Christian M.I.M. Matthiessen
USC/Information Sciences Institute
In a text-produqtion system high and special demands are placed on the
grammar and the lexicon. This paper will view these comDonents in
such a system (overview in section 1). First, the subcomponente dealing
with semantic information and with syntactic information will be
presented se!:arataly (section 2). The probtems of relating these two
types of information are then identified (section 3). Finally, strategies
designed to meet the problems are proDose¢l and discussed (section 4).
One of the issues that will be illustrated is what happens when a
systemic linguistic approach is combined with a Kt ONE like knowledge
representation • a novel and hitherto unexplored combination]
This gaper will view agrammarandalexicon as integral parts of a text
production system (PENMAN). This perspective leads to certain
recluirements on the form of the grammarand that of the eubparts of the
lexicon and on the strategies for integrating these components with
each other and with other parts of the system. In the course of the
I~resentstion of the componentS, the subcomDonents and the
integrating strategies, these requirements will be addressed. Here I will
give a brief overview of the system.
PENMAN is a successor tO KDS ([12], [14] and [13]) and is being
created to produce muiti.sentential natural English text, It has as some
of its componentS a knowledge domain, encoded in a KL.ONE like
representation, a reader model, a text-planner, a lexicon, end a
Sentence generator (called NIGEL). The grammar used in NIGEL is a
Systemic Grammar of English of the type develol:~d by Michael Halliday
• - see below for references.
For present DurOoses the grammar, the lexic,n and their environment
can be represented as shown in Figure 1.
The lines enclose setS; the boxes are the linguistic compenents. The
dotted lines represent parts that have been develoDed independently of
the I~'esent project, but which are being implemented, refined and
revised, and the continuous lines represent components whose design
ill being developed within the project.
The box labeled syntax stands for syntactic information, both of the
general kind that iS needed to generate structures (the grammar;, the left
part of the box) and of the more Sl~=cific kind that is needed for the
syntactic definition of lexical items (the syntactic subentry of lexical
items; to the right in the box the term lexicogrammar can also be uasd
to denote both ends of the box).
1Thitl reBe•rcti web
by the Air Force Office of Scientific Re~lllrrJ1 contract
NO. F49620-7~-¢-01St, The view~ and ¢OIX:IuIIonI contained in this document Me thoe~
of the author and ~ould not be intemretKI u neceB~mly ~tJ~ ~ official
goli¢iee or e~clors~mcm=, either e;~ore~ or im~isd. Of the Air FOrCAI Office of .~WIO
R~rch ot the U.S. Government. The reeea¢ch re~t~ • joint effort end so ao tt~
=tm~ming from it whicti are the sub, tahoe Of this ml~'. I would like to thank in
p~rt~cull=r WIIIklm MInn, who tieb helped i1~ think, given n~e ~ h~l ideaa
sugg~o~l and commented extensively on dr.Jft= of th@ PaDre3, without him it ~ not
be. I am ~ gretefu| tO Yeeutomo Fukumochi for he~p(ul commcmUI On I dran end to
Michael Hldlldey, who h~ mecle clear to m@ rmmy sylRemz¢ i:~n¢iOl~ end In=Ught~
N•turelly, ] am eolefy reso¢~i~le for errors in the grelMmtetlon and contenL
J~ ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
i s¥
T jiiiiii iiiii!iiliii!ii i
Grammor ~i::i::i::il Lexls ii::~i!i!ilil
I ]
L ~iiii::i::iiiii~ii!iii~::~:::.::i~ii~ii~:.:::.:::.i:.i~
General Specific
Figure 1.1 : System overview.
The other box (semamics) represents that part of semantics that has to
do with our conceptualiz.~tion o: experience (distinct from the
semantics of interaction speech acts stc, and the semantics of
presentation theme structure, the distinction between given and new
information etc.). It is shown as one part of what is called conceDtuals
our general conceptual organization of the world around us and our
own inner world; it is the linguistic part o! conceptuals. For the lexicon
this means that lexical semantics is that part of conceptuals which has
become laxicalized and thus enters into the structure of the vocabulary.
There is also a correlation between conceptual organization and the
organization of part of the grammar.
The double arrow between the two boxes represents the mapping
(realization or encoding) of semantics into syntax. For example, the
concept SELL is mapped onto the verb sold?
