698 Author Index Wolff, P., 601 Wolff, P H., 340 Wollowitz, M., 169 Woltz, D J., 512 Wolverton, G S., 558 Wong, A B., 279 Wong, P S., 10, 11 Wong, T S., 159 Wood, B., 14 Wood, J M., 651 Wood, N L., 10, 12, 14 Woodman, G F., 186 Woodruff, G., 408, 414 Woods, D D., 661 Woods, P J., 657 Woods, R P., 299 Woodworth, R S., 294, 298, 317, 327, 328, 508, 509, 514, 517, 652 World Almanac, 661, 664 Worth, L., 65 Wozny, M., 387 Wraga, M., 216, 222 Wright, A A., 411, 430 Wright, C E., 320, 324 Wright, E W., Jr., 13 Wright, J M Von, 14 Wright, P., 661 Wulf, G., 334 Wundt, W., 295 Wurm, A S., 238 Wurm, L H., 529, 531, 549, 566, 587, 590, 602, 604, 606, 608, 610, 612 Wyer, R S., 63 Wyke, M A., 340 Yamanishi, J., 337 Yang, T L., 216, 223 Yantis, S., 270, 272, 273, 274, 275 Yarmey, A D., 488, 658 Yaure, R G., 507, 511 Yeh, Y Y., 277, 516 Yekovich, F R., 580 Yesavage, J A L., 662 Yin, H., 368 Yoder, C., 657 Yonas, A., 224, 229 Yonelinas, A P., Yost, W A., 9, 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 179 Young, A W., 199, 608 Young, D E., 510 Young, E D., 130 Young, L R., 343 Young, M., 219, 220 Young, M J., 220 Young, S L., 34 Youngquist, B A., 222 Yuille, A., 219 Yuille, J C., 481 Yule, P., 643, 645 Yungkurth, E J., 658 Zaal, F., 160 Zaal, F T J M., 220, 221, 226 Zajic, G., 128 Zattara, M., 328 Zarella, M M., 466 Zechmeister, E B., 657 Zeelenberg, R., 462 Zeiler, M D., 378 Zelaznik, H N., 320, 324, 327, 328, 336, 338 Zelinsky, G J., 468 Zemlin, W R., 126, 127 Zheng, J., 143 Ziegler, J., 530, 549 Zierdt, A., 345 Ziessler, M., 504, 506 Zijlstra, G G., 34 Zipser, D., 603 Zohary, E., 111 Zola, D., 558 Zola-Morgan, S., 462, 463 Zorzi, M., 310, 530 Zosh, W., 223 Zubrow, D., 658 Zue, V., 254, 659, 666 Zwaan, R A., 582, 587 Zwitserlood, P., 537 Subject Index 40-Hz hypothesis, 22, 23 50% irregular partial reward schedule, 406 infantile, 493 mood dependence and, 71 repetition priming and, 464 retrograde, 482 Amodal completion, 183, 188–190 Amygdala, 47–48 Analgesia, 42, 43, 47, 48 Analogy, 639 Analysis by synthesis, 541 Ancillary measure, 219 Animal cognition: overview, 399–402 processes, 403–419 See also Pavlovian conditioning Anisotrophy, 159–160 Annual Review of Psychology, 667 Anosognosia, 15–16, 19 Anton’s syndrome, 15 Aphasia, jargon, 19 Appetitive behavior, 39–40, 55 See also Motivation, feeding Applied Experimental Psychology, 654 Arbitrariness, 415 Aristotle, 4, 6, 575 Army Air Force, 654 Articulatory phonology, 242 Artificial intelligence (AI), 17, 551, 586 Aspect graph theory, 205 Aspect ratio, 204 Aspiration, 241 Associability, 371 Associationist psychology, 20–21 Associative network model, 63 Asynchronous discrete coding model, 297 Asynchrony, negative, 331 Attention: memory and, 431–432 overview, 269–270, 287–288 processing, 280–287 selection, 270–280 tasks, 307–309 Attentional blink, 286–287 Attentional dwell time, 281, 286–287 Attractiveness, sexual motivation and, 51 Audition: auditory nerve, 128–130 central auditory nervous system, 130–131 complex vibrations, 122–123 decibels, 124 discrimination, 134 earwitness testimony, 657–658 future research in, 142–144 inner ear, 126–128 localization effects of precedence, 136 Absolute frequency judgment tasks, 478 Accessibility principle, 492 Accommodation, 214, 584 Acoustic theory, 253 Acquisition-focused models, 370–371 ACT* model, 453–454 declarative memory and, 500 Acta Psychologica, 659 Action selection: applications, 310–312 changes in, 310 history, 294–295 models of, 295–297 overview, 293–294, 312 psychological measures of, 297–298 speed-accuracy trade-off, 297 stimulus information, 298–307 Action space, 220 Active filler strategy, 533 Adjusting-delay procedure, 381 Aerial perspective, 215 Affect infusion model (AIM): mood congruence and, 