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410 THE (HINA STUDY Food and Nutrition Board (ofNAS), 255, 306-14 Food Guide Pyramid, 312, 313 food industry influence of, 289-90, 310-13 marketing, xv, 292-95 misuse of scientific information, 8, 303 nutrition education, 328 food labels, 314 Food Stamp program, 312 Food Studies Institute, 318 Foster, E M., 290 Framingham Heart Study, 114-15, 220-21 free radicals, 92, 214-17, 219-20 fruit industry, 302-3 fruits, 92-93, 98 G garlic, 252 General Nutrition, Inc , 269-70 genetic predisposition to disease, 2, 233-35 breast cancer, 158, 161-62 cancer, 71,85,88-89 diabetes, 188-90 heart disease, 116 large bowel cancer, 176 multiple sclerosis, 197-98 nutrition, 23 obeSity, 140 See also BRCA and Gentry, Marilyn, 262 geographic distribution of diseases, 363, 363-64 Alzheimer's disease, 219 autoimmune diseases, 184, 199-200 cancer, 70 cognitive impairment, 219 kidney stones, 212 large bowel cancer, 169 multiple sclerosis, 195 osteoporosis, 204-5 Glaucon, 344-45 gluten, 59 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 234 government dietary recommendations, 305-10,313 confusion, 281-84 dangers of, 131-33 dietary fat, 83-84, 306-8 McGovern report, 252-53 protein, 58, 258 , 306-9 resistance to change, 262-63 sugars, 306-8 vitamin supplements, 288 Graves' disease, 199 H Haiti, 34 Harper, Alf, 255-61, 265 Hashimoto thyroiditis, 199 HBV (hepatitis B virus) , 62-65, 64, 104 He, Youping, 66, 301 health and nutrition, 22-24, 105-7, 250, 305 health care industry, 289, 324-27 health care system, 15-19, 16, 18 Healthy Greens, 269-70 Heart and EstrogenlProgestin Replacement Study (HERS), 166 heart disease, 15 about, 112-14 alcohol, 281 among American soldiers, 112 arterial blood flow, 128 blood cholesterol, 114-15 casein, 294 death rates, 111-12, 115-17, 116 diet and nutrition, 3, 117-19, 120, 282,348-49 Framingham Heart Study, 114-15 genetic predisposition to, 116 hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 167 risk factors, 114, 189 scientific studies, 112, 114-15, 117-19,324 survival rate, 118 treatments, 122 in the United States, 79,111-12,123 INDEX vitamin C, 94 See also diseases of affluence heart transplants, 122 Hegsted, Mark, 208, 262 Heidrich, Ruth, 23 hemoglobin, 91 hepatitis B virus (HBV), 62-65, 64, 104 high-carbohydrate diet, 97-99, 149-55, 153 high-fat diet, 99-102, 258 high-fiber diet, 149-55, 153 high-protein diet, 19,95-97,223 breast cancer, 65 calorie consumption, 99-102 fatigue, 352 government dietary recommendations, 308-9 HBV (hepatitis B virus), 63-65 liver cancer, tumor development, 60-61 See also casein Himsworth, Harold P., 149 Hippocrates, 345 Hoffman, Frederick L., 345 holistic approach to health, 238-40 homocysteine, 221 Horio, Fumiyiki, 57 hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 166-67 hormones (reproductive) breast cancer, 87-88, 160, 164, 167-68 diet, 160-61 environmental chemicals, 165-66 hot dogs, 44-46 HRT (hormone replacement therapy), 166-67 Hu, F.B., 286 Hu,Jifan,63 IGF-l (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), 179,367 immune system, 184-87 diabetes, 187 See also autoimmune diseases 411 INCA-PARINA, 32 India, 5, 36-37, 47 insulin See diabetes Insulin-like Growth Factor (IGF-l), 179 International Life Sciences Institute, 311 International Sprout Growers Association, 290 Intolerable Risk: Pesticides in Our Children's Food (NRDC report), 43 iron, 90-91 J James, Phillip, 309-10 Japan, 150 Johnson and Johnson, 289 Jukes, Tom, 256-57, 260 juvenile-onset diabetes See diabetes juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, 199 K Kassler, William, 328 Kennedy, Eileen, 318 Keys, Ancel, 121 kidney stones, 3, 211-14, 213, 349 King, Ken, 34 Kraft