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Index 7,12-dimethybenz(a)anthracene (DBMA),65 A academia, 311-13 acrylamide, 235 additives, food, 253 adverse drug reactions, 16, 335 affluence, diseases of See diseases of affluence aflatoxin, 5,236 binding to DNA, 51-53 children, 36 in com, 35-36 foci development, 54,59 liver cancer, 21, 35-36, 49 low-protein diet, 53 in peanuts and peanut butter, 35-36 protein, 51-59 tumor development, 60-61 Agriculture, United States Department of,28 Alar, 43 alcohol, 281 alternative medicine, 252, 334 Alzheimer's disease, 218-22 See also cognitive impairment American Cancer Society, 263-64, 267 American Council on Science and Health (ACSH),259-60 American Diabetes Association, 152 American Heart Association, 131 American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), 261-67 American Meat Institute, 290 amino acids, 29-30 aminotriazole, 44 Anderson, james, 151 , 154 Angell, Marcia, 316-17, 333-34 angina, 113 angioplasty, 122, 124 animal-based diet, 21, 28 antioxidants, 92 blood cholesterol, 77-78, 80-81 breast cancer, 85-89, 285 calorie consumption, 367 comparison with plant-based diet, 358 diabetes, 149-50 dietary fat, 83, 86 government promotion of, 258 heart disease , 11 7-19 historical baSis, 344-45 hormones (reproductive) , 88, 160, 160-61 IGF-l (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1), 179 large bowel cancer, 170, 170-71 nutrition, 230, 230-32 prostate cancer, 178 tumor development, 66-67 in the United States, 274, 276-78 405 406 THE CHINA STUDY vitamin D, 179-81 See also dairy foods animal-based protein biomarkers, 88-89 blood cholesterol, 80, 173 calcium, 205 cancer, 367 in China, 274 dietary fat, 276-78, 278 heart disease, 119 , 120 IGF-l (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1),367 kidney stones, 212-14,213 osteoporosis, 205-8 quality of protein, 30 in the United States, 274 urinary calcium, 206, 214 vitamin D, 200, 365-67, 366 animal experimentation, 45 , 48, 62-64, 67,351-52 animal foods industry, 252, 255-68 See also food industry antigens, 185-86 antioxidants, 3, 66, 92-93, 214-17, 219-20, 301-2 Applebaum, Howard, 258 apples, 43 Appleton, Scott, 54 arthritis, 199, 210,338 artificial sweeteners, 44 ascorbic acid, 93 atherosclerosis, 117 Atkins Center for Complementary Medicine, 96-97 Atkins Diet See high-protein diet Atwater, Wilbur 0., 28 Auburn University, 32 autoimmune diseases, 183-87, 184, 199201,237,349 See also diabetes; multiple sclerosis Autret, M., 33 B B-cells, 185 Bauman, Dale, 297-98, 300 Baxter Healthcare Corporation, 328 beta-amylOid, 219, 221 beta-carotene, 93, 94, 229 biomarkers, 21, 88-89, 94, 199 blood cholesterol, 77, 106-7 animal-based protein, 80, 173 breast cancer, 87 cancer, 78-79 diabetes, 149-55, 152, 154 diet and nutrition, 80-81 heart disease, 114-15 liver cancer, 104 blood sugar See diabetes BMD (bone mineral density), 210 BMI (body mass index) , 100, 135-36, 136 body fat, 78 body mass index (BMI), 100, 135-46,136 body size, 102-4 bone mineral density (BMD) , 210 bovine serum albumin (BSA), 188 BRCA and 2, 158,162 breast cancer alcohol, 281 biomarkers, 21 blood cholesterol, 87 bone mineral density, 210 casein, 65 in China, 70 death rates, 275 diet and nutrition, 65, 84-86, 85-89, 271-83 , 285 dietary fat, 83-89, 84-86, 271-75,275 estrogen, 87-88, 160-61, 164 genetic predispOSition to, 158, 161-62 hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 166-67 hormones (reproductive), 3, 87-88, 160, 164, 167-68 menarche, 87 risk factors, 160, 160-61 scientific studies, 21, 167-68, 272-85 survival rates, 163 tamoxifen, 163-64 in the United States, 71 , 79 See also BRCA and Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, 328 IN 0EX Brokaw, Tom, 258 BSA (bovine serum albumin), 188 Burger King, 312 Burkitt, Denis, 89-91,170-71 Bush, George W, 168, 175-76 C Caedo, Jose, 36 calcitrol, 208 calcium animal-based protein, 205 consumption, 209 large bowel cancer, 174-75 osteoporosis, 209 vitamin D, 179-81,365-67,366 Calloway, Doris, 259 calorie consumption, 99-102,100, 141, 367 Campbell, Chris, 23,121 Campbell, T Colin, xiii-xiv, 4-6, 22, 107, 157, 253-68 cancer animal-based protein, 367 animal experimentation, 351-52 blood cholesterol, 78-79 body size, 102-3 casein, 6, 59, 65, 294 in China, 70-71, 71 death rates, 13, 70-71, 71 dietary fat, 84, 271 fiber, 91-92 genetic predisposition to, 71, 85, 88-89 geographic distribution, 70 gluten, 59 likelihood of developing, 12-13 low-protein diet, 53 nutrition, 50, 60-61, 181-82,260-61, 271 plant-based diet, 348-49 protein, 36-37, 51, 65 scientific studies, 53-67, 84, 181-82, 260-61,351-52 stages of, 48-50, 49 tumor development, 61 vitamin C, 93-94 vitamins, 269 407 See also carcinogens; diseases of affluence; tumor development; specific types of cancer Cancer Atlas Survey, 70-71 carbohydrates, 97-99, 149-55, 174, 306-8 See also high-protein diet carcinogens, 43-47, 49, 52 carotenoid antioxidants, 3, 66, 92-93, 214-20, 301-2 Carroll, Ken, 84, 274-75 casein breast cancer, 65 cancer, 6, 59, 65 , 294 DNA, 65 foci development, 62 HBV (hepatitis B virus), 63-65, 64 heart disease, 294 tumor development, 60-61 See also dairy foods; high-protein diet; protein Castelli, Bill, 79 cataracts, 217 Cattlemen'S Beef Association, 299, 328 Cattlemen's Beef Board, 299 Chef Combo's Fantastic Adventures, 293 chemicals, environmental, 165-66 Chen, Junshi, 67, 69,72, 355 Cheney, Dick, 168 Cheng, Zhiqiang, 63 children aflatoxin poisoning, 36 diabetes, 187-94 obesity in, 135-37 targeted by food industry, 292-95 China breast cancer in, 70 calorie consumption, 99-102 cancer in, 70-71,71 diet and nutrition, 21-22, 74,273-74, 358 HBV (hepatitis B virus), 104 liver cancer in, 104 See also China Study; The China Study, The, 7, 21-22, 69-108, 353-59 408 THE CHINA STUDY Chittenden, Russell, 24 cholesterol See blood cholesterol; dietary cholesterol Chou EnLai, 69 CLA (conjugated linoleic acid), 296-99 Cleveland Clinic, 125, 322-24, 338-41 Coca-Cola, 312 cognitive impairment, 3, 218-22, 349 Cold is Cool, 293 colon cancer See large bowel cancer colonoscopy, 168, 175-76 color (of fruits and vegetables), 92-93 colorectal cancer See large bowel cancer Committee on Nutrition, United States Senate Select, 83 complex carbohydrates, 98 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), 296-99 constitutional nature of disease, 343-44 corn, 35-36 Cornell University, 32 coronary bypass surgery, 122, 123-24 coronary heart disease See heart disease correlation study deSign, 353-59 correlations, 39-40 See also disease associations Council on Agriculture, Science and Technology (CAST), 260-61 Crile, George, Jr., 322 crytoxanthins, 93 cyclamates, 44 D dairy foods autoimmune diseases, 199-201 osteoporosis, 204-5, 208-10 prostate cancer, 3, 178 vitamin D, 179-81 See also animal-based diet; casein; milk dairy industry, 209-10, 255-68, 290-98, 328 See also food industry Dairy Management, Inc., 291-98 Dannon Institute, 311, 328 Dannon Yogurt, 312 Danone Group, 289 DBMA (7, 12-dimethybenz(a)anthracen e), 65 DDT, 44 death, 15-16, 16 death rates breast cancer, 275 cancer, 13, 70-71, 71 in China, 70-71 heart disease, 111-12, 115-17, 116 large bowel cancer, 169, 169 multiple sclerosis, 