The grammar is the general Dart of the syntactic box, the part
concerned with syntactic structures. The /exicon CUts across three
levels: it has a semantic part, a syntactic part (isxis) and an
orthographic part (or spelling; not present in the figure)? The lexicon
21 •m ul~ng the genec=l convention of cagitllizing terms clattering semantic entree=.
C.~tak= will also i~l ueBd fo¢ rom~ aJmocieteo with conce~13 (like AGENT. RECIPIENT lu~
OI~ECT~ andfor gcamm~ktical functions (like ACTOR. BENEFICIARY and GOAL). These
notions will be introduced below.
3This me~m= that an ~ fo¢ a lexical item ¢on~L~ts of three sureties 4¢ i eBmlmtic
wltry, • syrltacti¢ entry anti an orttlogrlkOhi¢ ontry. The lexicon box ~ ~howtt •~ containing
g4e~l Of ~ syntax and secmlntic=l in the figt~te (ttiQ s~l~ area) to ern~lBize t~
nal~re of the isxicaJ entry,
consists entirely of independent lexical entries, each representing one
lexicai item (t'ypicaJly a word).
This figure, then, represents the i~art of the PENMAN text production
system that includes the grammar, the lexiconand their immediate
PENMAN is at the design stage; conse¢lUantiy the discussinn that
follows is tentative end exploratory rather than definitive. The
¢om!=onant that has advanced the farthest is the grammar. It has been
implemented in NIGEL, the santo nee generator mentioned above. It has
been tested and is currently being revised and extended. None of the
other components (those demarcated by continuous lines) have been
implemented; they have been tested only by way of hand examples.
This groat will concentrate on the design features of the grammar
rather than on the results of the implementation and testing of it.
2.1. Knowledge representation and semantics
The knowledge representation
One of the fundamental properties of the KL-ONE like knowledge
representation (KR) is its intensional extensional distinction, the
distinction between a general conceptual taxonomy anda second part
of the representation where we find individuals which can exist, states
of affairs which may be true etc. This is roughly a disbnction t:~ltween
what is conceptuaiizaDle and actual conceptualizations (whether they
are real or hypothetical). In the overview figure in section 1, the two
are together called conceptuals.
For instance, to use an example I will be using throughout this paper,
there is an inteflsional concept SELL, about which no existence'D or
location in time is claimed. An intenalonal concept is related to
extensional concede by the relation Inclividuates: intenaionai SELL is
related by individual instances of extensional SELLs by the Individuates
relation. If I know that Joan sold Arthur ice-cream in the I~!rk, I have s
SELL fixed in time which is part of an assertion about Joan and it
Indiviluates intenaional SELL. 4 A concept has internal structure: it is a
configuration of roles. The concept SELL has an internal ~re
which is the three roles associated with it, viz. AGENT (the seller),
RECIPIENT (the buyer) and OBJECT. These rolee are slot3 which are
filled by other concepts and the domains over which these can very are
defined as value restrictions. The AGENT of SELL is a PERSON or a
FRANCHISE and sO on.
tn ~,ther words, a ¢oncel~t is defined by its relation to other concepts
(much aS in European structuraiism). These relations are roles
a'~sociated with the concept, roles whose fillers are other concept¢
This gives rise to a large conceptual net.
There is another reiation which helps define the place of a conoe=t in
the conceptual net. viz. SuperCategory, which gives the conceptual net
a taxonomic (or hierarchic) structure in addition to the structure defined
by the role relations. The concept SELL ie defined by its I~lace in the
taxonomy by having TRANSACTION as a SuperCate<jory. If we want to,
4It ~toul¢l be eml)t~ullz41~t ~tlt r.~lltng the cof~ eot SELL 'u=y~l nothing wt'~lt=oe~t~r li~out
~ngli~tt exl~'qm~on for it:. ~e *'el.'lons for gz~ it filial ~ Ire I~urely fR~mo~i¢.
o~ty way the conces=t elm be I~ocmted ~m ~ ~ =o/o' is
~g ~ of I
we can define a conceot that will have SELL as a SuDerCategoq (i.e.
