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Toldr´a Background Information Description of the Muscle Enzymes Muscle Proteases Neutral Proteinases: Calpains Lysosomal Proteinases: Cathepsins Proteasome Complex Exoproteases: Peptidases Exoproteases: Aminopeptidases and Carboxypeptidases Lipolytic Enzymes Muscle Lipases Adipose Tissue Lipases Muscle Oxidative and Antioxidative Enzymes Oxidative Enzymes Antioxidative Enzymes Proteolysis Proteolysis in Aged Meat and Cooked Meat Products Proteolysis in Fermented Meats Proteolysis in Dry-Cured Ham Nucleotide Breakdown Glycolysis Lipolysis Lipolysis in Aged Meat and Cooked Meat Products Lipolysis in Fermented Meats Lipolysis in Dry-Cured Ham Oxidative Reactions Oxidation to Volatile Compounds Antioxidants References Abstract: The biochemical changes happening during meat conditioning (aging) were abundantly reported during the 1970s and 1980s It has been in recent decades that more information has been available for the biochemical changes in other products such as cooked, dry-fermented, and dry-cured meats The processing and quality of these meat products have been improved based on a better knowledge of the biochemical mechanisms involved in the genera- tion of color, flavor, and texture The endogenous enzyme systems that play important roles in these processes mainly through proteolysis and lipolysis reactions are described in this chapter Other biochemical reactions like oxidation, glycolysis, and nucleotides breakdown are also described BACKGROUND INFORMATION There are a wide variety of meat products that are attractive to consumers because of their characteristic color, flavor, and texture This perception varies depending on local traditions and heritage Most of these products have been produced for many years or even centuries based on traditional practices For instance, cured meat products reached America with settlers Pork was cured in New England for consumption in the summer Curers expanded these products by trying different recipes based on the use of additives such salt, sugar, pepper, spices, and so forth, and smoking (Toldr´a 2002) Although scientific literature on biochemical changes during meat conditioning (aging) and in some meat products were abundantly reported during the 1970s and 1980s, little information was available on the origin of the biochemical changes in other products such as cooked, dry-fermented, and dry-cured meats The need to improve the processing and quality of these meat products prompted research in the last decades on endogenous enzyme systems that play important roles in these processes, which has been later demonstrated (Toldr´a 2007) It is important to remember that the potential role of a certain enzyme in a specific observed or reported biochemical change can only be established if all the following requirements are met (Toldr´a 1992): (1) the enzyme is present in the skeletal muscle or adipose tissue, (2) the enzyme is able to degrade in vitro the natural substance (i.e., a protein in the case of a protease, a triacylglycerol in the case of a lipase, etc.), (3) the enzyme and substrate Food Biochemistry and Food Processing, Second Edition Edited by Benjamin K Simpson, Leo M.L Nollet, Fidel Toldr´a, Soottawat Benjakul, Gopinadhan Paliyath and Y.H Hui C 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Inc Published 2012 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc 303 P1: SFK/UKS BLBS102-c16 P2: SFK BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 10:54 Trim: 276mm X 219mm 304 Printer Name: Yet to Come Part 3: Meat, Poultry and Seafoods are located close enough in the real meat product for an effective interaction, and (4) the enzyme exhibits enough stability during processing for the changes to be developed DESCRIPTION OF THE MUSCLE ENZYMES There are a wide variety of enzymes in the muscle Most of them have an important role in the in vivo muscle functions, but they also serve an important role in biochemical changes such as the proteolysis and lipolysis that occur in postmortem meat, and during further processing of meat Some enzymes are located in the lysosomes, while others are free in the cytosol or linked to membranes The muscle enzymes with most important roles during meat processing are grouped by families and are described in the succeeding sections Muscle Proteases Proteases are characterized by their ability to degrade proteins, and they receive different names depending on respective mode of action (see Fig 16.1) They are endoproteases or proteinases, when they are able to hydrolyze internal peptide bonds, but they are exopeptidases, when they hydrolyze external peptide bonds, either at the amino termini or the carboxy termini Neutral Proteinases: Calpains Calpains are cysteine endopeptidases consisting of heterodimers of 110 kDa, composed of an 80 kDa catalytic