24 Part I: “Ve-gan” at the Beginning Pigs, cows, chickens, and fish need to eat in order to become dense enough for slaughter and to become our food These animals naturally eat grains, grasses, fruits, and vegetables — the same foods that humans can live on But in order for a cow to get big enough for us to eat or milk it, the cow must eat many more calories than it will produce for us to consume Estimates vary, but it could take anywhere from to 16 pounds of grain to produce one pound of beef According to the United States Department of Agriculture’s educational pamphlet for children, cows eat up to 100 pounds of mixed feed a day and drink up to 30 to 50 gallons of fresh water a day This equation doesn’t add up in a world where so many humans are starving for food and thirsting for clean drinking water The beauty of veganism is that you get to enjoy healthy, delicious food while knowing that your choices aren’t harming anyone else Eating lower on the food chain means that your vegan diet increases the amount of food available for other people Standing up for animals Meat eaters are often animal lovers — they love their dogs, cats, hamsters, and other pets These companion animals are allowed to eat at the table (or at least in the house), and are even dressed up and paraded around as a source of pride Most people would never consider eating their pets Why then is this love and affection not extended to animals that humans raise to serve as food? The harsh reality of how agricultural animals are treated is simply too heavy for many people to endure, so they just choose not to think about it Others believe that animals don’t feel pain or psychological trauma the way that humans do, which excuses any harsh treatment Vegans know that animals are our companions in life and that they deserve respect and care no matter what form they take The laws that protect companion animals, such as dogs and cats, from inhumane treatment and mistreatment don’t apply to most of the millions of farm animals that are raised as food for humans Saying no to animal-based food and clothing Vegans are pretty savvy to the marketing magic that advertisers flash on screen, and we choose to confront the realities of animal agriculture by enjoying plant foods instead Farm animals are rarely protected from modern factory-farming techniques, which inflict pain and discomfort and keep the animals from their natural social tendencies Following are a few examples: ✓ Cattle: Cows raised for beef generally have more time outside than their female relatives But these cows don’t escape torture and pain Beef Chapter 2: Understanding the Impact of Vegan Living calves are usually dehorned, males are castrated, and many of these animals are burned with searing brands After cattle reach market weight, they’re stunned with a severe knock to the head, bled, and skinned Many wake up from being stunned during the final stages of their slaughtering ✓ Chickens: Most chickens raised for consumption never see the light of day — they live their entire lives in a warehouse-style factory farm Packed into tiny cages with several other chickens, they aren’t able to raise their wings or follow their natural instincts of pecking and scratching the ground So they peck and scratch each other This can cause too much damage to valuable poultry, so the chickens are debeaked at a young age, which, as you can imagine, is a painful process ✓ Pigs: Because of their huge size, farmed pigs are kept from hurting each other by being forced to live most of their lives in crates They can’t turn around or walk more than a few steps forward or backward Pregnant sows are kept in farrowing crates, which gives them just enough space to deliver and suckle their litters These incredibly inhumane crates have horrified enough voters that California, Florida, and Arizona have finally made them illegal Meat and dairy aren’t the only items to be avoided Leather is another one of the many products culled from the meat industry This isn’t the only animal skin that humans wear either Fur farms raise many types of animals for their skins, including mink, chinchillas, and foxes Kept in small, confined cages, these animals are killed as quickly and cheaply as possible Anal electrocution, lethal injection of poisons, violent shaking, and beating are routine methods to kill these animals Why dairy isn’t okay, and why vegans are the only true vegetarians Dairy cows are separated from their babies within a day or two after giving birth The female calves become dairy producers while the male calves become veal By drinking cow’s milk (even organic), humans are contributing to the death of veal calves The mother cows bellow and cry for their babies, much like any human would They’re continually drugged with hormones to force their bodies to continue producing milk And they’re milked by machines long after they would have stopped naturally And to top it off, they’re given antibiotics to stave off infection from their poor, crowded living conditions They stand up in cramped stalls, in artificially lit warehouses, with little to no access to the outdoors, for most of their lives The constant cycle of forced pregnancy and milking leads to a severely shortened lifespan Cows naturally live to the age of 15 or 20 years old A factory farmed cow usually lives to the age of to After her milk production starts to wane, a dairy cow is most often turned into hamburger This cycle makes vegetarians (who consume dairy products) complicit in the killing of animals, even if they aren’t eating the meat itself Avoiding dairy products means vegans aren’t contributing to the pain and suffering of these gentle giants 25 26 Part I: “Ve-gan” at the Beginning Not only are they raised and killed with terrible methods, but these fur animals also are adding to the wave of pollution pouring out of factory farms Fur and leather processing is a toxic industry in which the animal skins are treated with a chemical soup to keep them from shedding and rotting Ammonia, formaldehyde, bleaching agents, acids, and chromium wastes are just a few of the chemicals that make leather tanning and fur processing an environmental disaster Looking amazing and feeling great about what you’re wearing are secret benefits of living vegan! See Chapter 11 for tips on vegan fashions Staying away from circuses and zoos Circus and zoo animals live a bizarre and trapped existence The training necessary to create an animal circus performer often requires violence and pain Elephants, tigers, bears, and horses can be trained with whips, muzzles, electric prods, tight collars, and sharp hooks