bear the SuperCategory relation to SELL), for example SELLCB 'sell on
the black market'. As a result, p)art of the taxonomy of events is
If TRANSACTION has a set of roles associated with it, this set may be
inherited by SELL and by SELLOB this is a generaJ feature of the
SuperCategory relation. In the examples involving SELL that follow, I
will concentrate on this concept and not try to generalize to its
The Semantic Subentry
In the overview figure (1.1), the semantics is shown as part of the
concaptuais- The consequence of this is that the set of semantic
entries in the lexicon is a subset of the set of concepts. The subset is
groper if we assume that there are concepts which have not been
lexicaiized (the assumption indicated in the figure). The a.csumption is
I~erfectJy reasonable; I have already invented the concept SELLOB for
which there is no word in standard English: it is not surprising if we have
formed concepts for which we have to create expressions rather than
pick them reedy.made from our lexicon. Furthermore, if we construct a
conceptual component intended to support say a bilingual speaker,
there will be a number of concepts which are lexicaiized in only one of
the two languages
A semantic entry, than, is a concept in the conceptuais- For sold, we
find soil wiffi its associated roles, AGENT, RECIPIENT and OBJECT.
The right ~ of figure 4.1 below (marked "se:'; after a figure from [1]
gives a more detailed semantic ent~ for sold: = pointer identifies the
relevant part in the KR, the concept that constitutes the semantic entry
(here the concept SELL).
The concept that constitutes the semantic entry of a lexicai item has a
fairly rich structure. Roles are associated "with the concept and the
modailty (neces~ury or optional), the ¢ardinaii~ of and restrictions on
(value of) the fillers are given.
Through the value restriction the linguistic notion of selection
restriction is captured. The stone sold a carnation to the little girl is odd
because the AGENT role of SELL is value restricted to PERSON or
FRANCHISE and the concept associated with stone fails into neither
The strategy of letting semantic entries be part of the knowledge
representation would not have been possible in a notation designed to
csgture specific propositions only, However, since KL-ONE pfoviles
the distinction between intension and extension, the strategy is
unl=rotolsmati¢ in the I=resant framework.
So what is the relationship between intensional-extensionai and
s~manti¢ entries? The working aesumption is that fora large part of the"
vocaioulary, it is the concepts of the intanalonai part of the KR that may
be lexicalized and thus serve as semantic entries. We have words for
intenalonai obje¢=, actions and states, but not for indtviluai
extensional obiects etc. with the exception of propel names. They have
extensional concepts as their semantic entries. For instance, Alex
denotes a particular individuated person and The War of the Roses a
palrticula¢ individumed war.
Both the Sul~H'Category relation and the Indiviluates relation provide
ways of walking around in the KR to find expresmons for concepts. If
we are in the extensional part of the KR, looking at a particular
individual, w~ can follow the Individuates link up to an intensional
concept. There may be a word for it, in which case the concept is part of
a laxical entry. If there is no word for the concept, we will have to
consider the various options the grammar gives us for forming an
¢oPropriate exoressJon.
The general assumption is that all the intensional vocabulary can he
used for extensional concepts in the way just describe(l: exc)reasabi ,'y
is inherited with the Individuates relation.
Expression candidates for concepts can also be located along the
SuberCate(Jory link by going from one concept to another one higher
up in the taxonomy. Consider the following example:
Joan sold Arthur
ice.cream. The transaction took place in tl~e perk.
The SuperCate~ory
link enables us to go from SELL to TRANSACTION, where we find the
Lexical Semantic Relations
The structure of the vocabulary is parasitic on the conceptual structure.
In other words, laxicalized concepts are related not only to one another,
but also to concepts for which there is no word,encoding in English (i.e.
non-laxicalized concepts).
Crudely, the semantic structure of the lexicon can be described as
being part of the hierarchy of intensional concepts the intensional
concepts that happen to be lexicalized in English. The structure of
English vocabulary is thus not the only principle that is reflected in the
knowledge representation, but it is reflected. Very general concepts
like OBJECT, THING and ACTION are at the top. In this hierarchy, roles
are inherited. This corresponds to the semantic redundancy rules of a
Considering the possibility of walking around in the KR and the
integration of texicalized and non.iexicalized concepts, the KR suggests
itself as the natural place to state certain text-forming principles, some
of which have been described under the terms lexical cohesion ([8])
and Thematic Progression ([6]).
I will now turn to the syntactic component in figure 1-1, starting with a
brief introduction to the framework (Systemic Linguistics) that does the
same for that component as the notion of semantic net did for the
component just discussed.