subunit and a 30 kDa subunit of unknown function They are located in the cytosol, around the Z-line area Calpains have received different names in the scientific literature, such as calcium-activated neutral proteinase, calcium-dependent protease, and calcium- O H3N O C C C HN HN C O C C C HN HN C O C OH C O n Endopeptidase Dipeptidylpeptidase O H3N C C O O HN C HN C O C C C HN HN C C C O n Aminopeptidase Carboxypeptidase Figure 16.1 Mode of action of the different types of muscle proteases OH activated factor Calpain I is also called µ-calpain because it needs micromolar amounts (50–70 µM) of Ca2+ for activation Similarly, calpain II is called m-calpain because it requires millimolar amounts (1–5 mM) of Ca2+ Both calpains show maximal activity around pH 7.5 Calpain activity decreases very quickly when pH decreases to 6.0, or even reaches ineffective activity at pH 5.5 (Etherington 1984) Calpains have shown good ability to degrade important myofibrillar proteins, such as titin, nebulin, troponins T and I, tropomyosin, C-protein, filamin, desmin, and vinculin, which are responsible for the fiber structure On the other hand, they are not active against myosin, actin, α-actinin and troponin C (Goll et al 1983, Koohmaraie 1994) The stability of calpain I in postmortem muscle is very poor because it is readily autolyzed, especially at high temperatures, in the presence of the released Ca2+ (Koohmaraie 1994) Calpain II appears as more stable, just 2–3 weeks before losing its activity (Koohmaraie et al 1987) In view of this rather poor stability, the importance of calpains should be restricted to short-term processes A minor contribution, just at the beginning, has been observed in long processes such as dry curing of hams (Rosell and Toldr´a 1996) or in fermented meats where the acid pH values makes calpain activity rather unlikely (Toldr´a et al 2001) Calpastatin is a polypeptide (between 50 and 172 kDa) acting as an endogenous reversible and competitive inhibitor of calpain in the living muscle In postmortem muscle, calpastatin regulates the activity of calpains, through a calcium-dependent interaction, although only for a few days, because it is destroyed by autolysis (Koohmaraie et al 1987) The levels of calpastatin vary with animal species, and pork muscle has the lowest level (Valin and Ouali 1992) Lysosomal Proteinases: Cathepsins There are several acid proteinases in the lysosomes that degrade proteins in a nonselective way The most important are cathepsins B, H, and L, which are cysteine proteinases, and cathepsin D, which is an aspartate proteinase The optimal pH for activity is slightly acid (pH around 6.0) for cathepsins B and L, acid (pH around 4.5) for cathepsin D, and neutral (pH 6.8) for cathepsin H (Toldr´a et al 1992) Cathepsins require a reducing environment such as that found in postmortem muscle to express their optimal activity (Etherington 1987) All of them are of small size, within the range 20–40 kDa, and are thus able to penetrate into the myofibrillar structure Cathepsins have shown a good ability to degrade different myofibrillar proteins Cathepsins D and L are very active against myosin heavy chain, titin, M and C proteins, tropomyosin, and troponins T and I (Matsukura et al 1981, Zeece and Katoh 1989) Cathepsin L is extremely active in degrading both titin and nebulin Cathepsin B is able to degrade myosin heavy chain and actin (Schwartz and Bird 1977) Cathepsin H exhibits both endo- and aminopeptidase activity, and this is the reason for its classification as an aminoendopeptidase (Okitani et al 1981) In the muscle, there are endogenous inhibitors against cysteine peptidases These inhibitory compounds, known as cystatins, are able to inhibit cathepsins B, H, and L Cystatin C and chicken cystatin are the most well-known cystatins P1: SFK/UKS BLBS102-c16 P2: SFK BLBS102-Simpson March 21, 2012 10:54 Trim: 276mm X 219mm Printer Name: Yet to Come 305 16 Biochemistry of Processing Meat and Poultry Proteasome Complex Exoproteases: Aminopeptidases and Carboxypeptidases The proteasome is a multicatalytic complex with different functions in living muscle, even though its role in postmortem muscle is still not well understood The 20S proteasome has a large molecular mass, 700 kDa, and a cylinder structure with several subunits Its activity is optimal at pH above 7.0, but it rapidly decreases when pH decreases, especially below 5.5 It exhibits three major activities: (1) chymotrypsin-like activity, (2) trypsin-like activity, and (3) peptidyl-glutamyl hydrolyzing activity (Coux et al 1996) This multiple activity behavior is the reason why there was originally some confusion among laboratories over its identification The 20S proteasome concentration is higher in oxidative muscles than in glycolytic ones (Dahlmann et al 2001) This enzyme has shown degradation of some myofibrillar