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(Mẫu powerpoint) our mission and goals

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A L D I O U X H E A LT H OUR MISSION AND GOALS A N O V E RV I E W O F W H AT W E ' R E W O R K I N G T O WA R D S Table of Contents 01 Our Missions 02 Major Goals 03 Key Company Strategies 04 Summary THIS IS OUR MAIN MISSION To provide accessible, high-quality healthcare to our clients remotely WHY? Because accessibility and technology in healthcare are necessary now more than ever HOW DO WE DO THIS? We are building and refining a one-stop telehealth app with robust medical services T O TA L U S E R S Our Major Goals 100,000 NEW MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS 500 O U R K E Y S T RAT E G I E S T H I S Y E A R Refine and roll-out Build an Android-compatible Roll out an extensive telehealth a recruitment strategy for new medical version of education strategy professionals our existing app Company Strategy # Refine and roll-out a recruitment strategy for new medical professionals We need to triple the number of medical professionals in our database To remain competitive, we need specialists and general practitioners alike RECRUIT MORE DOCTORS Support and funding at the organizational level to help us build a dedicated team of recruiters will help us reach our goal We are well on our way to building this dream team of expert recruitment professionals in the medical field Our first key focus 41 new doctors in our database per month RECRUIT MORE DOCTORS We are aiming to bring on board at least This is measured according to set KPIs of our existing recruitment teams Our first key focus RECRUIT MORE DOCTORS 01 Grow by 10% 02 Grow by 25% 03 Grow by 50% 04 Grow by 75% 05 Hit our target Our Roadmap Our first key focus This is our expected growth chart RECRUIT MORE DOCTORS We need to convert doctors to telehealth space While our efforts are currently focusing on doctors who are already likely to offer telehealth services, we need to convince traditional practitioners of our technology Our first key focus Summary We need to triple the number T E L E H E A LT H I S A V I A B L E A LT E R N AT I V E W E A R E A IM ING T O BR ING O N BOA R D T O I N - P E R S O N C O N S U LTAT I O N S AT L E A S T N E W D O C T O R S I N O U R D ATA B A S E P E R M O N T H WE C AN HEL P MAKE IT T HE NO RM The more doctors we have in our database, the more patients will see that they can get quality healthcare via telehealth services of medical professionals in our database To remain This is measured according to set KPIs of our existing recruitment teams competitive, we need specialists and general practitioners alike S U P P O RT A N D F U N D I N G AT T H E O R G A N I Z AT I O N A L L E V E L T O W E N E E D T O C O N V E RT D O C T O R S T O T H E T E L E H E A LT H HELP US BUILD S O LU T I O N A D E D I C AT E D T E A M O F R E C R U I T E R S W I L L H E L P U S R E AC H O U R G O A L While our efforts are currently focusing on doctors who are already likely to offer telehealth services, we need to convince traditional practitioners of our technology We are well on our way to building this dream team of expert recruitment professionals in the medical field G R O W I N G O U R D ATA B A S E O F D O C T O R S W I L L G R O W O U R U S E R B A S E E X P O N E N T I A L LY Our roster of partner doctors will recommend telehealth alternatives to their patients, encouraging them to download our app and sign up for our service Build an Android-compatible version of our existing app Right now, our app is only compatible with iOS devices To make healthcare truly accessible, we need to make sure we are available across all mobile operating systems A P P BUILD AN ANDROID VERSION OF OUR Most existing telehealth apps are only available via the web, or either Android or iOS We can be the first in the market to have an app available across all devices, regardless of operating system Our developers are well-equipped to make this happen We only need more Our critical key focus resources to speed up our timeline It is crucial for us to launch ahead of our competitors, and speeding up our development without affecting quality is how we will achieve it A P P BUILD AN ANDROID VERSION OF OUR Healthcare technology should be device-agnostic Android compatibility helps us reach this goal Patients being able to access their telehealth records and communicate with their doctors regardless of device is important Our critical key focus We aim to launch