it was limited in nature to professors of theology in accredited A T~ s schools, theology books used as texts by those professors, and evaluations of selected works The project was conducted through the use of a questionnaire designed to survey professors of theology at the various schools and was administered through the mail Of the one-hundred and thirty-six mailed surveys, eighty-two were returned, amount~ng to sixty percent of the total administered Following the cut-off date of December 15, 1974, the questionnaires were studied and tabulated the written project, In chapter two of all data presented on the questionnaire -1- form~ by the various A chapter three, A T S T s professors were recorded In the many theological books used in the various schools were tabulated along with a listing of the schools that used the book tabulated beneath the respective book titles Various works were then selected on the merit of their total theological content and frequency of use by the A T schools s These selected works were evaluated by the investiga- tor considering their background, clarity, content, theological perspective, Biblical exegesis, and usability in evangelical classrooms The final chapter included a summary of the study, conclusions, and recommendations for further study With the listing of the books that are available to professors of theology in A T S schools, a study of their answers to the questionnaire, and the investigator's evaluations of selected works, six interesting and informative conclusions were listed These were as follows: (1) an apparent reaction to the use of the word "textbook" on the que s'tionnaire, ( 2) the Roman Ca tho lie and Lutheran institutions were the only schools that used denominationally oriented materials exclusively, (3) the majority of institutions were grappling with the problem of combination and choice of existing texts rather than expressing a need for a new, contemporary theological work, (4) about sixteen percent of the total one hundred and thirty-seven affiliated institutions were evangelical in outlook, therefore the four most frequently used authors were liberal in theological orientation, (5) a publication cycle of personal notes used by professors of'theology was noted, and (6) the use of the innovative theological work- book On the basis of the research study and conclusions, the following recommendations for further study were mentioned: (1) a study of the teaching methods of systematic theology professors, (2) a study of texts used in evangelical institu- tions such as liberal arts colleges, Bible colleges, Bible institutes, and seminaries, (3) a study into the possibility of a graduate level theological workbook, and (4) a study into the possibility of a new contemporary Wesleyan··Arminian systematic theology book published from an evangelical non-denominational viewpoint ... there was a need to obtain and compile information relating to such availability and usability PURPOSE OF THE STUDY The purpose of the study was to: what Christian (systematic) (1) ascert"ain theology. .. personalism of Kierkegaard and Brunner METHODS OF PROCEDURE In order to ascertain what Christian theology books were available to professors of theology in A a survey 12 was administered with a letter.. .A STUDY OF CHRISTIAN (SYSTEMATIC) THEOLOGY BOOKS USED AS TEXTS IN A T S SCHOOLS A Graduate Research Project Presented to the Faculty of Western Evangelical Seminary In Partial Fulfillment of

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