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RESHAPING BUSINESSES AND THE WORKPL ACE The Impact of Cutting Edge Technology E F F I C I E N C Y , P R O D U C T I V I T Y , A N D B E T T E R R E S U LT S Winning Benefits T E C H N O L O GY ' S P O S I T I V E , L A S T I N G I M PA C T O N B U S I N E S S E S A N D T H E W O R KPL AC E 01 Faster Operations 02 Accuracy and Easier Maintenance 03 The Competitive Edge 04 Effective Communication 05 Industry Relevance 06 Tracking and Monitoring The Impact of Technology on How Companies and Businesses Work T E C H N O LO GY C A N K E E P YO U AT T H E T O P O F YO U R G A M E A S YO U F I N D WAY S T O M A I N TA I N A N D S H A R P E N T H AT C O M P E T I T I V E E D G E D I G I TA L M A R K E T I N G A N D T O P- O F -T H E - L I N E S Y S T E M S AT W O R K W I L L P U S H YO U A H E A D A N D M A K E T H E M O S T O F E A C H M I N U T E S P E N T O N L I N E Work-Life Before Technology Editing and bookkeeping took weeks to finish Work-Life With Technology Word processors and other software allow faster (and more accurate) editing and bookkeeping Print advertising was the go-to for businesses Online advertising has a broader scope and will enable you to reach a larger audience Time tracking was computed manually Time tracking and employee management are done with better programs The ease of setting up a remote team STEP STEP STEP Establish clear guidelines Recruit with scrutiny Invest on cloud technology Set realistic, doable expectations on workload, deadlines, and performance Hire doers You need a team that consistently pays attention and You need the best technology to help you streamline operations minus the springs to action STEP STEP Maintain team engagement Maximize communication Simple initiatives like checking in with your team and organizing virtual coffee There are a lot of great channels that make video conferences, chatting, break sessions are a great examples and emailing easy and fun need for multiple devices Item Item 20% 20% Remote Work Suitability by Industry A S O F J A N U A RY 2 Item Item 20% 20% More and more companies realize that certain job titles and profiles can be performed while working from home Item 20% SAFETY IS KEY IN The Importance of P R O T E C T I N G P E R S O N A L I N F O R M AT I O N , I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E RT Y , A N D D ATA Cybersecurity and Security Technology WITH OUT A S UPRE ME INVES TM E NT IN CY BE RS E CU RITY , TH E S TA B I L I T Y , T H E H A R D - E A R N E D P R O G R E S S , A N D P R E C I O U S C O M PA N Y I N F O R M AT I O N W I L L B E A L L F O R N O T H I N G Benefits of Technology Benefits on Company Growth TECHNOLOGY IS A STRONG DRIVING FORCE TO A COMPANY'S GROWTH BETTER FUNCTIONALITY AT A LESSER COST EFFECTIVE MARKETING HIGHER EFFICIENCY In place of costly advertising in traditional media, A more automated approach to business operations Technology's ability to increase productivity and digital marketing allows businesses to maximize their means added functions done with higher efficiency efficiency goes a long way in improving budgeting efforts and reach a wider audience minus the delay and cutting down costs and staggering costs and accuracy C L E A R C O M M U N I C AT I O N Benefits With technology comes clear communication, making it easy for team members to engage with each other and connect with their employers without delay on Employee Satisfaction and Commitment LEARNING TOOLS Technology makes it possible to access online training programs, develop in-house learning materials, and enjoy subscriptions to learning tools such as magazines aligned with your industry STRONGER ENGAGEMENT TA K I N G C A R E O F YO U R E M P LOY E E S I S M A D E E A S I E R , T H A N K S T O T E C H N O LO GY Checking in with your employees is a lot easier now because of technology This keeps them motivated, too Giving virtual high fives has never been this easy Will remote work become the new norm? H O W E M P L OY E E S C A N B E N E F I T FROM WORKING IN THE NEW NORMAL As fun and engaging as open-space offices are, the necessity to work from home due to the pandemic comes with assurance and convenience Employees can be with their families, earn, and be safe from health risks - all made possible through technology Collaborating with a team while working remotely does not impact productivity negatively It presents the opposite: shorter meetings, better results, and even social meetings enjoyed virtually W H AT ' S N E X T I N T E C H W O R K S PA C E 01 Increased task automation and use of artificial intelligence 02 Extra focus on high-value tasks 03 Continuous investment in cybersecurity and security technology 04 A better conscious focus on mental health 05 Greater geographic distribution and representation of the workforce M AT T M U L L E N W E G Technology is best when it brings people together Do you have any questions? S E N D I T T O U S ! W E H O P E YO U L E A R N E D S O M E T H I N G N E W Free Resources ... Operations 02 Accuracy and Easier Maintenance 03 The Competitive Edge 04 Effective Communication 05 Industry Relevance 06 Tracking and Monitoring The Impact of Technology on How Companies and Businesses... WORKING IN THE NEW NORMAL As fun and engaging as open-space offices are, the necessity to work from home due to the pandemic comes with assurance and convenience Employees can be with their families,... Benefits of Technology Benefits on Company Growth TECHNOLOGY IS A STRONG DRIVING FORCE TO A COMPANY'S GROWTH BETTER FUNCTIONALITY AT A LESSER COST EFFECTIVE MARKETING HIGHER EFFICIENCY In place of