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Altarriba, J., 456, 457, 458, 562 Altmann, G T M., 534, 535 Altschuler, R., 130, 131 Amazeen, E L., 154, 158 American Psychiatric Association, 77 Ames, C T., 276, 281 Amorim, J -A., 221 Amorim, M A., 503 Anand, S., 335, 343 Andersen, G J., 218 Anderson, B L., 191 Anderson, D., 129 Anderson, J R., 437, 453, 454, 500, 506, 507, 517, 518, 602, 603, 605, 635, 640 Anderson, M C., 490 Anderson, R C., 586 Anderson, T A., 134, 136, 138, 143 Andre, A D., 311 Andreae, J H., 333 Andrusiak, P., 577 Antonini, T., 537 Anzai, Y., 513 Anzola, G P., 299 Aparicio, J., 380 Appelle, S., 160 Arcediano, F., 366 Armstrong, L., 159 Arnell, K M., 286, 287 Arnold, K., 330 Aronson, E., 228 Asch, S E., 193 Aschersleben, G., 331, 332 Asendorpf, S B., 408 Ashbridge, E., 613 Ashbrook, P W., 65 Ashby, F G., 280, 284, 433, 605, 607, 608, 609 Ashby, J., 564 Ashmead, D H., 222 Assmann, P F., 138 Astley, S L., 405 Atak, J R., 386 Atchley, P., 273 Athènes, S., 321 Atkeson, C G., 325 Atkins, P., 555 Atkinson, R C., 437, 500, 657 Atran, S., 601 Attneave, F., 111 Au, T K., 614 Audet, C., 452 Auer, E T., 168 Austin, G A., 603, 604, 611 Ausubel, D P., 581 Averbach, E., 425 Avons, S E., 431 Ayers, M S., 483 Ayoub, M M., 661, 662 Ayres, J J B., 377 Ayres, T J., 427, 431 Azorlosa, J L., 365 Baars, B., 245 Baayen, R H., 528, 531 Baba, D M., 339, 340 Bacon, W F., 273, 274, 275, 276 677 Baddeley, A D., 71, 423, 429, 435, 436, 437, 486, 505, 588, 667 Bader, C R., 128 Bader, M., 536 Badgio, P C., 285 Bahcall, D O., 279 Bai, D L., 228 Bailey, J M., 419 Bailey, R., 514 Bain, J D., 433 Baird, J C., 96, 222 Baird, J W., 650 Baker, A G., 362, 374 Bakker, F C., 332 Balakrishnan, J D., 161 Balaz, M A., 364, 365, 373, 378 Baldissera, F., 338 Baldo, J V., 305 Baldock, M D., 361 Balleine, B., 380 Ballesteros, S., 161, 167, 467 Balota, D A., 457, 458, 481, 484, 518, 553, 556, 561, 562, 563, 564, 569 Balsam, P D., 375 Band, G P H., 508 Bandomir, C A., 155 Banks, M S., 220, 227, 228 Banks, W P., 272, 283 Bara, B G., 629 Barac-Cikoja, D., 158 Barber, D., 667 Barber, P., 160 Barclay, C D., 225 Barclay, C R., 491 Bard, C., 328, 330, 331, 334 Bardy, B G., 228 Bareket, T., 516, 656, 659 Barlow, H., 110, 111 Barlow, H B., 91 Barnes, H J., 321, 323 Barnet, R C., 368, 371, 376 Baron, J., 552, 555, 625, 667 Baron, S., 660 Baron-Cohen, S., 407 Barr, R A., 662 Barraza, J F., 107, 108 Barrow, H G., 88 Barry, G., 533 Barsalou, L W., 491, 600, 601, 602, 608, 611, 612 Bartlett, F C., 479, 491, 581, 654, 655 Barto, A G., 372, 374 Bartram, D J., 197 Barwise, J., 576 Bashore, T R., 508 ... forms of sensory discrimination Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 26–42 Wenger, M J., & Payne, D G (1995) On the acquisition of mnemonic skill: Application of skilled memory theory Journal of Experimental... long-term blindness Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2, 91–106 Wembridge, E R (1918) Obscurities in voting upon measures due to double-negative Journal of Applied Psychology, 2, 156–163... growth of core regions in the third world Scientific American, 252(4), 42–49 Shaw, J S III (1996) Increases in eyewitness confidence resulting from postevent questioning Journal of Experimental Psychology: