In d ex 889 path of liberation, 48, 101, 130, 145, ,2 ,4 ,4 , 565, 568, 577, 628, 739-42, 745, 781, 804, 810, 818, 823-24, 852-53, 872 path o f nonlearning, 64, 84-85, 121-22, 185, 200, 298-99, 420-21, 438, 515, 545, 551-53, 570,612, 694, 700, 727, 754, 768, 809, 854 p a th o f preparation, 64-7 0, 80, 84, 99-100, 114-19, 123, 202, 228, 246, 253-54, 276-78, 289-99, -10,31 7, 340-41, 356, 390, 402, 408 ,4 15-1 6, 422, 441,484, 48 ,5 -2 , 514-15, 540, 545-48, 553-54, 558-59, 562, 568, 577, 592, 613, 616-17, 623, 628-29, 632, 636, 639, 643-46, 659, 662-69, 699-700, 704, 710-16, 725, 732, 736-40, 750-53, 765-77, 791, 806-9, 831, 838-41, 847, 853-54, 865, 869-71 path o f seeing, 30,48, 67-70, 84, 93, 97-101, 106-7, 113-14, 12122, 146, 200, 203-9, 231-32, 238-39, 246, 253-56, 263, 266, 276, 289, 292, 295-302, 309, 312-13, 1,327-28, 340-41, 356, 390, 404-16, 419-21, 437, 443-46, 460-62, 465, 470, 479, 486-87, 490-93, 501, 504, 508-15,51 8, 540, 545-50, 553, 559, 562-65, 568, 581, 592, 598-600, 605-7, 614-17, 621-22, 628-33, 636-39, 644-48, 663-70, 694, 701, 708, 712-14, 725-26, 732, 735-42, 746-47, 751-53, 756-57, 760, 767, 770, 774-83, 806, 809, 820-21, 826, 829-30, 839-41, 847-56, 865-71 Patrul Rinpoche, 21-31, 584, 689, 695, 752, 833 peak, 2 ,7 ,1 -5 , 110-16, 145, 148, 153, 178, 203,218, 246, 253, 262-63, 310-12, 338-39, 412-19, 440-43, 470, 485-89, ,5 -3 ,5 , 547-48, 559-62, 565, 568, 578,616, 623, 632, 639, 648, 665, -11,72 0, 732, 736, 739, 745, 770, 776, -8 ,8 -2 , 839, 847, 874 Pem a G yurm e Gyatso, 29-33 perfect (nature), 125, 131, 160, 229, 750, 758, 827 perfect form, 751, 827 personally experienced (wisdom), 209, 302, 563, 793, 827 poised readiness, 70, 115-16, 123, 156-59, 168, 246, 253, 292-93, -2 ,3 -1 ,3 ,4 -1 , 433-34, 440-43, 470, 485-90, -3 ,5 1 ,5 -4 , 562, 582, 598,616, 623, 632-33, 639, 648, 6 ,7 -1 ,7 2 , 725, 736-38, 741-42, 748, 770, 776, 779, 807-8, 815, 819-20, 839, 843, 847, 852-53 practice o f engagem ent, 66,142, 425-27, ,6 ,6 , 629, 636, 644,8 11,871 practice o f final deliverance, 60, 66-67, 185,425, -3 ,6 , 620, 629, 636, 645 Prajnakaram ati, 211, 224, 230, 293 890 Groundless Paths prajnaparam ita of the path, 611, 627, 699-700, 738 Prajndpdramitdrthasamgrahay 37-38, 60, 602, 651,691,70 Prajna paramitdsamcayagathdy 29-3 ,3 , 3 -6,312 , 595, 693, 748 Pramanavarttika, 48, 118, 207, 666, 729 Prasangika, 353, 688, 692, 715, 785, 838 Prasphutapada, 30, 75, 80, 212-13, 291,293, 356-57, 362, 381, 384, 698, 703-5, 730 preparatory stage, 98, 106,144-48, 151,203, 262, 328, 578, 783, 853 progress to Akanistha, 110-12, 412-14 reality o f suffering, 83, 86-88, 199, 237, 240-42, 258, 336, 410, 444, ,4 64-6 6, 479, 491, 512, 56 0-61 ,576, 596, 726, 740-42, 757, 772-74, 782, 815, 821, 829-30, 836 reality o f th e origin o f suffering, 83, 86, 199, 207, 237,240-41, 249, 254, 337,410, 445, 461, 464-65, 480, 491, 512, 560-61, 564, 576, 782, 821,829-30 reality o f th e path, 84-86, 89, 200, 236-45, 462, 465-67, 480, 512, 560-61, 738, 769, 782, 829-30 referent aspect, 235-36, 245, 593, 700, 752-53 relinquishing remedy, 327, 739, 869 result o f freedom, 634, 695, 795-96, 858-60 Rongton, 29, 703, 734, 801, 873 progress to the formless realm, 102, 105, 110 progress to the Peak of Existence, 