S. R. Patrick
~DM T.J. Watson Reseorch Center
PO BOX 218 Yorktown Heights, NQW York 10598
The Transformatlonal question Answering (TqA) system
was developed over a period of time beginning in the
early part of the last decade and continuing to the
present. Its syntactic component is a transformational
grammar parser [1, 2, ~], and its semantic Gomponqnt is
a Knuth attribute grammor [~, 5]. The combination of
providQs sufficiQnt generality,
conveniQnga, and efficiency to implement a broad range
of linguistic models; in addition to a wide spectrum of
transformational grammars, Gilder-type phrase
structure grammar [6] and lexigal functional grammar
[7] systems appear to be cases in point, for example.
The Particular grammar Nhich was, in fact, developed,
however, was closest tO those of the genQrative
semantics variety of trsnsformationel grammar; both the
underlying structures assigned to sQntences and the
transformations employed to effect that assignmQnt
traced their origins to the generative semantics model.
The system ~orks by finding the undQrlying structures
corresponding tO English queries through the use of the
transformational parsing facility. Those underlying
structures are then translated to logical forms in a
domain relationol calculus by the Knuth attribute
grammar component. Evaluation of logical forms with
respect to a given data base completes the
question-answering process. Our first logical form
evaluator took the form of a toy implementation of a
relational data base system in LISP. We soon reelaced
the low level tuple retrieval facilities of this
implementation with the RSS (Relational StorogQ System)
portion of the IBM System R [8], This version of logicol
form evoluation was the one employed in the field
testing to be dQscribed. In a more recent version of the
system, however, it has been replacod by a translation
logical forms, first to
logical forms
a set domain relational calculus and then to
appropriate expressions
in the
5el language, SystQm RIs
high level query language.
The first data base to which the system was applied was
one concerning business statistics such as the sales,
earnings, number of employees, etc. of 60 large
companies over a five-year Period. This was a toy data
base, to be sure, but it was useful tO US in developing
our System. A later dota base contained the basic land
identification records of about 10,000 parcels of land
in a city nQar our research center. It WaS developed for
use by members of the city planning departmQnt and
(less frequently) other departments to answQr questions
concerning the information in that file. Our purpose in
making the 1system available to those city employees
provide access to o data base
of real
interest to a group of users and to fiQld test our
system by evaluating their usa of it. Accordingly, thQ
TqA system was tailored to the land usa file
oppltcation and installed at City Hall at the and of
1977. It remained there during 1978 and 1979, during
which time it WaS used intormittently as thQ need arose
for ad hoc cuQry to supplement thQ report generation
programs that were already available for the extraction
of information.
Total usage of the system Was less than we had expected
would be the case when We made the decision to proceed
with this application. This resulted from a number of
factors, including a change in mission for the planning
department, a reduction in the number of people in that
dQpartment, a decision tO rebuild the office space
during the period
usage, and a degree of
obsolescence of the data due to the length of
between uodatQS (which were to have been supplied by
the planning department). During 1978 a total
were addressed to
the system,
the total ~as 210. Damerau [9] giVQS thQ distribution
of these quQries by month, and he alSO breaks thQm down
by month into a number of different ¢atQgories.
DamQPaU'S report of
gross performance statistics
for the year 197~, ~nd a similar, as yet unpublished
report of his for 1979, contain a WQaith of data that I
attempt to include
this brief note. Even
though his reports contain a large quantity of
statistical performance data, honorer, there are a lot
of important observations which can only bQ made from a
detailed analysis of the day-by-day transcript of
system usage. An analysis of sequences of related
ouastions is a case in point as is an analysis of the
attempts of users to phrase nQW queriQ5 in response tO
failure of the system to procoss certain SQntances. A
in preperatlon
Plath is concerned
similar issues with
the care
detail which they ~arrsnto Time and SpaCQ
considerations limit my contrlbution in this note tO
just highlighting SOmQ of the major findings of DamQrau
and Plath.
a summary of the 1978 statistics:
Total Queries 788
TQrmination Conditions:
Completed (AnswQr rQachQd) $13 65.1
Aborted (System crash, QtC.) 53 6.7
USQr Cancelled 21 2.7
Program Error 39 ;.9
Parsing Failure 1~7 18.7
Unknown IS 1.9
OthQr ReIQvant Events:
OpQrator Message qS S.7
USQP Message 11 1.~
Word not in Laxicon 119 15.1
Lexical Choice RQsOlvQd by User 119 15.1
'~Nothing in Data Base" AnswQr 61 7.7
The pQrcQntage of successfully processed sQntQnCQS iS
consistent with but slightly smallQr than that of such
other invQstigators as Woods ClO], Bellard and Bierman
[11], and Hershman Qt al [12]. Extreme care should bQ
QxercisQd in intQrprQting any such OVQra~l numbers,
however, and Qvan more garQ must be qxercisQd in
comparing numbers from different studies. LQt me just
mention a few considerations that must be keot in mind
in interpreting the TqA results above.
