extremely knowledgeable in their field One of my favorite spices that they carry is cinnamon from Ceylon I love it because of its floral overtones It is important to know that although spices do not go bad, they lose their volatile oils and fragrance the more they are exposed to air It is best to order them in small amounts to ensure their flavor profiles Source: www.thespicehouse.com CORNSTARCH Cornstarch is the white starch of the corn grain While it is used in cooking as a sauce thickener, we pastry chefs like to incorporate it into some sponge recipes instead of flour because it does not contain any gluten (for recipes such as sponge cake, potato starch would be a good substitute should you run out of cornstarch) Cornstarch is an excellent thickener in pastry creams, contributing a smooth texture because of its lack of gluten It keeps very well at room temperature in an airtight container or in its original box Source: Your local supermarket BAKING SODA Baking soda is a white powder with salty undertones When it reacts with acids in batter it releases carbon dioxide, which then helps the batter to expand Baking soda is mainly used in pound cakes, pancakes, and other types of quick breads It keeps very well at room temperature in an airtight container or in its original box Source: Your local supermarket CREAM OF TARTAR Cream of tartar is a white powder that is a byproduct of wine making ...amounts to ensure their flavor profiles Source: www.thespicehouse.com CORNSTARCH Cornstarch is the white starch of the corn grain While it is used in cooking as a sauce thickener, we pastry chefs like to... container or in its original box Source: Your local supermarket CREAM OF TARTAR Cream of tartar is a white powder that is a byproduct of wine making ... with acids in batter it releases carbon dioxide, which then helps the batter to expand Baking soda is mainly used in pound cakes, pancakes, and other types of quick breads It keeps very well at room temperature in an airtight