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Quality in Frozen Food Chapman and Hall, New York, pp 111–140 P1: SFK/UKS BLBS102-c20 P2: SFK BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 13:35 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come 20 Fish Collagen Soottawat Benjakul, Sitthipong Nalinanon, and Fereidoon Shahidi Introduction Collagen Composition and Structure Isolation of Collagen Preparation of Raw Materials Extraction Acid Solubilization Process Pepsin Solubilization Process Recovery of Collagen Characteristics and Properties of Collagens Mammalian Collagen Fish Collagen Protein Components Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Thermal Stability Zeta (ζ ) Potential Invertebrate Collagen Factor Affecting Collagen Properties Applications of Collagen Food Applications Biomedical Applications Pharmaceutical Applications References Abstract: Fish collagen has gained increasing interest as the alternative for mammalian counterpart It can be generally produced from by-products generated during processing of fish and invertebrates The potential raw materials include skin, bone, scale, and so on Types and molecular properties of collagen vary with the source, habitat of fish, extraction process, and other factors In general, collagen can be extracted from collagenous materials at low temperature with the aid of various acids to avoid thermal denaturation To increase the extraction yield, pepsins from mammalian and fish origins, which specifically cleave at telopeptide region, have been used successfully without the changes in molecular properties Fish collagen can be of food, biomedical, and pharmaceutical applications INTRODUCTION Collagen is the fibrous protein of animal connective tissue, contributing to the unique physiological functions of tissues in skins, tendons, bones, cartilages, and so on and is associated with toughness in mammalian muscle (Foegeding et al 1996, Ogawa et al 2003, Muyonga et al 2004, Yan et al 2008, Kittiphattanabawon et al 2010a) The collagen fibers are essentially inextensible and, therefore, provide mechanical strength and also allow flexibility between various organs of the body (Bailey et al 1998) Collagen is widely used in food, biomedical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics, and its consumption has been increasing along with the development of new industrial application (Nalinanon et al 2007, Regenstein and Zhou 2007, Woo et al 2008) Collagen exhibits biodegradability, weak antigenecity, and superior biocompatibility compared with other natural polymers, such as albumin and gelatin (Lee et al 2001) Generally, commercial collagens are produced from bovine and porcine hides and bones Currently, the increasing attention of alternative sources for replacement of mammalian collagen has been paid, especially from seafood processing by-products Fish collagen can be used for Halal and Kosher products for Muslim and Jewish communities, respectively Because of the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopathy and bird flu, the increasing demand of fish collagen has been gained (Jongjareonrak et al 2005, Nalinanon et al 2007, 2008, Regenstein and Zhou 2007, Duan et al 2009, Kittiphattanabawon et al 2010a) Collagen can be extracted from fish skin, scale, and bone Collagen is also found in the body walls and cuticles of invertebrates (Meena et al 1999) With the appropriate extraction technology, collagen from fish or aquatic animals can be used as the potential alternative for mammalian counterpart Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition Edited by Benjamin K Simpson, Leo M.L Nollet, Fidel Toldr´a, Soottawat Benjakul, Gopinadhan Paliyath and Y.H Hui C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc 365 ... composition of fatty acids and fat quality indicators in herring Nahrung /Food 46(6): 383 – 388 Rehbein H 1 988 Relevance of trimethylamine oxide demethylase activity and haemoglobin content of formaldehyde... freezingthawing cycles J Food Qual 26: 285 –2 98 Ueng YE, Chow CJ 19 98 Textural and histological changes of different squid mantle muscle during frozen storage J Agric Food Chem 46: 47 28? ??4733 Undeland I 1997... Macrobrachium rosenbergii J Food Sci 50: 1 187 –1 188 Nip WK, Moy JH 1 988 Microstructural changes of iced-chilled and cooked freshwater prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii J Food Sci 53: 319–322 Ohshima T et