470 C t he treasury of knowled ge Completion Phase (Taranatha): on guru yoga, 329n.69; on six yogas to cultivate pure presence, 330n.71; on stabilizing luminous clarity, 330n.70; as source for Kongtrul’s work, 27 Yamari, Red, Manual of Instructions on the Four-Yoga Practice (Taranatha): on averting obstacles, 327n.63; as source for Kongtrul’s work, 27; on transference of consciousness, 326n.60 Yamari Tantra See Black Yamari Tantra: Bodies, Voices, and Minds of All Transcendent Ones; Red Yamari Tantra yoga(s): of completion, in Net of Magical Manifestation, 70-71; four, in Black Yamari completion phase, 151-52; four, in Yamari creation phase, 78-80; of the four vital essences (Guhyasamaja), 146-47; of pristine awareness, in creation phase, 64-65; six, in Red Yamari completion phase, 150-51; six vajra, of Kalachakra, 154-61; of shape, mantra, and reality, in Mahamaya, 69-70; subtle and vital essence, 121 yoga of the innate, as meaning of the completion phase, 51 yoga inner fire, 197-98 yoga path in Chakrasamvara, 168-70, 175-76 Yogasaptanama chaturabishekaprakarana (Vitapada) See Sevenfold Yoga: Explanation of the Fourth Initiation yoga tantra, classification of, 6-7 Yoginisancharya Tantra, and Luipa’s Sequence, 169 Zhang Lotsawa Sherab Lama, 334n.81; on Black Yamari completion phase, 152 index c 471