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Groundless paths the prajnaparamita sutras, the o ( (99)

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504 Groundless Paths sentient beings through motivation and application (the stability o f com pas­ sion as the welfare of others).998 The c u lm in a tin g tra in in g o f the su p rem e d h a rm a By using th e exam ples o f a fo u r-c o n tin en t w orld, A chiliocosm , a dichiliocosm , a n d a trichiliocosm , This sam adhi is expressed T h ro u g h the a b u n d a n c e o f m erit [V.4] It is [said] that it is suitable to m easure th e water an d so on of a fo u r-co n tin e n t w orld, a chiliocosm , a di[chiliocosm], a n d a trichilio cosm th ro ugh weigh­ ing them on a scale, but one is not able to m easure the m erit o f rejoicing Thus, this sa m a d h i o f settling in the actuality o f n o n d u a l m in d is expressed [implicitly] th r o u g h being illustrated by [explicitly speaking of] the a b u n ­ dance o f m erit.999 The cu lm in a tin g tra in in g o f the p a th o f seeing This has tw o parts: 1) The factors to be relinquished 2) [The path of seeing as their] rem edy T h e factors to be relin quished This has tw o parts: 1) Brief introduction 2) Detailed explanation B rief in tro d u c tio n The brief introduction to the conceptions about the apprehended is as follows O ne sh o u ld know th a t the tw o 1000 conceptions a b o u t the a p p re h e n d e d — In term s o f engagem en t a n d w ithdraw al— Are nin efo ld each a n d th a t th e ir character Is [to apprehend] objects n o t as they are [V.5] The conceptions a b o u t the ap p re h e n d ed are those o f focusing on th e objects of engagem ent o f bodhisattvas (the path and the fruition of the m ahayana) an d their objects of w ithdraw al (the paths and the fruitions o f sravakas and pratyekabuddhas) and th en clinging to [these objects] as being really existent as w hat is to be adopted and w hat is to be rejected, respectively W hen classi­ fied, {586} they a re ninefold each They are factors to be relinquished because their respective objects appear n o t as th e y are, but in m istaken ways.1001 Translations: A W o rd C o m m en ta ry 505 The brief introduction to the conceptions about the apprehender is as follows The tw o c onceptio ns a b o u t su bstan tially a n d im p u te d ly existent sentient beings Are asserted as the ones ab o u t th e ap p reh e n d e r D ivided by o rd in a ry beings a n d noble ones, Each one o f th e m is ninefold [V.6] If a p p re h e n d e d referents d o n o t exist like that, C an these tw o be asserted as th e a p p re h e n d ers o f anything? Thus, th e ir characteristic is th e em ptin ess O f a n a tu re o f an a p p re h e n d e r [V.7] T h e tw o concep tions a b o u t sub stan tially existent a n d im p u ted ly existent sen tien t beings are divided by the m anner in w hich [phenom ena] appear for o rd in a ry beings and the m a n n e r in which they are seen by nob le ones As before, each one of th e m is ninefold If ap p re h e n d e d referents (objects) not exist like th a t, can these tw o be asserted as being a p p re h e n d e rs throu gh anything? T hus, th e characteristic o f these apprehenders is th e em p tiness o f a n a tu re o f an a p p re h e n d e r.1002 D etailed explanation This has two parts: D etailed explan ation o f the c o n c e p tio n s a b o u t th e a p p reh en d e d N ature, disposition, Perfect a cco m p lish m en t o f th e path, U nm istakenn ess a b o u t th e focal object o f consciousness, A ntagonistic factors an d rem edies, [V.8] O ne’s o w n realization, agent, Its activity, an d th e result o f activity— Being based o n th e factors o f engaging in these, C on ceptio ns are asserted as nin efo ld [V.9] R ealizations b eing deficient D ue to falling in to existence o r peace, L acking being m e n to re d , The aspects o f th e p a th b eing incom plete, [V.10] 506 Groundless Paths Progressing by virtue o f a n o th e r condition , T u rn in g away fro m the aim , Being lim ited, variety, Being ig n o n t ab o