2,2. Lexicogrammar
Systemic Linguistic~ stems from a British tradition and has been
developed by its founder, Michael Halliday (e.g. [7], [9], [10]) and
other systemic linguists (see e.g. [5], [4] for S presentation of Fawcett's
interesting work on developing a systemic model within a cognitive
model) for over twenty years covering many areas of linguistic concern,
including studies of text, ;exicogrammar, language development, and
computational applications. Systemic Grammar was used in SHRDLU
[15] and more recently in another important contribution, Davey'a
The systemic tradition recognizes a fundamental principle in the
organization of language: the distinction between
and the
that express (realize) choices. Choice is taken as primary
and is given special recC,;]nition in the formalization of the systemic
model of language. Consequently, a description is a specification of the
choices a speaker can make together with statement:; about how he
realizes a selection he has made. This realization of a set of choices is
typically linear, e.g. a string of words. Each choice point is formalized as
a ,system
(hence the name Systemic). The options open to the speaker
are two or more
that constitute alternatives which can' be
chosen. The preconditions for the choice are
entry conciitiona
to the
system. Entry conditions are logical expressions whose elementary
terms are features.
All but one of the systems have non.emt~/ entry conditions. This
causes an interdependency among the systems with the result that the
grammar of English forms one network of systems, which cluster when
a feature in one system is (part of) the entry condition to another
system. This dependency gives the network depth: it starts (at its
"root") with very general choices. Other systems of choice depend on
them (i.e. have a feature from one of these systems or st combination
of features from more than one system as entry conditions) so that the
systems of choice become less general (more
to use the,
systemic term) as we move along in the network.
The network of systems is where the control of the grammar resides, its
non.deterministic part. Systemic grammar thus contrasts with many
other formalisms in that choice is given explicit representation and is
captured in a single ruis type (systems), not distributed over the
grammar as e.g. optional rules of different types. This property of
systemic grammar makes it s very useful component in a
text-production system, seDecially in the interf3ce with semantics and in
ensuring accessibility of alternatives.
The rest of the grammar is deterministic the consequences of
features chosen in the network of systems. These conse(luences are
formalized as feature
realization statements
whose task is to build the
appropriate structure.
For example, in independent indicative sentences, English offers a
choice between declarative and interroaative sentences, if
interrooativ~ is chosen, this leeds to a dependent system with a choice
between wh-intsrrooative and ves/no-interroaative. When the latter is
chosen, it is realized by having ~.he FINITE verb before the SUBJECT.
Since it is the general design of the grammar that is the focus of
attention, I will not go through the algorithm for generating a sentence
as it has been implemented in NIGEL. The general observation is that
the results are very encouraging, although it is incomplete. The
algorithm generates a wide range of English structures correctly. There
have not been any serious problems in implementing agrammar written
in the systemic notation.
Before turning to the lexico, part of lexicogrammar, I will give an
example of the toplevel structure of a sentence generated by the
grammar. (I have left out the details of the internal structure of the
iiiii;o.i iIi i!o t Iiiiii i]]iiiliiiii I
In the park| Join / sold | Arthur 14ce-¢reem
The structure consists of three layers of function symbols, aJl of which
are needed to get the result desired The structure is not only
functional (with- function s/m/ools laloeling the const|tuents instead of
category names like Noun Phrase and Verb Phrase) but it is
Each layer of function symbols shows a particular perspective on the
clause structure. Layer [1] gives the aspect of the sentence as a
representation of our experience. The second layer structures the
sentence as interaction between the speaker and the hearer;, the fact
that SUBJECT precedes FINITE signals that.the speaker is giving the
hearer information. Layer [3] represents a structuring of the clause as a
message; the THEME is its starting point. The functions are called
experiential, inte~emonal and textual resm~-~Jvety in the systemic
framework: the function symbols are said to belong to three different
metafunctions, in the rest of the !~koar I will concentrate on the
experiential metafunction, I=artiy because it will turn out to be highly
relevant to the lexicon.
The syntactic sut3entry.
In the systemic tradition, the syntactic part of the lexicon is seen as a
continuation of grammar (hence the term lexicogrammar for both of
them): lsxical choices are simply more detailed (delicate) than
grammatical choices (cf. [9]). The vocabulary of English can be seen
as one huge taxonomy, with Roget's Thesaurus as a very rough model.
A taxonomic organization of the relevant Dart of the vocabulary of
English is intended for PENMAN, but this Organization is part of the
conceptual organization mentioned al0ove. There is st present no
separate lexicai taxonomy.
The syntactic subentry potentially con~sts of two parts. There is alv~ye
the class specification the lexical features. This is a statement of the
grammatical potential of the lexicai item, i.e. of how it can be used
grammatically. For
the'ctas,~ specification is the following:
C'/I1~ |0
c~als 02
bemlf &ct, 1re
where "benefactive" says that sold can occur in a sentence with a
BENEFICIARY, "class 10" that it encodes
material pr~
(contrasting with mental, varbai and relational processes) and "CMas
that it
is a tnmaltive verb.
In ~ldition, there is a provision fora configurationai part, which is a
h'agment of
Structure the grammar can generate, more specifically the
experiential part of the grammar, s The structure corresponds to the top
layer ( # [1]) in the example above. In reference to this example, I can
make more explicit wh~ I mean by fragment. The general point is that
(to take just one cimm as an example) the presence and cflara~er of
functions like ACTOR, BENEFICIARY and GOAL diract t:~'ticiplmts in
the event denoted by the verb depend on the type of verb, whereas
the more circumstantial functions like LOCATION remain unaffected
and a~oDlical=ie to all ~ of verb. Conse(luently, the information about
the poasibilib/ of having a LOCATION constituent is not the type of
information that has to be stated for specific lsxical items. The
information given for them concerns only a fragment of the experiential
functional structure.
The full syntactic entry for sol~ is:
PROCESS • veto
class IO
class 02
This says that sold Can
occur in a fragment of a struCtUre where it is
PROCESS and there can be an ACTOR,
GOAL and
The usefulness of the structure fragment will be demonstrated in
section 4.
I will now turn to the fundamental proiolem of making a working s/stem
out of the parts that have been discu~md.
The problem ~ two parts to it. viz.
1. the design of the system as a system with int.egrated Darts
2. the implementation of the system.
I will only be concerned with the 6rat aspect here.
The components of the system have been presented. What remains
and that is the problem is to dealgn the misalng [inks; tO find the
strategies that will do the job of connecting the components.
Finding these strategies is
design problem in the following sense. The
stnUegies do not come as accessories with the frameworks we have
uasd (the systemic framework and the KL-ONE inspired knowledge
reprasentatJon). Moreover, th~me two frameworks stem from two quite
dispm'ate traditions with different sets of goals, symbols and terms.
I will state the problem for the grammar first and then for the lexicon. As
it has been presented,
the grammar runs
wik:l and free. It is organized
Mound choice, to be sure, but there is nothing to relate the choices to
the rest of the Wstem, in particular to what we can take to be semantics.
In other word~k although the grammar may have • ~ that faces
~emantics the system network, which; in Hallldly'e worcls, is
~arnantically relevant grammar it does not mmke direct contact with
semantics. And, if we know what we want the system to ante>de in a
sentence, how can we indicate what goes where, that is what a
constituent (e.9. the ACTOR) should encocle?
The lexicon
incorporates the problem of finding an ¢opropriate strategy
to link the components to each other, since it cuts acrosa component
boundn,des. The semantic and s/ntsctic subpaJts of a lexica| entry
have been outlined, but nothing hall been sak:l about how they should
be matched up with one ,.,nother. The reason why this match is not
~rfectly straightforward has to do with the fact that both entries may be
sa'uctunm (conf,~urations) rather than s~ngle elements. In sedition,
there are lexical relations that have not been accounted for yet,
es~lcially synonymy and polysemy.
5Th~ conllgursb(mld ~ dQ~ not mira from the sylmm~ tn~libon, i~t is In
.~m m me 17mont ckm~
4.1. The Grammar
Choice experts and their domains.
The control of the grammar resides in the n.etwork of systems. Choice
experts can be developed to handle the choices in these systems.
The idea is that there is an expert for each system in the network and
that this expert knows what it takes to make a meaningful choice, what
the factors influencing its choice are. it has at its disposal a table which
tells it how to find the relevant pieces of information, which are
somewhere in the knowledge domain, the text plan or the reader model.