proteins such as troponin C and myosin light chain and could be involved in postmortem changes in slow twitch oxidative muscles or in high-pH meat, where an enlargement of the Z-line with more or less density loss is observed (Sentandreu et al 2002) A new family of peptidases, named as caspases or apoptosisgenerating peptidases, are cysteine peptidases that have been recently proposed to be involved in cell death and thus immediate postmortem changes in proteins having some impact on the phases of rigor and meat aging Three main pathways of cellular death development have been proposed (Herrera-M´endez et al 2006) These peptidases are active at neutral pH, and one of the limitations to its activity in postmortem meat is the acid pH in the postmortem muscle There are five aminopeptidases, known as leucyl, arginyl, alanyl, pyroglutamyl, and methionyl aminopeptidases, based on their respective preference or requirement for a specific N-terminal amino acid They are able, however, to hydrolyze other amino acids, although at a lower rate (Toldr´a 1998) Aminopeptidases are metalloproteases with a very high molecular mass and complex structures All of them are active at neutral or basic pH Alanyl aminopeptidase, also known as the major aminopeptidase because it exhibits very high activity, is characterized by its preferential hydrolysis of alanine, but it is also able to act against a wide spectrum of amino acids such as aromatic, aliphatic, and basic aminoacyl bonds Methionyl aminopeptidase has preference for methionine, alanine, lysine, and leucine, but also has a wide spectrum of activity This enzyme is activated by calcium ions Arginyl aminopeptidase, also known as aminopeptidase B, hydrolyzes basic amino acids such as arginine and lysine (Toldr´a and Flores 1998) Carboxypeptidases are located in the lysosomes and have optimal acid pH They are able to release free amino acids from the carboxy termini of peptides and proteins Carboxypeptidase A has preference for hydrophobic amino acids, whereas carboxypeptidase B has a wide spectrum of activity (McDonald and Barrett 1986) Exoproteases: Peptidases There are several peptidases in the muscle with the ability to release small peptides of importance for taste Tripeptidylpeptidases (TPPs) are enzymes capable of hydrolyzing different tripeptides from the amino termini of peptides, while dipeptidylpeptidases (DPPs) are able to hydrolyze different dipeptide sequences There are two TPPs and four DPPs, and their molecular masses are relatively high, between 100 and 200 kDa, or even as high as 1000 kDa for TPP II, and have different substrate specificities TPP I is located in the lysosomes, has an optimal acid pH (4.0), and is able to hydrolyze tripeptides Gly-Pro-X, where X is an amino acid, preferentially of hydrophobic nature TPP II has optimal neutral pH (6.5–7.5) and wide substrate specificity, except when Pro is present on one of both sides of the hydrolyzed bond DPPs I and II are located in the lysosomes and have optimal acid pH (5.5) DPP I has a special preference for hydrolyzing the dipeptides Ala-Arg and Gly-Arg, while DPP II prefers a terminal Gly-Pro sequence DPP III is located in the cytosol and has special preference for terminal Arg-Arg and Ala-Arg sequences DPP IV is linked to the plasma membrane and prefers a terminal Gly-Pro sequence Both DPP III and IV have an optimal pH around 7.5–8.0 All these peptidases have been purified and fully characterized in porcine skeletal muscle (Toldr´a 2002) Lipolytic Enzymes Lipolytic enzymes are characterized by their ability to degrade lipids, and they receive different names depending on their mode of action (see Fig 16.2) They are known as lipases when they are able to release long-chain fatty acids from triacylglycerols, while they are know as esterases when they act on short-chain fatty acids Lipases and esterases are located either in the skeletal muscle or in the adipose tissue Phospholipases, mainly found in the skeletal muscle, hydrolyze fatty acids at positions or in phospholipids Lipase O C H2CO R2 C R1 Phospholipase A1 O C OCH H2CO R2 O H2CO C R3 C R1 OCH O H2CO O P Phospholipase A2 O OCH2CH2(CH)3 O- Figure 16.2 Mode of action of muscle lipases and phospholipases ... (eds.) Handbook of Food Science, Technology and Engineering, Vol CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, pp 28? ??1 a 28? ?? 18 Toldr´a F 2007 Biochemistry of muscle and fat In: F Toldr´a et al (eds.) Handbook of... normal and defective texture Meat Sci 38: 117–122 Pearson AM 1 987 Muscle function and postmortem changes In: JF Price, BS Schweigert (eds.) The Science of Meat and Meat Products Food and Nutrition... heavy chain, titin, M and C proteins, tropomyosin, and troponins T and I (Matsukura et al 1 981 , Zeece and Katoh 1 989 ) Cathepsin L is extremely active in degrading both titin and nebulin Cathepsin