65–66, 67–68, 70 mood dependence and, 73, 74–75 Affect-as-information (AAI) model, 64 Affine transformation, 220 Affordances, theory of, 194 Aging, psychology of, 662–663 Agnosia: apperceptive, 199 associative, 199 visual, 199 Alcoholism, mood dependence and, 71 Algorithm, 643 context and domain specific, 635 edge-detection, 185 problem solving and, 638 social-contract, 632, 636–637 Alien hand syndrome, 15 Alliesthesia, 37, 38 Alzheimer’s disease, 25, 464 episodic memory and, 478 American Psychological Association (APA), 650, 651, 652, 666–667 American Psychological Society, 651–652, 667 Amnesia, 15 anosognosia and, 19 anterograde, 482 repetition priming and, 461 childhood, 486, 489 consciousness and, 16 implicit memory and, 7, 12 699 700 Subject Index Audition: (Continued) lateralization vs., 135–136 models of sound, 135 in three-dimensional space, 134–135 masking, 132–133 temporal, 133–134 middle ear, 125–126 outer ear, 125 reflections, 124 reverberation, 124 simple vibrations, 122 sound codes, 554–557 sound propagation, 123–124 sound shadows, 124 sound source determination, 121–122 source segregation, 136 common modulation, 140–141 models/theories of, 141–142 onsets and offsets, 140 pitch and timbre, 138–139 spatial separation, 137–138 spectral profile, 139 spectral separation, 136 temporal separation, 136–137 standing waves, 124 temporal modulation transfer functions, 134 thresholds of, 131–132 Auditory enhancement theory, 253 Auditory stream analysis, 136–137 Augmentation, 365 Aural harmonics, 132, 133 Autism, theory of mind and, 408 Autobiographical-event generation, 77 Automaticity, instance theory of, 500 Aviation, 662, 664 psychology, 659–660 Avoidance conditioning, 378 Axis curvature, 204 Band-reject noise, 132–133 Barber-pole effect, 216 Bartlett, Sir Frederic, 653–654 Batesian mimicry, 41 Bats: animal cognition and, 402 spatial learning, 412 audition and, 131, 143 Bayes’s rule, 101, 104–105 Bear, polar, 51–52 Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST), 48 Bees, animal cognition and, 402 language learning, 414 perception, 403 spatial learning, 412, 414 Behavior regulation theory, 387 Behavioral and Brain Science, Behavioral contrast, 384 Behavioral momentum theory, 386 Behaviorism, 5, 399 Bereitschaftspotential, 322 Bewegungsgestalten, 336 Bimanual tasks, 338 Binding: criterion, 115 problem, 9, 21, 111 Biological intelligence, 357–358 Bipolar disorder, 71, 79 Birds: animal cognition and, 402–403 discrimination learning, 404 interval timing, 410 memory, 410, 411 numerical abilities, 407 perception, 403 serial learning, 406 spatial learning, 412, 413 audition and, 142 fear motivation and, 42–43 instrumental conditioning and, 383 reinforcement delay, 385 object identification and, 195 Pavlovian conditioning and, 359, 363– 364, 370 sexual motivation and, 49 Birmingham, Henry, 654 Bisection procedure, 410 Bisiach, Edoardo, 18–19 The Black Cloud, 229 Blau, Ben Ami, 654 Blindness: aids for, 167–168 change, 281–282 consciousness and, 15 haptic space perception and, 159–160 inattentional, 10, 12, 14 repetition, 287 two-dimensional patterns and, 162 Blindsight, 18 lesions and, 334 Blindwalking, 221–222 Bliss points, 387 Blocking, 364–365 acquired behavior and, 373 instrumental conditioning and, 378 practice schedules and, 511 retrospective revaluation and, 369 Boeing, 656 Bottom-up factors, 273 Boundary assignment, 186 Boundary paradigm, 561 Boundary rules, 187 Bounded rationality, 640 Bower, Gordon, 70 Braille, 161, 167, 662 haptic memory and, 166 Briding, 584 Buchanan, Pat, 293 Buffer model, 436, 437 Burmese red junglefowl, 39–40 Bush, George W., 293 Calibration, 329, 330–331 Camouflage, 41, 182 Cancer, 661 Capacity-constrained construction integration (CCCI) model, 589 