u t abiding an d engaging, [V 11 ] A nd subsequent p u rsu in g — The conceptions a b o u t these are ninefold, Being based on the factors o f w ithd raw al As they arise in the m ind s o f šrávakas an d so on [V.12] [The objects o f the conceptions about the apprehended in term s o f engage­ ment] are n inefold—(1) the n a tu r e o f enlightenm ent being devoid of causes and results, (2) the d isp o sitio n o f the m aháyána, (3) the perfect accom plish­ m e n t o f the p a th of the [maháyána] noble ones, (4) being conscious about the way things are, (5) rejecting and adopting the factors to be relinquished and their rem edies, (6) the realizatio n o f having perceived one’s ow n object or w hat is to be attained, (7) a ctin g fo r the welfare of sentient beings, (8) its activity to be perform ed, a n d (9) nirvána—the result o f activity These [objects] are tw ofold—general and particular The latter are threefold in term s o f cause, path, and fruition The path is threefold in term s o f nature, object, and {587} the power to elim inate antagonistic factors The fruition is twofold in terms o f ones own welfare and the welfare of others The welfare of others is threefold in term s o f agent, activity, and result In due order, these [classifi­ cations] apply to the second [object] and the following [The objects o f the conceptions about the apprehended in term s of withdrawal] are n in e fo ld —(1) the realizatio ns [of šrávakas and pratyeka­ buddhas] being deficient because o f clinging to characteristics and having little compassion, (2) their lacking being m e n to re d in term s o f keeping them out of [samsáric] existence and peace, (3) the aspects o f th e ir paths being incom plete because o f not being the remedies for the entirety of the two obscurations, (4) their progressing by v irtu e o f a n o th e r c o n d itio n even at1003 the end o f their [samsáric] existence because o f depending on buddhas and bodhisattvas teaching the dharm a, (5) their tu rn in g aw ay from the aim because o f not engaging in the path for the sake o f the three greatnesses, (6) their relinquishm ent being lim ited in term s o f relinquishing [only] a fraction o f the factors to be relinquished, (7) their v ariety because o f the different realizations from stream -enterers up th roug h arhats, (8) their being ig n o n t a b o u t abiding an d engaging in the knowledge of all aspects or the welfare o f others, a n d (9) their p u rsu in g the knowledge o f all aspects su bseq uent to having attained the nirvánas of their own paths These nine consist o f the five inferior paths (inferior realizations, m entoring, paths, faculties, and skill in Translations: A W ord C om m entary 507 means) and the four inferior fruitions (relinquishm ent, realization, welfare of others, and nirvana) A m ong [all] these, the form er nine conceptions about the apprehended [bear the aspect of] clinging to the m ah ayana path as being really existent as w hat is to be engaged in, while the latter [bear] the aspect o f clinging to the hlnayana paths as being really existent as w hat is to be relinquished.1004 D etailed ex p la n a tio n o f th e c onceptions a b o u t the a p p re h e n d e r The first a b o u t th e a p p re h e n d e r sh o u ld be k n ow n In term s o f seizing a n d discard in g, M ental engagem ent, A d h erin g to th e th re e realm s, [V.13] A biding, clinging, Im p u tin g p h e n o m e n a l entities, A tta c h m e n t, rem edy, A nd im p a irm e n t o f pro ceed in g as one wishes [V.14] N o final deliverance according to th e aim , Id en tify in g the p a th as n o t b e in g the p a th , C easin g a n d arising, Being co n jo in ed a n d n o t being c o n jo in ed w ith entities, [V.15] A biding, d estroyin g th e disposition, T h e absence o f striv in g a n d th e cause, A n d observing o p p o sin g forces A re th e o th e r conceptions ab o u t th e ap p re h e n d er [V.16] {588} [The objects o f the conceptions about the a pprehend er in term s o f su b ­ stance] are (1) those [persons] w ho are seizing a n d d isc a rd in g qualities