bas es, mean s, and r esults of purification c 115 The purificatory method that accords in aspects with miraculous birth is the creation of the full form all at once, completed instantaneously by means of thought All of those methods are applied within a single visualization sequence Moreover, it is asserted that [the creation of ] the deities of the eye-consecration, and so forth, accords with the miraculous mode of birth; the creation by means of five awakenings, with birth from heat and moisture; emanating from the space [of the consort’s womb], with birth from a womb; and the arising [of the deities] from vital-essence spheres [of light], with egg birth However, I have not researched the source of this explanation Creation by the five actual awakenings accords with the stages in the human womb, and so forth; The pledge-being, with the coarse body; the pristine-awareness being, with the refined essences of channels, and so on; The contemplation-being accords with the subtle innate body; and consecration Of the sense fields and the three places, with the experience of sensory objects When the potencies of the sense powers and the three faculties have strengthened Next [are explained] the purificatory means [that accord with the human birth] specifically: In the context of a method such as creation by means of the five actual awakenings, whereby the resultant vajra-holder manifests, the step of visualization of the seed-syllable (hum or another syllable) purifies the five stages in the human womb.14 In the system that entails the visualization of the five-pointed vajra, the set of five lower prongs purifies the development of the five limbs (i.e., four limbs and trunk) [of the body], and the set of five upper prongs purifies the five fingers on each hand and five toes on each foot, and the head’s eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and the body’s [tactile] component Moreover, the visualization of the form of the deity through the steps of the seed-syllable, the insignia arising from the seed-syllable, and so forth, accords in features with and purifies the habitual tendencies related to the formation of the body through the stages of the fish[-like] form, the arising of limbs [in the turtle-like form], and so on.15 116 C t he t reasury of knowled ge The pledge-being accords in features with and purifies the habitual tendencies related to a person’s coarse temporal body,16 composed of elements and the evolutes of elements.17 The pristine-awareness being accords in features with and purifies the habitual tendencies related to the most refined essences of the channels, winds, and vital essences of that body The contemplation-being accords in features with and purifies the habitual tendencies related to the innate body, the subtle body of just wind and mind The consecration of the sense fields and the three places [i.e., forehead, throat, and heart] [accords in features with and purifies the habitual tendencies related to] the capacity to experience sense objects, which is acquired through the gradual growth and strengthening of the potencies of the sense powers and the faculties of body, speech, and mind Emanation of the deities in the supremely victorious mandala [i.e., the deities of the retinue] [accords in features with and purifies the habitual tendencies related to] a person’s procreation of offspring The Completing Methods and Their Symbolism [b] The drawing in of the pristine-awareness deities symbolizes discernment of details; Conferral of initiation and sealing symbolize being in one’s own family; Offering and praise, the enjoyment of the five types of sensory objects; Recitation symbolizes conversation; other steps, the corresponding activities; And dissolution and re-emergence symbolize death and taking rebirth Evident ways that the completing methods correspond to, and accord in features with, their bases of purification are not found to any great extent in the tantric texts However, according to masters of the past, each of the [completing] steps [of the creation phase] accords in features with a particular [object of purification] and thereby serves as its purificatory means: The [step of ] drawing in the pristine-awareness deities symbolizes the b as es, mean s, and r esults of purification c 117 discernment of details of perceived objects In an alternative interpretation, this step symbolizes the active consciousnesses, after having emerged from the ground-of-all [consciousness] and having drawn in their external objects, returning to that ground The conferral of initiation symbolizes a newborn infant being washed and [then beginning] to act on its own The sealing symbolizes [the child] being in the status of its own family The offering symbolizes the experience of pleasure as desire and craving for sensory experiences develop The praise symbolizes being spoken of with approval by other persons if one possesses qualities appreciated in society In short, those [steps] symbolize experience and enjoyment of the five [types of ] sensory objects The recitation [of mantra] symbolizes ordinary breathing and conversation based on confused notions [The yogas related to] eating, conduct, and passion symbolize each of those activities, respectively The dissolution [of the mandala] and [re-]emergence [as the deity] symbolize the end of the life of an ordinary person, the stages of death and entering luminous clarity; and then, after that luminous clarity, re-emerging, on the basis of just