105, 112-13,414 pursuers b y m eans o f confidence, 43, 99, 113,413 sàmbhogikakàya, 56, 71, 361-65, 377-79, 530,618, 625, 634, 639-40, 649, 689, 702, 795-97, 801-4, 861 S drottam dy 213, 346, 384, 781-83, pursuers by m eans o f the dharm a, 43, 99, 113,413 Ratnagotravibhdgavydkhydy 189, 707, 726 Ratnàkaraéànti, 23, 60, 126, 188, 781-83 reality of cessation, 83-86, 89, 200, 240-43, 297, 336, 445, 461, 465-66, 480, 491,512, 700, 745, 769, 782, 829, 859, 872 803 Satasdhasrikdpancavimsatisdhasrikdstddasasdhasrikdprajnd pdramitdbrhattikdy 23, 687, 691 Satasdhasrikd prajna par am itdbrhattikdy 161, 687, 691 Sautrântikas, 46, 55, 88, 106, 146, 150, 264, 326, 651 scriptural prajnaparam ita, 212, 448, 509,611,627, 698-700, 805, 851 In d e x 891 separated by a single interval, 101, 412-13 serial training, 22, 25, 30, 62-64, 70, 355-58, 522, 591, 612, 617-19, 624-25, 628, 633-35, 640, 643, 648-49, 701, 753, 767-68, 789-93, 858, 863, 870-72 seven branches o f enlightenm ent, 117, 254, 467, 548, 564, 757 seventy points, 24, 29-32, 38-40, 58, 398, 403, ,6 ,6 -2 , -2 ,6 -3 , 643-44, 687, 698-702, 873 509,512, 546, 561,592, 597-99, 630, 645-47, 665-69, 9 -7 ,7 ,7 1 ,7 -1 , 724-26, 735, 739-40, 743-46, 749-50, 754, 760-62, 770-71, 774-78, 781-83, 786, 790-91, 1 -1 ,8 -1 , 821-23, 827-33, 838-41, 844-46, 84 -53,858 , 867 subsequent cognition, 177, 205-6, 209, 460, 480, 548, 563, 725, 738-42, 769, 820, 829 Shentong, 688, 873-74 subsequent readiness, 99-100, 177, 205-6, 209, 480, 548, 563, 740-41, 769, 820, 866 signlessness, 166, 173, 200, 258, 307-8, 476, 484, 493, 501, 571, 724, 740, 748, 757, 807,815, 828, 838, 867 substantially existent, 46, 126, 149, 298,316, 421,437, 505, 508, ,7 -1 ,7 7 -7 , 849-51, 854 six ground s o f dhyana, 99, 114, 205, 218, 553, 558, 562, 565, 578, 739, 745, 766 Suddham ath 60, 74, 96, 136, 162-63, 212, 287, 328, 346, 367, 382-86, 395, 743, 781-83 Sparham , G areth, 24, 688, 691, 706, 714, 743 supernatural knowledges, 79, 93-97, 108, 134-36, 142, 147, 173, 256-57, 375, 412, 426-27, 435, 450, 486, 492, 525-27, 547, 558, 580-81, 708-9, 725, 755, 772, 806, 845 special abiders, 413 Sthiramati, 56, 117, 222, 280, -1 ,7 stream -enterer, 97-101, 105-14, 202, 263, 276, 282, 299, 345,413, 436-37, 450, 470, 480, 486, 506, 694, 707,710, 729, 736, 768, 789,817, 823, 839 subsequent attainm ent, 22, 30, 59, 62-64, 86, 93, 163, 168-69, -11 ,230, 239, 256, 291, 295, 0 -3 ,3 ,3 -2 , 353, 356, 369, 377, 435, 442, 446-50, 465, 470, 486, 492, su prem e d h a rm a , 67, 70, 115-16, 164, ,3 -1 ,4 -1 ,4 , 441-43, 470, 485-90, 501, 504, 547-49, 5 ,5 ,6 ,6 , 623, 629, 633, 639, 645, 648, 665, 710, 723, 730-32, 736, 739, 772, 776-77, 808, 817-20, 839, 848, ,8 -7 sustaining remedy, 739, 745, 869 892 Groundless Paths sutra in eight th ousand lines, 39, 221,690-93, 769, 775, 783 totalities, ,3 -7 , 525-26, 580-88, 799-800 sutra in eighteen tho usand lines, 141,338, 374, 693, 706, 800 Tsongkhapa, 21-28, 610, 687-89, 714-15, 785 sutra in one h u n d re d th o u sa n d lines, 60, 341,691 T ubten Tsôndrii, 25, 31-33 sutra in twenty-five thousan d lines, 31, 141,268, 303, 338, 341, 345-46, 356, 374, 690, 706, 709, 721, 750-51, 783, 800, 874 svabhavikakaya, 71, 361-64, 368-69, 376-78, 406, 525-29, 580, 618, 625, 