140 C t he treasury of knowled ge Since the first [of the six stages], body isolation, can be included in either the creation phase or vajra recitation, the presentation of the completion phase in five stages is widely known The five stages [as distinguished in the above citation] are taught as follows: [first,] the stage of vajra recitation, or voice isolation; [second,] the stage of focus on the mind, or [isolation of ] mind; [third,] the stage of self-consecration, or the relative-truth illusory body; [fourth,] the stage of actual awakening, or the ultimate-truth luminous clarity; and [fifth,] the stage of nondual pristine awareness, or the union of the two truths.8 [These are] delineated in [Nagarjuna’s] Five Stages:9 Gradually, by means of the principle of winds, [The yogin] fathoms the principle of mantra With understanding of the focus on mantra, He trains in the vajra-recitation [techniques] Abiding in [the practice of ] vajra recitation, The yogin comes to attain the focus on mind Abiding in the illusion-like contemplation, He will gain mastery through the true limit When he has emerged from that true limit,10 He will attain nondual pristine awareness Abiding in the contemplation of union, He will have nothing more to learn.11 These five are the same as the five essential principles taught in [Aryadeva’s] Lamp Summary of Tantric Practice.12 From another perspective, the stage of vajra recitation is merely a preliminary for the mind-focus [stage], while it is the focus on mind that is the true causal completion phase.13 The four stages of the completion phase (when vajra recitation is considered part of the [mind-focus] branch) plus the creation phase (as the first stage) constitute the five stages of the combination of the creation and completion phases [This way of differentiating the five stages] is taught in Chandrakirti’s Illuminating Lamp:14 guhyasamaja, blac k yamar i, and red yamari c 141 Accomplishment of the secret-mantra body Is the phase of creation, the first stage The focus on the mind alone Is said to be the second stage Revelation of the relative truth Is the pleasing third stage Purification of the relative truth Is referred to as the fourth stage That which merges the two truths Is known as union, the fifth stage From yet another perspective, vajra recitation itself is regarded as the foundation of the path since the main practice in the mind-focus [stage] is vajra recitation The four stages of the completion phase (when mind-focus is included in vajra recitation) plus the creation phase constitute the five stages This [way of differentiating the five] is taught in the Continuation of the Kalachakra Tantra and accords with the explanations [of the Guhyasamaja] written by Abhayakaragupta,15 Munishribhadra,16 and others It is not the case that none of those [sources] accept the stage of body isolation However, they consider it to be a preliminary to the vajra-recitation stage and a subtle result of the creation phase There are some individuals who accomplish [body isolation] as a side effect [of the creation phase] Others—although not cultivating [body isolation] separately—still may develop vajra recitation and the other stages Hence, [body isolation] is considered to be not absolutely required and therefore not presented as a separate stage In order to understand the meanings of those [five stages], one [should] learn, from the perspective of a gradual engagement, first the system of the creation phase and then the system of the six stages of the completion phase.17 The five stages are implicit [in those], and they constitute the extraordinary completion-phase [system] as formulated by Nagarjuna and Aryadeva Knowledge of them is therefore indispensable Consequently, [the seven stages—the creation phase and six completion-phase stages— 142 C t he t reasury of knowled ge are presented next] Only the essence of each stage and the divisions will be discussed [Creation Phase] [a] The essence of the creation phase is described as follows: Its very cause is a creative process based on thought Its essential nature is that of a deity yoga that may be either conceptual or nonconceptual Its form is the purification of the three [processes] of cyclic existence (birth, death, and the intermediate state) through means that accord in elements with the three; and the utilization of those [three] as the path through means that accord in aspects with the three dimensions of awakening Its purpose is that of a foundation that acts as the ripening agent for the completion phase Its supportive element is contemplation accompanied by deliberate bliss and emptiness [Various aspects of ] the creation phase are differentiated: The creation phase can be divided into three contemplations: contemplation practiced on the basis of the creation phase;18 contemplation of the actual creation phase itself; [and contemplation of ] the creation phase that is related to the completion phase This is a differentiation made from the perspective of the individual meditator Considered in terms of the deity meditated upon, the creation phase is divided into two: the visualization of an entire mandala; and the visualization of a part of it It is also divided into branches of contemplation: the four branches of familiarization and attainment; the four yogas; the three contemplations; the six branches;19 and so forth Considered in terms of stages in the development of powers, the creation