First of a11, our users t purposes varied tremendously
from day to day and even from question to question, On
one occasion, for QxamplQp a session might bQ devoted
to a serious attempt to extract data needed for a
federal grant proposal, and either the query comolexity
might bQ relatively limited so as to minimize the
changQ of error, or else the questions might be
essentially repetitions of the some query, with minor
variations to select different data. On another
occasion, however, thQ session might be a
demonstration, or i serious attempt to dQtermine th
limits of the systemVs understanding capability, or
even a frivolous OUQry tO Satisfy the user's curiosity
as to the computorls response to a question outside its
area of expertise. (One of our failurQs was the
sQntence, "Who killed C~ck Robin?".)
Our users varied widely in terms of their familiarity
with the contents of the data base. Hone kne. anything
abou~ the internal organization of information (e.g.
ho, the data was arranged into relations), but some had
good knowledge of just what kind of data was stored,
some had limltQd knowledgQ, and some had no knowledge
and even false expQctations as to what knowZQdge was
included in the data base. In addition, thQy varied
widely with respect to the amount of prior experiQnca
they had with the systQm. Initially we provided no
formal trolning in the use of the system, but some users
acquired significant knowledge of the system through
its sustalnQd use over a period of t~me. Something OVQr
half of the total usage was mode by the individuol from
the plannlng department who was responsiblQ for
starting the system up and shutting it down each day.
Usage was also made by other members of the planning
department, bv members of OthQr departments, and by
summer interns.
%t should al~o be noted
the TeA system itself
not stay constant over the two-year period of tasting.
problems werQ encountered, modifications werQ madQ
tO many components of the system. %n particular, the
lexicon, grammar, semantic interpretation fuzes
(attribute grammar rules), and logical form evaluation
functions all QVOlved OVer thQ period ~n question
(continuously, ~ut at a decrQasing rata). The porsQr
and the sQmantic interpreter ghonged little, if any. A
rerun of all sentences, using thQ version of the
grammar thor existed at the conclusion of thQ field
test arogram showed that 50 ~ of thQ sentences which
previously failed ware processed correctly. This is
impressive when
iS observed that a large
~0 ~
sQntQncos which
ungrammatical (SOmQtimes
prQclude human comprehension) or QISQ contain
references to sQmantic concepts OUtside OUr universe of
(land use) discourse.
On the whole, our USQrS indicated they were satisfied
with the
performance of
with them 8t one point during the field test, they
indicated thQy would prefer us to spQnd our time
bringing more of thQir files on linQ (Q.g., the zoning
board of aPPQalS file) rather than to spend more time
providing additional syntactic and associated semantic
capability. Those instances whQro an unsuccessful
query was followed uP by attempts to rephrase the query
SO as to permit its processing showQd few instances
where success was not achieved within three attempts.
This data is obscured somewhat by the fact that users
called us on • few occasions to get advice as to ho~ to
record I query.
other occasions the terminal mQsSagQ
facility WaS invoked for the PUrpose of obtaining
advice, and this lof~ • record in our automatic logging
facility. That facility preserved a record of aLL
traffic between the uservs terminal, the computer, and
our own monitoring terminal (which ~aS not always
turned on or attended), and it included • time stamp for
every Line displayed on the users f terminaL.
A word is in order on tho real time performance of the
system and on the amount of CPU time required. Oamerau
[9] includes a chart which shows ham many queries
required a given number of minutes of real timQ fOP
complete processing.
total elapsed time for •
query Was typically around three minutes (58X of the
sentences ware processed in four minutes or Less).
Slapsad time depended primarily on machine Load and
user behavior at the terminal. The computer on ~hich
the system operated was an IBM System 370/168 with an
attached processor, ~ megabytes of memory and extensive
peripheral storage, operating under the VR/370
operating system. There were typically in excess of ZOO
users competing for PISCUPCeS on the system at the
times when the TQA system was
running during
L978-1979 field tests. Besides queuing for the CPU and
memcry, this system dQVQLOpQd queues fop the IBM 3850
MaSS Storage System, on which tho TqA data base ~ao
Users had no complaint: about reel time response, but
this may have been due to their Procedure for handling
ad hoc quQries prior to the installation of the Tea
system. That procedure caLLed for ad hoc queries to be
coded in RPG by members Of the data Processing
department, and the turnaround time was • matter of
days rathQr than minutes. It is likely that the real
time performance of the system caused users sometimes
to look up data about a specific parcel in a hard copy
printout rather than giving it to the system. ~ueries
were most often of the type requiring statistical
processing of a set of parcels or of the type requiring
a search for the parcel or parcels that satisfied given
search criteria.
The CPU requirements of the system, broken da~n into a
number Of categories, arc aLsc plotted by Oamereu [9].