wind and mind, as the mental body of the intermediate state and taking rebirth How the Purificatory Means Correspond to the Results of Purification [gg] As to the results of purification, the celestial palace, and so forth, correspond To the place of awakening; creation by methods, to the manner of awakening; Offering, praise, recitation, and so forth, to awakened activities and deeds When the visualization sequence has been carried out in that way, the results of the process of purification [are attained] [The creation-phase steps correspond to the results as follows]: The celestial palace and [related steps] accord in features with the place where one attains enlightenment 118 C t he t reasury of knowled ge The creation [of the deity] by means of the five awakenings, or other creation methods,18 accords in features with the manner of [attaining] enlightenment Offering, praise, recitation, dissolution of the mandala, post-meditation activity, and so forth, accord in features with deeds and activities performed once enlightenment is attained Thus, the results are used as the path itself Moreover, of the three dimensions, the creation phase possesses the entire range Of the vast and special attributes of the manifest dimension Thus, looking up, The creation phase accords with the likeness of awakening; and looking down, It accords with the likeness of cyclic life: so declared the seers of the sublime Moreover, [the steps of the phase of creation] correspond—being similar in aspects—to the natures of the three dimensions of awakening, namely, the dimension of reality, the enjoyment dimension, and the manifest dimension.19 Of those three dimensions, however, the creation phase in itself, owing to its being a yoga based on imagination, possesses the entire range of the vast and special attributes of the visible form of the manifest dimension of awakening Its steps correspond to the place, manner [of awakening], and deeds, as mentioned above; as well, to the acts done for the welfare of others after having received initiation from all the buddhas of the universe; the revealing of teachings to the pure retinue; appearing to impure trainees as if to pass away into perfect peace; and working unceasingly for the benefit of beings by means of emanations Seers of the sublime have aptly described [the creation phase] in these words: Thus, looking up, it accords with the likeness of awakening; Looking down, it accords with the likeness of cyclic life.20 The main steps of the visualization sequence accord with the essential nature of the basis and therefore enable one to purify it Being in accordance with the essential nature of the result, they enable one to see the result On this point, the Venerable Jonang [Taranatha] states: b as es, mean s, and r esults of purification c 119 What others call “basis of purification” is, in our tradition, termed “object to be purified.” This is because the basis that effects the purification cannot be conceived of as other than original reality While there are different points of view on this subject, to understand this remark of Taranatha is of crucial importance How Creation-Phase Methods Act as Ripening Agents for the Completion Phase [hh] The creation-phase contemplations, once a special connection has developed, Act as ripening agents for the arising of the realization of the completion phase When creation[-phase] contemplation is carried out in accordance with the tantras and immersed in with yearning, due to the relationship [to that contemplation] there unfailingly develops a special connection associated with body and mind [As a result,] the creation-phase [steps] act as ripening agents for the arising of realization in the completion phase To explain, the different creation methods and completion methods set forth in the individual tantras act as ripening agents to bring about particular [attainments] While it is not possible to expand on the details of this topic, [the following presentation] according to the Arya [Nagarjuna] tradition of the Guhyasamaja tantra can serve as an example: The way to purify21 the death process, imagining that [the universe and oneself ] dissolve into luminous clarity, is a method that acts as the ripening agent principally [for the attainment of ] the stage of luminous clarity Therefore, being extremely similar in aspect to the luminous clarity [of the stage] of mind isolation, [that method] also acts as the ripening agent [for the luminous clarity of mind isolation] As well, it will act as the ripening agent in general for all aspects of luminous clarity found in the phase of completion.22 The five actual awakenings that use the intermediate state as the path for [the attainment of ] the enjoyment dimension of awakening [entail] modes of emergence from luminous clarity The modes of emergence [are experienced] from the stage of mind isolation, when one emerges from ... he t reasury of knowled ge The creation [of the deity] by means of the five awakenings, or other creation methods,18 accords in features with the manner of [attaining] enlightenment Offering, praise,... person’s procreation of offspring The Completing Methods and Their Symbolism [b] The drawing in of the pristine-awareness deities symbolizes discernment of details; Conferral of initiation and... symbolize each of those activities, respectively The dissolution [of the mandala] and [re-]emergence [as the deity] symbolize the end of the life of an ordinary person, the stages of death and