Care Automatic Virtual Environment (CAVE), 230 Cartesian Theater, 21 Cascade: model, 296–297, 305 processing, 538 Catch theory, 104 Subject Index Categorical perception, 256, 258 Categorical syllogisms See Syllogisms, categorical Categorization: explanation of, 600–602 future of, 615–616 language and, 613–615 overview, 599–600 perception and, 611–613 representation, 602–611 Cathexes, 38 Cats, 43 Central executive, 435 Ceteris paribus rules, 182 figure-ground organization and, 186 Chaining, backward/forward, 515 Change blindness See Blindness, change Chapanis, Alphonse, 654 Cheating detection theory, 632–633, 644 Chickens: Imitation and, 408–409 temperature motivation and, 53 Chicken sexers, Chinese: perceptual span and, 560 word encoding and, 553, 554 Chomsky, Noam, 5, 527–528 Christianity, consciousness and, Chunking, 405, 406, 508, 512, 513 hypothesis, 518 memory and, 411 memory retrieval and, 433 perceptual, 641 short-term memory and, 430 Click, 241 Closed-loop control, 333 Closed-loop process, 317, 320, 328 Closed-loop skill learning, 505 Coarticulation, 239 DIVA model and, 250 frame theory of, 249 lexical/phonotactic knowledge and, 260, 261 speech perception and, 253, 254 gesture theories, 255–256, 257 Cockpit resource management, 660 Cocktail party effect, 137, 138 Cognitive architecture, 626 Cognitive constructivism, 87–88 illusion and veridicality in, 96 modularity and, 95 optical stimulation information and, 91, 92 perception and cognition in, 94 percepts and neurons, 90 representational transformation and, 93 visual system function and, 89 vs computational constructivism, 88 Cognitive effect, 636 Cognitive ethology, 400 Cognitive map, 412–413 Cognitive phase, 500 Cognitive revolution, Cognitive system, vs sensorimotor system, 334–335 Coherence, 581 Cohert visual orienting, 276 Cohesion, 581 Cohort theory, 528–529, 531 Cold-pressor stimulation, 16 Collaborative action-based production system (CAPS), 588, 589 Color, priming and, 11–12 Common fate, 181 Common ground, 584 Communality, 161 Communication, 602 theory of, 111 Comodulation masking release (CMR), 140, 141 Comparator hypothesis, 375 Comparison stimuli, 411 Composite segments, 251 Compound-cue model, 454, 459 Comprehension, text: aspects of, 580–586 memory and, 576–580 models of, 586–589, 589–592 overview, 575–576, 592–593 Computational constructivism, 88–89 modularity and, 95 optical stimulation information and, 92 perception and cognition in, 94 percepts and neurons, 90, 91 representation and, 92–93 transformation and, 93 visual system function and, 89 Concepts See Categorization Concurrent chains, 381, 385, 386 Concurrent schedules, 381 Conditional responses (CRs): fear motivation and, 42 sexual motivation and, 49–50 temperature motivation and, 53 Conditional stimuli (CSs), 35, 418 CS-preexposure effect, 362, 372 fear motivation and, 42 defensive behavior, 47, 48 mood congruence and, 62–63 rate-expectancy theory and, 375 scalar-expectancy theory and, 375 sexual motivation and, 49, 50 stimulus salience and, 360, 362 Conditioned inhibition, 367–368 Conditioned reinforcement, 385 Conditioned taste aversion (CTA), 38 Configurations, consistent/inconsistent, 191 Connectionist theories, 528, 555–556 Consciousness: cognitive functioning, 5–17 conscious content, nonconscious basis of, 13 core, 24 current theories of, 20 definition of, 3–4 disorders of, 14–16 dynamic activity clusters and, 20–21 extended, 24 free will, action, and, 13 function of, 16–17 history of, 4–5 human pathology data, 18–20 implicit memory and, 12–13 overview, 25–26 perception, construction of, 9–11 priming, subliminal and negative, 11–12 701 702 Subject Index Consciousness: (Continued) selective attention and, 14 self and, 24–25 sensory imagery and binding, 