Foods, Inc , 289, 299 L Laetrile, 252 large bowel cancer, 91-92 calcium, 174-75 death rates, 169,169 diabetes, 174 diet and nutrition, 170, 170-71, 283-84 exercise, 175 fiber, 170-74 genetic predisposition to disease, 176 geographic distribution, 169 scientific studies, 170-74 in South Africa, 172-74, 173 Lewis, Carl, 23 Li,Junyao,72 lifestyle changes, 129-30, 153-55,24248,346 412 THE CHINA STUDY Lifestyle Heart Trial (Lifestyle Project), 129-30 linoleic acid, 296-99 liver cancer aflatoxin poisoning, 21, 35-36, 49 blood cholesterol, 104 casein, 63, 63-65, 64 in China, 104 HBV (hepatitis B virus), 62-65, 63, 64, 104 nutrition, 66 protein,S, 36-37, 47 local theory of disease, 343-44 low-carbohydrate diet See high-protein diet low-cholesterol diet, 117-19 low-fat diet, 164-65 calorie consumption, 99-102 diabetes, 149-55 foods, 275-76 heart disease, 117-19 multiple sclerosis, 195 scientific studies, 129-30 low-protein diet aflatoxin, 53 calorie consumption, 99-102 cancer development, 53 HBV (hepatitis B virus), 63-65 tumor development, 60-61 lung cancer, 189 lupus, 199 lutein, 217 lycopene,93,300-302 Lyman, Howard, xiii-xiv, 27 lysine, 32 M Macilwain, George, 343-44 macronutrients, 29 macular degeneration, 215-17 mammary cancer See breast cancer mammography, 163 marketing strategies, xv; 292-95 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 32 McCay, Major, 29 McDonald's, 258, 274, 289 McDougall, John, 324, 329-32, 334-38 McDougall Plan, The, 324 McGovern, George, 83, 252-53 Mead Johnson Nutritionals, 312 meat, 28 See also animal-based diet; animalbased protein meat industry, 255-68, 290-98 See also food industry mechanisms of action, 41, 199-200 medical care See health care system medical industry alternative medicine, 252 resistance to change, 267, 324-27, 339 medical journals, 333 Medical Nutrition Curriculum Initiative, 328 medical schools, 328-35 Medicare, 313 menarche, 87-88,160 menopause, 87-88, 160, 160,167-68 menstruation, 87, 160 metabolic rate, 142 metanalysis, 41 micronutrients, 29 milk autoimmune diseases, 186 diabetes, 187-94, 190 diet and nutrition, 30 marketing strategies, 292-95 multiple sclerosis, 196, 197 See also casein; dairy foods; dairy industry minerals, 29 MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), 32 mixed function oxidase, 51 M&M Mars Co., 310 molds See aflatoxin molecular mimicry, 186 Morrison, Lester, 117-19 Moses, Edwin, 23 Mulder, Gerhard, 27 Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project, 130 413 IN 0EX multiple sclerosis, 194-98, 196, 197, 337 See also autoimmune diseases Multiple Sclerosis International Federation, 201 myasthenia gravis, 199 myelin, 195 N N-nitroso-methylurea (NMU), 65 Nader, Ralph, 46 Nakajima, Hiroshi, 348 National Academy of Sciences (NAS) Diet, Nutrition and Cancer (report) , 83-84,255,260-61,269 Food and Nutrition Board, 255 Toward Healthful Diets (report), 258 National Cancer Institute, 315 National Cattlemen's Beef Association, 299, 328 National Cholesterol Education Program, 131-32 National Dairy Council, 264, 290-91, 299 , 312, 328 National Dairy Promotion and Research Board,290 National Fluid Milk Processor Promotion Board,290 National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute , 315 National Institutes of Health (NIH), 47-48,314-17, 315 National Multiple Sclerosis Society, 194 National Research Council, 327 National Watermelon Promotion Board, 291 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) , 43 Navratilova, Martina, 23 nervous system, 194-95 Nestle, 312, 328 Newberne, Paul, 37 NIH (National Institutes of Health), 47-48,314-17, 315 nitrites, 44 nitrosamines, 45-46 NMU (N-nitroso-methylurea), 65 Northeast Dairy Foods Research Center, 299 NRDE (Natural