In other words, the part of the grammar that is related to Semantics is
the part where the notion of choice is: the choice experts know about
the Semantic consequences of the various choices in the grammarand
do the job of relating syntcx tO semantics, s
The recognition of different functional componenta of the grammar
relates to the multi-funCtional character of a structure in systemic
grimmer I mentioned in relsUon to the example
In the park Joan sold
Arthur ice.cream
in section 2.2. The organization of the sentence into
organization the grammar impeses on our experience, and it is the
aspect of the organization of the Sentence that relates to the conceptual
organization of the knowledge domain: it is in terms of this organization
that the mapping between syntax and semlmtic,,i can be stated The
functional diver~ty Hailiday has provided for systemic grammar is
useful in a text.production .slrstam; the other functJone find uses which
space does note permit a discuesion of here.
Pointers from cJonslituents.
In order for the choice experts to be able to work, they must know
where to look. Resume that we are working on
in the park
in our
example Sentence
in the park Joan sold Arthur ice.cream
and that an
expert has to decide whether
should be definite or not. The
information about the status in the mind of the reader of the concept
corre~oonding to
in this sentence is located at this conce~t: the
~ck is to ~mociats the concept with the constituent being built. In the
example structure given earlier,
in the park
is both LOCATION and
THEME, only the former of which is relevant to the present problem. The
solution is to set a pointer to the relevant extensional concept when the
function symbol LOCATION is inserted, so that LOCATION will carry the
pointer and thus make the information attached to the concept
4.2. The lexiconand the lexlcal entry
I have already inb-oducad the semantic subentry and the syntactic
• ubentry. They are stated in a KL-ONE like representation anda
systemic notation respec~vely. The queslion now is how to relate the
In the knowledge representation the internal struc~Jre of a concept is a
configuration of roles and these roles lead to new concepts to which the
concept is related. A syntactic structure is seen as a configuration of
aA ~ d~lnitk~n ot the h~i soTintlca ol tt~ gnlmm•r ik Is • nliA# ot
IOl~'mlC, h0 "minimti~ • what ti~ Brlmm•~cll ~ ~ io~ at*. in the Ixment
'4/mcusWon, I ~ focun~l on Ine know~dge domain one, ~ ~ this bl me
mosl r~J~Im to MmiP.~ ~'T~li~.
function symbols; syntactic categories serve these functions in the
generation of a structure the functions lead to an entry of a part of the
network. For example, the function ACTOR leads to a part of the
network whoSe entry feature is Nominal Group just ~s the role AGENT
(of SELL) leads to the concept that is the filler of it. The parallel between
the two representations in this area are the following:
role fuflctton
f 111el" exponent
denotes the entry feature into a pm't of the network
(e.g. Nominal Group) that the function leads to.)
This parallel clears the path fora strmegy for relating the Semantic entry
and the syntactic entry. The strategy is in keeping with current ideas in
linguistics. "r Consider the following crude entry for
given here a.s
an illustration:
syntactic ol,thogl,lpht¢
Functtoni Lextcel
SELL- • PROCESS • vel,b "sold"
concept Class 10
class 0Z
where the previously discussed semantic and syntactic subentries are
repeated and paired off against each other.
This full lexical entry makes clear the usefulness of the second part of
the syntactic entry the fragment of the experiential functional
structure in which
can be the PROCESS.
Another piece of the total picture siso falls into place now. The notion of
a pointer from an experiential function like BENEFICIARY in the
grammatical structure to a point in the conceptual net was introduced
above. We can now see how this pointer may be Set for individual lexical
items: it is introduced as a simple relation between a grammatical
function symbol and s conceptual role in the iexical entry of e.g. SELL.
Since there is an Indlviduates link between this intensionai concept and
any extensional SELL the extensional concept that is part of the
particular proposition that is being encoded grarnmaticaJly, the pointer
is inherited and will point to a role in the extensional part of the
knowledge domain.
At this point, I will refer again to the figure below, whose dght half I have
already referred to as a full example of a semantic subentry ("see").
"sp:" is the spelling or orthographi c subentry; "gee" is the syntactic
We have two configurations in the lexical ent~'y: in the Semantic
subentry the concept plus a number of roles and in the syntactic
subentry a number of grammaticsi functions. The match is represented
in the.f_i~ure abov e by the arrows.
7The mectllmism for maOOing hu much in common with ~ develooed for Cexical
Functlon~ G~ (lee e.g, {21), idlb'tough tM 14~ebl are not tP4 same. The entry
• lexic~d enu,/in ~ PIm-LexicaJism hlunework devJooed by Hudson in [11 ].
c~ , 02
) , OA., \
\ \
FIgure 4-1: Lexical
entry for
in the first step I introduced the KL-ONE like knowledge representation
All three roles of SELL have the modaJity "r~c~___,~_~'. This does not
dictate the grammatical pos.~bilities. The grammar in Nigei offers a
choice between e.g.