a beta version of our Android app by mid-year This is to give ample time for our beta testers and early adopters to send us valuable feedback B U I L D A N A N D R O I D V E R S I O N O F O U R A P P TA S K S Planning Research Prototype Production Design UX and UI QA Beta version Follow up Documentation Our critical key focus 1ST MONTH 2ND MONTH 3RD MONTH 4TH MONTH 5TH MONTH A P P BUILD AN ANDROID VERSION OF OUR We need to recalibrate our existing strategies for the Android market There are significant differences in terms of marketing, Our critical key focus UX/UI design, and customer support, but we are confident that we can make necessary adjustments Summary M O S T E X I S T I N G T E L E H E A LT H A P P S A R E O N LY AVA I L A B L E V I A W E A I M T O L A U N C H A B E TA V E R S I O N O F O U R A N D R O I D A P P BY WEB, OR EITHER ANDROID OR APPLE M I D -Y E A R This is to give ample time for our beta testers and early adopters to send us valuable feedback We can be the first in the market to have an app available across all devices, Right now, our app is only compatible with Apple devices regardless of operating system To make healthcare truly accessible, we need to make sure we are available across all mobile operating systems O U R D E V E LO P E R S A R E W E L L- E Q U I P P E D T O M A K E T H I S H A P P E N W E O N LY W E N E E D T O R E C A L I B RAT E O U R E X I S T I N G S T RAT E G I E S F O R T H E A N D R O I D N E E D M O R E R E S O U RC E S T O S P E E D U P O U R T I M E L I N E M A R K E T There are significant differences in terms of marketing, UX/UI design, and It is crucial for us to launch ahead of our competitors, and speeding up our development without affecting quality is how we will achieve it H E A LT H C A R E T E C H N O LO GY S H O U L D B E D E V I C E - AG N O S T I C A N D R O I D C O M PAT I B I L I T Y H E L P S U S R E A C H T H I S G OA L Patients being able to access their telehealth records and communicate with their doctors regardless of device is important customer support, but we are confident that we can make necessary adjustments Roll out an extensive telehealth education strategy To grow our database of doctors and users, we need to educate our target market about the benefits and technological advancements of telehealth Summary P R O B L E M S W E A R E S O LV I N G O R S U P P O RT W E N E E D T O A C H I E V E H O W W I L L AC H I E V I N G T H I S G OA L KE Y M E TR ICS HOW WIL L WE KNOW WE O P P O RT U N I T Y W E A R E G O I N G A F T E R T H I S G OA L H AV E A G R E AT I M PAC T ? H AV E A C H I E V E D T H I S G O A L ? H O W D O W E KN OW IF WE AR E SUCCE SSFUL ? Telehealth is a viable alternative to in-person consultations C O M PA N Y S T RAT E GY We can help make it the norm Support and funding at the organizational level to help us build a dedicated team of recruiters will help us reach our goal We are aiming to bring on board Growing our database of doctors will grow our userbase at least 41 new doctors in our database per month exponentially Our developers are well-equipped to make this happen Most existing telehealth apps are only available via C O M PA N Y S T RAT E GY C O M PA N Y S T RAT E GY We only need more resources to speed up our timeline web, or either Android or Apple Healthcare technology should be device-agnostic We aim to launch a beta version Android compatibility helps us reach this goal of our Android app by mid-year People need to be educated about the general We need a company-wide shift towards objectives that The more people know about telehealth, the more benefits of telehealth options assist our education efforts accessible and mobile healthcare becomes We are aiming for our social media and web traffic numbers to grow 250% this year Time to change health care Our Team MEMBER #1 MEMBER #2 MEMBER #3 Founder CTO CMO Free Resources ... 01 Our Missions 02 Major Goals 03 Key Company Strategies 04 Summary THIS IS OUR MAIN MISSION To provide accessible, high-quality healthcare to our clients remotely WHY? Because accessibility and. .. telehealth alternatives to their patients, encouraging them to Our first key focus download our app and sign up for our service 41 new doctors in our database per month RECRUIT MORE DOCTORS We... E N T I A L LY Our roster of partner doctors will recommend telehealth alternatives to their patients, encouraging them to download our app and sign up for our service Build an Android-compatible

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 18:54