Resources Defense Council), 43 Nurses' Health Study, 272-80, 284-88, 316 nutrition autoimmune diseases, 237 blood cholesterol, 80-81 cancer, 50, 60-61 , 181-82, 260-61 , 271 in China, 21-22, 74, 73-74, 358 confusion, xv, 1, 19-20,224, 250, 281-84 cost benefits, 24 dietary fat, 81-82 disease prevention and cure, 23, 109-10,182, 236-37 , 260,316, 343-46 education, 317-18, 327-29 effect on health, 3, 7, 22-24, 105-7, 305,335 environmental chemicals, 235 exercise, 142-43 food interactions, 226-28 genetic predisposition to disease, 23 government dietary recommendations, 131-33 , 307 government funding of research , 315 industry influence, 311-13 liver cancer, 66 physician ignorance about nutrition, 327-29 in schools, 317-18 scientific or research committees, 253-68 tumor development, 66 in the United States, 273-74, 273-78, 276-77, 358 See also diseases of affluence; diseases of poverty Nutrition in Medicine, 328 nutrition programs Philippines, 33-35 414 THE CHINA STUDY o obeSity, 13-14, 13-14, 135-38, 140 O'Connor, Torn, 66, 270 Olson, Bob, 255-60, 265 omega-3 fatty acids, 281-82 oranges, 302-3 amish, Dean, 129-33 osteoporosis, 21,180-81 , 204-11,207, 209, 329,349 ovarian cancer, 162 P PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons) , 165-66 Palmer, Sushma, 262 pancreatic cancer, 66 pangamic acid, 252 Papua New Guinea, 115 parathyroid hormone, 365 Pariza, Michael, 290 , 297-98 Parkinson's disease, 199 PCBs, 165-66 peanuts and peanut butter, 34-36 Peto , Sir Richard, 72, 85 , 355 Pfizer, 289, 312 pharmaceutical industry, 8, 289, 316-17, 332-34 Philippines,S, 21, 33-35 photosynthesis, 92 physicians confusion of, 2, 334 ignorance about nutrition, 327-29 nutrition education, 327-29, 335 pharmaceutical industry, 332-34 resistance to change, 324-27, 331, 336,339 See also medical schools Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, 312 plant-based diet Alzheimer's disease, 219-20 autoimmune diseases, 349 blood cholesterol, 80-81 calorie consumption, 141 cancer, 348-49 cataracts, 217 cognitive impairment, 219-20, 349 colon cancer, 283-84 comparison with animal-based diet, 358 diabetes, 149-50, 349 dietary fat, 83 disease prevention, 203-4 environmental benefits, 239-40 eye diseases, 349 fiber, 90-91 , 172 health benefits of, 21, 73-74, 348-50 heart disease, 117-19, 348-49 hormones (reproductive), 160, 160-61, 164-65 kidney stones, 349 large bowel cancer, 170-71 macular degeneration, 215-17 menopause, 167 metabolic rate, 142 nutrition, 230, 230-32 osteoporosis, 349 school lunch program, 318 scientific studies, 126-27, 129-30, 203-4 stroke, 220-21 throughout history, 344-45 weight loss, 138-42 what to eat, 141,242-48,243 plant-based protein blood cholesterol, 80 cancer, 6, 59-60 in China, 274 health benefits of, 30-31 heart disease, 119 tumor development, 66 in the United States, 274 See also gluten; soy protein plant food industry, 300-302 See also food industry plaque, 112-14 Plato, 344-45 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), 165-66 polyps, 175-76 pooled analysis, 284-85 1i I l ... replacement therapy (HRT), 166- 67 hormones (reproductive) breast cancer, 87-88, 160, 164, 167-68 diet, 160-61 environmental chemicals, 165 -66 hot dogs, 44-46 HRT (hormone replacement therapy), 166- 67... 412 THE CHINA STUDY Lifestyle Heart Trial (Lifestyle Project), 129-30 linoleic acid, 296-99 liver cancer aflatoxin poisoning, 21, 35-36, 49 blood cholesterol, 104 casein, 63, 63-65, 64 in China, ... Nutrition in Medicine, 328 nutrition programs Philippines, 33-35 414 THE CHINA STUDY o obeSity, 13-14, 13-14, 135-38, 140 O'Connor, Torn, 66, 270 Olson, Bob, 255-60, 265 omega-3 fatty acids, 281-82 oranges,

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 22:56