21–22, 23 single cell studies, 17–18 subneural structures and, 25 tacit knowledge, acquiring, thalamocortical loops, 22–24 unconscious perception, 7–9, 16 Consolidation, 482 Consonant-vowel (CV) errors, 243 Constituents, 532–533 Constriction degrees (CD), 251 Constriction locations (CLs), 251 Construction-integration (CI) model, 589, 592 Context of reinforcement, 384 Contingent attentional capture hypothesis, 274 Continuity, 401, 417 Continuous dimensions, 201 Continuous recognition test, 478 Contours, illusory/subjective, 190 Contrast reduction, 215 Conversation, comprehension and, 584–585 Conversion disorders, 15 Coordinate systems, 193 Coproduction, 249 Copy behind, 507 Cost minimization, 321 Counter model, 462 Counterconditioning, 366 Counting, explicit, 407 Coupling, motor control and, 340–342 Covariation, 253 compensatory, 335 covariational analysis, 111–112 Craik, J K W., 653–654 Creole, 416, 417, 419 Crick, Francis, 22, 23 Criterion, 114 Cross-training, 517 Cue: competition, 364 cue-to-consequence effect, 361 cue-limited models, 374 cued recall, 477–478 cue-response relations, 514 depth, 214 binocular disparity, 214–215 effectiveness of, 219–220 ocular motor, 214 pictorial, 215–219 distal, 412 intramaze, 412 landmark, 412 negative, 403, 404 no-cue trials, 276 positive, 403, 404 promotion, 219 sexual, 49 Culture, 418 Cutaneous system, 148, 150–151 CYC, 590 CycL, 590 Cyclopean eye, 330 Cycorp, 590 Damasio, Antonio, 24 Dani, 611, 614 Deafness, 143 See also Audition Decay, 431 effects of lag, 458 memory, 428–429, 430 retrieval and, 432 OSCAR model and, 438 semantic priming and, 454, 455 Declarative stage, 500 Decoding, 586–587 Deduction-system hypothesis, 626 Deep concavities, 187 Defensive behavior See under Motivation, fear Deformation, 218 Degraded contingency effect, 362 Degrees-of-freedom problem, 321, 509 Delayed matching to sample (DMTS), 411 Delayed reaction, 410 Delay-reduction theory, 385, 386 Deontic reasoning, 627–628, 644 Department of Transportation, 656 Depression: consciousness and, episodic memory and, 478 mood congruence and, 66–67 mood dependence and, 71, 73 Depth perception See Perception, depth Descartes, 3, Descartes’ Error, 24 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders–Fourth Edition (DSM-IV), 77 Diary studies, 486 Difference-reduction method, 639 Digital computer and information theory, Direct assignment strategy, 533 Direct look-up procedure, 554 Direct realist theory, 255, 256–257 Disability, aids, 661–662 Discrete-trial models, 374 Discrimination learning, theory of, 403–405 Discrimination suppression, 136 Displacement, 415 Display size, 280 Dissociation, 14–16 identity disorders, 15 Distinctiveness, 481 Distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE), 128 DIVA model, 250 Dogs: equivalence classes and, 600 object identification and, 195 Pavlovian conditioning and, 360 temperature motivation and, 53 Domain knowledge, 583 Donders, Frans, 652 Dorsal-lateral periaqueductal gray (dlPAG), 48 Dorsal stream, 334 Drug: addiction, melioration and, 382 therapy, 77 use, consciousness and, Dualism, 4–5 folk models and, Duality of patterning, 415 ... basis of, 13 core, 24 current theories of, 20 definition of, 3–4 disorders of, 14–16 dynamic activity clusters and, 20–21 extended, 24 free will, action, and, 13 function of, 16–17 history of, 4–5... applications, 310–312 changes in, 310 history, 294–295 models of, 295–297 overview, 293–294, 312 psychological measures of, 297–298 speed-accuracy trade-off, 297 stimulus information, 298–307 Action space,... Affect-as-information (AAI) model, 64 Affine transformation, 220 Affordances, theory of, 194 Aging, psychology of, 662–663 Agnosia: apperceptive, 199 associative, 199 visual, 199 Alcoholism, mood