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Pharmacology for dentistry phần 49

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  • Section 5 Autacoids

    • Chapter 5.4 Drugs Used in Cough and Asthma

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This page intentionally left blank (Drugs used in r r e e t t p p a CChh 5.4 1.4 Drugs Used in Cough Pharmacodynamics (Mode of Action of Drugs) and Asthma Cough is a protective reflex which helps in expulsion of respiratory secretion or foreign particles which are irritant to respiratory tract Irritation to any part of respiratory tract starting from pharynx to lungs carried impulses by afferent fibres in vagus and sympathetic nerve to the cough centre in the medulla oblongata Cough may be dry (without sputum or unproductive) or productive (with sputum production) There are certain factors which are responsible for production of cough e.g i Environmental factors: Certain irritant pollutants, dust, smoking, automobile smoke ii Upper respiratory tract infection iii Acute lung infections, asthma and certain pleural diseases e.g pleural effusion iv Chronic pulmonary ailments e.g tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis & lung cancer etc v Drug induced cough The various drugs and their combination used in cough are clasified as in table 5.1.1 PHARYNGEAL DEMULCENTS These are the agents which are generally administered in the form of lozenges, cough drops and cough linctus They produce the soothing action on throat directly and by increasing the flow of saliva and provide symptomatic relief from dry cough EXPECTORANT Expectorants are the drugs which increase the production of bronchial secretion and reduce its viscosity to facilitate its removal by coughing Expectorants can stimulate the expulsion of respiratory secretion either directly or reflexly Certain volatile oils of plant origin such as oil of lemon, anise, eucalyptus by steam inhalation route increase the respiratory secretion by its direct action Another compound, guaiacol, which is obtained from wood creosote or synthetically prepared, directly increase bronchial secretion and syrup tolu (Tolu balsum) act in same way The second type is reflex expectorant, which acts by stimulating the gastric reflexes which help to increase the respiratory 230 Section 5/ Autacoids Table 5.4.1: Classification for drugs used in cough I Pharyngeal demulcents Certain lozenges, linctus and cough drops containing glycerine, liquorice and syrups II Expectorants Sodium and potassium citrate  Sodium and potassium acetate 0.3-1 g TDS Used in various preparations as  Potassium iodide expectorant Ammonium chloride & carbonate  Acetylcysteine 3-5 ml of 10-20% (as aerosol) Bromhexine mg TDS (used with ambroxol and cetirizine also) Guaiphenesin 100-300 mg TDS Syrup of Vasaka 2-4 ml TDS Syrup of Tolu 0.3-0.6 g TDS III Antitussive i Opioids Codeine (as linctus) 10-30 mg/day Pholcodeine 10-15 mg/day ii Non-opioids Noscapine 15-30 mg/day Dextromethorphan 10-20 mg/day Pipazethate 40-80 mg/day iii Antihistaminics Chlorpheniramine (PIRITON) 2-5 mg/day Diphenhydramine (BENADRYL) 15-25 mg/day Promethazine (PHENARGAN) 15-25 mg/day secretions Certain salts which are used as emetics, when used in subemetic dose, increase the bronchial secretion and expel it out, they are known as saline expectorants Ammonium salts (as chloride and carbonate) are gastric irritant in nature and reflexly increase bronchial secretion Potassium salts (as iodide) act by both direct action and reflexly to increase the respiratory secretions and decrease its viscosity thus they are easy to expel out Potassium iodide is generally used for cough associated with chronic bronchitis and asthma but it interferes with thyroid function tests, so it is dangerous in patients sensitive to iodine and chronic use can induce hypothyroidism and goitre Sodium and potassium citrate and acetate act by increasing bronchial secretion by their salt actions Certain alkaloids such as vasicine obtained from plant Adhatoda vasica act as potent expectorant and mucolytic agent Bromhexine, a derivative of vasicine depolymerises mucopolysaccharides directly and by liberating lysosomal enzymes Another compound acetylcysteine opens disulfide bonds in mucoproteins present in sputum and decrease its viscosity Carbocisteine acts in same manner Drugs Used in Cough and Asthma Erdosteine is recently introduced mucolytic with unique protective functions for the respiratory tract It is indicated in the treatment of acute and chronic airway diseases such as bronchitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, laryngopharyngitis and exacerbations of chronic bronchitis 231 ANTIHISTAMINICS Many H1 antihistaminics have been added to antitussive/expectorant formulations They not act on cough centre but provide relief due to their sedative and anticholinergic action BRONCHODILATORS ANTITUSSIVES They are central cough suppressants and act centrally to raise the threshold of cough centre and inhibit the cough reflex by suppressing