phase can be divided into familiarization, close familiarization, attainment, and great attainment Considered in terms of superior and inferior levels of meditation, the creation phase can be divided into conceptual yoga and single recollection.20 These topics have already been treated in detail above but are included here as an ancillary in order that the components of this system’s path can be understood in their entirety guhyasamaja, blac k yamar i, and red yamari c 143 [Body Isolation] [b] The essence of [the stage of ] body isolation consists in the deity’s form, which, without being generated by thoughts, appears from the state of bliss and emptiness to the mind alone The body-isolation [stage] can be divided into two: equipoise; and postequipoise Alternatively, four aspects are differentiated: the single sealed procedure of one hundred families; the second procedure of five families; the third procedure of three families; and a single sealed procedure of one great secret family.21 [Voice Isolation] [c] The essence of the [stage of ] voice isolation [is a contemplation that] serves the functions of causing the major winds, primarily the life wind, to enter, abide, and dissolve in the central channel, and of stabilizing their dissolution [into vital essence] This is done on the basis of knowing the characteristics of the winds22 and knowing the definitive meaning of mantras.23 Voice isolation can be divided into three meditations: meditation on the vital essence of light at the nose-tip of the face; meditation on the indestructible vital essence at the nose-tip of the heart; and meditation on the vital essence of substance at the nose-tip of the secret place.24 The first meditation consists of the vajra recitation of the four lords25 (method); the vajra recitation of the four goddesses (wisdom); and the vajra recitation of the secondary winds (the secret), and so forth.26 Of the many types of vajra recitation, this type [of the first voice-isolation meditation] is the vajra recitation that purifies the pathways of the channels Moreover, this vajra recitation, when done for a very long time, can definitely bind the winds within the central channel However, it is particularly recommended for releasing the coarse knots [of the channels] for the very [purpose of ] purifying the pathways of the channels The second [the meditation on the indestructible vital essence at the nose-tip of the heart] is recommended for first gathering the winds in the central channel and finally binding them to the vital essence in the central channel The third [the meditation on the vital essence of substance at the nose-tip of the secret place] enhances the results of the previous two [meditations] 144 C t he treasury of knowled ge [Mind Isolation] [dʹ] The essence of [the stage of ] mind isolation is the pristine awareness of bliss and emptiness [that manifests] through the stabilization of vital essence This stabilization is due to thought-[generating] winds having dissolved for brief periods of time in the channel-wheels, through the force of meditation 27 Two [aspects] of mind isolation are distinguished: the practice of mind isolation; and the actual mind isolation.28 The second of those, the actual mind isolation, comprises four levels: the level of light; the level of the increase of light; the level of the culmination of light; and the final-example luminous clarity.29 [Illusory Body] [e] The essence of the illusory-body stage is described as follows: Its primary cause is the mere wind-mind of luminous clarity The secondary condition for its manifestation is the bliss of molten [vital essence] resulting from the dissolution of winds into the indestructible [vital essence at the heart] The form manifests as the [mandala-]circle of the deity or like an illusion The experience is one that indicates the nature of bliss from the melting [of the vital essence] Its function is that of a contemplation that can perform the activities of the yogin’s body.30 Four [aspects] of the illusory-body stage are distinguished: illusion in the state of equipoise; illusion in post-equipoise; illusion in the dream [state]; and illusion in the intermediate state.31 According to an alternative [explanation], the illusory-body [stage] has three divisions: newly attained; in progress; and final.32 [Luminous Clarity] [f ] The essence of the stage of luminous clarity is described as follows: Its function is to vanquish the seeds of the emotional afflictions as well as their winds Its essential nature is that of a path that brings about direct realization of the emptiness of innate great bliss.33 Two [aspects] of luminous clarity are differentiated: the practice [to realize] true luminous clarity; and true luminous clarity in itself Other expositions speak of the two divisions of an outer actual awakening and an ... consists of the vajra recitation of the four lords25 (method); the vajra recitation of the four goddesses (wisdom); and the vajra recitation of the secondary winds (the secret), and so forth.26 Of. .. essence of substance at the nose-tip of the secret place] enhances the results of the previous two [meditations] 144 C t he treasury of knowled ge [Mind Isolation] [dʹ] The essence of [the stage of. .. levels: the level of light; the level of the increase of light; the level of the culmination of light; and the final-example luminous clarity.29 [Illusory Body] [e] The essence of the illusory-body