They sold many books to their customers and The
book sold well,
In the second example, the grammar only Dicks out a
subset of the roles of SELL for expras~on. In other words, the grammar
makes the adoption of different persl~¢tives possible. II I can now
return to the ol:~ervation that the functional diversity Hallidey has
provldat for systemic grammar is useful for our pu~__o'-'e~-__; The fact that
grammatical structure is multi.layered means that those aspects of
grammatical structure that are relevant to the mapping between the two
lexical entries are identified, made explicit (as ACTOR BENEFICIARY
etc.) and kept seperate from pdnciplas of grernmatical structuring that
are not directly relevant to this mapl:dng (e.g. SUBJECT, NEW and
In conclusion, a stretegy for accounting for
synonymy and polysemy
can be mentioned.
The way to cagture synonymy is to allow a concept to be the semantic
subentry for two distinct orthographic entries. If the items are
syntactically identical as well. they will also share a syntactic subentry.
Polyeemy works the other way:. there may be more than one concept for
the same syntactic subentry.
I have discus.s~l a gremmm" andalexiconfor PENMAN in two steps.
F~rst I looked at them a~ independent components the semantic entry,
the grammarand the syntactic entry and then, after identifying the
problems of integrating them into
system, I tumed to strategies for
re!sting the grammar to the conceptual representation and the syntactic
entry to the semantic one within the lexicon.
and the systemic notation and indicated how their design features can
be Out to good use in PENMAN. For instance, the distinction between
intension and exten*on in the knowledge representation makes it
I~OS.~ble to let iexical semantic~ be part of the conceptuals. It was also
suggested that the relations SuberC.,at~gory and Indivlduates can be
to find expre~-~ions fora particular concept.
The second steO attempted to connect the grammar to semantics
through the notion of the choice expel, making use of a design
principle of systemic grammars where the notion of choice is taken as
ba~c. I pointed out the correlation between the structure of a concept
and the notion of structure in the systemic framework and allowed how
the two can be matched in a lexical entry and in the generation of a
sentence, a slrstegy that could be adopted because of the
multl.funotional nature of structure in systemic grammars. This second
step has been at the same time an attempt to start exploring the
potential of a combination of a KL-ONE like representation anda
Sy~emic Grammar.
Although many ~%oects have had to be left out of the discussion, there
are s number of issues that are of linguistic interest and significance.
The most basic one is perhal~ the task itself:, designing • model where
a grammarandalexicon can actually be mate to function as more than
just structure generators. One issue reiatat to this that has been
brought uD was that different ~ external to the grammar find
resonance in different I=ari~ of the grammarand that there is a partial
correlation between tim conceptual structure of the knowleclge
reOresentation and the grammarand lexicon.
AS was empha.~zacl in the introduction, PENMAN is at the design stage:
there is a working sentence generator, but the other 8.qDect~ of what
has been di$cut~tecl have not been imDlement~l and there is no
commitment yet to a frozen design. Naturally, a large number of
problems still await their solution, even at the level of design and,
cleerly, many of them will have to wait. For example, selectivity among
terms, beyond referential acle¢luacy, is not adclressecl.
sl~ly ot ~ the func'UoNd sW~Uctt¢ ~ ~.k u0 dlff~ ~ ot •
P.,cbrl¢~ ~ IcI0~ d~clNm~ I~tI~¢1~ fll'ldl m~ W ~ Q.Q. ~ ~ trlMIl~l~lt ¢4 ~4u¢1
~uJy ~ ~ ~
g/~ ~ tO¢l~vO ~
in ~ IcC0urd for nocnm4UIT~ClonL
In general, while noting correlations between linguistic organization
and conceptual organization, we do not want the relation tO be
deterministic: part of being a good varbaiizar is being able to adopt
different viewpoints verbalize the same knowledge in different ways.
This is clearly an ares for future research. Hopefully, ideas such as
grammars organized around choice and cl~oice experts will ;)rove
useful tools in working out extensions.
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. unexplored combination]
This gaper will view a grammar and a lexicon as integral parts of a text
production. goals, symbols and terms.
I will state the problem for the grammar first and then for the lexicon. As
it has been presented,
the grammar runs
wik:l and