196 in the United States, 79,111-12 Demas, Antonia, 317-18 dementia, 218-22 Department of Agriculture, 28 diabetes about, 14-15, 145-48 alcohol, 281 among Japanese, ISO blood cholesterol, 149-55, 152, 154 carbohydrates, 149-55 children, 187-94 costs of, 148 diet and nutrition, 3, 148, 149-55, 153,349 dietary fat, 149-55 in Finland, 188, 191 genetic predisposition to, 188-90 immune system, 187 large bowel cancer, 174 lifestyle changes, 153-55 milk, 187-94, 190 rates of, 145, 148 risk factors, 189 scientific controversy, 192-94 scientific studies, 149-53, 188-97 Seventh-day Adventists, 149-50 in the United States, 15, 189 viruses, 190 weight, 149 See also autoimmune diseases; diseases of affluence diet See nutrition; specific diets Diet, Nutrition and Cancer (NAS report), 83-84,255,260-61,269 IN 0EX dietary changes, xvi, 3, 164-65, 181 82, 226,242-48,346 dietary cholesterol, 77-81, 221, 282-83 dietary fat, 66, 78 animal-based diet, 83, 86 animal-based protein, 276-78, 278 breast cancer, 83-89, 84 86, 271-75, 275 cancer, 84, 271 confusion about, 81 82 diabetes, 149-55 in foods, 83 government dietary recommendations, 83-84,306 hormones (reproductive), 88 nutrition, 81 82 plant-based diet, 83 dietary fiber See fiber Dietary Guidelines Committee, 312 dietary intake, 74 dimethybenz(a)anthracene (DBMA), 65 dioxins, 4-5, 165-66 disclosure, need for, 312-l3 disease constitutional nature of, 343-44 prevention through nutrition, 23, 109-10,182,236-37,260,316, 343-46 disease associations, 76, 80, 279, 353-59, 368 diseases of affluence, 76, 76-77, 109-10, 191 , 278-79,347 See also specific diseases diseases of poverty, 76, 76-77, 103 DNA, 51-53, 65, 165-66 Doll, Sir Richard, 85 drug industry See pharmaceutical industry drug reactions, adverse, 16, 335 Dunaif, George, 54 Duvalier, Papa Doc, 34 E ecological study deSign, 353-59 egg industry, 255-68 See also food industry 409 Egg Nutrition Board, 328 eggs, 30, 282 83 Eli Lilly &: Co., 289 Engel, Charlie, 33 environmental chemicals, 2, 165-66, 235 environmental effects of diet, 239-40, 347-48 enzymes, 51-52, 51-53 eosinophilic vasculitis, 199 EPIC study, 172 esophageal cancer, 94 Esselstyn, Caldwell B., Jr , 79, 125-27, 321-27,338-41 essential amino acids, 29-30 essential nutrients, 231 estrogen, 87-88,160-61, 164 See also hormones (reproductive); prolactin exercise, 142-43, 175 eye diseases, 217, 349 F false advertising, 269-70 FAO (United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization), 32-33, 309-10 fat See body fat; dietary fat fatigue, 352 fatty acids, 296 Federal Trade Commission, 270 Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 253 fibe~89-92,90, 170-74 fiber supplements, 153 Finland, 188, 191 fish, 281-82 fish protein, 32, 66 Florida Citrus Commission, 303 Florida Citrus Processors Association, 290 foci, 54-61,55,57, 62 folic acid, 221 food additives or modification, 253, 300 Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), 32-33, 309-10 ... HBV (hepatitis B virus), 104 liver cancer in, 104 See also China Study; The China Study, The, 7, 21-22, 69-108, 353-59 408 THE CHINA STUDY Chittenden, Russell, 24 cholesterol See blood cholesterol;... 282 -83 dietary fat, 66, 78 animal-based diet, 83, 86 animal-based protein, 276-78, 278 breast cancer, 83- 89, 84 86, 271-75, 275 cancer, 84, 271 confusion about, 81 82 diabetes, 149-55 in foods, 83. ..406 THE CHINA STUDY vitamin D, 179-81 See also dairy foods animal-based protein biomarkers, 88-89 blood cholesterol, 80, 173 calcium, 205 cancer, 367 in China, 274 dietary fat,

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 22:56