The typical time tO process a sentenca l~ss ten seconds,
but sentences with Large data base retrieval demands
took up tO i minute. System hardware improvements made
subsequent to the 1778-1777 field tests havQ cut this
processing time approximately in half. Throughout our
davaLopment of the TqA system, ¢onsideratton~ of speed
have been secondary. He have idQntified meny areas in
which racodt~g should produce I dramatic incrqasm in
speed, but thio has been assigned • lesser priority
than basic QnhantQmont of the SyStem and the coverage
Of [ngLish provided through its transformational
Our experiment has sho~n that ~|aLd tasting of question
answering systems provides certain information that is
not otherwise available. The day to day usage of the
system ~S different in many respects fPom usage that
results from controLLed, but inevitably someNhat
artificial, experiments. He did not influence our users
by the wording of problems posed to them because wa gave
them no problems; their requests for information were
solely for their own purposes. Our sample queries that
wa initially exhibited to city employees to indicate
the system ~lO reedy to ba tasted wePe invariably
greeted with mirth, due to the improbability that
anyone would ~snt to know the
(They poked fop Pmassurance that the system would also
answer wreaLw questions). ~a alSO obtained valuable
information on such matters aS haw Long USers persist
in rephrasing queries when they encounter difficulties
Of variouskinds, ho~ succaosful they are in correcting
errors, and what neM errors are Likely to be lade while
Correcting initial errors. ~ hope to discuss these and
ether matters in more detail in the oral version of this
Valuable as our f|ald taste ere, they cannot provide
certain information that must ba obtained from
controlled experiments. Accordingly, ~a hops tO conduct
a comparison of Tea with several formal query Languages
in the neap fUtUrO, using the Latest enhanced version
of the system and carefully controlling such factors as
user training and problem stateloQnt. After teaching a
course in data base management systems at queens
CcLLege and the Pratt Institute, end after running
informal axpQriments there comparing students f relative
success in uoing TqA, ALPHA, relational algebra, qBE,
and SEQUEL, I am convinced that even for educated,
prsgralmlinQ-oriantad users with I fair amount Of
experience in learning i formalL query Languaca, the Tea
sys~ell offers.significant advantages over formal query
~anguages in retrieving data quickly and correctly.
This remains to
proved (or disproved) by conducting
appropriate formal experiments.
[1J Plath,
W. J., Transformational Grammar and
Transformational Parsing in the Request System,
IBM Research Report RC 4396, Thomas J. Watscn
Research Center, Yorktown Heights, H.Y., 1973.
[2] Plath, W. J., String Transformations in the
REQUEST System, American Journal of Computational
Linguistics, Microfiche 8, 197;.
[3] Potrick, S. R., Transformational Analysis, HatuPal
Lanquaqe PPocessino (R. Rustin, ed.), ALgorithmics
Press, 1973.
[4] Knuth, O. E., Semantics of Context-Free Languages,
MQthem~tlcal Systems Theory , ZI, June 1968 2, pp.
[5] Potrick, S. R., Semantic Interpretation in the
Request System, in Computational and Mathematical
Linguistics, Proceeding: of the International
Conference on Computational Linguistics, Piss,
Z7/VIII-I/%X 1973, pp. 585-610.
[6] Gazdar, Go J. M., Phrase Structure Grammar, to
appear in Thq ~ature of Syntactic RecPes~ntation ,
(sdso P. Jacobson and G. K. PuLlum), 1979.
[7] Sresnan, J. W. and gaplan, R. M.,
LoxicaL-FunctionaL Grammar: A Formal System for
Grammatical Representation, to appear in T~
Mental Reprs=entation of Grammatical Relations (J.
W. Bresnan, ed.), Cambridge:
MIT Pross.
C8] Astrahan, M.M.; 8Lasgen, M.W.; Chambqrlin, D.D.;
Eswarln, K.P.; Gray, J.H.; Griffiths, P.P.; King,
W.F.; Lories, R.A.; McJones, J.; Meh~, J.W.;
PutzoLu, G.R.;
I.L.; Wade, B.W.; and
Watscn, V., System R: Relational Approach to
Database Manag~ent, ACM Transactions on Database
Systems, Vo1. 1, No. 21, June, 1976, pp. 97-137.
[9] Oamerau, F. J., The Transformational question
Answering (Tea) System Operational Statistics ®
1978, tc appear in AJCL, June 1981.
[10] Wocds, W. A., Transition Network Grammars, Natural
Lanmuaae Procassinm (R. gustin, ed.), ALgorithmics
Press, 1973.
[11] Btermann, A. W. and Ballard, S. W., To~ard Natural
Language Computation, AJCL,
6, No. 2,
April-June 1980, pp. 71-86.
[12] Hershsan, R. L., Kelley, R. T., and Miller, H. C.,
User Performance with a Natural Language query
Systsm for Colmaand Control, HPRDC TR 7917, Navy
Personnel Research end Development Center, San
Diego, Cal. 92152, January 1979
. grant proposal, and either the query comolexity
might bQ relatively limited so as to minimize the
changQ of error, or else the questions might be
essentially. discourse.
On the whole, our USQrS indicated they were satisfied
with the
performance of
with them 8t one point during the field