The deeply held belief that we as humans are far superior to any other creature allows us to torture and abuse these thinking, feeling creatures Many countries around the world, including Austria, Costa Rica, India, Finland, Singapore, and Sweden have either banned or restricted the use of animals for entertainment Because you’re sensitive to the realities of the world, as a vegan you’ll most likely want to avoid animal circuses and zoos Luckily, several popular and stunning human circuses like Cirque du Soleil can provide vegans with fantastic humane entertainment! While zoos and wildlife enclosures seem to be a kind method to connect humans with the natural world, what goes on behind the scenes can be cruel Charges have been brought against some zoos and zookeepers for the trauma, stress, physical harm, and unnecessary discomfort inflicted on zoo animals Some zoos also sell off animals to circuses At least one instance was documented where the Minnesota Zoo sold more than 100 animals from its petting zoo to a slaughterhouse There are more humane ways to enjoy watching the majesty of animals For instance, farm animal sanctuaries can be found all over the country These kind operations rescue farm animals that have escaped factory farms or that were given away by their owners Some wild animal sanctuaries take care of retired circus and zoo animals as well, offering them a safe place to live until they die Nature programs, documentaries, and the Internet can be used to research and discover the beauty of the animal kingdom To find a farm animal sanctuary, go to www.farmanimalshelters.org and look for a shelter near you! Chapter Transforming to Veganism In This Chapter ▶ Deciding whether giving up nonvegan foods all at once is for you ▶ Understanding why making the switch slowly may be more effective ▶ Following some basic guidelines when giving up meat and dairy C hanging your whole diet and lifestyle from the standard, modern method of doing things to a vegan way can be challenging without the proper planning For most new vegans, their metamorphosis means more than just saying so long to hot dogs and ham and cheese sandwiches Because this lifestyle encompasses health concerns, a deep environmentalism, and a way of caring about animals’ rights that is outside the norm, becoming vegan involves every aspect of a person’s life But this way of living and being in the world will bring personal, emotional, physical, and global benefits No one can tell you how exactly these changes will occur in your life, because each individual has a unique set of circumstances to consider Who you live with, where you live, what your job is like, and how much support you have all make a difference If you’re a butcher in Wisconsin, for example, you’ve got your work cut out for you This chapter can help you decide when and how to make the switch from a meat and dairy diet to a vegan one Just remember that every step forward toward a vegan lifestyle, whether fast or slow, is a positive step for yourself and the greater world around you Going Cold Tofurky If going cold Tofurky is your preferred method of vegan transition, be aware that you may have some slip-ups Don’t beat yourself up over a bacon cheeseburger a few weeks in A full transition will take time In fact, you may find in the end that it’s more difficult to live a completely vegan lifestyle with all the clothing, furniture, and products necessary than just focusing on eating a vegan diet 28 Part I: “Ve-gan” at the Beginning Just keep in mind that staying positive and keeping a creative mindset are important character traits when trying to endure any setbacks or challenges The pros of converting quickly Immediately getting rid of every morsel of meat or dollop of dairy can be a really satisfying experience on many different fronts Consider these benefits of converting quickly: ✓ You may notice the health benefits quickly For someone who has health problems that are exacerbated by meat, has excess weight to lose, or is sensitive or allergic to dairy, this method can yield near immediate positive feelings Imagine that you’ve been having asthma, a runny nose, or allergies for years, and then all of a sudden your phlegm disappears because you stopped drinking milk and eating cheese just a few days ago — it’s a terrific feeling, and you’ll want it to continue How’s that for an incentive? ✓ You can be relieved that you’re no longer contributing to animal cruelty If animal rights and the moral issues behind veganism are an important part of your decision, you’ll immediately feel so much better about eating food that doesn’t contribute to the pain and suffering of others When you realize how inhumanely animals are raised and feel compassion for the creatures that humans eat, it can be really heartbreaking to continue eating them yourself So making the switch quickly will be a huge relief to your conscience ✓ You can be energized by the change in lifestyle Many people find it fun and exciting to have a life full of purpose and a new way of doing their daily deeds Buying different foods, exploring new shops and Web sites, and discovering the complexities of a vegan life can feel truly energizing The cons of going too fast Adopting the vegan way of doing things too quickly can be dizzying with its complexities and new rules Keep in mind some of the drawbacks to moving too fast: ✓ Your health may initially be affected and can cause you to crash and burn or get sick during a busy workweek Detoxing from meat and dairy foods is a possible side effect when you choose to go vegan When the body stops storing the constant influx of unhealthy fats and proteins, it will finally have a chance to let go and cleanse This cleansing can be physically uncomfortable and may result in headaches, acne, tiredness, or the urge to invade small countries Your digestive system may not be accustomed to such large amounts of fiber, so you also could notice some bloating and increased bowel movements at the beginning of your transition ... www.farmanimalshelters.org and look for a shelter near you! Chapter Transforming to Veganism In This Chapter ▶ Deciding whether giving up nonvegan foods all at once is for you ▶ Understanding why making... amazing and feeling great about what you’re wearing are secret benefits of living vegan! See Chapter 11 for tips on vegan fashions Staying away from circuses and zoos Circus and zoo animals live... Wisconsin, for example, you’ve got your work cut out for you This chapter can help you decide when and how to make the switch from a meat and dairy diet to a vegan one Just remember that every step forward