School, the only school of its kind in the United States and now recognized as one of the most prestigious pastry schools in the world At the French Pastry School we train pastry chefs and pastry enthusiasts in a kinder and gentler way than my master trained me, but the training is rigorous nonetheless Like my apprenticeship, it is the crucial beginning of a profession for many and it is vital that the students be both inspired and well grounded After nearly two decades of standing at the side of students day in and day out as they learn my craft, I know the particular challenges that each new pastry task poses and can predict with certainty the mistakes students are likely to make A great cookbook can inspire an enthusiastic cook or baker in the same way that a good teacher can It can get you started on the right foot Pastry can be difficult if you don’t understand the way it works That is what I have always strived to help my students understand, and that is what I will show you in the pages that follow Along the way I’ll tell you stories about my life in pastry while I look over your shoulder to make sure you’ve scaled your ingredients and have them at room temperature before you begin a recipe, that you’re not pressing down too hard on the rolling pin when you roll out pie dough, and that you’re using a whisk, not a spatula, when you add the flour to the liquids in your pâte à choux (because if the flour is at all humid and you add it to the liquids, the liquids will prevail and the flour will lump) You’ll learn French classics, but you’ll also learn to make some of the ... decades of standing at the side of students day in and day out as they learn my craft, I know the particular challenges that each new pastry task poses and can predict with certainty the mistakes students are...nonetheless Like my apprenticeship, it is the crucial beginning of a profession for many and it is vital that the students be both inspired and well grounded After nearly two decades of standing at the. .. the flour is at all humid and you add it to the liquids, the liquids will prevail and the flour will lump) You’ll learn French classics, but you’ll also learn to make some of the