microwave it at 50 percent power for about 30 seconds to a minute, and it will turn to liquid again Honey keeps nicely at room temperature in a sealed jar for months; once opened, clean the exterior of the jar carefully after each use so it doesn’t attract ants CORN SYRUP Corn syrup is an inverted sugar, which means that an acid has been added to it This prevents it from hardening or crystallizing Because of its anticrystallizing properties, it is added in small amounts to recipes that involve heating sugar, such as caramel, Italian meringue, and sugar candies, as well as to ice cream and sorbet recipes It absorbs moisture in baked products and helps them to stay moist Corn syrup comes in different flavors, but I recommend that you use the clear version so that it does not change the flavor of your pastries FLOUR: CAKE, ALLPURPOSE, PASTRY, AND BREAD Using a good flour from a reputable source is extremely important, as it is one of our staple ingredients and used in so many of our recipes I recommend King Arthur Flour because it is consistent and of a very high quality All flours contain starch and a certain amount of gluten, which is the protein in wheat The amount of gluten will change from one flour to another In my “Understanding Ingredients” sections I explain the reason for my flour choices Flour has a limited shelf life, so it’s best not to stockpile it Buy what you need for the recipes plus a little extra for the pantry and store it in tightly ... products and helps them to stay moist Corn syrup comes in different flavors, but I recommend that you use the clear version so that it does not change the flavor of your pastries FLOUR: CAKE, ALLPURPOSE, PASTRY, AND... is one of our staple ingredients and used in so many of our recipes I recommend King Arthur Flour because it is consistent and of a very high quality All flours contain starch and a certain amount of. .. and a certain amount of gluten, which is the protein in wheat The amount of gluten will change from one flour to another In my “Understanding Ingredients” sections I explain the reason for my flour choices