the coordinating cough centre in the medulla oblongata They are mainly used in dry (unproductive) cough and are ineffective in cough due to pleural disease Codeine, which is an opium alkaloid is most commonly opiate used as antitussive and more selective for cough centre Like morphine, it depresses cough centre but is less constipating and abuse liability is low It is relatively safe drug used in cough along with analgesic property and it’s only important adverse effect is constipation Pholcodeine is similar to codeine in efficacy and is longer acting It has no analgesic or addicting property Noscapine is another opium alkaloid of benzylisoquinoline group It is used as antitussive with no analgesic and drug abuse or drug dependence property It is contraindicated in asthmatic patients as it releases histamine which can cause bronchoconstriction Dextromethorphan is a synthetic compound and its dextroisomer is used as antitussive and is as effective as codeine without any addiction liability Pipazethate is another synthetic compound of phenothiazine category used as antitussive with little analgesic and sedative properties Bronchodilators are helpful in individuals with cough and bronchoconstriction due to bronchial hyperreactivity They help by improving the effectiveness of cough in clearing secretions ANTIASTHMATIC AGENTS BRONCHIAL ASTHMA Asthma is a disease characterized by an increased responsiveness of the trachea and bronchi to a variety of stimuli and manifests as narrowing of the airways that changes in severity either spontaneously or as a result of therapy The impairment of air flow in asthma is caused by three abnormalities: a Constriction of bronchial smooth muscle (bronchoconstriction) b Swelling of bronchiolar mucosa (bronchial edema) c Excessive bronchial secretions The drugs used in management of bronchial asthma can be classified as in table 5.4.1 SYMPATHOMIMETICS β2-agonists are invariably used in the symptomatic treatment of asthma Epinephrine and ephedrine are structurally related to the catecholamine norepinephrine, a neu- Section 5/ Autacoids 232 Table 5.4.2: Classification for antiasthmatic drugs I Bronchodilators i Sympathomimetics (adrenergic receptor agonists) Adrenaline, ephedrine, isoprenaline, orciprenaline, salbutamol, terbutaline, salmeterol, bambuterol etc ii Methylxanthines (theophylline and its derivatives) Theophylline (THEOLONG) Hydroxyethyl theophylline (DERIPHYLLIN) Theophylline ethanolate of piperazine (CADIPHYLLATE) 200-400 mg TDS 250-500 mg/day oral/IM/IV 250-500 mg/day oral/IV iii Anticholinergics Atropine methonitrate (BROVON INHALANT) Ipratropium bromide (IPRATOP) 2.5-10 mg/day oral/IM, 1-2 mg (aerosol) 40-80 µg day (aerosol) II Mast cell stabilizer Sodium cromoglycate (CHROMOTOP) mg by aerosol TDS-QID, 2% nasal spray (FINTAL) 1-2 mg/day Ketotifen (AIRYFEN) III Corticosteroids Beclomethasone dipropionate (BACLATE INHALER) Beclomethasone (200 µg) with salbutamol (AEROCORT ROTACAPS) rotacaps TDS-QID IV Leukotriene pathway inhibitors (newer compounds) Montelukast (MONTAIR) Zafirlukast (ACCOLATE) 10 mg HS 20 mg/day rotransmitter of the adrenergic nervous system They also protect effectively against the challenge with various bronchoconstrictor agents and may inhibit microvascular leakage into the airway β2-agonists are the drug of choice to relieve acute exacerbation of asthma and prevent bronchoconstriction following exercise or other stimuli After inhalation the β2-agonists have rapid onset of action (within minutes), but are active only for to hours Their adverse effects are dose-related and are more common after oral than aerosol administration because of the manifold higher dose required for oral drugs Some of the important β2-agonists like salmeterol, 100-200 µg TDS-QID terbutaline and salbutamol are invariably used as bronchodilators both oral as well as aerosol inhalants Salmeterol is long-acting analogue of salbutamol in which the amine substituent is a long lipophilic chain, but found to be slower in achieving the peak bronchodilatation effect The detailed pharmacology is discussed in chapter ‘Adrenergic Agents’ Specific agents used in bronchial asthma are discussed here SALBUTAMOL It is highly selective β2-adrenergic stimulant having a prominent bronchodilator action It has poor cardiac action compared ... but are active only for to hours Their adverse effects are dose-related and are more common after oral than aerosol administration because of the manifold higher dose required for oral drugs Some... unproductive) or productive (with sputum production) There are certain factors which are responsible for production of cough e.g i Environmental factors: Certain irritant pollutants, dust, smoking,... table 5.1.1 PHARYNGEAL DEMULCENTS These are the agents which are generally administered in the form of lozenges, cough drops and cough linctus They produce the soothing action on throat directly

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 23:03


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