634, 640, 649, 654, 702, 795-97, 801,804,810, 835, -5 ,8 -6 , 863,871 Svatantrika, 353, 692, 785-86, 838 ten powers, 92, 135, 375, 525-27, 580-81,755, 792, 795,816 those who die in, an d transit through, all abodes, 103, 110, 414 those who progress higher, 102, 105, 112 those w ho witness with the body (see also bodily witness), 105 three natures, 38, 131, 459, 578, 691-9 2,750 three spheres, 140-42, 185, I l l y 348, 354, 357,410, 426-29, 433, 449, 456, 462, 480, 483, 49 -9 ,5 1 ,5 , 574, 605-6, 706, 712-14,719, 738, 744, 749, 787, 808-9, 812-15, 819, 822-23, 826, 836-38, 846-47, 852, 855, 857 uncontam inated, 23, 44-46, 51, 63, 67-68, 87-88, 93, 99-104, 125-26, 129, 134-36, 146-48, 154, 166, 189, 193-97, 207, 210,215-18, 238-40, 262, 277, 298-99, 336-39, 356-59, 363, 368, 374, 377-78, 402, 419-20, 424, 444, 447, 451, 465, 470-71, 484, 515, 522-26, 572, 578-80, 592, 599, 612-14, 19-21,625 , 634-3 5,641, 651-53, 695, 715, 718-20, 728, 731-32, 740-45, 753-55, 760, 768-69, 773-75, 783, 790-97, 801,811,822, 830, 843,851, 858-60, 866-67, 872 unfolding disposition, 126, 651-52, 655,715, 874 unin terru p ted path , 48, 81, 130, 134, 05-6,217, 262, 265, 346-47, 354, ,4 ,5 ,5 , 563, 568, 577, 599, 633, 646,713, 725-26, 739-42, 745, 775-77, 781-84, -9 ,8 ,8 , 823-26, 852-53, 856-57 unique b uddh adharm as, 109,121, 123-24, 135-37, 142, 157, 227, 305, 358, 376, 420, 437, 467, 469, 581,798, 827, 859 In dex 893 Uttaratantray 61, 84-91, 117, 127, 189, 197, 305, 361-64, 561, 581,589, 599, 605, 653, 657, 692, 698, 702, 07,714-15, 729 -31,7 44, 748, 792, 797 -801 ,860 Vaibhâsikas, 44-48, 55, 88, 94, 106, 111, 146-49, 176, 246-47, 250, 257, 264, 289, 300, 326, 65 ,7 -3 vajralike sam âdhi, 59, 92, 552, 712, 761,768, 774, 793, 804,818 V asubandhu, 41, 46, 73, 88, 102-6, 111, 116, 246, 250, 257, 264, 687, 691 ,7 03,714 , 740-41, 782 views about a real personality, 120, 174-76, 207, 223-24, 241, 258, 420, 434, 449, 466, 577,712, 717, 803, 869 Viniscayasamgrahanï, 46, 82, 86, 126, 174, 177-79, 188-89, 196, 205, 209, 258, 262-65, 299, 563, 576, 697, 714, 740, 758, 768-70 Vivrtu 23-24, 29-31, 96, 112, 292, 308, 362, 367, 659, 693-95, 698, 714, 718, 753, 767, 777, 781-83, 792, 796, 01-6 ,8 , 829, 866 Vrttiy 23-24, 29-31, 73, 92, 96, 123, 136, 141, 163, 179, 194, 198, 212, 232, 287, 90-91,298, 3 -4 ,3 , 34 1,345-46, 356, -7 ,3 ,3 -8 , 691, 705, 712-14, 718-19, 743, 756, 763, 776, 781-83, 788-89, 99-804,817, 838 Vyàkhyâyuktiy 41-42, 57, 288, 694 wishlessness, 200, 258, 307-8, 493, 501,757, 807,815, 846 w rong engagem ent, 173-77, 575-76, 724, 742 Yogäcära, 25, 95, 333, 695, 702, 714-15, 873 Y ogäcärabhüm iy 260, 719, 759, 782 ... result o f freedom, 634, 695, 795-96, 858-60 Rongton, 29, 703, 734, 801, 873 progress to the formless realm, 102, 105, 110 progress to the Peak of Existence, 105, 112-13,414 pursuers b y m eans o. .. powers, 92, 135, 375, 525-27, 580-81,755, 792, 795,816 those who die in, an d transit through, all abodes, 103, 110, 414 those who progress higher, 102, 105, 112 those w ho witness with the body... 892 Groundless Paths sutra in eight th ousand lines, 39, 221,690-93, 769, 775, 783 totalities, ,3 -7 , 525-26, 580-88, 799-800 sutra in eighteen tho usand lines, 141,338, 374, 693, 706, 800 Tsongkhapa,