and flaws, respectively, on the level o f the illusionlike seeming, (2) those who are m entally engaging in p h enom ena as being illusionlike, (3) those w ho focus on th e th ree realm s by a d h e rin g to them th ro u g h m entally engaging in char­ acteristics, (4) those who are a b id in g in form and so on th ro u g h clinging to them , (5) those w ho are clinging to all p h en o m en a th ro u g h taking th em as objects, (6) those who realize all p h e n o m e n a as being m ere conventional im p u ta tio n s, (7) those who have a tta c h m e n t to the path (the six param itas) and engage in them seriously, (8) those w ho practice the re m e d y for taking [samsaric] existence and peace as w hat is to be rejected an d to be adopted, 508 Groundless Paths respectively, a n d (9) those who know that the activity o f pro ceeding as one wishes (such as generosity) is im paired thro ugh lacking prajnaparam ita Thus, [these conceptions] consist of those that cling to said nine objects as having substantially existent identities They are twofold in term s o f regress­ ing from the path of nonclinging (the cause) and not attaining the knowledge of all aspects (the result) The first one is threefold in term s o f conduct, knowable objects, and the factors to be relinquished and their remedies C onduct is threefold in term s o f m otivation, nature, and shortcomings Knowable objects are threefold in term s o f clinging to them as entities, continua, and conven­ tions The factors to be relinquished and their remedies are twofold in term s of clinging to the factors to be relinquished and their remedies The nine [objects o f the conceptions about the ap prehend er in term s of im putation] are (1) [those in whom] there is n o final deliverance according to th e aim (the three greatnesses), (2) those who are identifying th e correct p a th (the m ahayana) as n o t being the correct p ath, (3) those w ho realize that the ceasing of results a n d the arisin g of causes are im puted, th ro u g h m ere im putations on the level o f the seeming, as having a nature, {589} (4) those who know that all entities are c o n jo in e d w ith indifferentiability ultimately a n d are n o t conjoined with indifferentiability on the level of the seeming, (5) those who are abiding in all ph eno m ena th roug h not clinging, (6) those who are destroying the mental state of merely striving for peace (the disposition o f šrávakas and pratyekabuddhas), (7) those who realize the absence o f any b uddh ahood to be wished or strived for, (8) those who realize the ultim ate absence of causes (such as someone who teaches the dharm a), a n d (9) those who, through being familiar with the antagonistic factors of the six páramitás, know that op posing forces (the four m áras and the two levels [of šrávakas and pratyekabuddhas]) are observable (that is, existent) entities Thus, [these conceptions] are the nine th a t cling to the m in d stream s endow ed w ith said antagonistic and rem edial ph eno m en a as being really existent as im puted identities They consist o f two, six, and one in term s o f the paths o f šrávakas and pratyekabuddhas, the path of bodhisattvas, and the antagonistic factors of both, respectively.1005 T h e explanation o f [the p a th o f seeing as their] rem edy This has two parts: 1) The auxiliary [topic] 2) The pertinent [topic] T h e auxiliary [topic] This has tw o parts: 1) The aids o f the culm ination of seeing 2) Its fruition ... The conceptions a b o u t these are ninefold, Being based on the factors o f w ithd raw al As they arise in the m ind s o f šrávakas an d so on [V.12] [The objects o f the conceptions about the. .. [classifi­ cations] apply to the second [object] and the following [The objects o f the conceptions about the apprehended in term s of withdrawal] are n in e fo ld ? ?(1 ) the realizatio ns [of šrávakas... ir paths being incom plete because o f not being the remedies for the entirety of the two obscurations, (4 ) their progressing by v irtu e o f a n o th e r c o n d itio n even at1003 the end o

Ngày đăng: 31/10/2022, 13:45